Program to demonstrate the features of the DisplayModule DM-TFT24-104 display using the UniGraphics library.

Dependencies:   DmTouch_UniGraphic UniGraphic mbed

Fork of DisplayModule24_demo by Whitworth-EN173-2016

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Jan 21 16:42:32 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jan 27 00:09:39 2016 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     p6          T_MISO (R13)
     p7          T_CLK (R9)
     p8          T_CS (R10)
     p9          T_IRQ (R14)
 DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT24_104, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9);
@@ -52,172 +53,85 @@
 char orient=3;
 int x,y;
 uint16_t tx, ty;
-Timer t;
+Timer t, debounce, f;
+DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2), led3(LED3), led4(LED4);
+DigitalOut flash(p21);
+void flashLight();
 int main()
-    bool down, lastDown;
+    bool down, lastDown, flashing;
+    flash = 1;
+    debounce.start();
+    f.start();
     myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
     myLCD.background(Blue);    // set background to Blue
     myLCD.foreground(White);    // set chars to White
     myLCD.cls();                // clear the screen
-    myLCD.printf("UniGraphics Demo\r\n");
-    wait(2);
+    myLCD.printf("Touchscreen Demo\r\n");
+    wait(1);
+    myLCD.cls();
-        myLCD.cls();  // clear the screen
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
-        myLCD.locate(0,30);
-        myLCD.printf("Orientation mode: %x\r\n", orient%4);
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.printf("Font is\r\n");
-        myLCD.printf("Arial24x23\r\n");
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.background(Black);
-        myLCD.foreground(White);
-        myLCD.cls();                // clear the screen
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
-        myLCD.locate(0,10);
-        myLCD.printf("Font changed to Arial12x12\r\n");
-        myLCD.printf("Background and foreground color also changed.\n\r\n\r");
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.printf("Notice that if some text is too long to fit the width of the screen that it is automatically wrapped to the next line.\r\n\r\n");
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Terminal6x8);
-        myLCD.printf("Font changed to Terminal6x8\r\n");
-        myLCD.printf("This is pretty small!\r\n");
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.cls();
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
-        myLCD.locate(10,10);
-        myLCD.printf("Draw lines\n\r");
-        myLCD.line(0,50,myLCD.width()-1,50,Yellow);
-        myLCD.line(myLCD.width()-50,51,myLCD.width()-50,myLCD.height()-1,Green);
-        wait(2);        
+        myLCD.background(White);    // set background to White
+        myLCD.foreground(Black);    // set chars to Black
+        myLCD.cls();                // clear the screen        
-        myLCD.cls();
-        myLCD.locate(10,10);
-        myLCD.printf("Draw rectangles");
-        myLCD.rect(10,50,50,80,Red);
-        myLCD.rect(15,55,45,75,Red);
-        myLCD.rect(20,60,40,70,Red);
-        myLCD.fillrect(160,130,200,240,Blue);
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.cls();
-        myLCD.locate(10,10);
-        myLCD.printf("Draw circles");
-        myLCD.fillcircle(140,70,25,Cyan);
-        wait(2);
+        // Rectangles
+        myLCD.rect(40, 20, 120, 140, Green); // left upper
+        myLCD.rect(200, 20, 280, 140, Red); // right upper
+        myLCD.rect(40, 160, 280, 220, Blue); // lower center
+        myLCD.locate(70, 70);
+        myLCD.printf("<");
+        myLCD.locate(230, 70);
+        myLCD.printf(">");
+        myLCD.locate(70, 180);
+        myLCD.printf("Send Request");
-        myLCD.cls();
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
-        myLCD.locate(10,10);
-        myLCD.printf("Draw function with pixels");
-        double s;
-        for (unsigned short i=0; i<myLCD.width(); i++)
-        {
-        s =10 * sin((long double) i / 10 );
-        myLCD.pixel(i,80 + (int)s ,White);
-        }
-        wait(3);
-        // Touch screen demo
-        myLCD.background(Blue);    // set background to Blue
-        myLCD.foreground(White);    // set chars to White
-        myLCD.cls();                // clear the screen
-        myLCD.locate(10,30);
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
-        myLCD.printf("DmTouch Demo\r\n");
-        myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
-        myLCD.locate(10,70);
-        myLCD.printf("Coming soon...\r\nTouch screen and coordinates will display\r\n");
-        myLCD.printf("Moves to next portion of demo after 30 seconds\r\n");
-        wait(2);
-        myLCD.background(Black);    // set background to Black
-        myLCD.foreground(White);    // set chars to White
-        myLCD.cls();                // clear the screen
         down = false;
         lastDown = false;
+        flashing = false;
         tx = (uint16_t)0;
         ty = (uint16_t)0;
-        myLCD.locate(20,20);
-        myLCD.printf("x:");
-        myLCD.locate(100, 20);
-        myLCD.printf("y:");
-        t.reset();
-        while (<30) {
+        t.reset();       
+        // Code for rectangles
+        while(1) {
             touch.readTouchData(tx, ty, down);
-            if (down) {
-                myLCD.locate(40, 20);
-                myLCD.printf("%5i", tx);
-                myLCD.locate(120, 20);
-                myLCD.printf("%5i", ty);
-                myLCD.fillcircle(tx, ty, 2, Red);
-            } else if (lastDown) {
-                // no longer pressed, clean text
-                myLCD.locate(40, 20);
-                myLCD.printf("     ", tx);
-                myLCD.locate(120, 20);
-                myLCD.printf("     ", ty);
+            if (down && debounce.read_ms() > 200) {
+                if (tx > 40 && tx < 120 && ty > 20 && ty < 140) { led1 = !led1; debounce.reset();}
+                if (tx > 200 && tx < 280 && ty > 20 && ty < 140) { led2 = !led2; debounce.reset();}
+                if (tx > 40 && tx < 280 && ty > 160 && ty < 220) {
+                    flash = 1;
+                    flashing = !flashing;
+                    myLCD.fillrect(40, 160, 280, 220, Blue);
+                    myLCD.locate(70, 180);
+                    myLCD.printf("Request Sent");
+                    debounce.reset();
+                }
-            wait(0.040);
+            else if (lastDown) { 
+      ,0,1, Black);
+                if (!flashing) {
+                    myLCD.fillrect(40, 160, 280, 220, White);             
+                    myLCD.rect(40, 160, 280, 220, Blue);
+                    myLCD.locate(70, 180);
+                    myLCD.printf("Send Request");
+                }
+            }
+            if (( > 0.2) && flashing){
+                flash = !flash;
+                f.reset();
+            }
             lastDown = down;
-          }
-    // scroll test, only for TFT
-    myLCD.cls();
-    myLCD.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial24x23);
-    myLCD.locate(2,10);
-    myLCD.printf("Scrolling");
-    myLCD.rect(0,0,myLCD.width()-1,myLCD.height()-1,White);
-    myLCD.rect(1,1,myLCD.width()-2,myLCD.height()-2,Blue);
-    myLCD.setscrollarea(0,myLCD.sizeY());
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scroll(1); //up 1
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scroll(0); //center
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scroll(myLCD.sizeY()-1); //down 1
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scroll(myLCD.sizeY()); // same as 0, center
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scroll(myLCD.sizeY()>>1); // half screen
-    wait(1);
-    myLCD.scrollreset(); // center
-    wait(1);
-    for(unsigned short i=1; i<=myLCD.sizeY(); i++)
-    {
-        myLCD.scroll(i);
-        wait_ms(2);
-    }
-    wait(2);
-    // color inversion
-    for(unsigned short i=0; i<=8; i++)
-    {
-        myLCD.invert(i&1);
-        wait_ms(200);
-    }
-    wait(2);
-    // bmp 16bit test
-    myLCD.cls();
-    for(int y=0; y<myLCD.height(); y+=34)
-    {
-        for(int x=0; x<myLCD.width(); x+=48) myLCD.Bitmap(x,y,48,34,(unsigned char *)pavement_48x34);
-    }
-    wait(2);
-    myLCD.set_orientation((++orient)%4);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
+        }                
+    }        
\ No newline at end of file