this is i2c library on wallbot BLE. wallbot BLE using BL600. BL600 has one of nRF51822 module. but P0_20 is not use any I/O. this library has use P0_20:SCL P0_21:SDA. based on mbed-src i2c class.


this is my testing i2c library for BL600; BL600 has one of nRF51822 module.; but P0_20 is not use any I/O.; this library use SCL:P0_21 and SDA:P0_22.; based on mbed-src i2c class. default tip

2014-08-31, by sibu2 [Sun, 31 Aug 2014 12:52:08 +0000] rev 0

this is my testing i2c library for BL600; BL600 has one of nRF51822 module.; but P0_20 is not use any I/O.; this library use SCL:P0_21 and SDA:P0_22.; based on mbed-src i2c class.