Code supports writing to the SD card as well as working with the Volckens group smartphone apps for the mbed HRM1017

Dependencies:   ADS1115 BLE_API BME280 Calibration CronoDot EEPROM LSM303 MCP40D17 NCP5623BMUTBG SDFileSystem SI1145 STC3100 mbed nRF51822

Fork of UPAS_BLE_and_USB by Volckens Group Sensors

Revisions of CronoDot.lib

Revision Date Message Actions
71:78edbceff4fc 2015-08-19 Modified UPAS Honduras code to allow time/date and name to be changed from either the USB serial menu or the BLE menu. The light will flash brighter and dimmer to indicate it's looking for a USB or BLE signal. File  Diff  Annotate
61:f882e3a92fc5 2015-07-06 edited date/timestamp to use YY/MM/DD format consistent with filenames. File  Diff  Annotate
60:5913d77c8a4a 2015-07-06 UPAS code v2.0 - Changed menu interaction semantics and filename convention - otherwise nothing major - should be good to run with this. File  Diff  Annotate
59:a9b21b3d9afc 2015-07-02 Fixed start and stop issues, code should now start and stop at the correct time. Also now has option for duty cycle. ; Only known bug is the i2c communication bugging out after a shutdown, power cycle to fix. File  Diff  Annotate
58:7239c2ab2b65 2015-07-02 Added back in the stop time function which still doesn't work properly File  Diff  Annotate
57:0b554f7aa9a3 2015-07-01 Removed stop time requirement and fixed the issue with accidentally commenting out the start time while loop. File  Diff  Annotate
53:03d8d5b1f06b 2015-06-27 Updated UPAS12 TF File  Diff  Annotate
50:dddf01867e85 2015-06-12 still contains RTCtime errors on lines 112 and 122 File  Diff  Annotate
41:1fb3e0ac6f87 2015-06-09 Replaced wire.h library with CronoDot library. File  Diff  Annotate
35:bd978e6ccd82 2015-06-02 Removed wire.h library and replaced it with the CronoDot library. Also added the NCP5623BMUTBG library for control over RGB LEDs. File  Diff  Annotate