Touch driver for companion boards (VKLCD50RTA & VKLCD70RT)

diff -r 000000000000 -r 0383b9f88d72 Touch.hpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Touch.hpp	Fri Nov 03 08:52:07 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+ * @file         Touch.h
+ * @brief        Touch driver class for VK-LCD panels
+#ifndef MBED_TOUCH_H
+#define MBED_TOUCH_H
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stmpe811iic.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace Vekatech {
+    /*! @enum Touch_type_t
+    	@brief Type of the touch controller
+    */
+    typedef enum {
+    	RESISTIVE = 0, /*!< Resistive */
+    	CAPACITIVE     /*!< Capacitive */
+    } Touch_type_t;
+    /*! @enum Touch_interface_type_t
+        @brief Communication interface
+    */
+    typedef enum {
+    	I_2_C = 0, 		 /*!< I2C */
+    	S_P_I     		 /*!< SPI */
+    } Touch_communication_type_t;
+    /*! @enum IRQ_trigger_t
+    	@brief Type of the interrupt
+    */
+    typedef enum {
+    	INT_ON_EDGE  = 0,   /*!< generate INT on front change */
+    	INT_ON_LEVEL        /*!< generate INT on active level */
+    } IRQ_trigger_t;
+    /*! @enum IRQ_polarity_t
+        @brief Edge of a signal
+    */
+    typedef enum {
+    	RISING_OR_ACTIVE_HI  = 0, /*!< Rising edge/HI level     */
+    	FALLING_OR_ACTIVE_LO      /*!< Falling edge/LOW level   */
+    } IRQ_polarity_t;
+    /*! @struct touch_config_t
+    	@brief Touch Config structure
+    */
+    typedef struct {
+    	string			name;				/*!< Name of the Touch driver */
+        int				screen;				/*!< reserved				  */
+        Touch_type_t	type;				/*!< Resistive or Capacitive  */
+        struct {							/*!< I2C or SPI & the pins of selected periphery */
+        	Touch_communication_type_t type;
+        	PinName sda;
+        	PinName scl;
+        	PinName mosi;
+        	PinName miso;
+        	PinName sclk;
+        	PinName ssel;
+        	int 	freq;
+        }interface;
+        struct {							/*!< IRQ : front and pin of selected periphery */
+        	IRQ_trigger_t	trigger;
+            IRQ_polarity_t	polarity;
+            PinName			pin;
+        }activity_irq;
+    }touch_config_t;
+extern const touch_config_t STMPE811_cfg;
+/*! @class Touch
+ *  @brief Touch driver class for VK-LCD panels
+ *
+ *  Example:
+ *
+ *  @code
+ *  #include "mbed.h"
+ *  #include "Touch.hpp"
+ *
+ *  using namespace Vekatech;
+ *
+ *  Touch   STMPE811;
+ *
+ *  // main() runs in its own thread in the OS
+ *  int main()
+ *  {
+ *     osEvent evt;
+ *
+ *     STMPE811.Init();
+ *
+ *     while (true)
+ *     {
+ *          evt = STMPE811.Wait_MSG();
+ *          if (evt.status == osEventMail)
+ *          {
+ *              Touch::MSGQ_t* msg = (Touch::MSGQ_t*)evt.value.p;
+ *              printf("[EV (%d)], start_idx: %d end_idx: %d\r\n", msg->event, msg->start_idx, msg->stop_idx);
+ *
+ *              switch(msg->event)
+ *              {
+ *                  case Touch::EV_STYLUS_UP:
+ *                      printf("[UP (%d)] X: %d Y: %d Z: %f\r\n", msg->stop_idx, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->stop_idx].axis.x, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->stop_idx].axis.y, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->stop_idx].axis.z );
+ *                  break;
+ *
+ *                  case Touch::EV_STYLUS_DOWN:
+ *                      printf("[DOWN (%d)] X: %d Y: %d Z: %f\r\n", msg->start_idx, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->start_idx].axis.x, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->start_idx].axis.y, STMPE811.xyz_data[msg->start_idx].axis.z );
+ *                  break;
+ *
+ *                  case Touch::EV_STYLUS_HOLD:
+ *                      if(msg->stop_idx >= (STMPE811.Get_Dot_thd()-1) )
+ *                          for(int i = (msg->stop_idx+1 - STMPE811.Get_Dot_thd()); i<=msg->stop_idx; i++)
+ *                              printf("[HOLD (%d)] X: %d Y: %d Z: %f\r\n", i, STMPE811.xyz_data[i].axis.x, STMPE811.xyz_data[i].axis.y, STMPE811.xyz_data[i].axis.z );
+ *                  break;
+ *
+ *                  default: break;
+ *              }
+ *
+ *              STMPE811.Del_MSG((Touch::MSGQ_t*)evt.value.p);
+ *          }
+ *      }
+ *   }
+ *  @endcode
+ */
+class Touch : public I2C, public InterruptIn
+    /*! @enum Init_err_t
+        @brief Error codes
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        TOUCH_OK = 0,                   /*!< Initialization successful      */
+        TOUCH_INIT_ERR = -1,           	/*!< Communication interface err while configuring driver */
+		TOUCH_UNSUPP_ERR = -2,			/*!< Unsupported driver */
+        TOUCH_ERR = -3,         		/*!< unknown error */
+    } init_err_t;
+    /*! @enum EVENTLIST_t
+        @brief Type of the Event:
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+    	EV_STYLUS_UP =0,
+    }EVENTLIST_t;
+    /*! @struct MSGQ_t
+        @brief Touch Message structure
+     */
+    typedef	struct {
+    	EVENTLIST_t			event;
+    	unsigned short 		start_idx;
+    	unsigned short 		stop_idx;
+    }MSGQ_t;
+    /** Constructor method of Touch object
+    */
+    Touch( const touch_config_t * tp_cfg = &STMPE811_cfg );
+    /** Destructor method of Touch object
+    */
+    virtual ~Touch( void );
+    /** Touch controller initialization
+     *  @retval       Error code
+     */
+    init_err_t Init();
+    /** Set Calibration data (raw data interpretation)
+     *  @retval       Error code
+     */
+    virtual init_err_t Clb_Setup();
+    /** Set Touch Controller settings
+    *  @retval       Error code
+    */
+    virtual init_err_t Drv_Setup();
+    /** Get Status of the pen
+     * @retval     	true	: StylusDown
+     * 				false	: StyluUp
+     */
+    virtual bool Get_Pen_Status();
+    /** Get one sample of data
+     *  @param[in]   raw: pointer to ring buffer to store the samples
+     */
+    virtual void Get_Data( unsigned long long * raw );
+    /** Get all available samples of data
+     *  @param[in]   raw: pointer to ring buffer to store the samples
+     *  @retval           samples count
+     */
+    virtual int Get_Fifo( unsigned long long * raw );
+    /** Transfer function (from raw coordinates to screen coordinates)
+     *  @param[in]	 points : number of samples to transfer
+     */
+    virtual void Get_XYZ( int points );
+    /** New Data available
+     */
+    static void Irq_Alert();
+    /** Pull the new samples if new data is available
+     */
+    virtual void Handle_touch();
+    /** Get index of the last sample in the ring buffer
+     */
+    virtual int Get_Last_Idx();
+    /** Get the minimum amounts of dots when pen is hold down
+     */
+    virtual int Get_Dot_thd();
+    /** Wait message from the touch thread
+     */
+    virtual osEvent Wait_MSG( uint32_t millisec=osWaitForever ) { return mail.get( millisec ); };
+    /** Delete message from the mail queue
+    */
+    virtual osStatus Del_MSG( MSGQ_t *ptr ) { return ptr ); };
+    /** raw coordinates of the last received dot
+     */
+	unsigned short adc_x;
+	unsigned short adc_y;
+	unsigned short adc_z;
+    /** Coordinates of the last received dot
+     */
+    short x;
+	short y;
+	float z;
+	/** Raw History of the received dots
+	*/
+	const touch_raw_data_t *adc_data;
+	/** History of the received dots
+	*/
+	const touch_screen_data_t *xyz_data;
+	/** Send message to the main application
+	 */
+	osStatus MSG(EVENTLIST_t touch_msg, unsigned short touch_on, unsigned short touch_off)
+	{
+		MSGQ_t * msg = mail.alloc();
+	    msg->event = touch_msg;
+	    msg->start_idx = touch_on;
+	   	msg->stop_idx = touch_off;
+	    return mail.put(msg);
+	};
+    int					 last_xyz_idx;
+    int					 dot_thd;
+    unsigned char		 fraction;
+    touch_raw_data_t	 raw_data[FIFO_DEPTH];
+    touch_screen_data_t  screen_data[FIFO_DEPTH];
+    const touch_config_t *touch_cfg;
+    touch_calib_data_t	 calib;
+    Thread		 		 thd;
+    Mail<MSGQ_t, 32> 	 mail;
+} // namespace Vekatech
+#endif /* MBED_TOUCH_H */