Modularizando o src

Dependencies:   EALib EthernetInterface_vz mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of header_main_colinas_V0-20-09-14 by VZTECH



File content as of revision 104:62646ef786a3:

#include "sip.h"

void Sip::__init_sock__( void ){
    sip_server.set_address( this->server_ip , this->server_port );
    sock.set_blocking( false, 0 );
    sock.bind( this->my_port );

void Sip::__end_sock__( void ){

void Sip::__reconnect__( void ){

Sip::Sip( char * server_ip, int server_port, char * my_ip, int my_port, int my_ext, int peer_ext, int id ){
    this->id = id;
    strncpy( this->server_ip, server_ip, 20 );
    this->server_ip[19] = 0;
    this->server_port = server_port;
    strncpy( this->my_ip, my_ip, 20 );
    this->my_ip[19] = 0;
    this->my_port = my_port;
    this->my_rtp_port = fill_random_rtp_port();
    this->my_ext = my_ext;
    itoa( this->my_ext, this->my_display, 10 );
    this->peer_ext = peer_ext;
    strcpy( this->fill_random_aux, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789pP" );
    strcpy( this->last_invite_tag, "" );
    strcpy( this->last_invite_callid, "");
    strcpy( this->SVNREV, "COLA" );
    status = sip_idle;
    muted = false;
    this->invite_pkg_sent = 0;
    call = NULL;
    ok_sent = 0;
    waiting = false;
    length_muted = 0;
    listen_SIP_server_return = 0;
Sip::Sip( int id, uint16_t my_port ){
    FILE * fp = NULL;
    char inner_tmp[ 20 ];
    if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Building SIP ext :: %d | Port :: %d", id, my_port );
    this->id = id;
    fp = fopen( "/qspi/serverip.txt", "r");
    if( fp == NULL){
        if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to open /qspi/serverip.txt" );
        strncpy( this->server_ip, __SERVER_IP__, 20 );    
        char tmp[ 16 ] = "\0";
        int read = fread( tmp, 1, 15, fp );
        if( read > 0 ){
            for( int i = 0; i < read; i++ ) 
                if( tmp[ i ] == '\n' || tmp[ i ] == '\r' ){
                    tmp[ i ] = '\0';
            strcpy( this->server_ip, tmp );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Objeto SIP fixado no server ip %s( read %d chars ), valid %d", this->server_ip, read, strlen( this->server_ip )  );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to read /qspi/serverip.txt" );
            strncpy( this->server_ip, __SERVER_IP__, 20 );
    fclose( fp );
    this->server_ip[ 15 ] = '\0';
    fp = fopen( "/qspi/serverport.txt", "r");
    if( fp == NULL ){
        if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to open /qspi/serverport.txt" );
        this->server_port = __SERVER_PORT__;
        if( fread( (void *)inner_tmp, 1, 20, fp ) > 0 ){
            server_port = atoi( inner_tmp );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Objeto SIP fixado no server port %d", this->server_port );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to read /qspi/serverport.txt" );
            this->server_port = __SERVER_PORT__;
    fclose( fp );
    fp = fopen( "/qspi/myip.txt", "r");
    if (fp == NULL){
        if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to open /qspi/myip.txt" );
        strncpy( this->my_ip, __MY_IP__, 20 );    
        char tmp[ 16 ] = "\0";
        int read = fread( tmp, 1, 15, fp );
        if( read > 0 ){
            for( int i = 0; i < read; i++ ) 
                if( tmp[ i ] == '\n' || tmp[ i ] == '\r' ){
                    tmp[ i ] = '\0';
            strcpy( this->my_ip, tmp );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Objeto SIP fixado no ip %s( lidos %d chars ), valid %d", this->my_ip, read, strlen( this->my_ip ) );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to read /qspi/myip.txt" );
            strncpy( this->my_ip, __MY_IP__, 20 );
    fclose( fp );
    this->my_ip[ 15 ] = '\0';
    this->my_port = my_port;
    if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Fixado na porta %d", this->my_port );
    this->my_rtp_port = fill_random_rtp_port();
    this->my_ext = id;
    itoa( this->my_ext, this->my_display, 10 );

    fp = fopen( "/qspi/peerext.txt", "r");
    if( fp == NULL ) {
        if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to open /qspi/peerext.txt" );
        this->peer_ext = __PEER_EXT__;
    } else {
        if( fread( (void *)inner_tmp, 1, 32, fp ) > 0 ) {
            this->peer_ext = atoi( inner_tmp );
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Objeto SIP fixado no server ext %d", this->peer_ext );
        } else {
            if( debug_sip ) debug_msg("Failed to read /qspi/peerext.txt" );
            this->peer_ext = __PEER_EXT__;
    fclose( fp );
    strcpy( this->fill_random_aux, "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789pP" );
    strcpy( this->last_invite_tag, "" );
    strcpy( this->last_invite_callid, "");
    strcpy( this->SVNREV, "COLA" );
    status = sip_idle;
    muted = false;
    invite_pkg_sent = 0;
    call = NULL;
    ok_sent = 0;
    waiting = false;
    length_muted = 0;
    listen_SIP_server_return = 0;

int Sip::registry(){
    build_registry_package( buffer );
    int send = sock.sendTo( sip_server, buffer, strlen( buffer ) ); // > 400
    if( send != strlen( buffer ) )
        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- Registry");

    if( debug_sip ) send_msg("Registry ( %d, %d ) - Sent %i of %i bytes", this->my_ext, this->my_port , send, strlen( buffer ) );
    return( send );

VZ_call * Sip::invite(){
    char callbox_string[ 32 ];
    itoa( get_id(), callbox_string, 10 );
    if( status == sip_on_call ) return call;
    else if( status == sip_idle ){
        int cseq = 0;

        call = NULL;

        build_invite_package( buffer, callbox_string, &cseq );
        this->invite_pkg_sent = 0;
            this->invite_pkg_sent = sock.sendTo( sip_server, buffer, strlen( buffer ) );
        }while( this->invite_pkg_sent == 0 );
        //FIXME verificar se posso nao usar invite_pkg_sent
        int send = this->invite_pkg_sent;
        if( send != strlen( buffer ) )
            if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- BYE");
        if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("Return value for invite pkg %d", invite_pkg_sent );
        set_status( status, sip_waiting_trying );
        waiting = false;
        ok_sent = 0;
        length_muted = 0;
    if( > __INVITE_MAX_WAITING_TIME__ ){
        if( debug_invite == true ) debug_msg("Invite call timeout :(");
        if( ( this->invite_pkg_sent == -1 ) || length_muted || ok_sent == -1 ){
            muted = true;
            if( debug_invite || debug_muted ) debug_msg("RX from eth having situation, length_muted( %d ) - ok_sent( %d )", length_muted, ok_sent );
            ok_sent = 0;
            length_muted = 0;
            muted = false;    
        if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("Timeout do pedido");
        set_status( status, sip_denied );
        //if( call != NULL ) delete( call );
        call = NULL;
        return( NULL );
    if( waiting == true ){ return call; }
    else return( NULL );
char * Sip::build_registry_package( char * buffer ){
    char branch[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char tag[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    fill_random16h( branch );
    fill_random( tag, 18 );
    fill_random16h( callid );
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    strcpy( buffer, "REGISTER sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP " );
    strcat( buffer, my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ";branch=" );
    strcat( buffer, branch );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nFrom: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" ); 
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;tag=" );
    strcat( buffer, tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nTo: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">\r\nCall-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, callid );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nCSeq: " );
    itoa( get_cseq(), itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " REGISTER\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Max-Forwards: " );
    itoa( 70, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Contact: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;expires=270" );
    //itoa( 1200, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    //strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "User-Agent: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, SIP_ALLOW );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n\r\n" );              
    //buffer[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    return buffer;
char * Sip::build_invite_package( char * pkg, char * callbox_string, int * cseq ){
    char header[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE ], body[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE ];
    char branch[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char tag[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    *cseq = get_cseq();
    fill_random16h( branch );
    fill_random( tag,18 );
    fill_random16h( callid );
    strcpy( last_invite_tag,tag );
    strcpy( last_invite_callid, callid );
    strcpy( header, "INVITE sip:" );
    itoa( this->peer_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "@" );
    strcat( header, this->server_ip );
    strcat( header, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, " SIP/" );
    itoa( 2, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "." );
    itoa( 0, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Via: SIP/" );
    itoa( 2, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "." );
    itoa( 0, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "/UDP"  );
    strcat( header, this->my_ip );
    strcat( header, ":" );
    itoa( this->my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, ";branch="  );
    strcat( header, branch );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "From: " );
    strcat( header, callbox_string );
    strcat( header, " <sip:" );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "@" );
    strcat( header, this->server_ip );
    strcat( header, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, ">;tag=" );
    strcat( header, tag );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "To: <sip:" );
    itoa( this->peer_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "@" );
    strcat( header, this->server_ip );
    strcat( header, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, ">\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Call-ID: " );
    strcat( header, callid );
    strcat( header, "@" );
    strcat( header, this->my_ip );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "CSeq: " );
    itoa( *cseq, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, " INVITE\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Contact: " );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, " <sip:" );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "@" );
    strcat( header, this->my_ip );
    strcat( header, ":" );
    itoa( this->my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, ">\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Max-Forwards: " );
    itoa( 20, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "User-Agent: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( header, SVNREV );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Expires: " );
    itoa( 70, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( header, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, SIP_ALLOW );
    strcat( header, "\r\n" );
    strcat( header, "Content-Type: application/sdp\r\n" );
    //header[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    strcpy( body, "v=0\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "o=- " );
    itoa( 7377, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    itoa( 18176, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " IN IP" );
    itoa( 4, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    strcat( body, this->my_ip );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "s=-\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "c=IN IP" );
    itoa( 4, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    strcat( body, this->my_ip );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "t=" );
    itoa( 0, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    itoa( 0, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "m=audio " );
    itoa( this->my_rtp_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " RTP/AVP " );
    itoa( 8, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    itoa( 101, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "a=rtpmap:" );
    itoa( 8, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " PCMA/" );
    itoa( 8000, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "/" );
    itoa( 1, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "a=rtpmap:" );
    itoa( 101, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " telephone-event/" );
    itoa( 8000, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "\r\n" );
    strcat( body, "a=fmtp: " );
    itoa( 101, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, " " );
    itoa( 0, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( body, "-" );
    itoa( 11, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( body, itoa_buffer );
    //body[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    make_content_length( header, body, pkg );
    return( pkg );
char * Sip::make_content_length( char * header, char * body, char * pkg ){
    int size;
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    size = strlen( body );
    strcpy( pkg, header );
    strcat( pkg, "Content-Length: " );
    itoa( size, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( pkg, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( pkg, "\r\n\r\n" );
    strcat( pkg, body );
    //pkg[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    return pkg;
char * Sip::build_bye_package( char * buffer ){
    char branch[SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE];
    char tag[SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE];
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    strcpy( buffer, "BYE sip:" );
    itoa( this->peer_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " SIP/2.0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP " );
    strcat( buffer, this->my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ";branch=" );
    strcat( buffer, branch );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "From: " );          
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;tag=" );
    strcat( buffer, last_invite_tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "To: <sip:" );
    itoa( this->peer_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;tag=" );
    strcat( buffer, tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Call-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, last_invite_callid );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "CSeq: " );
    itoa( get_cseq(), itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " BYE\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "User-Agent: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );          
    strcat( buffer, "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" );
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::build_ack_package( char * buffer, unsigned char * orig ){
    char to[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char from[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char via[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char branch[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char cseq[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    // FIXME confirmar se nao preciso converter todos os ints com itoa
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "to: ", to ) == 0) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "from: ", from ) == 0) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "call-id: ", callid ) == 0) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    decode_branch( orig, branch );
    decode_cseq( orig, cseq );
    if( strlen( via ) > 6 ) {
        if( strcasecmp( ";rport", via+strlen( via )-6) == 0) {
            via[strlen(via)-6] = 0;
    strcpy( buffer, "ACK sip:" );
    itoa( this->peer_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " SIP/2.0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Via: SIP/2.0/UDP " );
    strcat( buffer, this->my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ";branch=" );
    strcat( buffer, branch );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "From: " );
    strcat( buffer, from );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "To: " );
    strcat( buffer, to );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Call-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, callid );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "CSeq: " );
    strcat( buffer, cseq );
    strcat( buffer, " ACK\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Max-Forwards: 70\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Contact: " );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    itoa( this->my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, this->my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( this->my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "User-Agent: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" );
    //buffer[SIP_MAXMSGSIZE-1] = 0;
    return( buffer );
int Sip::get_return_code( char * buffer ){
    char a[32];
    int i = 0, j;
    if( strncmp( "SIP/", buffer, 4 ) != 0 ) return 0;
    if( strlen( buffer ) < 32) return 0;
    strncpy( a, buffer, 31 );
    a[ 31 ] = 0;
    while ( a[ i ] > ' ') i++;
    j = i+i;
    while( (a[ j ] >= '0') && ( a[ j ] <= '9') ) j++;
    a[ j ] = 0;
    return atoi( a + i + 1 );
char * Sip::build_generic_reply_package(char * buffer, unsigned char * orig, char * tag){
    char to[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char from[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char cseq[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char via[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "to: ", to ) == 0) {
        buffer[0] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "from: ", from ) == 0) {
        buffer[0] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "call-id: ", callid ) == 0) {
        buffer[0] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "cseq: ", cseq ) == 0) {
        buffer[0] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "via: ", via ) == 0) {
        buffer[0] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if (strlen(via) > 6) {
        if (strcasecmp(";rport",via+strlen(via)-6)==0) {
            via[strlen(via)-6] = 0;
    strcpy( buffer, "SIP/2.0 " );
    strcat( buffer, tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "To: " );
    strcat( buffer, to );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "From: " );
    strcat( buffer, from );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Call-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, callid );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "CSeq: " );
    strcat( buffer, cseq );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Via: " );
    strcat( buffer, via );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Server: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Content-Length: 0\r\n\r\n" );
    //buffer[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::build_trying_package( char * buffer, unsigned char * orig ){   
    // FIXME trocar 100 para itoa( 100 ... )
    build_generic_reply_package( buffer, orig, "100 Trying" );
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::build_busy_package( char * buffer, unsigned char * orig ){   
    // FIXME trocar 100 para itoa( 100 ... )
    build_generic_reply_package( buffer, orig, "486 Busy Here");
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::build_reply_package( char * buffer, unsigned char * orig ){
    char to[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char from[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char cseq[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char via[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char tag[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "to: ", to ) == 0) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "from: ", from ) == 0) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "call-id: ", callid ) == 0 ) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "cseq: ", cseq) == 0 ) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if( decode_gettag( orig, "via: ", via) == 0 ) {
        buffer[ 0 ] = 0;
        return NULL;
    if (strlen(via) > 6) {
        if (strcasecmp(";rport",via+strlen(via)-6)==0) {
            via[strlen(via)-6] = 0;
    strcpy( buffer, "SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "To: " );
    strcat( buffer, to );
    strcat( buffer, ";tag=" );
    strcat( buffer, tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "From: " );
    strcat( buffer, from );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Call-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, callid );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "CSeq: " );
    strcat( buffer, cseq );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Via: " );
    strcat( buffer, via );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Server: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Content-Length: 0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, SIP_ALLOW );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n\r\n" );
    //buffer[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::fill_random16h(char * buffer ){
    fill_random( buffer, 16 );
    buffer[ 7 ] = '-';
    return( buffer );
char * Sip::fill_random( char * buffer, int size ){
    static uint16_t seed = time( NULL );
    seed += 1;
    srand( seed );
    int i;
    for( i = 0; i < size - 1; i++ ) {
        buffer[ i ] = fill_random_aux[ rand() & 0x3f ];
    buffer[ size - 1 ] = 0;
    return( buffer );
int Sip::get_cseq( void ){
    static unsigned int cseq = 0;
    if( cseq == 0 ) {
        /* initial value, random number */
        cseq = rand();
        cseq &= 0x7fff;
    cseq &= 0x7fff;
    if( cseq == 0 ) cseq++;
    return cseq;
char * Sip::decode_cseq( unsigned char * package, char * cseq ){
    char pkg[ 2048 ], cs[ 2048 ];
    if( decode_gettag( package, "cseq: ", pkg ) != 0) {
        int i = 0;
        strcpy( cs, pkg );
        while( ( cs[ i ] != 0 ) && ( cs[ i ] != ' ' ) ) i++;
        cs[ i ] = 0;
        strcpy( cseq, cs );
    } else {
        cseq[ 0 ] = 0;
    return( cseq );
char * Sip::decode_branch( unsigned char * package, char * branch ){
    char pkg[ 2048 ];
    if( decode_gettag( package, "branch=", pkg ) != 0 ) {
        int i = 0;
        strcpy( branch, pkg );
        while( ( branch[ i ] != 0 ) && ( branch[ i ] != ';' ) ) i++;
        branch[ i ] = 0;
    } else {
        branch[ 0 ] = 0;
    return( branch );
int Sip::decode_gettag( unsigned char * package, char * tag, char * out ){
    int size, i, cmpsize;
    cmpsize = strlen( tag );
    size = strlen( ( char * )package )-cmpsize;
    for ( i=0; i<size; i++) {
        if( strncasecmp( tag, (char*)package+i, cmpsize ) == 0) {
            char * s;
            s = (char*)package+i+cmpsize;
            register int j = 0;
            while ((s[ j ] != '\r') && (s[ j ] != '\n')) j++;
            strncpy( out, s, j ); // copy string to output
            out[ j ] = 0; // terminate string
            return 1; // found
    return 0; // not found
int Sip::get_id( void ){
    return this->id;
int Sip::get_my_rtp_port( void ){
    return this->my_rtp_port;
inline int Sip::fill_random_rtp_port(){  
    // o range [ 16384 - 32767 ] eh configuravel no server
    return ( ( this->my_ext + 16384 ) );
void Sip::change_sip_server(){
    // just in case sip server don't answer, invite another server
    // mudar para os sets
    set_server_ip( get_next_server_ip( this->buffer) );
    set_server_ext( get_next_server_ext() );
    set_server_port( get_next_server_port() );
char * Sip::get_next_server_ip( char * server_ip ){
    strcpy( server_ip, this->server_ip );
    return server_ip;
int Sip::get_next_server_port(){
    return this->server_port;
int Sip::get_next_server_ext(){
    return this->peer_ext;
void Sip::set_server_port( int new_server_port ){
    this->server_port = new_server_port;
void Sip::set_server_ext( int new_server_ext ){
    this->peer_ext = new_server_ext;
void Sip::set_server_ip( char * new_server_ip ){
    strcpy( this->server_ip, new_server_ip );
    this->server_ip[19] = 0;

/*  Retorna 
    = 0 :: ok
    < 0 :: tive problemas
    > 0 :: devo remover essa call do vetor de calls 
int Sip::listen_SIP_server( void ){
    int ret = listen_SIP_server_return;
    listen_SIP_server_return = 0;
    return ret;

void Sip::set_ext( int ext ){
    my_ext = ext;

void Sip::set_port( int port ){
    my_port = port;

void Sip::send_bye( void ){
    int send = sock.sendTo( sip_server, build_bye_package( this->buffer ), strlen( this->buffer ) );
    if( debug_sip ) send_msg( "sizeof( bye pkg ) :: %d", strlen( buffer ) );
    if( send != strlen( this->buffer ) )
        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- BYE");

void Sip::send_unregistry_pkg(){
    build_unregistry_package( this->buffer );
    int send = sock.sendTo( sip_server, build_bye_package( this->buffer ), strlen( this->buffer ) );
    if( send != strlen( this->buffer ) )
        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- BYE");
    if( debug_sip ) send_msg("sizeof( unregistry_pkg ) :: %d", strlen( buffer ) );

char * Sip::build_unregistry_package( char * buffer ){
    char branch[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char tag[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    char callid[ SIP_MAXFIELDSIZE ];
    fill_random16h( branch );
    fill_random( tag, 18 );
    fill_random16h( callid );
    char itoa_buffer[ 65 ];
    strcpy( buffer, "REGISTER sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " SIP/2.0\r\nVia: SIP/2.0/UDP " );
    strcat( buffer, my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( my_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ";branch=" );
    strcat( buffer, branch );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nFrom: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" ); 
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;tag=" );
    strcat( buffer, tag );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nTo: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, server_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">\r\nCall-ID: " );
    strcat( buffer, callid );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nCSeq: " );
    itoa( get_cseq(), itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " REGISTER\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Max-Forwards: " );
    itoa( 70, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "Contact: " );
    itoa( my_ext, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, " <sip:" );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, "@" );
    strcat( buffer, my_ip );
    strcat( buffer, ":" );
    itoa( server_port, itoa_buffer, 10 );
    strcat( buffer, itoa_buffer );
    strcat( buffer, ">;expires=0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, "User-Agent: VZtech/pabxdriver-" );
    strcat( buffer, SVNREV );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\nContent-Length: 0\r\n" );
    strcat( buffer, SIP_ALLOW );
    strcat( buffer, "\r\n\r\n" );              
    //buffer[ SIP_MAXMSGSIZE - 1 ] = 0;
    return buffer;

int Sip::get_status( void ){
    return this->status;    

void Sip::sip_set_status( uint8_t status ){
    this->status = status;    

void Sip::sip_check_muted( void ){
    if( muted == true ) __reconnect__();
    if( debug_muted ) send_msg("For some reason sip muted, reconnected");

int Sip::get_socket_fd( void ){
    return sock.get_fd();

int Sip::udp_incomming_pkg( void ){
    Endpoint from;  
    int length = sock.receiveFrom( from, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
    if( memcmp( ( ( u8_t * )( &(from._remoteHost) ) ) + 2, ( ( u8_t * )( &(sip_server._remoteHost) ) ) + 2, 6 ) != 0 ) return 0;
    if( length == -1 )
        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- UDP Incomming");
    if( length > 0 ){
        if( sizeof( buffer ) > length ) buffer[ length ] = 0;
        int sip_response = -1;
        // faster than atoi() (: 
        if( buffer[ 7 ] == ' ' || buffer[ 11 ] == ' ' ){
            sip_response = ( buffer[ 8 ] - '0' ) * 100 + ( buffer[ 9 ] - '0' ) * 10 + ( buffer[ 10 ] - '0' );
        if( ( status == sip_trying ) || ( status == sip_ringing ) || ( status == sip_waiting_trying ) ){ 
            //if( !( strncasecmp( buffer + 7, " 200 ", 5 ) ) ){
            if( sip_response == 200 ){ // Ok
                char *ref = strstr( buffer, "audio" );
                if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("ok");
                if( ref != NULL ){
                    ref += 6; // audio 
                    ref = strtok( ref, " ");
                    if( call == NULL ){
                        call = new VZ_call( this->my_ext, this->my_rtp_port, this->peer_ext, atoi( ref ) );
                        if( call == NULL ) memory_is_over = true;
                    char ans[ 1024 ];
                    build_ack_package( ans, ( unsigned char *)buffer );
                    int send = sock.sendTo( sip_server, ans, strlen( ans ) );
                    if( send != strlen( ans ) )
                        if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- Ok -- Call mode on");
                    if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("Call alocada -- Sip::status::%d :: ", status );
                    set_status( status, sip_on_call );
        if( ( status == sip_trying ) || ( status == sip_ringing ) ){            
            //if( !( strncmp( buffer + 7, " 4", 2 ) ) ){
            if( sip_response >= 400 && sip_response < 700 ){
                if( debug_invite ) { 
                    buffer[ 11 ] = 0; 
                    if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("Busy Here :: %s", buffer + 8 );
                //if( call != NULL ) delete( call );
                set_status( status, sip_busy );
                return( NULL );  
            }else //if( !( strncasecmp( buffer + 7, " 183 ", 5 ) ) ){ // Session in Progress
                if( sip_response == 183 ){
                char *ref = strstr( buffer, "audio" );
                if( ref != NULL ){
                    ref += 6; // strlen( "audio" ) == 6
                    ref = strtok( ref, " ");
                    if( call == NULL ){
                        this->call = new VZ_call( this->my_ext, this->my_rtp_port, this->peer_ext, atoi( ref ) );
                        if( call == NULL ) memory_is_over = true;
                    waiting = true;
        if( status == sip_trying ){
            //if( !( strncasecmp( buffer + 7, " 180 ", 5 ) ) ){
            if( sip_response == 180 ){
                if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("ringing");
                set_status( status, sip_ringing );
        if( status == sip_waiting_trying ){
            //if( !( strncasecmp( buffer + 7, " 100 ", 5 ) ) ){
            if( sip_response == 100 ){
                if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("trying")
                set_status( status, sip_trying );
        if( status == sip_on_call ){
            if( !( strncasecmp( buffer, "bye ", 4 ) ) ){
                char ans[ 2000 ];
                build_reply_package( ans, (unsigned char*)buffer );
                int send = sock.sendTo( sip_server, ans, strlen( ans ) );
                if( send == strlen( ans ) )
                    if( debug_reconnect ) send_msg("Reconnect SIP -- RCV BYE from *");
                if( debug_invite ) debug_msg("sizeof( bye reply pkg ) :: %d\nServer request BYE to %d ext\nBye request received from *", strlen( ans ), my_ext );
                listen_SIP_server_return = my_ext;
    return length;

void Sip::reset_call( void ){
    if( call != NULL ) call = NULL;    

int Sip::get_ext( void ){ return my_ext; }

int Sip::get_port( void ){ return my_port; }