voltando a versao de n aberturas e fechamentos de sockets

Dependencies:   EthernetInterface NTPClient mbed-rtos_old mbed

Fork of header_main_public by VZTECH

diff -r 67a6b557eda5 -r 01a93677e40c prompt.cpp
--- a/prompt.cpp	Fri Sep 19 16:40:17 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "stdint.h"
-#include "configs.h"
-#include "vz_protocol.h"
-#include "parallelcpld.h"
-//#include "debug.h"
-uint8_t debug_alive = 1;
-#define PVERSION 1          // Sempre atualizar a versao do prompt
-#define DEBUGBUFSIZE 40
-char debug_buf[DEBUGBUFSIZE];
-FILE *fip,*fmask,*fgate,*fport,*fsip,*fsport; 
-uint8_t dog = 1;
-uint8_t debug_prompt = 0;
-uint8_t bufptr = 0;
-uint8_t xmemmatch(const uint8_t * s1, const uint8_t * s2, uint16_t size) {      // presente da lib.h pode retirar da versao final
-  while (size--) {
-    if (*s1++ != *s2++) return 0; /* does not match */
-  }
-  return 1; /* matches */
-uint8_t xstrmatch(const uint8_t * s1, const uint8_t * s2) {                     // presente na lib.h pode retirar da versao final
-  while (*s1) {
-    if (*s1++ != *s2++) return 0; /* does not match */
-  }
-  if ( *s2 == 0 )
-    return 1; /* matches */
-  else
-    return 0; /* does not match */
-void xmemcpy(uint8_t * dest, const uint8_t * src, uint16_t size) {              // presente na lib.h pode retirar da versao final
-  while (size--) *dest++ = *src++;
-void cat(const char* fname)                                                     // Print the content of a given file
-    char buff[513];
-    int num;
-    FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "r");
-    if (fp == NULL) {
-        pc.printf("Failed to open %s\n", fname);
-        return;
-    }
-    while ((num = fread(buff, 1, 512, fp)) > 0)
-    {
-        buff[num] = '\0';
-        pc.printf(buff);
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-void files (const char type) {                                          // operantion with the system config files
-    if (type == 's' ){                // show files
-        pc.printf("\n\r");
-        pc.printf("1)IP, 2)MASK, 3)GATEWAY, 4)SIP PORT, 5)SERVER IP, 6)SERVER SIP PORT\n\r");
-        cat("/qspi/myip.txt");
-        cat("/qspi/mymask.txt");
-        cat("/qspi/mygate.txt");
-        cat("/qspi/mysipport.txt");
-        cat("/qspi/serverip.txt");
-        cat("/qspi/serverport.txt");
-    }
-    if (type == 'c' ){                // close all files
-        fclose(fip);
-        fclose(fmask);
-        fclose(fgate);
-        fclose(fport);
-        fclose(fsip);
-        fclose(fsport);
-    }    
-    if (type == 'i' ){                // Check if files exist, if not create the files
-        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "r");
-        if (fip == NULL){
-            fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "w");
-            fprintf(fip, "\n\r");   //myip
-        }
-        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "r");
-        if (fmask == NULL){
-            fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "w");
-            fprintf(fmask, "\n\r");     //mymask
-        }
-        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "r");
-        if (fgate == NULL){
-            fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygate.txt", "w");
-            fprintf(fgate, "\n\r");    //mygateway
-        }
-        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "r");
-        if (fport == NULL){
-            fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "w");
-            fprintf(fport, "5075\n\r");  //mysipport
-        }
-        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "r");
-        if (fsip == NULL){
-             fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fsip, "\n\r");  //asterisk ip
-        }
-        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "r");
-        if (fsport == NULL){
-            fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "w");
-            fprintf(fsport, "5060\n\r");  //asterisk port
-        pc.printf("\n\r Default configurations set! \n\r");
-        }
-    }
-    if (type == 'r' ){                // Just open for read
-        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "r");
-        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "r");
-        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "r");
-        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "r");
-        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "r");
-        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "r");
-    }
-    if (type == 'w'){                 // Create and write the default configs
-        fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "w");
-        fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "w");
-        fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygateway.txt", "w");
-        fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "w");
-        fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "w");
-        fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "w");   
-        fprintf(fip, "\n\r");   //myip
-        fprintf(fmask, "\n\r");     //mymask
-        fprintf(fgate, "\n\r");    //mygateway
-        fprintf(fport, "5075\n\r");  //mysipport
-        fprintf(fsip, "\n\r");  //asterisk ip
-        fprintf(fsport, "5060\n\r");  //asterisk port
-        files('c');
-        pc.printf("\n\r Default configurations set! \n\r");
-    }
-void init_fsystem(){                 // init file system and check if files exist
-    if (!qspifs.isformatted()) {
-        qspifs.format();
-        pc.printf("File system configured!!\n\r");
-    }
-    files('i');   // check if the files are created
-    files('c');
-    pc.printf("*******System Ready*******\n\r");
-void prompt_process(){              // main prompt process
-    volatile char b = 0;
-    static uint8_t bufret = 0;
-    if (pc.readable()){
-            b = pc.getc();
-            if (b == 0x0D){
-            bufret = 1;
-            }
-            else{
-            pc.putc(b); 
-            debug_buf[bufptr] = b;
-            bufptr++;
-            }
-        }
-    if (bufret == 1){                   // Prompt commands here
-         if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "sconfig" )) {
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-          if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "format" )) {
-             pc.printf("\n Formatando o sistema de arquivos... espere o sistema reiniciar \n\r");
-             qspifs.format();
-             NVIC_SystemReset();
-          }
-          if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ipset ",6 )) {
-             fip = fopen("/qspi/myip.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fip,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+6));
-             fclose(fip);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-        if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "maskset ",8 )) {
-             fmask = fopen("/qspi/mymask.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fmask,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+8));
-             fclose(fmask);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-        if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "gatewayset ",11 )) {
-             fgate = fopen("/qspi/mygate.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fgate,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+11));
-             fclose(fgate);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-         if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "msipport ",9 )) {
-             fport = fopen("/qspi/mysipport.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fport,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+9));
-             fclose(fport);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-          if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "serverip ",9 )) {
-             fsip = fopen("/qspi/serverip.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fsip,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+9));
-             fclose(fsip);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-         if( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "ssport ",7 )) {
-             fsport = fopen("/qspi/serverport.txt", "w");
-             fprintf(fsport,"%s\n\r",(debug_buf+7));
-             fclose(fsport);
-             pc.printf("\n\r");
-             files('s');
-          }
-          if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dconfig" )) {
-            files('w');    
-            files('s');
-          }
-         if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "reset" )) {
-          pc.printf("\n\r reset!!! \n\r"); 
-          pc.putc(0x01); 
-          NVIC_SystemReset();
-          }
-          if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "dog" )) {
-          pc.printf("\n\r MUUUUUUUuuuuUUUUUU - I'm not a dog!!!! \n\r");
-          dog = 0;
-          }
-        if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "debug off" )) {
-          pc.printf("Disable debug");
-          debug_alive = 0;
-        }
-        if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "debug on" )) {
-          pc.printf("Disable debug");
-          debug_alive = 1;
-        }
-        if( xstrmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "help" )) {
-         pc.printf("\n\r****************************PROMPT HELP******************\n\r");
-         pc.printf("sconfig                 - mostra o arquivo de configuracao do sistema\n\r");
-         pc.printf("dconfig                 - volta as configuracoes do sistema para o padrao de fabrica\n\r");
-         pc.printf("callme [ramal porta]    - envia o pedido de ligacao para o callbox com o ramal e porta indicada\n\r");
-         pc.printf("format                  - formata o sistema de arquivos\n\r");
-         pc.printf("reset                   - resta o sistema\n\r");
-         pc.printf("ipset [ip]              - Configura o IP da cabeceira\n\r");
-         pc.printf("maskset [mask]          - Configura a mascara da cabeceira\n\r");
-         pc.printf("gatewayset [gateway]    - Configura o gateway da cabeceira\n\r");
-         pc.printf("msipport [port]         - Configura a porta SIP da cabeceira\n\r");
-         pc.printf("serverip [ip]           - Configura o ip do servidor asterisk\n\r");
-         pc.printf("ssport [port]           - Configura a porta SIP do servidor asterisk\n\r");
-         pc.printf("\n\rPROMPT VERSION: V%d\n\r",PVERSION);
-       }
-        /*                  
-        if ( xmemmatch( (uint8_t*)debug_buf, (uint8_t*) "callme ", 7 )) {
-            if ( debug_buf[16] != 0 && debug_buf[11] != 0x20 )
-                pc.printf("\n\r Error: formato errado! ramal=xxxx porta=xxxx \n\r");
-            else {
-                uint8_t data[300];
-                uint16_t cks=0;
-                //data[0] = (uint8_t)( (debug_buf[7]&0xf0)<<4 + (debug_buf[8]&0x0f) ) ;
-                //data[1] = (uint8_t)( (debug_buf[9]&0xf0)<<4 + (debug_buf[10]&0x0f) ) ;
-                //data[2] = (uint8_t)( (debug_buf[12]&0xf0)<<4 + (debug_buf[13]&0x0f) ) ;
-                /data[3] = (uint8_t)( (debug_buf[14]&0xf0)<<4 + (debug_buf[15]&0x0f) ) ;
-                data[0] = (uint8_t)( debug_buf[ 7 ] & 0xFF00 >> 8  );
-                data[1] = (uint8_t)( debug_buf[ 9 ] & 0x00FF );
-                data[2] = (uint8_t)( debug_buf[ 12 ] & 0xFF00 >> 8 );
-                data[3] = (uint8_t)( debug_buf[ 14 ] & 0x00FF );
-                data[6] = 0x04;
-                for (int i = 7; i < 300; i++)  data[i] = 0x00;
-                cks = __checksum__(data,300);
-                data[4] = cks>>8;
-                data[5] = cks&0xff;
-                pc.printf("\n\r");
-                for( int i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
-                    pc.printf("%x ", data[ i ] );
-                pc.printf("\n\r");
-                xmemcpy(TXBuffer,data,300);
-                pc.printf("\n\r");
-                for( int i = 0; i < 300; i++ )
-                    pc.printf("%x ", data[ i ] );
-                pc.printf("\n\r");
-                send2callboxes();
-                pc.printf("\n\r calling callbox %s \n\r",debug_buf+7);
-            }
-        }
-       */
-    }
-  if (b == 0x0D || bufret == 1 || bufptr > DEBUGBUFSIZE ){
-    bufptr = 0;
-    for (uint8_t i =0; i < DEBUGBUFSIZE; i++){
-        debug_buf[i] = 0;
-        }
-    bufret = 0;
-    pc.putc(0x0A);
-    pc.putc(0x0D);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file