Working code for pc app 12/01/2018 commit

Dependencies:   mbed MS5607 mbed-dsp

Fork of Turrentine_Code by Alex Stokoe

diff -r 3d3e21c907e4 -r c80aa39db5bb main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Jan 12 15:40:32 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 25 09:21:43 2018 +0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
+#include "MS5607SPI.h"
+#include "arm_math.h"
 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
@@ -6,42 +8,23 @@
 //mbed class def
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
-SPI spi(p5, p6, p7); // mosi, miso, sclk
-DigitalOut cs(p8);
-PwmOut motorOn(p26);
+MS5607SPI pressure_sensor(p5, p6, p7, p8); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
-Timer t;
+BusOut leds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4);
-//variable instaniation
-unsigned short calData[6];
+PwmOut motor(p26);
-char buffer16[3];
-short int serbuffer[2];
+Timer sample_timer;
+Timer iter_timer;
-char tempBuffer[4];
-unsigned int temp = 0;
-char pressBuffer[4];
-unsigned int press = 0;
+float p_data[N_SAMPLES];
+float p_data_raw[N_SAMPLES];
+float f_data[N_SAMPLES];
+float mag_data[N_SAMPLES / 2 + 1];
-unsigned int pData[N_SAMPLES];
-float spData[N_SAMPLES];
 unsigned int tData[N_SAMPLES];
-const char cb1 = 0xA2;
-const char cb2 = 0xA4;
-const char cb3 = 0xA6;
-const char cb4 = 0xA8;
-const char cb5 = 0xAA;
-const char cb6 = 0xAC;
-const char * commarr[6] = {&cb1, &cb2, &cb3, &cb4, &cb5, &cb6};
-const char D1conv256 = 0x40;
-const char D1conv512 = 0x42;
-const char D2conv4096 = 0x58;
-const char D2conv512 = 0x52;
-const char readADC = 0x00;
+arm_rfft_fast_instance_f32 rfft;
 float duty = 1;
@@ -50,246 +33,82 @@
     return (number >= 0) ? (int)(number + 0.5) : (int)(number - 0.5);
-//calculate temperature
-int calcT(unsigned int Tval, unsigned short consts[6])
-    int dT = Tval - consts[4]*(2<<7);
-    int T = 2000 + dT*consts[5]/(2<<22);
-    printf("Temp: %d C\n", T);
-    return T;
-//calculate 1st order temperature compensated pressure
-int calcP(unsigned int Tval, unsigned int Pval, unsigned short consts[6])
-    int dT = Tval - consts[4]*(2<<7);
-    long long int off = (long long)consts[1]*(2<<16) + ((long long)consts[3] *(long long)dT)/(2<<5);
-    long long int sens = (long long)consts[0]*(2<<15) + ((long long)consts[2] *(long long)dT)/(2<<6);
-    int P = (Pval *(sens/(2<<20)) - off)/(2<<14);
-    //printf("Pressure %d Pa\n\r", P);
-    return P;
 int main()
+    printf("Turrentine\n");
+    //Configure PC serial link
-    motorOn = 0;
-    motorOn.period_ms(10);
-    printf("Turrentine\n");
-    // Chip must be deselected
-    cs = 1;
-    // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock,
-    // second edge capture, with a 1MHz clock rate
-    spi.format(8,3);
-    spi.frequency(500000);
-    spi.set_default_write_value(0x00);
-    // Select the device by seting chip select low
-    cs = 0;
-    // Send 0x1E Command to reset the chip
-    spi.write(0x1E);
-    cs = 1;
-    wait_ms(100);
-    cs = 1;
-    printf("Read cal data\n");
-    //read cal data values from device into program
-    for (char i=0; i<6; i++) {
-        //spi read sequence
-        cs= 0;
-        spi.write(commarr[i], 1, buffer16, 3);
-        //time for SPI to write into data buffers
-        wait_ms(10);
-        cs=1;
-        //Put data into 16bit unsigned int in calData array
-        calData[i] = buffer16[1]<<8 | buffer16[2];
-    }
+    //Configure motor PWM
+    motor = 0;
+    motor.period_ms(10);
     printf("Pump On\n");
     //turn pump on
-    motorOn.write(duty);
-    //dummy samples to wait for sensor response to stabilise
-    int a =0;
-    while(a < 10000) {
-        cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&D1conv256, 1, buffer16, 1);
-        wait_us(500);
-        cs = 1;
-        cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&readADC, 1, pressBuffer, 4);
-        cs = 1;
-        a++;
-    }
+    motor.write(duty);
     printf("Start loop\n");
-    //display calibration values to check against datasheet
-    //program loop
-    while(1) {
-        //read temerature value
-        cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&D2conv4096, 1, buffer16, 1);
-        wait_ms(10);
-        cs = 1;
-        cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&readADC, 1, tempBuffer, 4);
-        cs = 1;
-        //read pressure value
-        /*cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&D1conv512, 1, buffer16, 1);
-        wait_ms(2);
-        cs = 1; cs = 0;
-        spi.write(&readADC, 1, pressBuffer, 4);
-        cs = 1;*/
-        //write values from buffers to program variables
-        temp = tempBuffer[1]<<16 | tempBuffer[2]<<8 | tempBuffer[3];
-        //press = pressBuffer[1]<<16 | pressBuffer[2]<<8 | pressBuffer[3];
-        int a =0;
-        while(a < 5000) {
-            cs = 0;
-            spi.write(&D1conv256, 1, buffer16, 1);
-            wait_us(500);
-            cs = 1;
-            cs = 0;
-            spi.write(&readADC, 1, pressBuffer, 4);
-            cs = 1;
-            a++;
-        }
-        printf("Start Measurement\n");
-        //double cumsum = 0;
-        t.reset();
-        t.start();
-        //loop values
-        for (int x = 0; x < N_SAMPLES; x++) {
-            cs = 0;
-            spi.write(&D1conv256, 1, buffer16, 1);
-            wait_us(500);
-            cs = 1;
-            cs = 0;
-            if (x > 0) {
-                pData[x-1] = pressBuffer[1]<<16 | pressBuffer[2]<<8 | pressBuffer[3];
-                //cumsum = cumsum + pData[x-1];
-            }
-            spi.write(&readADC, 1, pressBuffer, 4);
-            tData[x] = t.read_us();
-            cs = 1;
-        }
-        pData[N_SAMPLES - 1] = pressBuffer[1]<<16 | pressBuffer[2]<<8 | pressBuffer[3];
-        //stop motor and timer
-        t.stop();
-        //motorOn.write(0);
-        printf("Stop Measurement\n");
-        //calc temperature
-        calcT(temp, calData);
-        long long sum = 0;
-        //float avg = calcP(temp, cumsum/(nsample-1), calData);
+    int iter_counter = 0; //Iteration counter
+    iter_timer.start();
-        //printf("avg %f\n\r", avg);
-        //output date to PC
-        printf("$CAL %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu %hu\n", calData[0], calData[1], calData[2], calData[3], calData[4], calData[5]);
+    //program loop    
+    while(1) {
+        sample_timer.reset();
+        sample_timer.start();
+        float temperature_raw = pressure_sensor.getRawTemperature();
+        //Capture raw pressure samples
         for(int i = 0; i < N_SAMPLES; i++) {
-            printf("$%d\n", pData[i]);
-        }
-        printf("$COMPLETE\n");
-        /*
-        //for crossing detection
-        bool cflag1 = (avg > pData[0]);
-        bool cflag2 = (avg > pData[1]);
-        int numcross = 0;
-        int lastcrosspoint = 0;
-        unsigned int crosstart;
-        unsigned int crossend;
-        float freq = 0;
-        //smooth data array 20 sample size
-        for (int y=0; y< nsample-1; y++) {
-        if (9< y && y <nsample-10) {
-        sum = 0;
-        for (int z=0; z<20; z++) {
-        sum = sum + pData[y-10+z];
+            p_data_raw[i] = pressure_sensor.calculatePressure(pressure_sensor.getRawPressure(), temperature_raw);
+            p_data[i] = p_data_raw[i];
-        spData[y] = (float) calcP(temp, sum/20, calData);
-        //detect avg crossings for frequency calc
-        if (y>10) {
-        cflag2 = (avg > spData[y]);
-        cflag1 = (avg > spData[y-1]);
-        if (cflag1 != cflag2) {
-        if(lastcrosspoint<=(y-10)) {
-        numcross++;
-        lastcrosspoint = y;
-        if (numcross == 1) {
-        crosstart = tData[y];
-        }
-        crossend = tData[y];
-        }
-        }
+        sample_timer.stop();
+        //
+        //Compute the RFFT
+        //
+        //p_data is trashed in the process
+        //Result is packaged as [real_0, real_N/2, real_1, imag_1, real_2, imag_2 ... real_N/2-1, imag_N/2-1]
+        arm_rfft_fast_init_f32(&rfft, N_SAMPLES);
+        arm_rfft_fast_f32(&rfft, p_data, f_data, 0);
+        //
+        //Convert to magntiude, skip over the DC and fundamental terms
+        arm_cmplx_mag_f32(&f_data[2], &mag_data[1], (N_SAMPLES / 2) - 1);
+        //Fill in the first and last terms from the first entry in f_data
+        mag_data[0] = f_data[0];
+        mag_data[N_SAMPLES / 2] = f_data[1];
+        //Output iteration data
+        iter_counter++;
+        printf("%10.5g %5d %5d\n", f_data[0] / N_SAMPLES, 1000000 / (sample_timer.read_us() / N_SAMPLES), iter_timer.read_ms() / iter_counter);
+        //Output raw data
+        /*for(int i = 0; i < N_SAMPLES; i++) {
+            printf("%f %f\n", p_data_raw[i], f_data[i]);
+        }*/
+        //Analysis - average from bin 15 to bin 25
+        //Print out subset of data
+        float average = 0;
+        for(int i = 15; i < 25; i++) {
+            printf("%10.5g ", mag_data[i]);
+            average += mag_data[i] / 10;
-        //calc pressure & display list
-        //printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n\r", tData[y], calcP(temp, spData[y], calData), calcP(temp, pData[y], calData));
-        printf("%d\t%f\n\r", tData[y],spData[y]);
-        } else if (10> y || y >nsample-10) {
-        spData[y] = (float) calcP(temp, pData[y], calData);
-        }
-        }
-        printf("numcross = %d\n\r", numcross);
-                           printf("crosstart = %d\n\r", crosstart);
-                                   printf("crossend = %d\n\r", crossend);
-                                           freq = (1e6 *numcross)/(2*(crossend - crosstart));
-                                           printf("frequency = %f\n\r", freq);
-                                                   for (int z=0; z< nsample-1; z++) {
-                                                   spData[z] = spData[z] -avg;
-                                               }
-                                                   printf("Repeat Blockage Test?\n\rPress Enter to continue\n\r");
-                                                   while(1) {
-                                                   if (pc.getc() != 0) {
-                                                   break;
-                                               }
-                                               }
-                                                   */
+        printf("%10.5g\n", average);
+        //Set LEDs based on thresholds
+        leds[0] = average > 1000.f;
+        leds[1] = average > 2000.f;
+        leds[2] = average > 3000.f;
+        leds[3] = average > 4000.f;
+        //break;
\ No newline at end of file