Stepper motor control for KYPHOS rig

Dependencies:   mbed X_NUCLEO_IHM03A1 HX711

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "DevSPI.h"
00004 #include "PowerStep01.h"
00006 powerstep01_init_u_t init = {
00007     /* common parameters */
00008     .cm.cp.cmVmSelection = POWERSTEP01_CM_VM_CURRENT, // enum powerstep01_CmVm_t
00009     582, // Acceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
00010     582, // Deceleration rate in step/s2, range 14.55 to 59590 steps/s^2
00011     48, // Maximum speed in step/s, range 15.25 to 15610 steps/s
00012     0, // Minimum speed in step/s, range 0 to 976.3 steps/s
00013     POWERSTEP01_LSPD_OPT_OFF, // Low speed optimization bit, enum powerstep01_LspdOpt_t
00014     244.16, // Full step speed in step/s, range 7.63 to 15625 steps/s
00015     POWERSTEP01_BOOST_MODE_OFF, // Boost of the amplitude square wave, enum powerstep01_BoostMode_t
00016     281.25, // Overcurrent threshold settings via enum powerstep01_OcdTh_t
00017     STEP_MODE_1_16, // Step mode settings via enum motorStepMode_t
00018     POWERSTEP01_SYNC_SEL_DISABLED, // Synch. Mode settings via enum powerstep01_SyncSel_t
00025     POWERSTEP01_ALARM_EN_WRONG_NPERF_CMD), // Alarm settings via bitmap enum powerstep01_AlarmEn_t
00026     POWERSTEP01_IGATE_64mA, // Gate sink/source current via enum powerstep01_Igate_t
00027     POWERSTEP01_TBOOST_0ns, // Duration of the overboost phase during gate turn-off via enum powerstep01_Tboost_t
00028     POWERSTEP01_TCC_500ns, // Controlled current time via enum powerstep01_Tcc_t
00029     POWERSTEP01_WD_EN_DISABLE, // External clock watchdog, enum powerstep01_WdEn_t
00030     POWERSTEP01_TBLANK_375ns, // Duration of the blanking time via enum powerstep01_TBlank_t
00031     POWERSTEP01_TDT_125ns, // Duration of the dead time via enum powerstep01_Tdt_t
00032     /* current mode parameters */
00033     328.12, // Hold torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
00034     328.12, // Running torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
00035     328.12, // Acceleration torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
00036     328.12, // Deceleration torque in mV, range from 7.8mV to 1000 mV
00037     POWERSTEP01_TOFF_FAST_8us, //Maximum fast decay time , enum powerstep01_ToffFast_t
00038     POWERSTEP01_FAST_STEP_12us, //Maximum fall step time , enum powerstep01_FastStep_t
00039     3.0, // Minimum on-time in us, range 0.5us to 64us
00040     21.0, // Minimum off-time in us, range 0.5us to 64us
00041     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_INT_16MHZ_OSCOUT_2MHZ, // Clock setting , enum powerstep01_ConfigOscMgmt_t
00042     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_SW_HARD_STOP, // External switch hard stop interrupt mode, enum powerstep01_ConfigSwMode_t
00043     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_TQ_REG_TVAL_USED, // External torque regulation enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigEnTqReg_t
00044     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_VS_COMP_DISABLE, // Motor Supply Voltage Compensation enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigEnVscomp_t
00045     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_OC_SD_DISABLE, // Over current shutwdown enabling, enum powerstep01_ConfigOcSd_t
00046     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_UVLOVAL_LOW, // UVLO Threshold via powerstep01_ConfigUvLoVal_t
00047     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_VCCVAL_15V, // VCC Val, enum powerstep01_ConfigVccVal_t
00048     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_TSW_048us, // Switching period, enum powerstep01_ConfigTsw_t
00049     POWERSTEP01_CONFIG_PRED_DISABLE // Predictive current enabling , enum powerstep01_ConfigPredEn_t
00050 };
00052 DigitalIn button(USER_BUTTON);
00053 PowerStep01 *motor;
00055 void flag_irq_handler(void)
00056 {
00057     /* Set ISR flag. */
00058     motor->isrFlag = TRUE;
00059     /* Get the value of the status register. */
00060     unsigned int statusRegister = motor->get_status();
00061     printf("    WARNING: \"FLAG\" interrupt triggered.\r\n");
00062     /* Check SW_F flag: if not set, the SW input is opened */
00063     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_SW_F ) != 0) {
00064         printf("    SW closed (connected to ground).\r\n");
00065     }
00066     /* Check SW_EN bit */
00067     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_SW_EVN) == POWERSTEP01_STATUS_SW_EVN) {
00068         printf("    SW turn_on event.\r\n");
00069     }
00070     /* Check Command Error flag: if set, the command received by SPI can't be */
00071     /* performed. This occurs for instance when a move command is sent to the */
00072     /* Powerstep01 while it is already running */
00073     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_CMD_ERROR) == POWERSTEP01_STATUS_CMD_ERROR) {
00074         printf("    Non-performable command detected.\r\n");
00075     }
00076     /* Check UVLO flag: if not set, there is an undervoltage lock-out */
00077     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_UVLO)==0) {
00078         printf("    undervoltage lock-out.\r\n");
00079     }
00080     /* Check thermal STATUS flags: if  set, the thermal status is not normal */
00081     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_TH_STATUS)!=0) {
00082         //thermal status: 1: Warning, 2: Bridge shutdown, 3: Device shutdown
00083         printf("    Thermal status: %d.\r\n", (statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_TH_STATUS)>>11);
00084     }
00085     /* Check OCD  flag: if not set, there is an overcurrent detection */
00086     if ((statusRegister & POWERSTEP01_STATUS_OCD)==0) {
00087         printf("    Overcurrent detection.\r\n");
00088     }
00089     /* Reset ISR flag. */
00090     motor->isrFlag = FALSE;
00091 }
00093 /**
00094  * @brief  This is an example of error handler.
00095  * @param[in] error Number of the error
00096  * @retval None
00097  * @note   If needed, implement it, and then attach it:
00098  *           + motor->attach_error_handler(&my_error_handler);
00099  */
00100 void error_handler(uint16_t error)
00101 {
00102     printf("Error %d detected\r\n\n", error);
00103     while (true);
00104 }
00106 /* Main ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00108 int main()
00109 {
00110     printf("STARTING MAIN PROGRAM\r\n");
00112     /* Initializing SPI bus. */
00113     DevSPI dev_spi(D11, D12, D13);
00115     /* Initializing Motor Control Component. */
00116     motor = new PowerStep01(D2, D4, D8, D9, D10, dev_spi);
00117     if (motor->init(&init) != COMPONENT_OK) {
00118         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00119     }
00121     /* Attaching and enabling an interrupt handler. */
00122     motor->attach_flag_irq(&flag_irq_handler);
00123     motor->enable_flag_irq();
00125     /* Attaching an error handler */
00126     motor->attach_error_handler(&error_handler);
00128     printf("Press button to start motor control.\r\n");
00129     while(button);
00131     printf("--> Going to start position.\r\n");
00132     motor->move(StepperMotor::FWD, 2000);
00133     motor->wait_while_active();
00135     while(button) {
00136         //----- Go to position 7680
00137         printf("--> Go to position -2000 steps.\r\n");
00138         /* Request device to go to position 7680 */
00139         motor->go_to(-2000);
00140         /* Wait for the motor ends moving */
00141         motor->wait_while_active();
00142         printf("--> Go to position 2000 steps.\r\n");
00143         motor->go_to(2000);
00144         /* Wait for the motor ends moving */
00145         motor->wait_while_active();
00146     }
00148     //----- Go Home
00149     /* Printing to the console. */
00150     printf("--> Go to home position.\r\n");
00152     /* Request device to go to Home */
00153     motor->go_home();
00154     motor->wait_while_active();
00155     /* Request a soft stop of device and keep the power bridges enabled */
00156     motor->soft_hiz();
00157     /* Wait for the motor of device ends moving */
00158     motor->wait_while_active();
00159 }