Implement new controller

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed QEI BNO055 MPU6050_DMP_Nucleo-I2Cdev virgo3_imuHandler_Orion_PCB MAX17048 Servo

Fork of Orion_newPCB_test by Team Virgo v3

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Orion_newPCB_test_LV


attitudeControl.cpp [code] This file implements attitudeController function
attitudeControl.h [code] This file implements attitudeController function
batt_guage.cpp [code]
batt_guage.h [code]
config.h [code]
generalFunctions.cpp [code]
generalFunctions.h [code]
globalExterns.h [code] Header to link all global extern variables, functions referenced in different functions
imuCalib.h [code]
kinematics.cpp [code]
kinematics.h [code]
localization.cpp [code]
localization.h [code]
main.h [code]
motorDriver.cpp [code]
motorDriver.h [code]
odometer.cpp [code]
odometer.h [code]
orion_main.cpp [code]
orion_pinmapping.h [code]
pidAttitudeControl.cpp [code]
pidAttitudeControl.h [code]
pidBearing.cpp [code]
pidBearing.h [code]
pidControl.cpp [code]
pidControl.h [code]
purePursuit.cpp [code]
purePursuit.h [code]
VL53L0X.cpp [code]
VL53L0X.h [code]