Fork of expo day code. Fires on every detected particle to calibrate delay time to solenoid firing, and solenoid on time.

Dependencies:   Regrind RioRandHBridge Solenoid mbed

Fork of ECE4012-PHD by Mitchell Pang

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Nov 24 09:36:53 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Regrind.h"
+#include "TB6612FNG.h"
+#include "Solenoid.h"
+#define OG1_TO_OG2_DIST 1
+#define OG1_TO_OG3_DIST 2
+#define SOLENOID_ON_DELAY 0.001
+#define LED_ON_DELAY 0.5
+#define LED_OFF_DELAY 0.0
+DigitalOut led1(LED1,0); //Used as 1pps out indicator
+Solenoid led2(LED2, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+Solenoid led3(LED3, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+Solenoid led4(LED4, LED_ON_DELAY, LED_OFF_DELAY);
+DigitalOut onePPS_out(p29);
+Solenoid solenoid(p30, SOLENOID_ON_DELAY, SOLENOID_OFF_DELAY); //Solenoid(PinName pin, float ondelay, float offdelay)
+TB6612FNG augerMotors(p21, p26, p25, p22, p24, p23, p27); //TB6612FNG( PinName pinPwmA, PinName pinAin1, PinName pinAin2, PinName pinPwmB, PinName pinBin1, PinName pinBin2, PinName pinNStby );
+AnalogIn topMotorAdjuster(p15);
+AnalogIn bottomMotorAdjuster(p16);
+DigitalOut unused1(p17);
+AnalogIn og1(p20);
+AnalogIn og2(p19);
+AnalogIn og3(p18);
+Timer totalT;
+//Ticker 1pps;
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); //used for debugging
+float og1Threshold = 0;
+float og2Threshold = 0;
+float og3Threshold = 0;
+int   og1Oneshot = 0;
+int   og2Oneshot = 0;
+int   og3Oneshot = 0;
+float og1_adc = 0;
+float og2_adc = 0;
+float og3_adc = 0;
+int   og1Ndx = 0;
+int   og2Ndx = 0;
+int   og3Ndx = 0;
+float og1_min = 0;
+float og1_max = 0;
+float og2_min = 0;
+float og2_max = 0;
+float og3_min = 0;
+float og3_max = 0;
+Regrind regrindArray[REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE];
+void flip(){
+    led1 = !led1;
+    1pps_out = !1pps_out;
+    }
+int main() {
+    //Start Clock
+    totalT.start();
+    //Setup Information
+    /*
+    led1 = 0;
+    1pps_out = 0;
+    1pps.attach(&flip, 1.0);
+    */
+    //Setup motors
+    augerMotors.setPwmApulsewidth(0.0);
+    augerMotors.setPwmBpulsewidth(0.0);
+    augerMotors.motorA_ccw();
+    augerMotors.motorB_ccw();
+    //Spin up Motors until fluctuation of 10% seen
+    //Calibrate the ADC
+    //Done by spinning augers and measuring min and max then setting threshold as 0.9*(max-min) + min
+    while(1) {
+        //Sample ADCs
+        og1_adc = og1;
+        og2_adc = og2;
+        og3_adc = og3;
+        if((og1_adc < og1Threshold) && (og1Oneshot != 1)){ //Something passed through og1
+            og1Oneshot = 1;
+            pc.printf("Regrind seen at OG 1 : %dV\n\r", 3.3*og1_adc);
+            led2 = 1;
+            //Create Regrind
+            regrindArray[og1Ndx%REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE] = Regrind(totalT.read_us(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        } //if(og1...)
+        else if(og1_adc >  0.95*og1_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og1Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og1 ...)
+        if((og2_adc < og2Threshold) && (og2Oneshot != 1)){
+            og2Oneshot = 1;
+            regrindArray[og2Ndx%REGRIND_ARRAY_SIZE].setVelocity(OG1_TO_OG2_DIST);
+            led3 = 1;
+        }//if(og2..)
+        else if(og2_adc >  0.95*og2_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og2Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og2 ...)
+        if((og3_adc < og3Threshold) && (og3Oneshot != 1)){
+            og3Oneshot = 1;
+            led4 = 1;
+            regrindArray[og3Ndx].setAcceleration(OG1_TO_OG3_DIST);
+            if(regrindArray[og3Ndx].divert == 1){//Regrind has been selected to be diverted. Turn on solenoid.
+                solenoid = 1;
+            }
+        }//if(og3..)
+        else if(og3_adc >  0.95*og3_max){ //Regrind has passed ok to reset og
+            og3Oneshot = 0;
+        }//else if(og3 ...)
+        //Check on 1pps clock
+        if((totalT.read_us() % 2000000) < 1000000){
+            led1 = 1;
+            onePPS_out = 1;
+        }
+        else {//timer is in off cycle
+            led1 = 0;
+            onePPS_out = 0;
+        }
+        //Check if data writing flag is set - if so, write to SD card
+        //Adjust PWM as necessary
+        augerMotors.setPwmApulsewidth(;
+        augerMotors.setPwmBpulsewidth(;
+    } //while(1)
+    totalT.stop();
+}// int main()