Library for driving a 3-phase brushless DC motor.

Dependents:   BLDC_mainProgram STMF302R8_MotorDrive HelloWorld_IHM07M1

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "RateLimiter.h"
00004 class BLDCmotorDriver {
00005     public:
00006         BLDCmotorDriver(PinName GH_A, PinName GL_A, PinName GH_B, PinName GL_B, PinName GH_C, PinName GL_C, PinName h1, PinName h2, PinName h3, PinName Fault);    
00007         void configure(float sampleTime, float switchingFrequency, float rampUpSlope, float rampDownSlope);
00008         void setDutyCycle(float dutyCycle);
00009         void coast();
00010         float getDutyCycle();
00011         int getSector();
00012         void ispis();
00014     protected:
00015         PwmOut GH_A, GH_B, GH_C;
00016         DigitalOut GL_A, GL_B, GL_C; // Low-side gates are never PWM driven
00017         InterruptIn H1; // InterruptIn can be used on all pins except p19 and p20
00018         InterruptIn H2; 
00019         InterruptIn H3;
00020         RateLimiter rl;
00021         Ticker ticker;
00022         float switchingPeriod, dutyCycle, tempDutyCycle, sampleTime;
00023         void commutation();
00024         int currentSector, _currentSector, previousSector, difference;
00025         DigitalOut Fault;
00026         int h1, h2, h3;
00027         //void adjustDutyCycle();
00029 };