Library for driving a 3-phase brushless DC motor.

Dependents:   BLDC_mainProgram STMF302R8_MotorDrive HelloWorld_IHM07M1



This library is still being developed.

This is a Wiki page about BLDCmotorDriver library developed by TVZ Mechatronics Team. The library is part of our project of creating an e-bike which is supposed to drive/run a 3-phase brushless DC motor with Hall sensors.

We are testing our library on NXP mbed LPC1768 platform and driver DRV8301 from Texas Instruments to run our testing BLDC motor. Next step of our project is creating a standalone library for DRV8301.

Hall sensors

In our BLDC motors there are three Hall sensors located 120 degrees from one another, they are identified as InterruptIn/DigitalIn on mbed and they send zeros and ones on TeraTerm with we locate in which sector

Na našim testnim BLDC motorima postoje 3 halova senzora, koji su udaljeni za 120 stupnjeva jedan od drugoga te inicijaliziranjem svakog pojedinog kao InterruptIn/DigitalIn na pinovima mbeda preko terminala na računalu (TeraTerm) dobivamo prikaz binarnih nula i jedinica koji se slažu sa trobitnim gray-evim kodom, s time da smo kombinacije 000 i 111 definirali kao fault vrijednosti. Pošto se slučajevi kada su sva tri hallova senzora upaljena ili ugašena ne mogu dogoditi tj. ne bi se smijeli dogoditi, ukoliko je došlo do takve situacije dogodio se kvar na hallovim senzorima te bi motor trebao prijeći u mod rada bez hallovih senzora.

With that we got six combinations, which we use to determine six sectors:

  • 001 - Sector 1
  • 011 - Sector 2
  • 010 - Sector 3
  • 110 - Sector 4
  • 100 - Sector 5
  • 101 - Sector 6

Nakon toga odredili smo za sve tri faze stanja mosfeta..





Make members protected to allow C++ inheritance default tip

2016-10-12, by avilei [Wed, 12 Oct 2016 08:16:28 +0000] rev 4

Make members protected to allow C++ inheritance

First working version

2015-06-01, by mslovic [Mon, 01 Jun 2015 13:47:23 +0000] rev 3

First working version

First working version

2015-06-01, by mslovic [Mon, 01 Jun 2015 13:40:39 +0000] rev 2

First working version

InterruptIn pins added instead of DigitalOut pins for Hall sensors, some changes in variables and function names, added adjustDutyCycle member function. Commutation function still needs to be fixed.

2015-05-24, by tbjazic [Sun, 24 May 2015 06:46:25 +0000] rev 1

InterruptIn pins added instead of DigitalOut pins for Hall sensors, some changes in variables and function names, added adjustDutyCycle member function. Commutation function still needs to be fixed.

Library for driving a 3-phase brushless DC motor.

2015-05-22, by mslovic [Fri, 22 May 2015 22:43:39 +0000] rev 0

Library for driving a 3-phase brushless DC motor.