Fork of AttoPilotSense by
2016-02-29, by Tuxitheone [Mon, 29 Feb 2016 18:56:21 +0000] rev 1
; This demo will read the Voltage and Current from the "AttoPilot Voltage and Current Sense Board,"; convert the raw ADC data to Volts and Amps and display them as floating point numbers on the; Serial Enabled LCD. (If you would like to do without the S
2016-02-17, by gert_lauritsen [Wed, 17 Feb 2016 22:09:53 +0000] rev 0
; This demo will read the Voltage and Current from the "AttoPilot Voltage and Current Sense Board,"; convert the raw ADC data to Volts and Amps and display them as floating point numbers on the; Serial Enabled LCD. (If you would like to do without the S