Play snake using mbed! A snake-like game that runs on the memoryLCD display on Happy Gecko.

Dependencies:   mbed MemoryLCD

Hungry Gecko Game on Memory LCD

This game is meant to run on a Silicon labs EFM32 Happy Gecko Starter Kit, and demonstrate the use of the Memory LCD. User controls the push buttons on the kit PB1, and PB0 to let the gecko turn left and right respectively in order to eat the food. User should avoid running into the body of the gecko, otherwise game is over. It is allowed to hit the wall and go from the other side of it. Have fun!


All examples in this repo are considered EXPERIMENTAL QUALITY, meaning this code has been created as one-off proof-of-concept and is suitable as a demonstration for experimental purposes only. This code will not be regularly maintained by Silicon Labs and there is no guarantee that these projects will work across all environments, SDK versions and hardware.



This class creates a gecko object, draws it on the memory LCD according to its movement, and keeps track of the length of the gecko


#include "LS013B7DH03.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "asymmetricPart.h"
class Gecko{
      uint8_t _position[MAXLENGTH];
      uint8_t _last;
      uint8_t _length;
      asymmetricPart _head;
      void drawPart(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const;
      void removePart(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const;
        /* Moves the snake and redraws it on the display */
        void move(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, Direction dir);
        /* Redraw the entire snake */
        void draw(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display) const;
        /* Check if the snake has collides with itself */
        bool selfCollision() const;
        /* Increases the length of the snake by one STEPSIZE x STEPSIZE tile */
        void increaseLength(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, Direction dir);
        /* Checks if the head of the snake occupies a STEP */
        bool headOccupiesTile(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const;
        /* Chech if the snake occupies a STEPSIZE x STEPSIZE tile */
        bool occupiesTile(uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const;
        /* Get coordinates */
        uint8_t getX(uint8_t indx) const;
        uint8_t getY(uint8_t indx) const;


This class creates a food object, displays it on memory LCD and updates its location every time it is eaten by gecko.


#include "settings.h"
#include "LS013B7DH03.h"
class Gecko; // Forward declaration
#ifndef FOOD_H_
#define FOOD_H_
/* Pixel map for the food
 * 4 most significant bits y-crd, 4 least significant bits x-crd
 * The upper left corner of the part is asigned coordinates (x,y)=(0,0)
class Food{
    bool isEaten(Gecko &gck);
    void reset(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, const Gecko &gck);
    void draw(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display);
    uint8_t x;
    uint8_t y;
    void remove(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display);
#endif /* FOOD_H_ */


This file defines the settings including the wall location, board height and width, and enum for gecko movements.


#ifndef SETTINGS_H_
#define SETTINGS_H_
#include "LCDSettings.h"
#define MAXLENGTH 255
#define STEPSIZE 7
/*  Define board limits, note that the display height and display width is 128
 * This particlular choice leads to 255 STEPSIZE x STEPSIZE tiles. Thus,
 * the tile number can be stored in 1 uint8_t
 * */
#define TOPEDGE 2
#define BOARD_HEIGHT 15
#define BOARD_WIDTH 17
/* Define allowed direction to move */
typedef enum{
} Direction;
#endif /* SETTINGS_H_ */


This class creates the object of the asymmetric part of the gecko body, and updates its location on the memory LCD.


#include "settings.h"
#include "LS013B7DH03.h"
/* Bitfield containing the position of the top left corner of the part and the orientation
 * The minimum number of bits to store x, y and orientation is 10 bits (there are 255 tiles).
 * Since this will be expanded to 16 bits the x and y values are stored in 7 bits each.
 * */
struct positionAndDirection{
    uint8_t x:7;
    uint8_t y:7;
    uint8_t direction:2;
class asymmetricPart{
    positionAndDirection _posAndDir;
    const uint8_t *_px_map;
    uint8_t _nPix;
    /* Private member functions */
    void draw(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, uint8_t color) const;
    asymmetricPart(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, Direction dir,  const uint8_t *px_map, uint8_t nPix);
    /* Set all member variables */
    void init(uint8_t x, uint8_t y, Direction dir,  const uint8_t *px_map, uint8_t nPix);
    /* Draw the part on the screen */
    void draw(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display) const {draw(display, Black);};
    /* Erase the part from the screen */
    void remove(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display) const {draw(display, White);};
    /* Get member variables */
    uint8_t getX() const {return _posAndDir.x;};
    uint8_t getY() const {return _posAndDir.y;};
    uint8_t getDir() const {return _posAndDir.direction;};
    /* Set member variables */
    void setX(uint8_t x) {_posAndDir.x = x&0x7F;};
    void setY(uint8_t y) {_posAndDir.y = y&0x7F;};
    void setDir(Direction dir) {_posAndDir.direction = static_cast<int>(dir)&0x0003;};

Full Example


#include "LS013B7DH03.h"
#include "gecko.h"
#include "food.h"
#include "settings.h"
/**************************** Define I/O **************************************/
InterruptIn in(SW1);
InterruptIn inB1(SW0);
#define SCK     PE12
#define MOSI    PE10
DigitalOut CS(PA10);
DigitalOut EXTCOM(PF3);
DigitalOut DISP(PA8);
SPI displaySPI(MOSI, NC, SCK);
silabs::LS013B7DH03 display(&displaySPI, &CS, &EXTCOM);
/**************************** Define Timers ***********************************/
LowPowerTicker ticker;
/**************************** Global variables ********************************/
/* Flag that is set to true when the display is refreshed */
volatile bool refreshed = false;
/* Flag that is set to true by the ticker. Makes the gecko move at regular time intervals */
volatile bool updateDisplay = true;
/* A flag that ensures the controller to only read one click per frame */
volatile bool PBenabled = true;
/* Direction in which the gecko moves */
Direction dir = UP;
uint8_t score = 0;
/**************************** Define callback handlers ************************/
void tickerCallback(void);
/* Push button handlers */
void in_handler_B0();
void in_handler_B1();
/* Define game modes */
typedef enum {
} Modes;
/* Set the game mode */
Modes mode = PLAY;
void in_handler_B0() {
    /* Only change the direction if push button is enabled */
    if (PBenabled)
        switch (dir) {
        case (UP):
                dir = LEFT;
        case (DOWN):
                dir = RIGHT;
        case (RIGHT):
                dir = UP;
        case (LEFT):
                dir = DOWN;
        PBenabled = false;
void in_handler_B1() {
    /* Only change the direction if push button is enabled */
    if (PBenabled)
        switch (dir) {
        case UP:
            dir = RIGHT;
        case DOWN:
            dir = LEFT;
        case RIGHT:
            dir = DOWN;
        case LEFT:
            dir = UP;
        PBenabled = false;
/* Callback functions */
void tickerCallback(void) {
    updateDisplay = true;
    /* Enable push buttons if the display is refreshed */
    PBenabled = refreshed;
void refreshCallback(void) {
    refreshed = true;
/**************************** Fill the boarder ********************************/
void fillBoarder(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display){
    display.fill(0, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, TOPEDGE*STEPSIZE, Black);
    /* Fill right edge */
    for (uint8_t i=0;i<BOARD_HEIGHT;i++){
        for (uint8_t j=0;j<(DISPLAY_WIDTH-BOARD_WIDTH*STEPSIZE - BOARDERWIDTH/2);j++){
            display.pixel(BOARD_WIDTH*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2 +j, (i+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2+j, Black);
    /* Fill bottom edge */
    for (uint8_t i=0;i<=BOARD_WIDTH;i++){
        for (uint8_t j=0;j<(DISPLAY_WIDTH-BOARD_WIDTH*STEPSIZE - BOARDERWIDTH/2);j++){
    /* Fill left edge */
    for (uint8_t i=0;i<BOARD_HEIGHT;i++){
        for (uint8_t j=0;j<(DISPLAY_WIDTH-BOARD_WIDTH*STEPSIZE - BOARDERWIDTH/2 - 1);j++){
            display.pixel(j, (i+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2+j, Black);
    /* Fill top edge */
    for (uint8_t i=0;i<=BOARD_WIDTH;i++){
        for (uint8_t j=0;j<(DISPLAY_WIDTH-BOARD_WIDTH*STEPSIZE - BOARDERWIDTH/2 - 1);j++){
            display.pixel(i*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2 +j, TOPEDGE*STEPSIZE + j, Black);
/**************************** MAIN ********************************************/
int main() {
    /* Initialize pushbutton handlers */
    /* Enable the LCD */
    DISP = 1;
    /* Start generating the 3Hz call */
    ticker.attach(&tickerCallback, 0.3333f);
    /* Reset the LCD to a blank state. (All white) */
    refreshed = false;
    if (display.clearImmediate(refreshCallback) == LS013B7DH03_OK){
        while (refreshed == false) sleep();
    refreshed = false;
    if (display.update(refreshCallback) == LS013B7DH03_OK)
        while (refreshed == false) sleep();
    Gecko gck;
    Food fd;
    /* Push update to the display */
    refreshed = false;
    if (display.update(refreshCallback) == LS013B7DH03_OK)
        while (refreshed == false) sleep();
    display.printf("Score: ");
    display.printf("%d", score);
    /* Main loop */
    while (1) {
        if (updateDisplay && refreshed && (mode==PLAY)) {
            updateDisplay = false;
            gck.move(display, dir);
            if (fd.isEaten(gck))
                fd.reset(display, gck);
                gck.increaseLength(display, dir);
                /* Redraw gecko */
                /* Update the score */
                display.printf("%d", score);
            /* Update display */
            refreshed = false;
            if (gck.selfCollision()) {
                mode = STOP;
                gck.move(display, dir);
                display.locate(3, 6);
                display.printf("GAME OVER!");
                refreshed = false;
Fri Jul 24 13:43:16 2015 +0000
First commit.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 1 #include "gecko.h"
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 2
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 3 /* Number of pixels used in the Gecko head */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 4 #define NPIXHEAD 16
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 5 /* Number of pixels used in one Gecko part */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 6 #define NPARTPIXEL 21
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 7
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 8 /*
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 9 * Pixel map for a gecko part and head
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 10 * y-crd is encoded in the 4 most significant bits, x-crd is encoded in the 4 least significant bits
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 11 * The upper left corner of the part is assigned coordinates (x,y)=(0,0)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 12 */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 13
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 14 const uint8_t head_px_map[NPIXHEAD] = {0x03, 0x12, 0x14, 0x21, 0x25, 0x30, 0x32, 0x34, 0x36, 0x40, 0x46, 0x51, 0x55, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64};
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 15 const uint8_t gecko_px_map[NPARTPIXEL] = {0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x11, 0x15, 0x20, 0x23, 0x26, 0x30, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x36, 0x40, 0x43, 0x46, 0x51, 0x55, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64};
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 16
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 17
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 18 Gecko::Gecko():_length(10){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 19 _head.init(10, 4, UP, head_px_map, NPIXHEAD);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 20 _last = _length-1;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 21 for (int i=0;i<_length;i++){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 22 _position[i] = (_head.getY() + i +1)*BOARD_WIDTH + _head.getX();
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 23 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 24
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 25 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 26
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 27 void Gecko::move(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, Direction dir){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 28
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 29 /* Remove the last part of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 30 this->removePart(display, this->getX(_last)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2, (this->getY(_last)+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 31
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 32 /* Remove head */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 33 _head.remove(display);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 34
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 35 /* Update the part next to the head */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 36 _head.setDir(dir);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 37 _position[_last] = _head.getY()*BOARD_WIDTH + _head.getX();
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 38
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 39 switch(dir){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 40 case UP:
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 41 if (_head.getY() == 0)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 42 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 43 _head.setY(BOARD_HEIGHT-1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 44 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 45 else
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 46 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 47 _head.setY(_head.getY() - 1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 48 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 49 break;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 50 case DOWN:
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 51 if ( _head.getY() == (BOARD_HEIGHT-1))
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 52 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 53 _head.setY(0);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 54 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 55 else
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 56 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 57 _head.setY(_head.getY() + 1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 58 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 59 break;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 60 case RIGHT:
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 61 if (_head.getX() == (BOARD_WIDTH-1))
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 62 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 63 _head.setX(0);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 64 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 65 else
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 66 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 67 _head.setX(_head.getX() + 1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 68 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 69 break;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 70 case LEFT:
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 71 if (_head.getX() == 0)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 72 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 73 _head.setX(BOARD_WIDTH-1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 74 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 75 else
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 76 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 77 _head.setX(_head.getX() - 1);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 78 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 79 break;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 80 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 81
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 82 /* Draw the parts of the gecko which have been moved */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 83 _head.draw(display);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 84 this->drawPart(display, this->getX(_last)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2, (this->getY(_last)+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 85
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 86 /* Update the index of the last part */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 87 if (_last == 0){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 88 _last += _length;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 89 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 90 _last -= 1;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 91 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 92
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 93 void Gecko::draw(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display) const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 94 _head.draw(display);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 95
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 96 /* Loop over indices of all parts of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 97 for (uint8_t i=0;i<_length;i++){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 98 this->drawPart(display, this->getX(i)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2, (this->getY(i)+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 99 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 100 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 101
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 102 bool Gecko::selfCollision() const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 103 /* Check if some pixels have the same coordinate */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 104 for (int i=0;i<_length;i++)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 105 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 106 if ((_head.getX()==this->getX(i)) && (_head.getY()==this->getY(i))){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 107 return true;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 108 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 109 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 110 return false;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 111 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 112
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 113 void Gecko::increaseLength(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, Direction dir)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 114 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 115 if ((_length + 1)> MAXLENGTH) return;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 116
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 117 /* Store the tail of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 118 uint8_t tempPos = _position[_last] ;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 119
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 120 /* Move the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 121 this->move(display, dir);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 122
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 123 uint8_t temp[MAXLENGTH];
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 124
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 125 /* Copy the front of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 126 for (uint8_t i = _last + 1;i<_length;i++)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 127 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 128 temp[i] = _position[i];
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 129 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 130
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 131 /* Insert the "old" tail */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 132 _position[_last + 1] = tempPos;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 133
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 134 /* Insert the front of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 135 for (uint8_t i = _last + 1;i<_length;i++)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 136 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 137 _position[i+1] = temp[i];
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 138 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 139
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 140 /* Draw last part of the gecko */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 141 this->drawPart(display, this->getX(_last+1)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2, (this->getY(_last+1)+TOPEDGE)*STEPSIZE + BOARDERWIDTH/2);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 142
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 143
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 144 /* Update length and position of last */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 145 _length += 1;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 146 _last += 1;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 147 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 148
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 149 bool Gecko::headOccupiesTile(uint8_t x_ref, uint8_t y_ref) const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 150 return ((x_ref == _head.getX()) && (y_ref == _head.getY()));
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 151 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 152
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 153 bool Gecko::occupiesTile(uint8_t x_ref, uint8_t y_ref) const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 154 if ( (x_ref == _head.getX()) && (y_ref == _head.getY()) ){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 155 return true;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 156 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 157
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 158 for (uint8_t i=0;i<_length;i++)
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 159 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 160 if ((x_ref == this->getX(i)) && (y_ref == this->getY(i)) )
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 161 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 162 return true;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 163 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 164 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 165 return false;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 166 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 167
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 168 void Gecko::drawPart(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 169 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 170 /**
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 171 * x and y denotes the coordinates of the top left corner
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 172 * Assumes that x and y are given such that the entire part is on the screen
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 173 **/
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 174 for (int i=0;i<NPARTPIXEL;i++){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 175 display.pixel(x + static_cast<uint8_t>(gecko_px_map[i] & 0xF), y + static_cast<uint8_t>( (gecko_px_map[i] >> 4) & 0xF), Black);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 176 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 177 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 178
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 179 void Gecko::removePart(silabs::LS013B7DH03 &display, uint8_t x, uint8_t y) const
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 180 {
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 181 /*
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 182 * x and y denotes the coordinates of the top left corner
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 183 * Assumes that x and y are given such that the part is on the screen
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 184 */
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 185 for (int i=0;i<NPARTPIXEL;i++){
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 186 display.pixel(x + static_cast<uint8_t>(gecko_px_map[i] & 0xF), y + static_cast<uint8_t>( (gecko_px_map[i] >> 4) & 0xF), White);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 187 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 188 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 189
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 190 uint8_t Gecko::getX(uint8_t indx) const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 191 return _position[indx] - BOARD_WIDTH*(_position[indx]/BOARD_WIDTH);
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 192 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 193
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 194 uint8_t Gecko::getY(uint8_t indx) const{
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 195 return _position[indx]/BOARD_WIDTH;
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 196 }
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 197
dakleive 0:008c379fb5e6 198