SX1261 and sx1262 common library

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Fork of SX126xLib by Gregory Cristian

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00001 /*
00002   ______                              _
00003  / _____)             _              | |
00004 ( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
00005  \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
00006  _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
00007 (______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
00008     (C)2016 Semtech
00010 Description: Handling of the node configuration protocol
00012 License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
00014 Maintainer: Miguel Luis, Gregory Cristian and Matthieu Verdy
00015 */
00016 #ifndef __RADIO_H__
00017 #define __RADIO_H__
00019 #include "mbed.h"
00021 /*!
00022  * \brief Structure describing the radio status
00023  */
00024 typedef union RadioStatus_u
00025 {
00026     uint8_t Value;
00027     struct
00028     {   //bit order is lsb -> msb
00029         uint8_t Reserved  : 1;  //!< Reserved
00030         uint8_t CmdStatus : 3;  //!< Command status
00031         uint8_t ChipMode  : 3;  //!< Chip mode
00032         uint8_t CpuBusy   : 1;  //!< Flag for CPU radio busy 
00033     }Fields;
00034 }RadioStatus_t;
00036 /*!
00037  * \brief Structure describing the error codes for callback functions
00038  */
00039 typedef enum
00040 {
00041     IRQ_HEADER_ERROR_CODE                   = 0x01,
00042     IRQ_SYNCWORD_ERROR_CODE                 = 0x02,
00043     IRQ_CRC_ERROR_CODE                      = 0x04,
00044 }IrqErrorCode_t;
00047 enum IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t
00048 {
00049     IRQ_PBL_DETECT_CODE                     = 0x01,
00050     IRQ_SYNCWORD_VALID_CODE                 = 0x02,
00051     IRQ_HEADER_VALID_CODE                   = 0x04,
00052 };
00054 enum IrqTimeoutCode_t
00055 {
00056     IRQ_RX_TIMEOUT                          = 0x00,
00057     IRQ_TX_TIMEOUT                          = 0x01,
00058     IRQ_XYZ                                 = 0xFF,
00059 };
00061 /*!
00062  * \brief The radio command opcodes
00063  */
00064 typedef enum RadioCommands_e RadioCommands_t;
00066 /*!
00067  * \brief The radio callbacks structure
00068  * Holds function pointers to be called on radio interrupts
00069  */
00070 typedef struct
00071 {
00072     void ( *txDone )( void );                       //!< Pointer to a function run on successful transmission
00073     void ( *rxDone )( void );                       //!< Pointer to a function run on successful reception
00074     void ( *rxPreambleDetect )( void );             //!< Pointer to a function run on successful Preamble detection
00075     void ( *rxSyncWordDone )( void );               //!< Pointer to a function run on successful SyncWord reception
00076     void ( *rxHeaderDone )( void );                 //!< Pointer to a function run on successful Header reception
00077     void ( *txTimeout )( void );                    //!< Pointer to a function run on transmission timeout
00078     void ( *rxTimeout )( void );                    //!< Pointer to a function run on reception timeout
00079     void ( *rxError )( IrqErrorCode_t errCode );    //!< Pointer to a function run on reception error
00080     void ( *cadDone )( bool cadFlag );              //!< Pointer to a function run on channel activity detected
00081 }RadioCallbacks_t;
00083 /*!
00084  * \brief Class holding the basic communications with a radio
00085  *
00086  * It sets the functions to read/write registers, send commands and read/write
00087  * payload.
00088  * It also provides functions to run callback functions depending on the
00089  * interrupts generated from the radio.
00090  */
00091 class Radio
00092 {
00093 protected:
00094     /*!
00095      * \brief Callback on Tx done interrupt
00096      */
00097     void ( *txDone )( void );
00099     /*!
00100      * \brief Callback on Rx done interrupt
00101      */
00102     void ( *rxDone )( void );
00104     /*!
00105      * \brief Callback on Rx preamble detection interrupt
00106      */
00107     void ( *rxPreambleDetect )( void );
00109     /*!
00110      * \brief Callback on Rx SyncWord interrupt
00111      */
00112     void ( *rxSyncWordDone )( void );
00114     /*!
00115      * \brief Callback on Rx header received interrupt
00116      */
00117     void ( *rxHeaderDone )( void );
00119     /*!
00120      * \brief Callback on Tx timeout interrupt
00121      */
00122     void ( *txTimeout )( void );
00124     /*!
00125      * \brief Callback on Rx timeout interrupt
00126      */
00127     void ( *rxTimeout )( void );
00129     /*!
00130      * \brief Callback on Rx error interrupt
00131      *
00132      * \param [out] errCode       A code indicating the type of interrupt (SyncWord error or CRC error)
00133      */
00134     void ( *rxError )( IrqErrorCode_t errCode );
00136     /*!
00137      * \brief Callback on Channel Activity Detection done interrupt
00138      *
00139      * \param [out] cadFlag       Flag for channel activity detected or not
00140      */
00141     void ( *cadDone )( bool cadFlag );
00143 public:
00144     /*!
00145      * \brief Constructor for radio class
00146      * Sets the callbacks functions pointers
00147      *
00148      * \param [in]  callbacks     The structure of callbacks function pointers
00149      *                            to be called on radio interrupts
00150      *
00151      */
00152     Radio( RadioCallbacks_t *callbacks )
00153     {
00154         this->txDone = callbacks->txDone;
00155         this->rxDone = callbacks->rxDone;
00156         this->rxPreambleDetect = callbacks->rxPreambleDetect;
00157         this->rxSyncWordDone = callbacks->rxSyncWordDone;
00158         this->rxHeaderDone = callbacks->rxHeaderDone;
00159         this->txTimeout = callbacks->txTimeout;
00160         this->rxTimeout = callbacks->rxTimeout;
00161         this->rxError = callbacks->rxError;
00162         this->cadDone = callbacks->cadDone;
00163     }
00164     virtual ~Radio( void ){ };
00166     /*!
00167      * \brief Resets the radio
00168      */
00169     virtual void Reset( void ) = 0;
00171     /*!
00172      * \brief Gets the current radio status
00173      *
00174      * \retval      status        Radio status
00175      */
00176     virtual RadioStatus_t GetStatus( void ) = 0;
00178     /*!
00179      * \brief Writes the given command to the radio
00180      *
00181      * \param [in]  opcode        Command opcode
00182      * \param [in]  buffer        Command parameters byte array
00183      * \param [in]  size          Command parameters byte array size
00184      */
00185     virtual void WriteCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;
00187     /*!
00188      * \brief Reads the given command from the radio
00189      *
00190      * \param [in]  opcode        Command opcode
00191      * \param [in]  buffer        Command parameters byte array
00192      * \param [in]  size          Command parameters byte array size
00193      */
00194     virtual void ReadCommand( RadioCommands_t opcode, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;
00196     /*!
00197      * \brief Writes multiple radio registers starting at address
00198      *
00199      * \param [in]  address       First Radio register address
00200      * \param [in]  buffer        Buffer containing the new register's values
00201      * \param [in]  size          Number of registers to be written
00202      */
00203     virtual void WriteRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;
00205     /*!
00206      * \brief Writes the radio register at the specified address
00207      *
00208      * \param [in]  address       Register address
00209      * \param [in]  value         New register value
00210      */
00211     virtual void WriteReg( uint16_t address, uint8_t value ) = 0;
00213     /*!
00214      * \brief Reads multiple radio registers starting at address
00215      *
00216      * \param [in]  address       First Radio register address
00217      * \param [out] buffer        Buffer where to copy the registers data
00218      * \param [in]  size          Number of registers to be read
00219      */
00220     virtual void ReadRegister( uint16_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t size ) = 0;
00222     /*!
00223      * \brief Reads the radio register at the specified address
00224      *
00225      * \param [in]  address       Register address
00226      *
00227      * \retval      value         The register value
00228      */
00229     virtual uint8_t ReadReg( uint16_t address ) = 0;
00231     /*!
00232      * \brief Writes Radio Data Buffer with buffer of size starting at offset.
00233      *
00234      * \param [in]  offset        Offset where to start writing
00235      * \param [in]  buffer        Buffer pointer
00236      * \param [in]  size          Buffer size
00237      */
00238     virtual void WriteBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) = 0;
00240     /*!
00241      * \brief Reads Radio Data Buffer at offset to buffer of size
00242      *
00243      * \param [in]  offset        Offset where to start reading
00244      * \param [out] buffer        Buffer pointer
00245      * \param [in]  size          Buffer size
00246      */
00247     virtual void ReadBuffer( uint8_t offset, uint8_t *buffer, uint8_t size ) = 0;
00248 };
00250 #endif // __RADIO_H__