Bootcamp application example using LoRaWAN-lib MAC layer implementation. Provides an application example controlling a 3 color LED and a light sensor.
Dependencies: mbed Chainable_RGB_LED DigitDisplay LoRaWAN-lib SX1276Lib
For a detailed description of the LoRaWAN operations, please visit the MBED dedicated page at https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Semtech/code/LoRaWAN-demo-76/
WARNING: Radio API timings changed from micro-seconds to milliseconds; ; Synchronized with https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node git revision e506c246652fa44c3f24cecb89d0707b49ece739; Updated all libraries to the latest versions
2017-04-24, by mluis [Mon, 24 Apr 2017 13:40:32 +0000] rev 5
WARNING: Radio API timings changed from micro-seconds to milliseconds; ; Synchronized with https://github.com/Lora-net/LoRaMac-node git revision e506c246652fa44c3f24cecb89d0707b49ece739; Updated all libraries to the latest versions
Updated vt100.h to comply with latest mbed library versions.; Updated mbed library to the latest versions.
2017-04-04, by mluis [Tue, 04 Apr 2017 13:39:43 +0000] rev 4
Updated vt100.h to comply with latest mbed library versions.; Updated mbed library to the latest versions.
Synchronized example application with GitHub LoRaMac-node examples; Updated mbed and LoRaWAN-lib libraries
2016-07-05, by mluis [Tue, 05 Jul 2016 15:02:26 +0000] rev 3
Synchronized example application with GitHub LoRaMac-node examples; Updated mbed and LoRaWAN-lib libraries
Updated LoRaWAN-Lib library
2016-05-18, by mluis [Wed, 18 May 2016 11:34:31 +0000] rev 2
Updated LoRaWAN-Lib library
Updated mbed, LoRaWAN-lib and SX1276Lib libraries.
2016-05-13, by mluis [Fri, 13 May 2016 15:52:23 +0000] rev 1
Updated mbed, LoRaWAN-lib and SX1276Lib libraries.
Project creation based on LoRaWAN-demo-76
2016-03-17, by mluis [Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:32:46 +0000] rev 0
Project creation based on LoRaWAN-demo-76