Specific Pelion ready example using features of Seeed Wio boards including cellular and SD Card
Dependencies: WS2812 PixelArray
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Instructions to use this program from online IDE¶
Follow quick-start instruction. https://cloud.mbed.com/guides/connect-device-to-pelion
Instructions to use this program with mbed CLI¶
Import the application into your desktop:
mbed import https://os.mbed.com/teams/seeed/code/simple-mbed-cloud-example-wio_3g/ cd simple-mbed-cloud-example-wio_3g
- Download the developer certificate from Pelion Device Management portal.
- Set APN name, username and password in the mbed_app.json.
"apn" : "\"apn\"", "username" : "\"username\"", "password" : "\"password\""
Compile and program:
mbed compile -t <toolchain> -m WIO_3G
(supported toolchains : GCC_ARM / ARM / IAR)