NUCLEO-NFC01A1 board drivers.

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Fork of X-NUCLEO-NFC01A1 by Enrico Gregoratto

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00001 /**
00002   ******************************************************************************
00003   * @file    drv_I2C_M24SR_mbed.cpp
00004   * @author  MMY Application Team
00005   * @version V1.0.0
00006   * @date    19-March-2014
00007   * @brief   This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the I2C of
00008     *                  the M24SR device.
00009  ******************************************************************************
00010   * @attention
00011   *
00012   * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
00013   *
00014   * Licensed under MMY-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
00015   * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00016   * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
00017   *
00018   *
00019   *
00020   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
00021   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
00022   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00023   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00024   * limitations under the License.
00025   *
00026   ******************************************************************************
00027   */
00029 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00030 #include "drv_I2C_M24SR.h"
00031 #include "mbed.h"
00033 #define M24SR_SDA_PIN                                                       D14
00034 #define M24SR_SCL_PIN                                                       D15
00035 #define M24SR_GPO_PIN                                                       D12
00036 #define M24SR_RFDIS_PIN                                                     D11
00038 #if defined __MBED__                      /* F4 */
00039     #define M24SR_I2C_SPEED_10                                                      10000
00040     #define M24SR_I2C_SPEED_100                                                     100000
00041     #define M24SR_I2C_SPEED_400                                                     400000
00042     #define M24SR_I2C_SPEED_1000                                                M24SR_I2C_SPEED_400 // 1MHz I2C not supported by mbed
00043 #else
00044     #error "Use only for mbed"
00045 #endif
00047 #define M24SR_I2C_SPEED             M24SR_I2C_SPEED_400
00049 /* MBED objects */
00050 I2C i2c(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
00051 DigitalOut pRFD(M24SR_RFDIS_PIN);
00052 DigitalIn pGPO(M24SR_GPO_PIN);
00054 static uint8_t                      uSynchroMode = M24SR_WAITINGTIME_POLLING;
00056 /**
00057   * @brief  This function initializes the M24SR_I2C interface
00058     * @retval None  
00059   */
00060 void M24SR_I2CInit(void)
00061 {
00062     i2c.frequency(M24SR_I2C_SPEED);
00063     pRFD.write(0);
00064     pGPO.mode(PullNone);
00065 }
00067 /**
00068   * @brief  this functions configure I2C synchronization mode
00069     * @param  mode : 
00070   * @retval None
00071   */
00072 void M24SR_SetI2CSynchroMode(uint8_t mode)
00073 {
00074 #if defined (I2C_GPO_SYNCHRO_ALLOWED)
00075     uSynchroMode = mode;
00076 #else
00077     if(mode == M24SR_WAITINGTIME_GPO || mode == M24SR_INTERRUPT_GPO)
00078         uSynchroMode = M24SR_WAITINGTIME_POLLING;
00079     else
00080         uSynchroMode = mode;
00081 #endif /*  I2C_GPO_SYNCHRO_ALLOWED */
00082 }
00084 /**
00085   * @brief  This functions polls the I2C interface
00086   * @retval M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS : the function is succesful
00087     * @retval M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT : The I2C timeout occured. 
00088   */
00089 int8_t M24SR_PollI2C(void)
00090 {
00091     int status = 1;
00092     uint32_t nbTry = 0;
00093     char buffer;
00094     // 
00095     wait_ms(M24SR_POLL_DELAY);
00096     while (status != 0 && nbTry < M24SR_I2C_POLLING)
00097     {
00098         status =, &buffer, 1, false);
00099         nbTry++;
00100     }
00101     if (status == 0)
00102         return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00103     else
00104     {
00105         return M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT;
00106     }
00107 }
00109 /**
00110   * @brief  This functions reads a response of the M24SR device
00111     * @param  NbByte : Number of byte to read (shall be >= 5)
00112   * @param  pBuffer : Pointer to the buffer to send to the M24SR
00113   * @retval M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS : The function is succesful
00114     * @retval M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT : The I2C timeout occured. 
00115   */
00116 int8_t M24SR_ReceiveI2Cresponse(uint8_t NbByte, uint8_t *pBuffer)
00117 {
00118     if (, (char*)pBuffer, NbByte, false) == 0)
00119         return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00120     else
00121         return M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT;
00122 }
00124 /**
00125   * @brief  This functions sends the command buffer 
00126     * @param  NbByte : Number of byte to send
00127   * @param  pBuffer : pointer to the buffer to send to the M24SR
00128   * @retval M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS : the function is succesful
00129     * @retval M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT : The I2C timeout occured. 
00130   */
00131 int8_t M24SR_SendI2Ccommand(uint8_t NbByte ,uint8_t *pBuffer)
00132 {
00133     if (i2c.write(M24SR_ADDR, (char*)pBuffer, NbByte, false) == 0)
00134     {
00135         return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00136     }
00137     else
00138     {
00139         return M24SR_ERROR_I2CTIMEOUT;
00140     }
00141 }
00143 /**
00144   * @brief  This functions returns M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS when a response is ready
00145   * @retval M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS : a response of the M24LR is ready
00146     * @retval M24SR_ERROR_DEFAULT : the response of the M24LR is not ready
00147   */
00148 int8_t M24SR_IsAnswerReady(void)
00149 {
00150     uint16_t status ;
00151     uint32_t retry = 0xFFFFF;
00152     uint8_t stable = 0;
00154     switch (uSynchroMode)
00155     {
00156             case M24SR_WAITINGTIME_POLLING :
00157                 errchk(M24SR_PollI2C ( ));
00158                 return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00160             case M24SR_WAITINGTIME_TIMEOUT :
00161                 // M24SR FWI=5 => (256*16/fc)*2^5=9.6ms but M24SR ask for extended time to program up to 246Bytes.
00162                 // can be improved by 
00163                 wait_ms(80);    
00164                 return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00166             case M24SR_WAITINGTIME_GPO :
00167                 do
00168                 {
00169                     if( == 0)
00170                     {
00171                         stable ++;
00172                     }
00173                     retry --;                       
00174                 }
00175                 while(stable <5 && retry>0);
00176                 if(!retry)
00177                     goto Error;             
00178                 return M24SR_STATUS_SUCCESS;
00180             default : 
00181                 return M24SR_ERROR_DEFAULT;
00182         }
00184 Error :
00185         return M24SR_ERROR_DEFAULT;
00186 }
00188 /**
00189   * @brief  This function enable or disable RF communication
00190     * @param    OnOffChoice: GPO configuration to set
00191   */
00192 void M24SR_RFConfig_Hard(uint8_t OnOffChoice)
00193 {
00194     /* Disable RF */
00195     if ( OnOffChoice != 0 )
00196     {   
00197         pRFD = 0;
00198     }
00199     else
00200     {   
00201         pRFD = 1;
00202     }
00203 }