Sample project to connect to AT&T M2X from the STM32 Nucleo + MTSAS Cellular SocketModem shield

Dependencies:   M2XStreamClient jsonlite mbed

Fork of MTSAS_Cellular_Connect_M2X_Example_F411 by Joe Tijerina

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Aug 07 20:35:21 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Aug 12 21:46:46 2014 +0000
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
     MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D8, D2, D3, D6);
     /** Freescale KL46Z
-    * To configure the pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use configuration B
-    * Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
+    * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use MTSAS jumper 
+    * configuration B. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46Z board
     //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D2, D9, D3, D6);
     /** Freescale K64F
-    * To configure the pins for the Freescale KL46Z board, use configuration A
-    * Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale KL46F board
+    * To configure the serial pins for the Freescale K64F board, use MTSAS jumper
+    * configuration A. Uncomment the following line to use the Freescale K64F board
     //MTSSerialFlowControl* io = new MTSSerialFlowControl(D1, D0, D3, D6);