Example for Bluetooth low energy interface

Dependencies:   mbed HC_SR04_Ultrasonic_Library

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for BlueNRG


BLEDevice The base class used to abstract away BLE capable radio transceivers or SOCs, to enable this BLE API to work with any radio transparently
BLEDeviceInstanceBase The interface for the transport object to be created by the target library's createBLEDeviceInstance()
Gap The base class used to abstract GAP functionality to a specific radio transceiver, SOC or BLE Stack
GapAdvertisingData This class provides several helper functions to generate properly formatted GAP Advertising and Scan Response data payloads
GapAdvertisingParams This class provides a wrapper for the core advertising parameters, including the advertising type (Connectable Undirected, Non Connectable Undirected, etc.), as well as the advertising and timeout intervals
GapEvents The base class used to abstract away the callback events that can be triggered with the GAP
GattCharacteristic GATT characteristic
GattServer The base class used to abstract GATT Server functionality to a specific radio transceiver, SOC or BLE Stack
GattServerEvents The base class used to abstract away the callback events that can be triggered with the GATT Server
GattService GATT service
IMU_6AXES_DrvTypeDef IMU_6AXES driver structure definition
IMU_6AXES_InitTypeDef IMU_6AXES init structure definition
MAGNETO_DrvTypeDef MAGNETO driver structure definition
MAGNETO_InitTypeDef MAGNETO init structure definition
GattCharacteristic::PresentationFormat GATT presentation format wrapper
PRESSURE_DrvTypeDef PRESSURE driver structure definition
PRESSURE_InitTypeDef PRESSURE init structure definition
timer Timer


ble_status.h [code]
blecommon.h [code]
BLEDevice.h [code]
BLEDeviceInstanceBase.h [code]
bluenrg_hci.c [code]
bluenrg_hci.h [code]
bluenrg_hci_internal.h [code]
bluenrg_shield_bsp.c [code]
BlueNRGDevice.cpp [code]
BlueNRGDevice.h [code]
BlueNRGGap.cpp [code]
BlueNRGGap.h [code]
BlueNRGGattServer.cpp [code]
BlueNRGGattServer.h [code]
btle.cpp [code]
btle.h [code]
btle_test.cpp [code]
clock.c [code]
clock.h [code]
compiler.h [code]
cube_hal.h [code]
debug.h [code]
Envt_Shield_F4_API.cpp [code]
Envt_Shield_F4_API.h [code]
gap.h [code]
Gap.h [code]
GapAdvertisingData.cpp [code]
GapAdvertisingData.h [code]
GapAdvertisingParams.cpp [code]
GapAdvertisingParams.h [code]
GapEvents.h [code]
gatt_service.h [code]
GattCharacteristic.h [code]
GattServer.h [code]
GattServerEvents.h [code]
GattService.cpp [code]
GattService.h [code]
gp_timer.c [code]
gp_timer.h [code]
hal.h [code]
hal_types.h [code]
hci.c [code] Function for managing HCI interface
hci.h [code]
hci_internal.h [code]
hts221.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the hts221
hts221.h [code] This file contains definitions for the hts221.c firmware driver
hum_temp.h [code] This header file contains the functions prototypes for the humidity and temperature driver
imu_6axes.h [code] This header file contains the functions prototypes for the accelerometer and gyroscope driver
link_layer.h [code]
lis3mdl.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the lis3mdl
lis3mdl.h [code] This file contains definitions for the lis3mdl.c firmware driver
list.c [code]
list.h [code]
lps25h.c [code]
lps25h.h [code] This file contains definitions for the lps25h.c firmware driver
lsm6ds0.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the lsm6ds0
lsm6ds0.h [code] This file contains definitions for the lsm6ds0.c firmware driver
magneto.h [code] This header file contains the functions prototypes for the magneto driver
main.cpp [code]
osal.c [code]
osal.h [code]
Payload.cpp [code]
Payload.h [code]
pressure.h [code]
role_type.h [code]
sm.h [code]
stm32f4xx_bluenrg_shield_bsp.h [code]
stm32f4xx_cube_hal.c [code]
stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h [code]
stm32f4xx_it.c [code] Main Interrupt Service Routines
stm32f4xx_it.h [code] This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers
stm32f4xx_nucleo.c [code] This file provides set of firmware functions to manage Leds and push-button available on STM32F4xx-Nucleo Kit from STMicroelectronics
stm32f4xx_nucleo.h [code] This file contains definitions for STM32F4xx-Nucleo Kit's Leds and push-button hardware resources
Utils.cpp [code]
Utils.h [code]
UUID.cpp [code]
UUID.h [code]
x_nucleo_iks01a1.c [code] This file provides X_NUCLEO_IKS01A1 MEMS shield board specific functions
x_nucleo_iks01a1.h [code] This file contains definitions for the x_nucleo_iks01a1.c board specific functions
x_nucleo_iks01a1_hum_temp.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the hts221 sensor
x_nucleo_iks01a1_hum_temp.h [code] This file contains definitions for x_nucleo_iks01a1_hum_temp.c
x_nucleo_iks01a1_imu_6axes.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the lsm6ds0 sensor
x_nucleo_iks01a1_imu_6axes.h [code] This file contains definitions for the x_nucleo_iks01a1_imu_6axes.c
x_nucleo_iks01a1_magneto.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the lis3mdl sensor
x_nucleo_iks01a1_magneto.h [code] This file contains definitions for the x_nucleo_iks01a1_magneto.c
x_nucleo_iks01a1_pressure.c [code] This file provides a set of functions needed to manage the lps25h sensor
x_nucleo_iks01a1_pressure.h [code] This file contains definitions for x_nucleo_iks01a1_pressure.c firmware driver