RPC library working for the K64F

Dependents:   RPC_Serial

Fork of mbed-rpc by Mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Dec 16 21:51:32 2015 +0000
Commit message:
fixed for FRMD K64F

Changed in this revision

parse_pins.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 4490a0d9cb2a -r a4579f43a4fd parse_pins.cpp
--- a/parse_pins.cpp	Mon Aug 19 18:37:40 2013 +0300
+++ b/parse_pins.cpp	Wed Dec 16 21:51:32 2015 +0000
@@ -33,51 +33,19 @@
                                 , p33, p34, NC, NC, p37, p38, p39};
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U24) || defined(TARGET_LPC2368) || defined(TARGET_LPC812) || defined(TARGET_LPC4088)|| defined(TARGET_LPC1114)
-    if (str[0] == 'P') {              // Pn_n
-        uint32_t port = str[1] - '0';
-        uint32_t pin  = str[3] - '0'; // Pn_n
-        uint32_t pin2 = str[4] - '0'; // Pn_nn
+#if defined(TARGET_KL25Z) || defined(TARGET_K64F)
+    if (str[0] == 'P' && str[1] == 'T') {   // PTx_n
+        uint32_t port = str[2] - 'A';
+        uint32_t pin  = str[3] - '0'; // PTxn
+        uint32_t pin2 = str[4] - '0'; // PTxnn
         if (pin2 <= 9) {
             pin = pin * 10 + pin2;
         return port_pin((PortName)port, pin);
-#elif defined(TARGET_KL25Z)
-        if (str[0] == 'P' && str[1] == 'T') {   // PTx_n
-            uint32_t port = str[2] - 'A';
-            uint32_t pin  = str[3] - '0'; // PTxn
-            uint32_t pin2 = str[4] - '0'; // PTxnn
-            if (pin2 <= 9) {
-                pin = pin * 10 + pin2;
-            }
-            return port_pin((PortName)port, pin);
-#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768) || defined(TARGET_LPC11U24) || defined(TARGET_LPC2368) 
-    } else if (str[0] == 'p') {       // pn
-        uint32_t pin  = str[1] - '0'; // pn
-        uint32_t pin2 = str[2] - '0'; // pnn
-        if (pin2 <= 9) {
-            pin = pin * 10 + pin2;
-        }
-        if (pin < 5 || pin > 30) {
-            return NC;
-        }
-        return pin_names[pin - 5];
-#elif defined(TARGET_LPC4088)        
-    } else if (str[0] == 'p') {       // pn
-        uint32_t pin  = str[1] - '0'; // pn
-        uint32_t pin2 = str[2] - '0'; // pnn
-        if (pin2 <= 9) {
-            pin = pin * 10 + pin2;
-        }
-        if (pin < 5 || pin > 39) {
-            return NC;
-        }
-        return pin_names[pin - 5];
     } else if (str[0] == 'L') {  // LEDn
         switch (str[3]) {