Hello World for RGA(Renesas Graphics Architecture). RGA is the Graphics Library of RZ/A1. When you use this program, we judge you have agreed to the following contents. https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Renesas/wiki/About-LICENSE

Dependencies:   GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework R_BSP LCD_shield_config

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Show/hide line numbers BinaryImage_RZ_A1H.h Source File


00001 #ifndef  BINARYIMAGE_RZ_A1H_H
00002 #define  BINARYIMAGE_RZ_A1H_H
00004 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00005 extern "C" {  /* Start of C Symbol */
00006 #endif
00008 extern const uint8_t  RGA_Sample_BinaryImage[ 0x0004067FuL ];
00010 #define  Flower_jpg_File                ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00000000 ))
00011 #define  Landscape_jpg_File             ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00006148 ))
00012 #define  Landscape_wide_jpg_File        ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x0000AE68 ))
00013 #define  TopScrn_jpg_File               ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00010EF0 ))
00014 #define  RetBtn_jpg_File                ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00020BB8 ))
00015 #define  decs_swipe_jpg_File            ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00022580 ))
00016 #define  decs_swipe_side_jpg_File       ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x000242E0 ))
00017 #define  animetion_timing_jpg_File      ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00026E78 ))
00018 #define  Crystal_png_ARGB8888           ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x0002AD00 ))
00019 #define  Crystal_png_ARGB1555           ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x000338A0 ))
00020 #define  Crystal_png_ARGB4444           ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x00037E80 ))
00021 #define  Crystal_png_File               ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x0003C460 ))
00022 #define  CrystalDither_png_File         ((const graphics_image_t*)( RGA_Sample_BinaryImage + 0x0003EE5C ))
00024 #ifdef  __cplusplus
00025  }  /* End of C Symbol */ 
00026 #endif
00028 #endif /* BINARYIMAGE_RZ_A1H_H */