Sample program for communicating with Fujitsuu IoT Platform using HTTP

Dependencies:   AsciiFont GR-PEACH_video GraphicsFramework LCD_shield_config R_BSP USBHost_custom easy-connect-gr-peach mbed-http picojson BM1383GLV KX022 rohm-sensor-hal rohm-bh1745


This sample program shows how to send the cognitive data and sensing data gathered by Omron HVC-P2 and Rohm Sensor Shield respectively to IoT Platform managed by FUJITSU ( ).

Required Hardware

Application Setup

  1. Configure the connection type. For details, please refer to the following link:
  2. Configure Ethernet settings. For details, please refer to the following link:
  3. Set up the Access Code of resource where the gathered data would be stored. For details on Access Code, please refer to the following links:
  4. Set up URI for the resource where the gathered data would be stored. For details, please refer to the following link:

Building Example

  1. Import this sample program onto mbed Compiler
  2. Configure the program in accordance with the description of Application Setup above
  3. Compile the sample program
  4. Plug the Ethernet cable into GR-PEACH if you would like Ethernet mode
  5. Plug micro-USB cable into the OpenSDA port which lies on the next to the RESET button
  6. Copy the binary previously downloaded to your PC to GR-PEACH in order to flash this program. When the copy is successfully completed, the drive named MBED should be re-mounted automatically
  7. Press the RESET button on the board to run the sample application

Data Format sent to IoT Platform

In this sample program, the cognitive data and sensing data are serialized into the following JSON format using picojson (

  • Face detection data

    "RecordType": "HVC-P2(face)",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "Age": xxx,
    "FaceRectangle": {
        "Height": xxx,
        "Left": xxx,
        "Top": xxx,
        "Width": xxx
    "Gender": xxx,
    "Scores": {
        "Anger": xxx,
        "Happiness": xxx,
        "Neutral": xxx,
        "Sadness": xxx,
        "Surprise": xxx
  • Body detection data

    "RecodeType": "HVC-P2(body)",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "BodyRectangle": {
        "Height": xxx,
        "Left": xxx,
        "Top": xxx,
        "Width": xxx
  • Accelerometer data

    "RecodeType": "Accelerometer",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ acceleratoin(x-direction), acceleration(y-direction), acceleration(z-direction), null, null, null ]

Note that data[0], data[1] and data[2] are filled with the acceleration data in x, y and z direction respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Atmosphere data

    "RecodeType": "Atmosphere",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ atmosphere data, null, null, null, null, null ]

Note that data[0] is filled with atmosphere data, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Color sensor data

    "RecodeType": "Color",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, null, null]

Note that data[0], data[1], data[2] and data[3] are filled with Red, Green, Blue and Alpha elements of color respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Temperature data

    "RecodeType": "Temperature",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ Temperature, null, null, null, null, null ]

Note that data[0] is filled with temperature data, the remaining elements are filled with null.

  • Geomagnetism

    "RecodeType": "Geomagnetism",
    "id": "<GR-PEACH ID>-<Sensor ID>",
    "data": [ geomagnetism(x-direction), geomagnetism(y-direction), geomagnetism(z-direction), null, null, null]

Note that data[0], data[1] and data[2] are filled with the geomagnetism data in x, y and z direction respectively, and the remaining elements are filled with null.


Osamu Nakamura

File content as of revision 0:8373b6833bde:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "DisplayBace.h"
#include "rtos.h"
#include "LCD_shield_config_4_3inch.h"
#include "RGA.h"
#include "BinaryImage_RZ_A1H.h"
#include "recognition_proc.h"

/*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
    in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */

/* Disp mode */
#define DISP_MODE_NORMAL                (0)
#define DISP_MODE_SETTING_1             (1)
#define DISP_MODE_SETTING_2             (2)
#define DISP_MODE_SETTING_3             (3)

/* Setting range  */
#define THRESHOLD_MIN                   (1)
#define THRESHOLD_MAX                   (1000)
#define SIZE_RANGE_MIN                  (20)
#define SIZE_RANGE_MAX                  (1000)
#define POSE_MIN                        (0)
#define POSE_MAX                        (2)
#define ANGLE_MIN                       (0)
#define ANGLE_MAX                       (1)

/* slide bar */
#define POS_SLIDE_BAR_X                 (185)
#define SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH                (200)
#define POS_PROGRESS_0_X                (POS_SLIDE_BAR_X + 15)

/* func_code */
#define TOUCH_KEY_CLOSE                 (1)
#define TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_1             (2)
#define TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_2             (3)
#define TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_3             (4)
#define TOUCH_KEY_REGISTRATION          (5)
#define TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_BODY        (6)
#define TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_FACE        (7)
#define TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_RECO        (8)
#define TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MIN        (9)
#define TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MAX        (10)
#define TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MIN        (11)
#define TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MAX        (12)
#define TOUCH_KEY_FACE_POSE             (13)
#define TOUCH_KEY_FACE_ANGLE            (14)
#define TOUCH_KEY_BODY_DETECTION        (15)
#define TOUCH_KEY_FACE_DETECTION        (16)
#define TOUCH_KEY_AGE_ESTIMATION        (17)
#define TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_LAST          (20)
#define TOUCH_KEY_RESET_SETTING         (21)

typedef struct {
    uint32_t pic_pos_x;             /* X position of the key picture. */
    uint32_t pic_pos_y;             /* Y position of the key picture. */
    uint32_t pic_width;             /* Width of the key picture. */
    uint32_t pic_height;            /* Height of the key picture. */
    uint32_t func_code;             /* func code of the key picture. */
} key_pic_info_t;

static const key_pic_info_t touch_key_tbl_normal[] = {
    /*                X      Y    Width  Height   Func code                      */
    {                330,    10,   140,    36,    TOUCH_KEY_BODY_DETECTION        },
    {                330,    56,   140,    36,    TOUCH_KEY_FACE_DETECTION        },
    {                330,   102,   140,    36,    TOUCH_KEY_AGE_ESTIMATION        },
    {                330,   148,   140,    36,    TOUCH_KEY_GENDER_ESTIMATION     },
    {                330,   194,   140,    36,    TOUCH_KEY_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION },
    {                448,   240,    32,    32,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_LAST          },
    {                  0,     0,   320,   240,    TOUCH_KEY_REGISTRATION          },
    {                  0,     0,     0,     0,    0                               } /* table end */

static const key_pic_info_t touch_key_tbl_setting_1[] = {
    /*                X      Y    Width  Height   Func code                      */
    {                127,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_RESET_SETTING         },
    {                273,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_CLOSE                 },
    {                 21,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_1             },
    {                167,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_2             },
    {                313,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_3             },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20,  80-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_BODY        },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 120-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_FACE        },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 160-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_RECO        },
    {                  0,     0,     0,     0,    0                               } /* table end */

static const key_pic_info_t touch_key_tbl_setting_2[] = {
    /*                X      Y    Width  Height   Func code                      */
    {                127,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_RESET_SETTING         },
    {                273,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_CLOSE                 },
    {                 21,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_1             },
    {                167,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_2             },
    {                313,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_3             },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20,  80-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MIN        },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 110-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MAX        },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 150-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MIN        },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 180-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MAX        },
    {                  0,     0,     0,     0,    0                               } /* table end */

static const key_pic_info_t touch_key_tbl_setting_3[] = {
    /*                X      Y    Width  Height   Func code                      */
    {                127,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_RESET_SETTING         },
    {                273,   220,    80,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_CLOSE                 },
    {                 21,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_1             },
    {                167,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_2             },
    {                313,    20,   146,    34,    TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_3             },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20,  80-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_FACE_POSE             },
    { POS_SLIDE_BAR_X-20, 120-8,   281,    30,    TOUCH_KEY_FACE_ANGLE            },
    {                  0,     0,     0,     0,    0                               } /* table end */

static const key_pic_info_t * p_touch_key_tbl[] = {
    touch_key_tbl_normal,           /* DISP_MODE_NORMAL    */
    touch_key_tbl_setting_1,        /* DISP_MODE_SETTING_1 */
    touch_key_tbl_setting_2,        /* DISP_MODE_SETTING_2 */
    touch_key_tbl_setting_3,        /* DISP_MODE_SETTING_3 */

static TouckKey_LCD_shield touch(P4_0, P2_13, I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);
static Semaphore   sem_touch_int(0);

#if defined(__ICCARM__)
/* 32 bytes aligned */
#pragma data_alignment=32
static uint8_t user_frame_buffer_touch0[TOUCH_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT];
#pragma data_alignment=32
static uint8_t user_frame_buffer_touch1[TOUCH_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT];
/* 32 bytes aligned */
static uint8_t user_frame_buffer_touch0[TOUCH_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT]__attribute((aligned(32)));
static uint8_t user_frame_buffer_touch1[TOUCH_BUFFER_STRIDE * LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT]__attribute((aligned(32)));

static volatile int32_t vsync_count = 0;
static recognition_setting_t * p_setting;
static int disp_mode;

/****** Touch panel ******/
static uint32_t Scan_Key(const key_pic_info_t * key_tbl, const uint32_t pos_x, const uint32_t pos_y) {
    uint32_t ret = 0;

    while (ret == 0) {
        if (key_tbl->func_code == 0) {
        /* Check the range of the X position */
        if ((pos_x >= key_tbl->pic_pos_x) && (pos_x <= (key_tbl->pic_pos_x + key_tbl->pic_width))) {
            /* Check the range of the Y position */
            if ((pos_y >= key_tbl->pic_pos_y) && (pos_y <= (key_tbl->pic_pos_y + key_tbl->pic_height))) {
                /* Decide the func code. */
                ret = key_tbl->func_code;

    return ret;

static void draw_button(Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d) {
    const graphics_image_t* p_wk;

    /* Draw background */
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(background, 320, 0);

    /* Draw "HUMAN BODY" button */
    if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_off;
    } else {
        p_wk = button_on;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_wk, 330, 10);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_human_body, 330 + 19, 10 + 11);

    /* Draw "FACE" or "RECOGNITION" button */
    if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION) == 0) {
        if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
            p_wk = button_off;
        } else {
            p_wk = button_on;
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_wk, 330, 56);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_face, 330 + 51, 56 + 11);
    } else {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(button_on2, 330, 56);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_recognition, 330 + 19, 56 + 11);

    /* Draw "AGE" button */
    if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_inv;
    } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_off;
    } else {
        p_wk = button_on;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_wk, 330, 102);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_age, 330 + 54, 102 + 11);

    /* Draw "GENDER" button */
    if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_inv;
    } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_GENDER_ESTIMATION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_off;
    } else {
        p_wk = button_on;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_wk, 330, 148);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_gender, 330 + 39, 148 + 11);

    /* Draw "EXPRESSION" button */
    if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_inv;
    } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION) == 0) {
        p_wk = button_off;
    } else {
        p_wk = button_on;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_wk, 330, 194);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_expression, 330 + 23, 194 + 11);

    /* Draw setting icon */
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(icon_setting, LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH - 32, LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT - 32);

static void draw_number(Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d, int x, int y, int number) {
    int wk_num;
    bool disp_flg = false;
    const graphics_image_t * p_num_tbl[] = {
        char_0, char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9

    wk_num = (number / 1000) % 10;
    if ((wk_num != 0) || (disp_flg != false)) {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_num_tbl[wk_num], x + 9 * 0, y);
        disp_flg = true;
    wk_num = (number / 100) % 10;
    if ((wk_num != 0) || (disp_flg != false)) {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_num_tbl[wk_num], x + 9 * 1, y);
        disp_flg = true;
    wk_num = (number / 10) % 10;
    if ((wk_num != 0) || (disp_flg != false)) {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_num_tbl[wk_num], x + 9 * 2, y);
    wk_num = number % 10;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(p_num_tbl[wk_num], x + 9 * 3, y);

static void draw_slide_bar(Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d, int y, INT32 data, int min, int max) {
    p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.7f;
    p_canvas2d->fillStyle = "#D9C3E6";
    p_canvas2d->fillRect(POS_PROGRESS_0_X, y + 6, SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH + 10, 2);
    p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 1.0f;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_left, POS_SLIDE_BAR_X, y);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_rigth, POS_PROGRESS_0_X + SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH + 10 + 1, y);
    p_canvas2d->fillStyle = "#5B9BD5";
    p_canvas2d->fillRect(POS_PROGRESS_0_X + (int)(SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH * ((float)(data - min) / (max - min))), y, 10, 14);

static void draw_setting_menu(Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d) {
    if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_NORMAL) {

    p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.95f;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(background_setting, 0, 0);

    /* Tab */
    if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_1) {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.9f;
        p_canvas2d->fillStyle = "#5B9BD5";
        p_canvas2d->fillRect(21, 20, 146, 34);
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 1.0f;
    } else {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.3f;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_threshold_value, 23, 30);

    if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_2) {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.9f;
        p_canvas2d->fillStyle = "#5B9BD5";
        p_canvas2d->fillRect(167, 20, 146, 34);
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 1.0f;
    } else {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.3f;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_detection_size, 181, 30);

    if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_3) {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.9f;
        p_canvas2d->fillStyle = "#5B9BD5";
        p_canvas2d->fillRect(313, 20, 146, 34);
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 1.0f;
    } else {
        p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 0.3f;
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_face, 342, 30);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_angle, 383, 30);

    /* Setting */
    p_canvas2d->globalAlpha = 1.0f;
    if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_1) {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_human_body, 30, 80);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_face, 30, 120);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_recognition, 30, 160);

        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d,  80, p_setting->threshold.bdThreshold, THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX);
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 120, p_setting->threshold.dtThreshold, THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX);
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 160, p_setting->threshold.rsThreshold, THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX);

        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430,  80, p_setting->threshold.bdThreshold);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430, 120, p_setting->threshold.dtThreshold);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430, 160, p_setting->threshold.rsThreshold);
    } else if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_2) {
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_human_body, 30, 80);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_min, 140, 80);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_max, 140, 110);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_face, 30, 150);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_min, 140, 150);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_max, 140, 180);

        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d,  80, p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize, SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX);
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 110, p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize, SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX);
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 150, p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize, SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX);
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 180, p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize, SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX);

        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430,  80, p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430, 110, p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430, 150, p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 430, 180, p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize);
    } else {
        int wk_data;

        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_yaw, 30, 80);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_angle, 30 + 41, 80);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_roll, 30, 120);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_angle, 30 + 42, 120);

        if (p_setting->pose == 0) {
            wk_data = 30;
        } else if (p_setting->pose == 1) {
            wk_data = 60;
        } else {
            wk_data = 90;
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d,  80, p_setting->pose, POSE_MIN , POSE_MAX);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_plus_minus, 426, 80);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 420,  80, wk_data); /* 30 60 90 */
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_angle, 457, 80);

        if (p_setting->angle == 0) {
            wk_data = 15;
        } else {
            wk_data = 45;
        draw_slide_bar(p_canvas2d, 120, p_setting->angle, ANGLE_MIN, ANGLE_MAX);
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_plus_minus, 426, 120);
        draw_number(p_canvas2d, 420, 120, wk_data); /* 15 45 */
        p_canvas2d->drawImage(char_angle, 457, 120);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_reset, 144, 230);
    p_canvas2d->drawImage(str_close, 290, 230);

static void draw_touch_layer(DisplayBase * p_display, frame_buffer_t * frmbuf_info, Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d) {
    while (vsync_count > 0) {

    /* Swap the frame buffer */
    if (frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index == 1) {
        frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index = 0;
    } else {
        frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index = 1;

    /* Clear */
    p_canvas2d->clearRect(0, 0, frmbuf_info->width, frmbuf_info->height);

    /* Draw button */

    /* Draw setting menu */

    /* Complete drawing */
     (void *)frmbuf_info->buffer_address[frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index]);
    vsync_count = 1;

static void set_progress(int x, INT32 * p_data, int min, int max, bool * p_slide, int last_key) {
    int now_pos = POS_PROGRESS_0_X + (int)(SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH * (float)(*p_data - min) / (max - min));

    x -= 5;
    if ((last_key == 0) && (x > (now_pos - 10)) && (x < (now_pos + 20))) {
        *p_slide = true;
    if (x < POS_PROGRESS_0_X) {
        x = POS_PROGRESS_0_X;
    if (x > (POS_PROGRESS_0_X + SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH)) {
    if (*p_slide) {
        *p_data = ((float)(x - POS_PROGRESS_0_X) / (float)SLIDE_BAR_LENGTH * (float)(max - min)) + min;
    } else if ((x > now_pos) && (*p_data < max)) {
        *p_data += 1;
    } else if ((x < now_pos) && (*p_data > min)) {
        *p_data -= 1;
    } else {
        /* do nothing */

static void init_touch_layer(DisplayBase * p_display, frame_buffer_t * frmbuf_info, Canvas2D_ContextClass * p_canvas2d) {
    errnum_t err;
    Canvas2D_ContextConfigClass config;
    DisplayBase::rect_t rect;

    /* The layer by which the buttons is drawn */
    memset(user_frame_buffer_touch0, 0, sizeof(user_frame_buffer_touch0));
    memset(user_frame_buffer_touch1, 0, sizeof(user_frame_buffer_touch1));
    frmbuf_info->buffer_address[0] = user_frame_buffer_touch0;
    frmbuf_info->buffer_address[1] = user_frame_buffer_touch1;
    frmbuf_info->buffer_count      = 2;
    frmbuf_info->show_buffer_index = 0;
    frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index = 0;
    frmbuf_info->width             = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH;
    frmbuf_info->byte_per_pixel    = TOUCH_BUFFER_BYTE_PER_PIXEL;
    frmbuf_info->stride            = TOUCH_BUFFER_STRIDE;
    frmbuf_info->height            = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
    frmbuf_info->pixel_format      = PIXEL_FORMAT_ARGB8888;

    rect.vs = 0;
    rect.vw = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
    rect.hs = 0;
    rect.hw = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH;
        (void *)frmbuf_info->buffer_address[frmbuf_info->draw_buffer_index],

    /* Drawing buttons */
    config.frame_buffer = frmbuf_info;
    *p_canvas2d = R_RGA_New_Canvas2D_ContextClass(config);
    err = R_OSPL_GetErrNum();
    if (err != 0) {
        printf("Line %d, err %d\n", __LINE__, err);

static void touch_int_callback(void) {

void touch_lcd_int(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
    /* Interrupt callback function for Vsync interruption */
    if (int_type == DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_LO_VSYNC) {
        if (vsync_count > 0) {

void touch_task(DisplayBase * p_display) {
    frame_buffer_t frame_buffer_info;
    Canvas2D_ContextClass canvas2d;
    TouchKey::touch_pos_t touch_pos[1];
    int touch_num = 0;
    int touch_num_last = 0;
    bool key_rep = false;
    int func_code;
    int func_code_last = 0;
    bool slide = false;
    Timer key_time;
    int wait_time;
    int last_setting_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_1;

    p_setting = GetRecognitionSettingPointer();
    disp_mode = DISP_MODE_NORMAL;

    /* Initializing Touch layer */
    init_touch_layer(p_display, &frame_buffer_info, &canvas2d);
    draw_touch_layer(p_display, &frame_buffer_info, &canvas2d);

    /* Callback setting */

    /* Reset touch IC */


    while (1) {
        /* Wait touch event */

        /* Get touch coordinates */
        touch_num = touch.GetCoordinates(1, touch_pos);

        if (slide) {
            wait_time = 80;
        } else {
            wait_time = 250;
        if ((key_time.read_ms() > wait_time) || (touch_num != touch_num_last)) {
            if ((touch_num != 0) && ((touch_num_last == 0) || (key_rep == true))) {
                key_rep = false;
                func_code = Scan_Key(p_touch_key_tbl[disp_mode], touch_pos[0].x, touch_pos[0].y);
                if (slide) {
                    func_code = func_code_last;
                if (func_code != 0) {
                    switch (func_code) {
                        case TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_LAST:
                            disp_mode = last_setting_mode;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_CLOSE:
                            disp_mode = DISP_MODE_NORMAL;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_1:
                            disp_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_1;
                            last_setting_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_1;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_2:
                            disp_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_2;
                            last_setting_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_2;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_SETTING_3:
                            disp_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_3;
                            last_setting_mode = DISP_MODE_SETTING_3;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_REGISTRATION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION) != 0) {
                        case TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_BODY:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->threshold.bdThreshold,
                                         THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_FACE:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->threshold.dtThreshold,
                                         THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_THRESHOLD_RECO:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->threshold.rsThreshold,
                                         THRESHOLD_MIN, THRESHOLD_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MIN:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize,
                                         SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize > p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize) {
                                p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize = p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize;
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_BODY_MAX:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize,
                                         SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize < p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize) {
                                p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize = p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize;
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MIN:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize,
                                         SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize > p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize) {
                                p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize = p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize;
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_RANGE_FACE_MAX:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize,
                                         SIZE_RANGE_MIN, SIZE_RANGE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize < p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize) {
                                p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize = p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize;
                            key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_FACE_POSE:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->pose,
                                         POSE_MIN, POSE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (slide) {
                                key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_FACE_ANGLE:
                            set_progress(touch_pos[0].x, &p_setting->angle,
                                         ANGLE_MIN, ANGLE_MAX, &slide, touch_num_last);
                            if (slide) {
                                key_rep = true;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_BODY_DETECTION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION) != 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag &= ~HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION;
                            } else {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_BODY_DETECTION;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_FACE_DETECTION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION;
                            } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION) == 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION;
                            } else {
                                p_setting->execFlag &= ~(HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION | HVC_ACTIV_FACE_RECOGNITION);
                        case TOUCH_KEY_AGE_ESTIMATION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
                                /* do nothing */
                            } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION) != 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag &= ~HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION;
                            } else {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_AGE_ESTIMATION;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_GENDER_ESTIMATION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
                                /* do nothing */
                            } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_GENDER_ESTIMATION) != 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag &= ~HVC_ACTIV_GENDER_ESTIMATION;
                            } else {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_GENDER_ESTIMATION;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION:
                            if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_FACE_DETECTION) == 0) {
                                /* do nothing */
                            } else if ((p_setting->execFlag & HVC_ACTIV_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION) != 0) {
                                p_setting->execFlag &= ~HVC_ACTIV_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION;
                            } else {
                                p_setting->execFlag |= HVC_ACTIV_EXPRESSION_ESTIMATION;
                        case TOUCH_KEY_RESET_SETTING:
                            if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_1) {
                                p_setting->threshold.bdThreshold = BODY_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->threshold.hdThreshold = HAND_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->threshold.dtThreshold = FACE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->threshold.rsThreshold = REC_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT;
                            } else if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_2) {
                                p_setting->sizeRange.bdMinSize = BODY_SIZE_RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->sizeRange.bdMaxSize = BODY_SIZE_RANGE_MAX_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->sizeRange.hdMinSize = HAND_SIZE_RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->sizeRange.hdMaxSize = HAND_SIZE_RANGE_MAX_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->sizeRange.dtMinSize = FACE_SIZE_RANGE_MIN_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->sizeRange.dtMaxSize = FACE_SIZE_RANGE_MAX_DEFAULT;
                            } else if (disp_mode == DISP_MODE_SETTING_3) {
                                p_setting->pose  = FACE_POSE_DEFAULT;
                                p_setting->angle = FACE_ANGLE_DEFAULT;
                            } else {
                                /* do nothing */
                    draw_touch_layer(p_display, &frame_buffer_info, &canvas2d);
                func_code_last = func_code;
            } else {
                slide = false;
        touch_num_last = touch_num;