Updated Regen Braking Logic.

Dependencies:   mbed millis


added brake control redundancy default tip

2022-06-15, by cdevarakonda [Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:38:05 +0000] rev 29

added brake control redundancy

Update brakes pins, created brakes class and made new functions but still to be tested;

2022-06-15, by cdevarakonda [Wed, 15 Jun 2022 13:36:11 +0000] rev 28

Update brakes pins, created brakes class and made new functions but still to be tested;

Implemented new logic for regen braking using switch case to define braking values

2022-06-13, by cdevarakonda [Mon, 13 Jun 2022 11:06:32 +0000] rev 27

Implemented new logic for regen braking using switch case to define braking values

Commented out motor1.setforward im regen braking as this over rode direction switching

2022-06-13, by cdevarakonda [Mon, 13 Jun 2022 10:01:29 +0000] rev 26

Commented out motor1.setforward im regen braking as this over rode direction switching

Regen Braking enabled

2022-06-13, by cdevarakonda [Mon, 13 Jun 2022 09:36:41 +0000] rev 25

Regen Braking enabled

In brake code for regen braking, changed motor1.setPark() to motor1.brake(brakeRate); Given the system must be using a motor controller with H bridge PWM and there is an amp circuit for throttle control this should automatically acheieve regen braking

2022-06-13, by cdevarakonda [Mon, 13 Jun 2022 09:35:46 +0000] rev 24

In brake code for regen braking, changed motor1.setPark() to motor1.brake(brakeRate); Given the system must be using a motor controller with H bridge PWM and there is an amp circuit for throttle control this should automatically acheieve regen braking

Added autostop whistle, added number of points to tacho to 8, removed parking brake test ;

2022-05-17, by jamesmcildowietfl [Tue, 17 May 2022 10:53:59 +0000] rev 23

Added autostop whistle, added number of points to tacho to 8, removed parking brake test ;

Reverted to 8 postitions on tacho ; ;

2022-05-17, by jamesmcildowietfl [Tue, 17 May 2022 10:51:36 +0000] rev 22

Reverted to 8 postitions on tacho ; ;

Removed Park mode thing, job for another day

2022-05-17, by jamesmcildowietfl [Tue, 17 May 2022 10:49:37 +0000] rev 21

Removed Park mode thing, job for another day

Changed the serial code. Tried to add braking and coasting ;

2022-05-17, by jamesmcildowietfl [Tue, 17 May 2022 10:43:19 +0000] rev 20

Changed the serial code. Tried to add braking and coasting ;