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Thu Feb 07 09:11:51 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Add new default instantiate option for GPA

Changed in this revision

GPA.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
GPA.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8f1ab2a2267b -r fc53b2d62a1e GPA.cpp
--- a/GPA.cpp	Tue Dec 25 11:40:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/GPA.cpp	Thu Feb 07 09:11:51 2019 +0000
@@ -1,100 +1,155 @@
-    GPA: frequency point wise gain and phase analyser to measure the frequency
-         respone of a dynamical system
+    GPA: Frequency point wise gain and phase analyser to measure the frequency respone function (FRF) of a dynamical system, based on the one point DFT
-        hint:       the measurements should only be perfomed in closed loop
-        assumption: the system is at the desired steady state of interest when
-                    the measurment starts
+         Hint:        If the plant has a pole at zero, is unstable or weakly damped the measurement has to be perfomed
+                      in closed loop (this is NOT tfestimate, the algorithm is based on the one point DFT).
+         Assumption:  The system is and remains at the desired steady state of interest when the measurment starts
-                             exc(2)                 C: controller
-                               |                    P: plant
-                               v
-     exc(1) --> o   ->| C |--->o------->| P |----------> out
-                ^ -                |             |
-                |                   --> inp      |  exc: excitation signal (E)
-                |                                |  inp: input plant (U)
-                 --------------------------------   out: output plant (Y)
+    Instantiate option 0: ("Not a Jedi yet" users, for logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points)
+        GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, float Ts)
+            fMin:       Minimal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
+            fMax:       Maximal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
+            NfexcDes:   Number of logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points between fMin and fMax
+            Aexc0:      Excitation amplitude at fMin
+            Aexc1:      Excitation amplitude at fMax
+            Ts:         Sampling time in sec
+            Default values are as follows:
+            int NperMin   = 3;
+            int NmeasMin  = (int)ceil(1.0f/Ts);
+            int NstartMin = (int)ceil(3.0f/Ts);
+            int NsweepMin = 0;
-    instantiate option 1: (logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points)
+    Instantiate option 1: ("Jedi or Sith Lord", for logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points)
-    GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
+        GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+            fMin:       Minimal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
+            fMax:       Maximal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
+            NfexcDes:   Number of logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points
+            NperMin:    Minimal number of periods that are used for each frequency point
+            NmeasMin:   Minimal number of samples that are used for each frequency point
+            Ts:         Sampling time in sec
+            Aexc0:      Excitation amplitude at fMin
+            Aexc1:      Excitation amplitude at fMax
+            NstartMin:  Minimal number of samples to sweep to the first frequency point (can be equal 0)
+            NsweepMin:  Minimal number of samples to sweep from freq. point to freq. point (can be equal 0)
+    Instantiate option 2: (for a second, refined frequency grid measurement)
-        fMin:     minimal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
-        fMax:     maximal desired frequency that should be measured in Hz
-        NfexcDes: number of logarithmic equaly spaced frequency points
-        NperMin:  minimal number of periods that are used for each frequency point
-        NmeasMin: minimal number of samples that are used for each frequency point
-        Ts:       sampling time
-        Aexc0:    excitation amplitude at fMin
-        Aexc1:    excitation amplitude at fMax
-    instantiate option 2: (for a second, refined frequency grid measurement)
+        GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+            f0:         Frequency point for the calculation of Aexc0 in Hz (should be chosen like in the first measurement)
+            f1:         Frequency point for the calculation of Aexc1 in Hz (should be chosen like in the first measurement)
+            *fexcDes:   Sorted frequency point array in Hz
+            NfexcDes:   Length of fexcDes
+            For the other parameters see above.
+    Instantiate option 3: (for an arbitary but sorted frequency grid measurement)
-    GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
-        f0:       frequency point for the calculation of Aexc0 in Hz (should be chosen like in the first measurement)
-        f1:       frequency point for the calculation of Aexc1 in Hz (should be chosen like in the first measurement)
-        *fexcDes: sorted frequency point array in Hz
-        NfexcDes: length of fexcDes
+        GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
-    instantiate option 3: (for an arbitary but sorted frequency grid measurement)
-    GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
-        *fexcDes: sorted frequency point array in Hz
-        Aexc0:    excitation amplitude at fexcDes[0]
-        Aexc1:    excitation amplitude at fexcDes[NfexcDes-1]
-        NfexcDes: length of fexcDes
+            *fexcDes:   Sorted frequency point array in Hz
+            Aexc0:      Excitation amplitude at fexcDes[0]
+            Aexc1:      Excitation amplitude at fexcDes[NfexcDes-1]
+            NfexcDes:   Length of fexcDes
+            For the other parameters see above.
-    hints:    the amplitude drops with 1/fexc, if you're using Axc1 = Aexc0/fMax then d/dt exc = const.,
-              this is recommended if your controller does not have a rolloff. if a desired frequency point
-              is not measured try to increase Nmeas.
+    Note:   The amplitude drops with 1/fexc, if you're using Axc1 = Aexc0/fMax then d/dt exc = const.,
+            this is recommended if your controller does not have a rolloff. If a desired frequency point
+            is not measured (could not be reached) try to increase Nmeas.
+    Block diagram:
-    pseudo code for a closed loop measurement with a controller C:
+                w (const.)    exc(2)                C: controller
+                |              |                    P: plant
+                v   e          v
+     exc(1) --> o   ->| C |--->o------->| P |----------> out (y)
+                ^ -                |             |
+                |                   --> inp (u)  |  exc (R): excitation signal
+                |                                |  inp (U): input plant
+                 --------------------------------   out (Y): output plant
+    Pseudo code for an open loop measurement:
-        excitation input at (1):
-        - measuring the plant P and the closed loop tf T = PC/(1 + PC):
-            desTorque = pi_w(omega_desired - omega + excWobble);
-            inpWobble = desTorque;
-            outWobble = omega;
-            excWobble = Wobble(excWobble, outWobble);
+        - Measuring the plant P = Gyu = Gyr:
+            u = w + exc;
+            ... write output u here! it follows exc(k+1) ...
+            exc = Wobble(exc, y);
+            Closed loop FRF calculus with a stabilizing controller C:
+                S  = 1/(1 + C*P);  % ( exc1 -> e ,   1/(1 + C*P) ) contr. error rejection, robustness (1/max|S|)
+                T  = 1 - S;        % ( w -> y    , C*P/(1 + C*P) ) tracking
+                CS = C*S;          % ( exc1 -> u ,   C/(1 + C*P) ) disturbance plant output
+                PS = P*S;          % ( exc2 -> y ,   P/(1 + C*P) ) disturbance plant input
+    Pseudo code for a closed loop measurement with stabilizing controller C:
+        Excitation at excitation input (1):   
+        - Measuring the plant P = Gyu and the closed loop tf T = PC/(1 + PC) = Gyr:
+            u = C(w - y + exc);
+            ... write output u here! it follows exc(k+1) ...
+            exc = Wobble(u, y);
-        - measuring the controller C and the closed loop tf SC = C/(1 + PC)
-            desTorque = pi_w(omega_desired - omega + excWobble);
-            inpWobble = n_soll + excWobble - omega;
-            outWobble = desTorque;
-            excWobble = Wobble(inpWobble, outWobble);
+            Closed loop FRF calculus:
+                S  = 1 - T;
+                PS = P*S;
+                CS = T/P;
+                C  = C/S;
-        excitation input at (2):
+        Excitation at excitation input (2):
+        - Measuring the plant P = Gyu and the closed loop tf PS = P/(1 + PC) = Gyr:
-        - measuring the plant P and the closed loop tf SP = P/(1 + PC):
-            desTorque = pi_w(omega_desired - omega) + excWobble;
-            inpWobble = desTorque;
-            outWobble = omega;
-            excWobble = Wobble(excWobble, outWobble);    
+            u = C(w - y) + exc;
+            ... write output u here! it follows exc(k+1) ...
+            exc = Wobble(u, y);
+            Closed loop FRF calculus:
+                S  = PS/P;
+                T  = 1 - S;
+                CS = T/P;
+                C  = C/S;
-    usage:
+    Usage:
         exc(k+1) = myGPA(inp(k), out(k)) does update the internal states of the 
         gpa at the timestep k and returns the excitation signal for the timestep
-        k+1. the results are plotted to a terminal (putty) over a serial 
+        k+1. The FRF data are plotted to a terminal (Putty) over a serial 
         connection and look as follows:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   fexc[Hz]    |Gyu|     ang(Gyu)    |Gye|     ang(Gye)     |E|        |U|        |Y|
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   1.000e+00  2.924e+01 -1.572e+00  1.017e+00 -4.983e-02  5.000e+00  1.739e-01  5.084e+00
+  fexc[Hz]    |Gyu|    deg(Gyu)  |Gyr|    deg(Gyr)   |U|       |Y|       |R|
+ 5.0000e-02 1.001e+00   -0.309 1.001e+00   -0.309 4.000e-01 4.000e-01 4.005e-01
+    .           .         .        .         .        .         .         .
+    .           .         .        .         .        .         .         .
+    .           .         .        .         .        .         .         .
+    In Matlab you can use the editor as follows:
+        data = [... insert measurement data here ...];
+        gyu = frd(data(:,2).*exp(1i*data(:,3)*pi/180), data(:,1), Ts, 'Units', 'Hz');
+        gyr = frd(data(:,4).*exp(1i*data(:,5)*pi/180), data(:,1), Ts, 'Units', 'Hz');
-    in matlab you can use:
-        dataNucleo = [... insert measurement data here ...];
-        g = frd(dataNucleo(:,2).*exp(1i*dataNucleo(:,3)), dataNucleo(:,1), Ts, 'Units', 'Hz');
-        gcl = frd(dataNucleo(:,4).*exp(1i*dataNucleo(:,5)), dataNucleo(:,1), Ts, 'Units', 'Hz');
+    If you're evaluating more than one measurement which contain equal frequency points use:
+        data = [data1; data2];
+        [~, ind] = unique(data(:,1), 'stable');
+        data = data(ind,:);
-    if you're evaluating more than one measurement which contain equal frequency points try:
-        dataNucleo = [dataNucleo1; dataNucleo2];
-        [~, ind] = unique(dataNucleo(:,1),'stable');
-        dataNucleo = dataNucleo(ind,:);
-        autor: M.E. Peter
+    Autor and Copyrigth: 2018 / 2019 / M.E. Peter
 #include "GPA.h"
@@ -104,96 +159,91 @@
 using namespace std;
-GPA::GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      instantiate
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+GPA::GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, float Ts)
-    this->NfexcDes = NfexcDes;
-    this->NperMin = NperMin;
-    this->NmeasMin = NmeasMin;
-    this->Ts = (double)Ts;
+    int NperMin = 3;
+    int NmeasMin = (int)ceil(1.0f/Ts);
+    int NstartMin = (int)ceil(3.0f/Ts);
+    int NsweepMin = 0;
+    assignParameters(NfexcDes, NperMin, NmeasMin, (double)Ts, NstartMin, NsweepMin);
+    // calculate logarithmic spaced frequency points
+    fexcDes = (double*)malloc(NfexcDes*sizeof(double));
+    fexcDesLogspace((double)fMin, (double)fMax, NfexcDes);
+    calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients((double)Aexc0, (double)Aexc1);
+    initializeConstants((double)Ts);
+    assignFilterStorage();
+    reset();
+GPA::GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+    assignParameters(NfexcDes, NperMin, NmeasMin, (double)Ts, NstartMin, NsweepMin);
     // calculate logarithmic spaced frequency points
     fexcDes = (double*)malloc(NfexcDes*sizeof(double));
     fexcDesLogspace((double)fMin, (double)fMax, NfexcDes);
-    // calculate coefficients for decreasing amplitude (1/fexc)
-    this->aAexcDes = ((double)Aexc1 - (double)Aexc0)/(1.0/fexcDes[NfexcDes-1] - 1.0/fexcDes[0]);
-    this->bAexcDes = (double)Aexc0 - aAexcDes/fexcDes[0];
-    fnyq = 1.0/2.0/(double)Ts;
-    pi2 = 2.0*pi;
-    pi2Ts = pi2*(double)Ts;
-    piDiv2 = pi/2.0;
-    sU = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
-    sY = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
+    calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients((double)Aexc0, (double)Aexc1);
+    initializeConstants((double)Ts);
+    assignFilterStorage();
-GPA::GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
+GPA::GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+    assignParameters(NfexcDes, NperMin, NmeasMin, (double)Ts, NstartMin, NsweepMin);
     // convert fexcDes from float to double, it is assumed that it is sorted
-    this->NfexcDes = NfexcDes;
     this->fexcDes = (double*)malloc(NfexcDes*sizeof(double));
     for(int i = 0; i < NfexcDes; i++) {
         this->fexcDes[i] = (double)fexcDes[i];
-    this->NperMin = NperMin;
-    this->NmeasMin = NmeasMin;
-    this->Ts = (double)Ts;
-    // calculate coefficients for decreasing amplitude (1/fexc)
-    this->aAexcDes = ((double)Aexc1 - (double)Aexc0)/(1.0/(double)f1 - 1.0/(double)f0);
-    this->bAexcDes = (double)Aexc0 - aAexcDes/fexcDes[0];
-    fnyq = 1.0/2.0/(double)Ts;
-    pi2 = 2.0*pi;
-    pi2Ts = pi2*(double)Ts;
-    piDiv2 = pi/2.0;
-    sU = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
-    sY = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
+    calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients((double)Aexc0, (double)Aexc1);
+    initializeConstants((double)Ts);
+    assignFilterStorage();
-GPA::GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1)
+GPA::GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+    assignParameters(NfexcDes, NperMin, NmeasMin, (double)Ts, NstartMin, NsweepMin);
     // convert fexcDes from float to double, it is assumed that it is sorted
-    this->NfexcDes = NfexcDes;
     this->fexcDes = (double*)malloc(NfexcDes*sizeof(double));
     for(int i = 0; i < NfexcDes; i++) {
         this->fexcDes[i] = (double)fexcDes[i];
-    this->NperMin = NperMin;
-    this->NmeasMin = NmeasMin;
-    this->Ts = (double)Ts;
-    // calculate coefficients for decreasing amplitude (1/fexc)
-    this->aAexcDes = ((double)Aexc1 - (double)Aexc0)/(1.0/this->fexcDes[NfexcDes-1] - 1.0/this->fexcDes[0]);
-    this->bAexcDes = (double)Aexc0 - aAexcDes/fexcDes[0];
-    fnyq = 1.0/2.0/(double)Ts;
-    pi2 = 2.0*pi;
-    pi2Ts = pi2*(double)Ts;
-    piDiv2 = pi/2.0;
-    sU = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
-    sY = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
+    calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients((double)Aexc0, (double)Aexc1);
+    initializeConstants((double)Ts);
+    assignFilterStorage();
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      virtual and reset
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 GPA::~GPA() {}
 void GPA::reset()
     Nmeas = 0;
     Nper = 0;
+    dfexc = 0.0;
     fexc = 0.0;
     fexcPast = 0.0;
-    ii = 1; // iterating through desired frequency points
-    jj = 1; // iterating through measurement points w.r.t. reachable frequency
+    i = 1; // iterating through desired frequency points
+    j = 1; // iterating through measurement points w.r.t. reachable frequency
     scaleG = 0.0;
-    scaleH = 2.0;
-    wk = 0.0;
     cr = 0.0;
     ci = 0.0;
     for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
@@ -204,84 +254,142 @@
     NmeasTotal = 0;
     Aexc = 0.0;
     pi2Tsfexc = 0.0;
+    Nsweep = NstartMin;
+    bfexc = 0.0;
+    afexc = 0.0;
+    aAexc = 0.0;
+    bAexc = 0.0;
+    AexcOut = 0.0;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      update (operator)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
 float GPA::update(double inp, double out)
     // a new frequency point has been reached
-    if(jj == 1) {
+    if(j == 1) {
+        // user info
+        if(i == 1) {
+            printLine();
+            printf("  fexc[Hz]    |Gyu|    deg(Gyu)  |Gyr|    deg(Gyr)   |U|       |Y|       |R|\r\n");
+            printLine();
+        }
         // get a new unique frequency point
         while(fexc == fexcPast) {
             // measurement finished
-            if(ii > NfexcDes) {
+            if(i > NfexcDes) {
                 return 0.0f;
-            calcGPAmeasPara(fexcDes[ii - 1]);
+            calcGPAmeasPara(fexcDes[i - 1]);
             // secure fexc is not higher or equal to nyquist frequency
             if(fexc >= fnyq) {
                 fexc = fexcPast;
             // no frequency found
             if(fexc == fexcPast) {
-                ii += 1;
+                i += 1;
             } else {
                 Aexc = aAexcDes/fexc + bAexcDes;
                 pi2Tsfexc = pi2Ts*fexc;
-        // secure sinarg starts at 0 (numerically maybe not given)
-        sinarg = 0.0;
         // filter scaling
         scaleG = 1.0/sqrt((double)Nmeas);
         // filter coefficients
         cr = cos(pi2Tsfexc);
         ci = sin(pi2Tsfexc);
-        // filter storage
+        // set filter storage zero
         for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
             sU[i] = 0.0;
             sY[i] = 0.0;
+        // calculate the parameters for the frequency sweep from fexcPast to fexc
+        if(Nsweep > 0) calcGPAsweepPara();
-    // update hann window
-    calcHann();
-    // filter step for signal su
-    sU[0] = wk*scaleG*inp + 2.0*cr*sU[1] - sU[2];
-    sU[2] = sU[1];
-    sU[1] = sU[0];
-    // filter step for signal sy
-    sY[0] = wk*scaleG*out + 2.0*cr*sY[1] - sY[2];
-    sY[2] = sY[1];
-    sY[1] = sY[0];
+    // perfomre the sweep or measure
+    if(j <= Nsweep) {
+        dfexc = afexc*(double)j + bfexc;
+        AexcOut = aAexc*(double)j + bAexc;   
+    } else {
+        dfexc = fexc;
+        AexcOut = Aexc;
+        // one point DFT filter step for signal su
+        sU[0] = scaleG*inp + 2.0*cr*sU[1] - sU[2];
+        sU[2] = sU[1];
+        sU[1] = sU[0];
+        // one point DFT filter step for signal sy
+        sY[0] = scaleG*out + 2.0*cr*sY[1] - sY[2];
+        sY[2] = sY[1];
+        sY[1] = sY[0];
+    }
+    // secure sinarg starts at 0 (numerically maybe not given)
+    if(j == 1 || j == Nsweep + 1) sinarg = 0.0;
     // measurement of frequencypoint is finished
-    if(jj == Nmeas) {
-        jj = 1;
-        ii += 1;
+    if(j == Nmeas + Nsweep) {
         fexcPast = fexc;
+        AexcPast = Aexc;
+        Nsweep = NsweepMin;
         // calculate the one point dft
-        double Ureal = 2.0*scaleH*scaleG*(cr*sU[1] - sU[2]);
-        double Uimag = 2.0*scaleH*scaleG*ci*sU[1];
-        double Yreal = 2.0*scaleH*scaleG*(cr*sY[1] - sY[2]);
-        double Yimag = 2.0*scaleH*scaleG*ci*sY[1];
+        double Ureal = 2.0*scaleG*(cr*sU[1] - sU[2]);
+        double Uimag = 2.0*scaleG*ci*sU[1];
+        double Yreal = 2.0*scaleG*(cr*sY[1] - sY[2]);
+        double Yimag = 2.0*scaleG*ci*sY[1];
         // calculate magnitude and angle
         float Umag = (float)(sqrt(Ureal*Ureal + Uimag*Uimag));
         float Ymag = (float)(sqrt(Yreal*Yreal + Yimag*Yimag));
         float absGyu = (float)(Ymag/Umag);
-        float angGyu = (float)(atan2(Yimag, Yreal) - atan2(Uimag, Ureal));
-        float absGye = (float)(Ymag/Aexc);
-        float angGye = (float)(atan2(Yimag, Yreal) + piDiv2);
+        float angGyu = (float)wrapAngle(atan2(Yimag, Yreal) - atan2(Uimag, Ureal));
+        float absGyr = (float)(Ymag/Aexc);
+        float angGyr = (float)wrapAngle(atan2(Yimag, Yreal) + piDiv2);
         // user info
-        if(ii == 2) {
-            printLine();
-            printf("   fexc[Hz]    |Gyu|     ang(Gyu)    |Gye|     ang(Gye)     |E|        |U|        |Y|\r\n");
-            printLine();
-        }
-        printf("%11.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e\r\n", (float)fexc, absGyu, angGyu, absGye, angGye, (float)Aexc, Umag, Ymag);
+        printf("%11.4e %9.3e %8.3f %9.3e %8.3f %9.3e %9.3e %9.3e\r\n", (float)fexc, absGyu, angGyu*rad2deg, absGyr, angGyr*rad2deg, Umag, Ymag, (float)Aexc);
+        i += 1;
+        j = 1;
     } else {
-        jj += 1;
+        j += 1;
-    sinarg = fmod(sinarg + pi2Tsfexc, pi2);
+    // calculate the excitation
+    sinarg = fmod(sinarg + pi2Ts*dfexc, pi2);
     NmeasTotal += 1;
-    return (float)(Aexc*sin(sinarg));
+    return (float)(AexcOut*sin(sinarg));
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      private functions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
+void GPA::assignParameters(int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, double Ts, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin)
+    this->NfexcDes = NfexcDes;
+    this->NperMin = NperMin;
+    this->NmeasMin = NmeasMin;
+    this->Ts = Ts;
+    this->NstartMin = NstartMin;
+    this->NsweepMin = NsweepMin;   
+void GPA::calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients(double Aexc0, double Aexc1)
+    // calculate coefficients for decreasing amplitude (1/fexc)
+    this->aAexcDes = (Aexc1 - Aexc0)/(1.0/fexcDes[NfexcDes-1] - 1.0/fexcDes[0]);
+    this->bAexcDes = Aexc0 - aAexcDes/fexcDes[0];   
+void GPA::initializeConstants(double Ts)
+    fnyq = 1.0/2.0/Ts;
+    pi2 = 2.0*pi;
+    pi2Ts = pi2*Ts;
+    piDiv2 = pi/2.0;
+    rad2deg = 180.0f/(float)pi;
+void GPA::assignFilterStorage()
+    sU = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));
+    sY = (double*)malloc(3*sizeof(double));   
 void GPA::fexcDesLogspace(double fMin, double fMax, int NfexcDes)
@@ -310,16 +418,38 @@
     fexc = (double)Nper/(double)Nmeas/Ts;
-void GPA::calcHann()
+void GPA::calcGPAsweepPara()
-    wk = 0.5 - 0.5*cos(2.0*pi*((double)jj-1.0)/(double)Nmeas);
+    // calculate linear frequency sweep parameters
+    double ksta = ceil(Ts*(double)Nsweep/2.0*(fexc + fexcPast));
+    Nsweep = (int)floor(2.0*ksta/Ts/(fexc + fexcPast) + 0.5);
+    bfexc = 2.0*ksta/Ts/(double)Nsweep - fexc;
+    afexc = (fexc - bfexc)/((double)Nsweep + 1.0);
+    aAexc = (Aexc - AexcPast)/((double)Nsweep + 1.0);
+    bAexc = AexcPast;
+double GPA::wrapAngle(double angle)
+    // wrap angle from (-2pi,2pi) into (-pi,pi)
+    if(abs(angle) > pi) angle -= copysign(-pi2, angle); // -1*sign(angle)*2*pi + angle;
+    return angle;
 void GPA::printLine()
-    printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
+    printf("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
+void GPA::printLongLine()
+    printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n");
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+//      public functions
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------     
 void GPA::printGPAfexcDes()
@@ -331,21 +461,76 @@
 void GPA::printGPAmeasPara()
-    printf(" fexcDes[Hz]  fexc[Hz]       Aexc   Nmeas   Nper\r\n");
+    printf(" fexcDes[Hz]   fexc[Hz]     Aexc      Nmeas   Nper  Nsweep\r\n");
     for(int i = 0; i < NfexcDes; i++) {
         if(fexc == fexcPast || fexc >= fnyq) {
             fexc = 0.0;
+            Aexc = 0.0;
             Nmeas = 0;
             Nper = 0;
-            Aexc = 0.0;
+            Nsweep = 0;
+            afexc = 0.0;
+            bfexc = 0.0;
+            aAexc = 0.0;
+            bAexc = 0.0;
         } else {
             Aexc = aAexcDes/fexc + bAexcDes;
+            if(Nsweep > 0)  calcGPAsweepPara();
+            else{
+                afexc = 0.0;
+                bfexc = 0.0;
+                aAexc = 0.0;
+                bAexc = 0.0; 
+            }
             fexcPast = fexc;
+            AexcPast = Aexc;
         NmeasTotal += Nmeas;
-        printf("%12.2e %9.2e %10.2e %7i %6i \r\n", (float)fexcDes[i], (float)fexc, (float)Aexc, Nmeas, Nper);
+        NmeasTotal += Nsweep;
+        printf("%11.4e %12.4e %10.3e %7i %6i %7i\r\n", (float)fexcDes[i], (float)fexc, (float)Aexc, Nmeas, Nper, Nsweep);
+        Nsweep = NsweepMin;
+    }
+    printGPAmeasTime();
+    reset();
+void GPA::printFullGPAmeasPara()
+    printLongLine();
+    printf(" fexcDes[Hz]   fexc[Hz]     Aexc      Nmeas   Nper  Nsweep    afexc      bfexc      aAexc      bAexc\r\n");
+    printLongLine();
+    for(int i = 0; i < NfexcDes; i++) {
+        calcGPAmeasPara(fexcDes[i]);
+        if(fexc == fexcPast || fexc >= fnyq) {
+            fexc = 0.0;
+            Aexc = 0.0;
+            Nmeas = 0;
+            Nper = 0;
+            Nsweep = 0;
+            afexc = 0.0;
+            bfexc = 0.0;
+            aAexc = 0.0;
+            bAexc = 0.0;
+        } else {
+            Aexc = aAexcDes/fexc + bAexcDes;
+            if(Nsweep > 0)  calcGPAsweepPara();
+            else{
+                afexc = 0.0;
+                bfexc = 0.0;
+                aAexc = 0.0;
+                bAexc = 0.0; 
+            }
+            fexcPast = fexc;
+            AexcPast = Aexc;
+        }
+        NmeasTotal += Nmeas;
+        NmeasTotal += Nsweep;
+        printf("%11.4e %12.4e %10.3e %7i %6i %7i %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e %10.3e\r\n", (float)fexcDes[i], (float)fexc, (float)Aexc, Nmeas, Nper, Nsweep, (float)afexc, (float)bfexc, (float)aAexc, (float)bAexc);
+        Nsweep = NsweepMin;
@@ -354,12 +539,12 @@
 void GPA::printGPAmeasTime()
-    printf(" number of data points:  %9i\r\n", NmeasTotal);
-    printf(" measurment time in sec: %9.2f\r\n", (float)((double)NmeasTotal*Ts));
+    printf(" Number of data points :  %11i\r\n", NmeasTotal);
+    printf(" Measurment time in sec: %12.2f\r\n", (float)((double)NmeasTotal*Ts));
 void GPA::printNfexcDes()
-    printf(" number of frequancy points:  %2i\r\n", NfexcDes);
+    printf("  Number of frequancy points:  %3i\r\n", NfexcDes);
diff -r 8f1ab2a2267b -r fc53b2d62a1e GPA.h
--- a/GPA.h	Tue Dec 25 11:40:08 2018 +0000
+++ b/GPA.h	Thu Feb 07 09:11:51 2019 +0000
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
 class GPA
-    GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1);
-    GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1);
-    GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1);
+    GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, float Ts);
+    GPA(float fMin, float fMax, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin);
+    GPA(float f0, float f1, float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin);
+    GPA(float *fexcDes, int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, float Ts, float Aexc0, float Aexc1, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin);
     float operator()(float inp, float out) {
         return update((double)inp, (double)out);
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@
     void     printGPAfexcDes();
     void     printGPAmeasPara();
+    void     printFullGPAmeasPara();
     void     printGPAmeasTime();
     void     printNfexcDes();
@@ -34,16 +36,16 @@
     double  pi2;
     double  pi2Ts;
     double  piDiv2;
+    float   rad2deg;
     int     Nmeas;
     int     Nper;
+    double  dfexc;
     double  fexc;
     double  fexcPast;
-    int     ii;
-    int     jj;
+    int     i;
+    int     j;
     double  scaleG;
-    double  scaleH;
-    double  wk;
     double  cr;
     double  ci;
     double *sU;
@@ -51,11 +53,26 @@
     double  sinarg;
     int     NmeasTotal;
     double  Aexc;
+    double  AexcPast;
     double  pi2Tsfexc;
+    int     NstartMin;
+    int     NsweepMin;
+    int     Nsweep;
+    double  bfexc;
+    double  afexc;
+    double  aAexc;
+    double  bAexc;
+    double  AexcOut;
+    void    assignParameters(int NfexcDes, int NperMin, int NmeasMin, double Ts, int NstartMin, int NsweepMin);
+    void    calculateDecreasingAmplitudeCoefficients(double Aexc0, double Aexc1);
+    void    initializeConstants(double Ts);
+    void    assignFilterStorage();
     void    fexcDesLogspace(double fMin, double fMax, int NfexcDes);
     void    calcGPAmeasPara(double fexcDes_i);
+    void    calcGPAsweepPara();
+    double  wrapAngle(double angle);
+    void    printLongLine();
     void    printLine();
-    void    calcHann();
\ No newline at end of file