
Dependencies:   mbed

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Wed Dec 09 02:09:36 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Super Cute Alarm Clock

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Dec 05 19:01:26 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Dec 09 02:09:36 2015 +0000
@@ -19,21 +19,31 @@
 int main() 
-   int sec=45,min=59,hour=6,day=7,date=5,month=12,year=15;
+   int p_ldr=0,cr_ldr=0,sn=0,j=0;
+   int sec=0,min=39,hour=21,day=19,date=7,month=12,year=15;
    int n=0,opt=1,p=0,ten_hour,nu_hour,ten_min,nu_min,hour_a=7,min_a=0;
    float mea;
-   int state=0;
-   int hexnum[4];
-   int currenthex=0, checkbcd=0, gameround=0, changehex=1;
+   int state=0, wrong=0;
+   int hexnum[4],game2num[10],game2level=5;
+   int currenthex=0, checkbcd=0, gameround=0, changehex=1, changenum=1,currentnum=0,checkloop=0;
+   bool imawake=0;
+   int fix=0,match=0,fail=1,delay=0,i;
-   myrtc.settime(sec,min,hour,day,date,month,year);
+   //myrtc.settime(sec,min,hour,day,date,month,year);
-   {
-      mea=analog_value.read();       
-      /*if(state==0)
+   {  
+      myrtc.gettime(&sec,&min,&hour,&day,&date,&month,&year);
+      //state=2;
+      if(state==0)
+                if(sn==0){led=0b0001;}
+                if(sn==1){led=0b0011;}
+                if(sn==2){led=0b0111;}
+                if(sn==3){led=0b1111;}
+                printf("In state1\n");
+                printf("houra/mind = %d  :  %d",hour,min);
                 else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
@@ -56,8 +66,6 @@
-                myrtc.gettime(&sec,&min,&hour,&day,&date,&month,&year);
@@ -72,81 +80,245 @@
-                    if(display.checkButton2()==1){min_a++;}
+                    if(display.checkButton2()==1){min_a=min_a+5;}
+                if(hour==hour_a&&min==min_a&&imawake==0){buzzer=1; state=1;printf("wait check");}
+                else if(imawake==1 && min!=min_a) imawake=0;
-        if(hour==hour_a&&min==min_a)
-        else*/ if(mode==0)
+        if(state==1)
-            //buzzer=1;
-            state = 1;
-            int gamelevel=game.getlevel();
-            if(changehex==1)
+            //####SNOOZE##
+            mea=analog_value.read();
+            if(mea<0.65){cr_ldr=0;}
+            if(mea>=0.65){cr_ldr=1;}
+            printf("%f",mea);
+            wait_ms(100);
+            printf("%d   :  %d\n",p_ldr,cr_ldr);
+            if(b==0b011){n=1;}
+                else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
+                else if(b==0b110){n=3;}
+                else n=0;
+                display.getButtonState(n);
+            if(sn<3 && p_ldr==0 && cr_ldr==1)
-                for(int i=0;i<gamelevel;i++)
-                {
-                    hexnum[i] = game.randomHex(mea);
-                }
-                if(gamelevel==1) display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,hexnum[0],0xFF);
-                else if(gamelevel==2) display.Displayset(0xFF,hexnum[0],hexnum[1],0xFF);
-                else if(gamelevel==3) display.Displayset(0xFF,hexnum[0],hexnum[1],hexnum[2]);
-                else if(gamelevel==4) display.Displayset(hexnum[0],hexnum[1],hexnum[2],hexnum[3]);
-                changehex = 0;
+                buzzer=0;
+                sn++;
+                if(min_a<55){min_a = min_a+5;state=0;}
+                else if(min_a>=55){min_a = (min_a+5)%60 ; hour_a=hour_a+1;state=0;}
+                printf("In loop");
+            }
+            printf("h/m    %d : %d\n",hour,min);
+            printf("h_a/h_m                       %d : %d\n",hour_a,min_a);
+            printf("state : %d\n",state);
+            printf("snooze  :  %d",sn);
+            if(display.checkButton1()==1||display.checkButton2()==1||display.checkButton3()==1){state=2;}
+            p_ldr=cr_ldr;
+            if(sn==0){led=0b0001;}
+            if(sn==1){led=0b0011;}
+            if(sn==2){led=0b0111;}
+            if(sn==3){led=0b1111;}
-            if(b==0b011){n=1;}
-            else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
-            else if(b==0b110){n=3;}
-            else n=0;
-            display.getButtonState(n);
-            if((bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==0 && display.checkButton1()==1)||(bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==1 && display.checkButton2()==1))
+        if(state==2)
+        {
+            mea=analog_value.read();
+            //state = 1;
+            int gameRandom = (int)(analog_value.read())%3;
+            if(gameRandom==0)
-                if(checkbcd<4) checkbcd++;
-                else
+                if(b==0b011){n=1;}
+                else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
+                else if(b==0b110){n=3;}
+                else n=0;
+                if(sn==0){delay=5000;}
+                if(sn==1){delay=4500;}
+                if(sn==2){delay=4000;}
+                if(sn==3){delay=3500;}
+                if(fail==1)
+                {
+                    fix=(int(mea*1000))%99;
+                    fail=0;
+                }
+                match++;
+                if(match==100){match=0;}
+                for(i=0;i<delay;i++)
+                {
+                        display.Displayset((fix-(fix%10))/10,fix%10,(match-(match%10))/10,match%10);
+                        display.getButtonState(n);
+                        if(display.checkButton1()==1)
+                    {
+                        if(fix==match||fix-match==1||match-fix==1){fail=1;gameround++;display.A();}
+                        else{fail=1;display.F();}
+                        wait_ms(100);
+                        i=delay;
+                        match=0;
+                        if(gameround==3){gameround=0;buzzer=0;state=0;imawake=1;sn=0;break;}
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        //######################
+            if(gameRandom==1)
+            { 
+                if(wrong>3) game2level = 10;
+                else if(sn==0) game2level = 5;
+                else if(sn==1) game2level = 6;
+                else if(sn==2) game2level = 7;
+                else if(sn==3) game2level = 8;
+                if (changenum==1)
+                {
+                    for(int i=0;i<game2level;i++)
+                    {
+                        game2num[i] = (int)(analog_value.read()*1000)%3+1;
+                    }
+                    for(int i=0;i<game2level;i++)
+                    {
+                        display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,game2num[i],0xFF);
+                        wait_ms(400);
+                        display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF);
+                        wait_ms(80);
+                        changenum=0;
+                    }
+                }
+                checkloop++;
+                if(checkloop==60)
+                {
+                    for(int i=0;i<game2level;i++)
+                    {
+                        display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,game2num[i],0xFF);
+                        wait_ms(400);
+                        display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF);
+                        wait_ms(80);
+                        checkloop=0;
+                        currentnum= 0;
+                    }
+                }
+                display.Displayset(0xFE,0xFE,0xFE,0xFE);
+                if(b==0b011){n=1;}
+                else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
+                else if(b==0b110){n=3;}
+                else n=0;
+                display.getButtonState(n);
+                wait_ms(100);
+                if((game2num[currentnum]==1 && display.checkButton1()==1)||(game2num[currentnum]==2 && display.checkButton2()==1)||(game2num[currentnum]==3 && display.checkButton3()==1))
-                    checkbcd=0;
-                    currenthex++;
-                    if(currenthex==gamelevel) 
+                    if(currentnum<game2level-1) {currentnum++; printf("-_-\n");}
+                    else
+                        printf("YEAH\n");
-                        currenthex = 0;
-                        changehex = 1;
+                        changenum = 1;
+                        currentnum= 0;
-                    } 
+                    }
+                }
+                else if((game2num[currentnum]==1 && (display.checkButton2()==1||display.checkButton3()==1))||(game2num[currentnum]==2 && (display.checkButton1()==1||display.checkButton3()==1))||(game2num[currentnum]==3 && (display.checkButton1()==1||display.checkButton2()==1)))
+                {
+                    currentnum=0;
+                    wrong++;
+                    changenum = 1;
+                    display.F();
+                }
+                if(gameround==4) 
+                {
+                    printf("eiei\n");
+                    mode=1;
+                    state=0;
+                    wrong=0;
+                    buzzer=0;
+                    game2level=5;
+                    currentnum=0;
+                    gameround=0;
+                    changenum=1;
+                    imawake=1;
+                    sn=0;
+                }
+            }  
+            //########################################
+            else if(gameRandom==2)
+            {
+                int gamelevel=game.getlevel();
+                if(changehex==1)
+                {
+                    for(int i=0;i<gamelevel;i++)
+                    {
+                        mea=analog_value.read();     
+                        hexnum[i] = game.randomHex(mea);
+                    }
+                    if(gamelevel==1) display.Displayset(0xFF,0xFF,hexnum[0],0xFF);
+                    else if(gamelevel==2) display.Displayset(0xFF,hexnum[0],hexnum[1],0xFF);
+                    else if(gamelevel==3) display.Displayset(0xFF,hexnum[0],hexnum[1],hexnum[2]);
+                    else if(gamelevel==4) display.Displayset(hexnum[0],hexnum[1],hexnum[2],hexnum[3]);
+                    changehex = 0;
+                }
+                if(b==0b011){n=1;}
+                else if(b==0b101){n=2;}
+                else if(b==0b110){n=3;}
+                else n=0;
+                display.getButtonState(n);
+                wait_ms(100);
+                if((bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==0 && display.checkButton1()==1)||(bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==1 && display.checkButton2()==1))
+                {printf("**%d\t%d\n",hexnum[currenthex],checkbcd);
+                    if(checkbcd<3) {checkbcd++; printf("-_-\n");}
+                    else
+                    {printf("4\n");
+                        checkbcd=0;
+                        currenthex++;
+                        if(currenthex==gamelevel) 
+                        {printf("YEAH\n");
+                            gameround++;
+                            changehex = 1;
+                            currenthex = 0;
+                            display.A();
+                        } 
+                    }
+                }
+                else if((bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==1 && display.checkButton1()==1)||(bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==0 && display.checkButton2()==1))
+                {printf("**%d\t%d\n",hexnum[currenthex],checkbcd);
+                    printf("bu\n");
+                    checkbcd=0;
+                    game.pluslevel();
+                    currenthex=0;
+                    changehex = 1;
+                    display.F();
+                }
+                if(gameround==4) 
+                {
+                    printf("eiei\n");
+                    mode=1;
+                    state=0;
+                    buzzer=0;
+                    game.resetlevel();
+                    checkbcd=0;
+                    currenthex=0;
+                    gameround=0;
+                    changehex=1;
+                    imawake=1;
+                    sn=0; 
-            else if((bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==1 && display.checkButton1()==1)||(bcd[hexnum[currenthex]][checkbcd]==0 && display.checkButton2()==1))
-            {
-                checkbcd=0;
-                game.pluslevel();
-                changehex = 1;
-                display.F();
-            }
-            else if(display.checkButton3()==3)
-            {
-                checkbcd=0;
-                currenthex==0;
-            }
-            if(gameround==4) 
-            {
-                mode=1;
-                state=0;
-                buzzer=0;
-                game.resetlevel();
-                checkbcd=0;
-                currenthex==0;
-                gameround=0;
-                changehex=1;
-            }
-        printf("%f\n",mea);
-        if(mea>=0.65){min_a=min_a+1;}
+        //printf("%f\n",mea);
+        //if(mea>=0.65){min_a=min_a+1;}
\ No newline at end of file