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Sat Nov 28 14:53:02 2015 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Nov 28 14:53:02 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+#ifndef __TTSDISPLAY_H__
+#define __TTSDISPLAY_H__
+#ifndef uchar
+#define uchar char 
+// definitions for TM1636
+#define ADDR_AUTO  0x40
+#define ADDR_FIXED 0x44
+#define STARTADDR  0xc0
+// definitions for the clock point of the digit tube
+#define POINT_ON   1
+#define POINT_OFF  0
+// definitions for brightness
+#define  BRIGHT_DARKEST 0
+#define  BRIGHT_TYPICAL 2
+#define  BRIGHTEST      7
+//Special characters index of tube table
+#define INDEX_NEGATIVE_SIGH    16
+#define INDEX_BLANK            17
+class TTSDisplay{
+    uchar Cmd_SetData;
+    uchar Cmd_SetAddr;
+    uchar Cmd_Dispdisplay;
+    uchar _PointFlag;                                   //_PointFlag=1:the clock point on
+    uchar _brightness;
+    uchar Clkpin;
+    uchar Datapin;
+    uchar dtaDisplay[4];
+    void writeByte(uchar wr_data);                      //write 8bit data to tm1637
+    void start(void);                                   //send start bits
+    void stop(void);                                    //send stop bits
+    void set(uchar = BRIGHT_TYPICAL, uchar = 0x40, uchar = 0xc0);       //To take effect the next time it displays. 
+    uchar coding(uchar DispData);
+//*************************** USER INTERFACE ***************************************************************
+    TTSDisplay();
+    void display(uchar loca, uchar dta);                // display a single num(0-9)
+    void num(int dta);                                  // display a num (0-9999)    
+    void time(uchar hour, uchar min);                   // display time, such as: 11:26
+    void clear();                                       // clear display
+    void pointOn();                                     // display :
+    void pointOff();                                    // undisplay :
+//#include <Arduino.h>
+//#include <Streaming.h>
+//#include "TTSDisplay.h"
+//0~9,A,b,C,d,E,F,"-"," "
+const uchar TubeTab[] = 
+    0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f,
+    0x66,0x6d,0x7d,0x07,
+    0x7f,0x6f,0x77,0x7c,
+    0x39,0x5e,0x79,0x71,
+    0x40,0x00
+//#define PINCLK      7                   // pin of clk 
+//#define PINDTA      8                   // pin of data
+    DigitalOut Clkpin(D7);
+    DigitalOut Datapin(D8);
+    /*Clkpin  = PINCLK;
+    Datapin = PINDTA;
+    pinMode(Clkpin,OUTPUT);
+    pinMode(Datapin,OUTPUT);*/
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
+    {
+        dtaDisplay[i] = 0x00;
+    }
+    set();
+    //clear();
+ * Function Name: display
+ * Description:  display a num in certain location
+ * Parameters: loca - location, 3-2-1-0
+ *             num - number to display
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::display(uchar loca, uchar dta)
+    //if(loca > 3 || loca < 0) return;
+    if(loca > 3) return;
+    dtaDisplay[loca] = dta;
+    loca = 3-loca;
+    uchar segData = coding(dta);
+    start();                            //start signal sent to TM1637 from MCU
+    writeByte(ADDR_FIXED);
+    stop();
+    start();
+    writeByte(loca|0xc0);
+    writeByte(segData);
+    stop();
+    start();
+    writeByte(Cmd_Dispdisplay);
+    stop();
+ * Function Name: num
+ * Description:  display a num  that 0 - 9999
+ * Parameters: num - number to display
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::num(int dta)
+    if(dta < 0 || dta > 9999) return;           // bad data
+    //clear();
+    pointOff();
+    if(dta < 10)
+    {
+        display(0, dta);
+        display(1, 0x7f);
+        display(2, 0x7f);
+        display(3, 0x7f);
+    }
+    else if(dta < 100)
+    {
+        display(1, dta/10);
+        display(0, dta%10);
+        display(2, 0x7f);
+        display(3, 0x7f);
+    }
+    else if(dta < 1000)
+    {
+        display(2, dta/100);
+        display(1, (dta/10)%10);
+        display(0, dta%10);
+        display(3, 0x7f);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        display(3, dta/1000);
+        display(2, (dta/100)%10);
+        display(1, (dta/10)%10);
+        display(0, dta%10);
+    }
+ * Function Name: time
+ * Description:  display time
+ * Parameters: hour - hour
+ *             min - minutes
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::time(uchar hour, uchar min)
+   // if(hour > 24 || hour < 0) return;           // bad data
+    if(hour > 24) return;           // bad data
+   // if(min > 60 || min < 0) return;             // bad data
+    if(min > 60) return;             // bad data
+    display(3, hour/10);
+    display(2, hour%10);
+    display(1, min/10);
+    display(0, min%10);
+ * Function Name: clear
+ * Description:  clear all 
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::clear()
+    display(0x00,0x7f);
+    display(0x01,0x7f);
+    display(0x02,0x7f);
+    display(0x03,0x7f);
+ * Function Name: writeByte
+ * Description:  write a byte to tm1636
+ * Parameters: wr_data: data to write
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::writeByte(uchar wr_data)
+    uchar i,count1;
+    for(i=0;i<8;i++)                                        // sent 8bit data
+    {
+        Clkpin=0;
+        //digitalWrite(Clkpin,LOW);
+        //if(wr_data & 0x01)digitalWrite(Datapin,HIGH);       // LSB first
+        if(wr_data & 0x01)Datapin=1;       // LSB first
+        //else digitalWrite(Datapin,LOW);
+        else Datapin=0;
+        wr_data >>= 1;
+        Clkpin=1;
+        //digitalWrite(Clkpin,HIGH);
+    }
+    Clkpin=0;
+    Datapin=1;
+    Clkpin=1;
+    DigitalIn Datapin(D8);
+    /*digitalWrite(Clkpin,LOW);                               // wait for the ACK
+    digitalWrite(Datapin,HIGH);
+    digitalWrite(Clkpin,HIGH);
+    pinMode(Datapin,INPUT);*/
+    //while(digitalRead(Datapin))
+    while(Datapin)
+    {
+        count1 += 1;
+        if(200 == count1)
+        {
+            //pinMode(Datapin,OUTPUT);
+            DigitalOut Datapin(D8);
+            //digitalWrite(Datapin,LOW);
+            Datapin=0;
+            count1 =0;
+        }
+        //pinMode(Datapin,INPUT);
+        DigitalIn Datapin(D8);
+    }
+    //pinMode(Datapin,OUTPUT);
+    //DigitalOut Datapin(D8);
+ * Function Name: start
+ * Description:  send start signal to TTSDisplay
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::start(void)
+    /*digitalWrite(Clkpin,HIGH);                              //send start signal to TM1637
+    digitalWrite(Datapin,HIGH);
+    digitalWrite(Datapin,LOW);
+    digitalWrite(Clkpin,LOW);*/
+    Clkpin=1;
+    Datapin=1;
+    Datapin=0;
+    Clkpin=0;
+ * Function Name: stop
+ * Description:  send end signal
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::stop(void)
+    digitalWrite(Clkpin,LOW);
+    digitalWrite(Datapin,LOW);
+    digitalWrite(Clkpin,HIGH);
+    digitalWrite(Datapin,HIGH);*/
+    Clkpin=0;
+    Datapin=0;
+    Clkpin=1;
+    Datapin=1;
+ * Function Name: set
+ * Description:  init
+ * Parameters: brightness - brightness
+ *             SetDta - data
+ *             SetAddr - address
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::set(uchar brightness,uchar SetData,uchar SetAddr)
+    _brightness = brightness;
+    Cmd_SetData = SetData;
+    Cmd_SetAddr = SetAddr;
+    Cmd_Dispdisplay = 0x88 + brightness;
+ * Function Name: pointOn
+ * Description:  display :
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::pointOn()
+    _PointFlag = 1;
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
+    {
+        display(i, dtaDisplay[i]);
+    }
+ * Function Name: pointOff
+ * Description:  no :
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+void TTSDisplay::pointOff()
+    _PointFlag = 0;
+    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
+    {
+        display(i, dtaDisplay[i]);
+    }
+ * Function Name: coding
+ * Description:  coding
+ * Parameters: None
+ * Return: None
+uchar TTSDisplay::coding(uchar DispData)
+    uchar PointData = _PointFlag ? 0x80 : 0x00;
+    DispData = (0x7f == DispData) ? PointData : (TubeTab[DispData]+PointData);
+    return DispData;
+//#include <Wire.h>
+//#include <TTSDisplay.h>
+//TTSDisplay disp;                                    // instantiate an object
+/*void setup()
+    // nothing to setup
+int main()
+    TTSDisplay disp;  
+    while(1)
+        {
+            disp.time(11,26);                              // display time, 11:26
+            disp.pointOn();                                 // display :
+            wait_ms(1000);                                    // wait 1s
+        }
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Nov 28 14:53:02 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
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