Spinal's Mode13 (256 color buffered mode) demo. Palette rotation is still not working

Dependencies:   PokittoLib



File content as of revision 0:de6c5a1ab24c:

#include "Pokitto.h"

Pokitto::Core game;

unsigned short pal[256]; // assign a 256 entry array to hold the palette

int PntClr(int x, int y){
    return game.display.getPixel(x,y);
void Dot (int x, int y, int c){
int RandMinMax(int min, int max){
    return rand() % max + min;
int Adjust (int xa, int ya, int x, int y, int xb, int yb){
    if(PntClr(x, y) != 0) return 0;
    int q = abs(xa - xb) + abs(ya - yb);
    int v = (PntClr(xa, ya) + PntClr(xb, yb)) / 2 + (RandMinMax(0,q*10)) / 10;
    if (v < 1) v = 1;
    if (v > 255) v = 255;
    Dot(x, y, v);
    return 1;
void SubDivide (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2){
    if ((x2 - x1 < 2) && (y2 - y1 < 2)) return;
    int x = (x1 + x2) / 2;
    int y = (y1 + y2) / 2;
    Adjust(x1, y1, x, y1, x2, y1);
    Adjust(x1, y2, x, y2, x2, y2);
    Adjust(x2, y1, x2, y, x2, y2);
    Adjust(x1, y1, x1, y, x1, y2);
    if(PntClr(x, y) == 0)   {
        int v = PntClr(x1, y1) + PntClr(x2, y1) + PntClr(x2, y2);
        v = v + PntClr(x1, y2) + PntClr(x1, y) + PntClr(x, y1);
        v = v + PntClr(x2, y) + PntClr(x, y2);
        v = v / 8;
        Dot(x, y, v);
    SubDivide(x1, y1, x, y);
    SubDivide(x, y, x2, y2);
    SubDivide(x, y1, x2, y);
    SubDivide(x1, y, x, y2);
void make_plasma(int x1=0,int y1=0,int x2=game.display.width-1,int y2=game.display.height-1){
    Dot(x1, y1, RandMinMax(0,255) + 1);
Dot(x2, y1, RandMinMax(0,255) + 1);
Dot(x2, y2, RandMinMax(0,255) + 1);
Dot(x1, y2, RandMinMax(0,255) + 1);
SubDivide(x1, y1, x2, y2);
void make_pal(void){
    int a,s,r,g,b;
    for(a=0; a<=63; a++){
        s = 0;  r = a;      g = 63-a;   b = 0;      pal[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*4,g*4,b*4);
        s = 64; r = 63-a;   g = 0;      b = a;      pal[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*4,g*4,b*4);
        s = 128; r = 0;     g = 0;      b = 63-a;   pal[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*4,g*4,b*4);
        s = 192; r = 0;     g = a;      b = 0;      pal[a+s] = game.display.RGBto565(r*4,g*4,b*4);
    game.display.load565Palette(&pal[0]); // load a palette the same way as any other palette in any other screen mode
int main(){
    char col=0;
make_pal(); // create 256 colour palette for this demo
make_plasma(0,0,game.display.width-1,game.display.height-1); // create a nice plasma cloud

while (game.isRunning()) {
    // mode 13 has a palette offset, so instead of rotating your palette, you just tell it which colour should be first.
        game.display.palOffset = col++;

return 1;