Great game by Aurelién Rodot for Gamebuin. Ported by Jonne

Dependencies:   PokittoLib

Fork of Asterocks by Pokitto Community Team

diff -r 46e28b959b54 -r 42a7d8c6c8fd Crabator.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Crabator.cpp	Fri Oct 13 21:38:43 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1398 @@
+//#include <SPI.h>
+#include <Pokitto.h>
+#include "Crabator.h"
+Pokitto::Core gb;
+//#include <EEPROM.h>
+//#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
+uint16_t hazepalette[16];
+extern const byte font3x5[];
+extern const byte font5x7[];
+#define WORLD_W 16
+#define WORLD_H 12
+uint8_t  byteWidth = (WORLD_H + 7) / 8;
+//declare all the sprites which are in the "sprites" tab
+extern const byte PROGMEM logo[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM world[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM tiles[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM mobSprite[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM bossSprite[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM playerSprite[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM splashSprite[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM crateSprite[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM fullHeart[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM halfHeart[];
+extern const byte PROGMEM emptyHeart[];
+#define playerW 6
+#define playerH 6
+byte playerSpeed;
+int playerX;
+int playerY;
+int playerLife;
+#define playerLifeMax 6
+byte playerDir;
+int cameraX;
+int cameraY;
+byte shake_magnitude;
+byte shake_timeLeft;
+const PROGMEM uint16_t player_damage_sound[] = {0x0045,0x564,0x0000};
+///////////////////////////////////// MOBS
+#define NUMMOBS 16
+#define INITNUMMOBS 4
+#define MOBSRATE 6 //how often is the mob number increased (every X kills)
+#define BOSSFREQ 16//one boss every X kills (initially)
+#define BOSSRATE 1 //every boss killed, the next one will spawn X kills earlier
+byte boss_nextSpawn;
+byte boss_freq;
+byte activeMobs;
+int  mobs_x[NUMMOBS];
+int  mobs_y[NUMMOBS];
+byte mobs_dir[NUMMOBS];
+int8_t mobs_life[NUMMOBS]; // was char - Jonne
+byte mobs_size[NUMMOBS];
+byte mob_maxLife = 10;
+byte boss_maxLife = 100;
+#define boss_size 6
+#define mob_size 4
+//const PROGMEM uint16_t mob_damage_sound[] = {0x5C1F, 0x0000};
+const PROGMEM uint16_t mob_death_sound[] = {0x0045,0x184,0x0000};
+#define NUMSPLASH 16
+boolean splash_active[NUMSPLASH];
+int splash_x[NUMSPLASH];
+int splash_y[NUMSPLASH];
+int splash_dir[NUMSPLASH];
+///////////////////////////////////// WEAPONS
+#define NUMBULLETS 10
+int     bullets_x[NUMBULLETS];
+int     bullets_y[NUMBULLETS];
+byte    bullets_dir[NUMBULLETS];
+boolean bullets_active[NUMBULLETS];
+byte    bullets_weapon[NUMBULLETS];
+int     blast_x;
+int     blast_y;
+byte    blast_lifespan;
+byte    blast_bullet;
+#define NUMWEAPONS 5
+byte currentWeapon;
+byte nextShot;
+const char str357[] PROGMEM = ".357";
+const char strP90[] PROGMEM = "P90";
+const char strAK47[] PROGMEM = "AK47";
+const char strRPG[] PROGMEM = "RPG";
+const char strMG42[] PROGMEM = "MG42";
+const char*  const weapon_name[NUMWEAPONS] PROGMEM = {
+  str357,strP90, strAK47, strRPG, strMG42};
+const byte weapon_size[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  2, 1, 2, 3, 2};
+const byte weapon_damage[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  10, 2, 3, 5, 4};
+const byte weapon_rate[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  30, 1, 2, 30, 1};
+const byte weapon_speed[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  4, 5, 3, 2, 5};
+const byte weapon_spread[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  1, 2, 1, 0, 2};
+const byte weapon_ennemyRecoil[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  3, 2, 3, 0, 3};
+const byte weapon_playerRecoil[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  0, 0, 1, 3, 3};
+const unsigned int weapon_ammo[NUMWEAPONS] = {
+  9999, 500, 300, 20, 150};
+unsigned int ammo;
+const uint16_t magnum_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045,0x7049,0x17C,0x784D,0x42C,0x0000};
+const uint16_t p90_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045, 0x0154, 0x0000};
+const uint16_t p90_alternative_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045, 0x014C, 0x0000};
+const uint16_t ak47_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045, 0x012C, 0x0000};
+const uint16_t mg42_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045,0x140,0x8141,0x7849,0x788D,0x52C,0x0000};
+const uint16_t rpg_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045,0x8101,0x7F30,0x0000};
+const uint16_t* const weapons_sounds[NUMWEAPONS] PROGMEM= {
+  magnum_sound, p90_sound, ak47_sound, rpg_sound, mg42_sound};
+const uint16_t blast_sound[] PROGMEM = {0x0045,0x7849,0x784D,0xA28,0x0000};
+int crate_x, crate_y;
+const uint16_t power_up[] PROGMEM = {0x0005,0x140,0x150,0x15C,0x170,0x180,0x16C,0x154,0x160,0x174,0x184,0x14C,0x15C,0x168,0x17C,0x18C,0x0000};
+///////////////////////////////////// SCORE
+#define RANKMAX 5 //number of high scores to save
+int score = 0;
+//int lastScore = 0;
+int kills = 0;
+int highscore[RANKMAX];
+//byte scoreDisplayTimeLeft;
+#define NAMELENGTH 10
+char name[RANKMAX][NAMELENGTH+1];
+// predefinitions
+void loadHighscore();
+void initGame();
+boolean collideWorld(int16_t, int16_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
+void damageMob(byte,byte);
+boolean checkMobCollisions(byte);
+boolean collideOtherMobs(byte);
+void pausem();
+void play();
+void displayHighScores();
+void saveHighscore();
+void shakeScreen();
+void drawWorld(int16_t, int16_t);
+void displayScore();
+/*int16_t random (int lo,int hi) {
+    return rand() % hi + lo;
+///////////////////////////////////// SETUP
+void setup() {
+    /** Set colors for this game **/
+    gb.display.palette[1] = COLOR_WHITE;
+    gb.display.palette[2] = COLOR_CYAN;
+    gb.display.palette[3] = COLOR_MAGENTA;
+    gb.display.palette[4] = COLOR_RED;
+    gb.display.palette[8] = gb.display.RGBto565(0xff,0xfc,0); // small mob
+    gb.display.palette[7] = gb.display.RGBto565(0x18,0x9a,0x61); // shrub shadow
+    gb.display.palette[5] = gb.display.RGBto565(0x2c,0xff,0x0b); //world (shrubs)
+    gb.display.palette[6] = gb.display.RGBto565(0xf7,0xb2,0);// crate
+    gb.display.palette[9] = gb.display.RGBto565(0xfc,0x14,4);// big mob fc1404
+    gb.display.palette[10] = gb.display.RGBto565(0,0x53,0xae); // blue shadow
+    gb.display.palette[15] = gb.display.RGBto565(0xff,0xfd,0xbf); // bright sunlight
+    /** NOW LETS REBUILD! **/
+for (uint16_t k =0 ; k<16; k++) hazepalette[k] = gb.display.interpolateColor(gb.display.palette[k],gb.display.palette[15],0);
+    gb.display.paletteptr = hazepalette;
+  gb.begin();
+  //while(1) gb.update();
+  gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
+  gb.titleScreen(logo);
+  gb.pickRandomSeed();
+  loadHighscore();
+  initGame();
+///////////////////////////////////// LOOP
+void loop() {
+  play();
+  if (!gb.isRunning()) return;
+  pausem();
+  if (!gb.isRunning()) return;
+  gb.titleScreen(logo);
+///////////////////////////////////// SCREEN COORD
+boolean screenCoord(int absoluteX, int absoluteY, int &x, int &y){
+  x = absoluteX - cameraX + 8;
+  x = (x >= 0) ? x%(WORLD_W*8) : WORLD_W*8 + x%(WORLD_W*8);
+  x -= 8;
+  y = absoluteY - cameraY + 8;
+  y = (y >= 0) ? y%(WORLD_H*8) : WORLD_H*8 + y%(WORLD_H*8);
+  y -= 8;
+  if((x > LCDWIDTH) || (y > LCDHEIGHT))
+    return false;
+  return true;
+#define wrap(i, imax) ((imax+i)%(imax))
+///////////////////////////////////// MOVE XYDS
+void moveXYDS(int &x, int &y, byte &dir, int8_t speed){
+  switch(dir){ //switch case depending on the mob's movement direction
+  case 0: //going upward
+    y -= speed;
+    break;
+  case 1: //left
+    x -= speed;
+    break;
+  case 2: //downward
+    y += speed;
+    break;
+  case 3: //right
+    x += speed;
+    break;
+  }
+  x = wrap(x, WORLD_W*8);
+  y = wrap(y, WORLD_H*8);
+///////////////////////////////////// DISTANCE BETWEEN
+byte distanceBetween(int pos1, int pos2, int worldSize){
+  byte dist = abs(pos1 - pos2);
+  dist = (dist < worldSize/2) ? dist : worldSize - dist;
+  return dist;
+///////////////////////////////////// ASSIGN ARRAY
+void assignArray(char *array1, char *array2, byte length){
+  for(byte i=0; i<length; i++)
+    array1[i] = array2[i];
+///////////////////////////////////// SHOOT
+#define min(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
+#define max(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))
+void shoot(){
+  if(ammo){
+    if(nextShot == 0){
+      for(byte thisBullet = 0; thisBullet < NUMBULLETS; thisBullet++){
+        if(!bullets_active[thisBullet]){ //look for the first inactive bullet
+          bullets_active[thisBullet] = true; //set it to active as it's fired
+          bullets_weapon[thisBullet] = currentWeapon;
+          nextShot = weapon_rate[currentWeapon];
+          ammo--;
+          //spawn a bullet with some spreading
+          int8_t spreadMax = weapon_spread[currentWeapon]; // this was char, jonne
+          int8_t spreadMin = (weapon_size[currentWeapon]%2==0) ? -spreadMax : -spreadMax-1;
+          bullets_x[thisBullet] = playerX + playerW/2 + random(spreadMin,spreadMax+1) - weapon_size[currentWeapon]/2;
+          bullets_y[thisBullet] = playerY + playerH/2 + random(spreadMin,spreadMax+1) - weapon_size[currentWeapon]/2;
+          bullets_dir[thisBullet] = playerDir;
+          blast_bullet = thisBullet;
+          if(((currentWeapon == 1)||(currentWeapon==4))&&(gb.frameCount%2))
+          {
+          }
+          else{
+            gb.sound.playPattern((uint16_t*)pgm_read_word(&(weapons_sounds[currentWeapon])), 0);
+          }
+          if(currentWeapon == 1){//with P90 cancel every two sounds to avoid continuous beep
+            if(rand()%2)
+              gb.sound.playPattern(p90_alternative_sound, 0);
+          }
+          //player recoil
+          byte recoil = weapon_playerRecoil[currentWeapon];
+          moveXYDS(playerX, playerY, playerDir, -recoil);
+          for(byte i = 0; i<recoil; i++){
+            if(collideWorld(playerX, playerY, playerW, playerH))
+              moveXYDS(playerX, playerY, playerDir, 1);
+            else
+              break;
+          }
+          if(currentWeapon == 4){ //MG42
+            shake_magnitude = 1;
+            shake_timeLeft = 2;
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else{
+    currentWeapon = max(0, currentWeapon-1); //cut... no, magnum finally
+    ammo = weapon_ammo[currentWeapon];
+    nextShot = 20;
+    gb.popup(("Out of ammo!"), 30);
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// MOVE BULLETS
+void moveBullets(){
+  for(byte thisBullet = 0; thisBullet < NUMBULLETS; thisBullet++){
+    if(bullets_active[thisBullet]){
+      byte s = weapon_size[bullets_weapon[thisBullet]];
+      moveXYDS(bullets_x[thisBullet], bullets_y[thisBullet], bullets_dir[thisBullet], weapon_speed[bullets_weapon[thisBullet]]);
+      //collide world
+      if(collideWorld(bullets_x[thisBullet], bullets_y[thisBullet], s, s)){
+        bullets_active[thisBullet] = false;
+        if(bullets_weapon[thisBullet] == 3){ //RPG
+          blast_x = bullets_x[thisBullet];
+          blast_y = bullets_y[thisBullet];
+          blast_lifespan = 8;
+          gb.sound.playPattern(blast_sound, 0);
+        }
+        else{
+        }
+        continue;
+      }
+      for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){ //for each mob
+        if(gb.collideRectRect(bullets_x[thisBullet], bullets_y[thisBullet], s, s,
+        mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob])){
+          if(bullets_weapon[thisBullet] == 3){ //RPG
+            blast_x = bullets_x[thisBullet];
+            blast_y = bullets_y[thisBullet];
+            blast_lifespan = 8;
+            gb.sound.playPattern(blast_sound, 0);
+          }
+          else {
+            damageMob(thisMob, thisBullet);
+          }
+          bullets_active[thisBullet] = false;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// EXPLODE
+void explode(){
+  if(blast_lifespan){
+    blast_lifespan--;
+    //,100),40);
+    shake_magnitude = 4;
+    shake_timeLeft = 2;
+    //pick a random blast
+    byte s = 10 + random (0,6);
+    int x = blast_x + random(-4,4) -s/2;
+    int y = blast_y + random(-4,4) -s/2;
+    //damages
+    for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){
+      if(gb.collideRectRect(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob],
+      x,y,s,s))
+        damageMob(thisMob,blast_bullet);
+    }
+    //display
+    int x_screen, y_screen;
+    if(screenCoord(x, y, x_screen, y_screen))
+      gb.display.fillRect(x_screen, y_screen, s, s);
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW BULLETS
+void drawBullets(){
+  gb.display.setColor(1);
+  for(byte thisBullet = 0; thisBullet < NUMBULLETS; thisBullet++){
+    if(bullets_active[thisBullet]){
+      int x, y;
+      if(screenCoord(bullets_x[thisBullet], bullets_y[thisBullet], x, y)){
+        byte s = weapon_size[bullets_weapon[thisBullet]];
+        if(s==1)
+          gb.display.drawPixel(x, y);
+        else
+          gb.display.fillRect(x, y, s, s);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW AMMO OVERLAY
+void drawAmmoOverlay(){
+  if(ammo){
+    // text shadow
+    /*
+    gb.display.setColor(10);
+    gb.display.cursorX = -1;
+    gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight-1;
+    gb.display.print((const __FlashStringHelper*)pgm_read_word(weapon_name+currentWeapon)); //some crazy casts
+    gb.display.cursorX = -1;
+    gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight+1;
+    gb.display.print((const __FlashStringHelper*)pgm_read_word(weapon_name+currentWeapon)); //some crazy casts
+    gb.display.cursorX = 1;
+    gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight-1;
+    gb.display.print((const __FlashStringHelper*)pgm_read_word(weapon_name+currentWeapon)); //some crazy casts
+    gb.display.cursorX = +1;
+    gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight+1;
+    gb.display.print((const __FlashStringHelper*)pgm_read_word(weapon_name+currentWeapon)); //some crazy casts
+    */
+    // white on top
+    gb.display.setColor(2);
+    gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+    gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight;
+    gb.display.print((char*)(weapon_name[currentWeapon])); //some crazy casts
+    if(nextShot>2)
+      gb.display.fillRect(-2,LCDHEIGHT-2,nextShot,2);
+    if(currentWeapon > 0){ //don't display the ammo of the cut
+      byte xOffset = 0;
+      if (ammo < 100)
+        xOffset += gb.display.fontWidth;
+      if (ammo < 10)
+        xOffset += gb.display.fontWidth;
+      gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH-3*gb.display.fontWidth+xOffset;
+      gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight;
+      gb.display.print(ammo);
+    }
+    else {
+      gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH-3*gb.display.fontWidth;
+      gb.display.cursorY = LCDHEIGHT-gb.display.fontHeight;
+      gb.display.print(("inf"));
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// SET SPLASH
+void setSplash(int x, int y){
+  for(byte thisSplash = 0; thisSplash < NUMSPLASH; thisSplash++){
+    if(!splash_active[thisSplash]){ //look for the first inactive splash
+      splash_active[thisSplash] = true; //set it to active
+      splash_x[thisSplash] = x;
+      splash_y[thisSplash] = y;
+      splash_dir[thisSplash] = random(0,5);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW SPLASHES
+void drawSplashes(){
+  for(byte thisSplash = 0; thisSplash < NUMSPLASH; thisSplash++){
+    if(splash_active[thisSplash]){
+      int x, y;
+      if(screenCoord(splash_x[thisSplash], splash_y[thisSplash], x, y)){ //if the splash is in the screen
+        //draw it
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(x-2, y-2, splashSprite, splash_dir[thisSplash], NOFLIP);
+      }
+      else{ //erase it if it is out of the screen
+        splash_active[thisSplash] = false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// SPAWN CRATE
+void spawnCrate(){
+  boolean okay = false;
+  while (okay == false){
+    //pick a random location
+    crate_x = random(0, WORLD_W) * 8;
+    crate_y = random(0, WORLD_H) * 8;
+    okay = true;
+    //is that in a wall ?
+    if(collideWorld(crate_x, crate_y, 8, 8)){
+      okay = false;
+    }
+    //is that in the screen ?
+    int x, y;
+    if(screenCoord(crate_x, crate_y, x, y)){
+      okay = false;
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// COLLIDE CRATE
+void collideCrate(){
+  if(gb.collideRectRect(crate_x+2, crate_y+2, 4, 4, playerX, playerY, playerW, playerH)){
+    if (score <5){
+      gb.popup(("Earn $5 first"), 30);
+      return;
+    }
+    if(currentWeapon<(NUMWEAPONS-1)){
+      gb.popup(("Upgraded !"), 30);
+      gb.sound.playPattern(power_up,0);
+    }
+    else{
+      gb.popup(("Refilled !"), 30);
+    }
+    score -= 5;
+    spawnCrate();
+    currentWeapon = min(NUMWEAPONS-1, currentWeapon+1); //upgrade to the next weapon
+    ammo = weapon_ammo[currentWeapon];
+    //gb.popup(weapon_name[currentWeapon], 30);
+    //if(random(0,score/10)==0) //the higher is your score, the less life you will find in crates
+    playerLife = min(playerLife+1, playerLifeMax);
+    int hazefactor = (255-42*playerLife)*2/3;
+    for (uint16_t k =0 ; k<16; k++) hazepalette[k] = gb.display.interpolateColor(gb.display.palette[k],gb.display.palette[4],hazefactor);
+    //,40);
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW CRATE
+void drawCrate(){
+  int x, y;
+  if(screenCoord(crate_x, crate_y, x, y)){
+    gb.display.setColor(8);
+    gb.display.drawBitmap(x, y, crateSprite);
+    //gb.display.setColor(6);
+    //gb.display.drawBitmap(x-1, y, crateSprite);
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// SPAWN ONE MOB
+boolean spawnMob(byte thisMob){
+  boolean okay = false;
+  byte timout = 0;
+  mobs_size[thisMob] = mob_size;
+  mobs_life[thisMob] = mob_maxLife;
+  if(!boss_nextSpawn){ //spawn big mobs every 20 kills starting from 15
+    boss_freq = max(boss_freq - BOSSRATE, 1);
+    boss_nextSpawn = boss_freq;
+    mobs_size[thisMob] = boss_size;
+    mobs_life[thisMob] = boss_maxLife;
+    //gb.popup("Boss spawned !", 30);
+  }
+  while(okay == false){ //do the following until it's okay
+    //pick a random location
+    mobs_x[thisMob] = random(0, WORLD_W*2) * 4;
+    mobs_y[thisMob] = random(0, WORLD_H*2) * 4;
+    //and check if that position is okay
+    okay = true;
+    if(checkMobCollisions(thisMob)){
+      okay = false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    //spawn the mobs out of the player's view
+    if(wrap(mobs_x[thisMob] - cameraX, WORLD_W*8) < LCDWIDTH){
+      okay = false;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if(wrap(mobs_y[thisMob] - cameraY, WORLD_H*8) < LCDHEIGHT){
+      okay = false;
+      continue;
+    }
+  }
+  mobs_dir[thisMob] = rand() % 4; //then pick a random direction
+  return true;
+///////////////////////////////////// SPAWN ALL MOBS
+boolean spawnMobs(){
+  for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){ //put mobs far away
+    mobs_x[thisMob] = 9999;
+    mobs_y[thisMob] = 9999;
+  }
+  for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){
+    if(!spawnMob(thisMob)) //try to spawn a mob
+        return false; //return false if an error occur
+  }
+  return true;
+///////////////////////////////////// MOVE MOBS
+void moveMobs(){
+  for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){ //for each mob
+    int x = wrap(mobs_x[thisMob] - cameraX, WORLD_W*8);
+    int y = wrap(mobs_y[thisMob] - cameraY, WORLD_H*8);
+    //if the mob is close to the screen
+    if( (distanceBetween(mobs_x[thisMob], playerX, WORLD_W*8) < (LCDWIDTH+32)) &&  (distanceBetween(mobs_y[thisMob], playerY, WORLD_H*8) < (LCDHEIGHT+32))){
+      moveXYDS(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_dir[thisMob], 1); //go forward
+      //if there is a collision, move a step backward and pick a new random direction
+      if(checkMobCollisions(thisMob)){
+        moveXYDS(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_dir[thisMob], -1);
+        mobs_dir[thisMob] = rand()%4;
+        continue;
+      }
+      //go in a random direction
+      if(random(0,32)==0){
+        mobs_dir[thisMob] = rand()%4;
+        continue;
+      }
+      //go in the direction on the player (randomly choose between X and Y axis)
+      if(random(0,16)==0){
+        if(random(0,2)){
+          //get closer to the player on the X axis
+          if((LCDWIDTH/2 - x) > 0){ //go to the left if the player is on the left
+            mobs_dir[thisMob] = 3;
+          }
+          else{ // or go to the right if the player is on the right
+            mobs_dir[thisMob] = 1;
+          }
+        }
+        //if the distance between the player and the mob is larger on the Y axis
+        else {
+          //get closer to the player on the Y axis
+          if((LCDHEIGHT/2 - y) > 0){ //go downward
+            mobs_dir[thisMob] = 2;
+          }
+          else{ //go upward
+            mobs_dir[thisMob] = 0;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// CHECK MOB COLLISIONS
+boolean checkMobCollisions(byte thisMob){
+  //check collision with the world
+  if(collideWorld(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob]))
+    return true;
+  //check collision with other mobs
+  if(collideOtherMobs(thisMob))
+    return true;
+  return false;
+///////////////////////////////////// CHECK IF A MOB COLLIDE ANOTHER ONE
+boolean collideOtherMobs(byte thisMob){
+  for(byte otherMob=0; otherMob<activeMobs; otherMob++){
+    if(thisMob == otherMob) //don't check collision with iself >_<'
+      continue;
+    if(gb.collideRectRect(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob],
+    mobs_x[otherMob], mobs_y[otherMob], mobs_size[otherMob], mobs_size[otherMob])){
+      return true;
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW MOBS
+void drawMobs(){
+    gb.display.setColor(1); //8
+  for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){
+    //int x = wrap(mobs_x[thisMob] - cameraX + playerW/2, WORLD_W*8);
+    //int y = wrap(mobs_y[thisMob] - cameraY + playerH/2, WORLD_H*8);
+    int x, y;
+    if(screenCoord(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], x, y)){
+      if(mobs_size[thisMob] != boss_size)
+      {
+        gb.display.setColor(8);
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(x-2, y-2, mobSprite, mobs_dir[thisMob], NOFLIP);
+      } else
+      { gb.display.setColor(9);
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(x-1, y-1, bossSprite, mobs_dir[thisMob], NOFLIP);
+      }
+      //gb.fillRect(x, y, mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], BLACK);
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DAMAGE MOB
+void damageMob(byte thisMob, byte thisBullet){
+  mobs_life[thisMob] -= weapon_damage[bullets_weapon[thisBullet]];
+  //recoil
+  byte recoil = weapon_ennemyRecoil[bullets_weapon[thisBullet]];
+  if(mobs_size[thisMob] == boss_size)
+    recoil /= 4;
+  moveXYDS(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], bullets_dir[thisBullet], recoil);
+  if(checkMobCollisions(thisMob))
+    moveXYDS(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], bullets_dir[thisBullet], -recoil);
+  mobs_dir[thisMob] = (bullets_dir[thisBullet] + 2) % 4;
+  //,10);
+  if(mobs_life[thisMob] <= 0){ //the mob dies
+    score++;
+    kills++;
+    boss_nextSpawn--;
+    if(bullets_weapon[thisBullet]!=3){ //if it's no the RPG
+      gb.sound.playPattern(mob_death_sound,0);
+    }
+    if(mobs_size[thisMob] == boss_size)
+      score += 4;
+    setSplash(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob]);
+    int x, y;
+    if(screenCoord(mobs_x[thisMob], mobs_y[thisMob], x, y)){
+      gb.display.fillRect(x-1, y-1, mobs_size[thisMob]+1, mobs_size[thisMob]+1);
+    }
+    //,20);
+    spawnMob(thisMob);
+    if(activeMobs < NUMMOBS){ //if the max isn't reached
+      if(activeMobs < (kills/MOBSRATE)+INITNUMMOBS){ //every 8 mobs killed
+        activeMobs++; //add a mob
+        spawnMob(activeMobs-1); //spawn the mob added
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else { //the mob survives
+  }
+const char strPlay[] PROGMEM = "Play";
+const char strRestart[] PROGMEM = "Restart";
+const char strHighScores[] PROGMEM = "High scores";
+const char strSystemInfo[] PROGMEM = "System Info";
+const char strMainMenu[] PROGMEM = "Main Menu";
+const char* const pauseMenu[PAUSEMENULENGTH] PROGMEM = {
+  strPlay,
+  strRestart,
+  strHighScores,
+  strSystemInfo,
+  strMainMenu
+///////////////////////////////////// PAUSE
+void pausem(){
+  while(gb.isRunning()){
+    if(gb.update()){
+      switch(, PAUSEMENULENGTH)){
+      case 0: //resume
+        gb.wait(100);
+        gb.display.setFont(font3x5);
+        play();
+        gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
+ = true;
+        break;
+      case 1: //restart
+        initGame();
+        gb.display.setFont(font3x5);
+        play();
+        gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
+ = true;
+        return;
+      case 2: //high scores
+        displayHighScores();
+        break;
+      case 3: //System info
+        gb.display.setFont(font3x5);
+        while (1) {
+          if (gb.update()) {
+            if (gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C)) {
+              gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
+              gb.sound.playCancel();
+              break;
+            }
+            //gb.display.setCursor(0, 0);
+            gb.display.print(("Bat:"));
+            gb.display.print(gb.battery.voltage);
+            gb.display.println(("mV"));
+            gb.display.print(("Bat lvl:"));
+            gb.display.print(gb.battery.level);
+            gb.display.println(("/4"));
+            gb.display.print(("Light:"));
+            gb.display.println(gb.backlight.ambientLight);
+            gb.display.print(("Backlight:"));
+            gb.display.println(gb.backlight.backlightValue);
+            gb.display.print(("Volume:"));
+            gb.display.print(gb.sound.getVolume());
+            //gb.display.print(F("/"));
+            //gb.display.println(gb.sound.volumeMax);
+            gb.display.print("Mobs:");
+            gb.display.print(activeMobs);
+            gb.display.print("/");
+            gb.display.println(NUMMOBS);
+            gb.display.print("Killed:");
+            gb.display.println(kills);
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+      case 4: //change game
+        //gb.changeGame();
+        gb.titleScreen(logo);
+        break;
+      default:
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DISPLAY HIGHSCORES
+void displayHighScores(){
+  while(true){
+    if(gb.update()){
+      gb.display.cursorX = 9+random(0,2);
+      gb.display.cursorY = 0+random(0,2);
+      gb.display.println(("HIGH SCORES"));
+      gb.display.textWrap = false;
+      gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+      gb.display.cursorY = gb.display.fontHeight;
+      for(byte thisScore=0; thisScore<RANKMAX; thisScore++){
+        if(highscore[thisScore]==0)
+          gb.display.print('-');
+        else
+          gb.display.print(name[thisScore]);
+        gb.display.cursorX = LCDWIDTH-3*gb.display.fontWidth;
+        gb.display.cursorY = gb.display.fontHeight+gb.display.fontHeight*thisScore;
+        gb.display.println(highscore[thisScore]);
+      }
+      if(gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A) || gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_B) || gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C)){
+        gb.sound.playOK();
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// INIT GAME
+void initGame(){
+  //lastScore = score;
+  if(score > highscore[RANKMAX-1]){ //if the score is better than the worse high score
+    saveHighscore();
+  }
+  //scoreDisplayTimeLeft = 64;
+  score = 0;
+  kills = 0;
+  currentWeapon = 0; //magnum
+  ammo = 9999;
+  nextShot = 0;
+  shake_timeLeft = 0;
+  playerLife = playerLifeMax;
+  boss_freq = BOSSFREQ;
+  boss_nextSpawn = boss_freq;
+  activeMobs = INITNUMMOBS; //6 initial mobs
+  do{
+    do{
+      playerX = random(0, WORLD_W) * 8;
+      playerY = random(0, WORLD_H) * 8;
+    }
+    while(collideWorld(playerX, playerY, playerW, playerH));
+    cameraX = playerX - LCDWIDTH/2 + playerW/2;
+    cameraY = playerY - LCDHEIGHT/2 + playerW/2;
+  }
+  while(!spawnMobs()); //do that until mobs are spawned without error
+  //spawn crate
+  spawnCrate();
+  //reset bullets
+  for(byte thisBullet = 0; thisBullet < NUMBULLETS; thisBullet++){
+    bullets_active[thisBullet] = false;
+  }
+  //reset splashes
+  for(byte thisSplash = 0; thisSplash < NUMSPLASH; thisSplash++){
+    splash_active[thisSplash] = false;
+  }
+  blast_lifespan = 0; //reset explosion
+///////////////////////////////////// PLAY
+void play(){
+ = false;
+  byte i = 0;
+  while(i < 10 && gb.isRunning()){
+    if(gb.update()){
+      gb.display.fontSize = 2;
+      gb.display.cursorX = 6;
+      gb.display.cursorY = 16;
+      gb.display.print(("LET'S GO!"));
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  gb.display.fontSize = 1;
+  gb.popup(("\x15:shoot \x16:run"), 60);
+  while(gb.isRunning()){
+    if(gb.update()){
+      if(gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_C)){
+        gb.sound.playCancel();
+        return;
+        // = true;
+        //pause();
+        // = false;
+      }
+      boolean moved = false;
+      if(gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_RIGHT, 1)){
+        playerDir = 3;
+        moved = true;
+      }
+      else{
+        if(gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_LEFT, 1)){
+          playerDir = 1;
+          moved = true;
+        }
+      }
+      if(gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_DOWN, 1)){
+        playerDir = 2;
+        moved = true;
+      }
+      else{
+        if(gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_UP, 1)){
+          playerDir = 0;
+          moved = true;
+        }
+      }
+      if(moved){
+        moveXYDS(playerX, playerY, playerDir, playerSpeed);
+        if(collideWorld(playerX, playerY, playerW, playerH))
+          moveXYDS(playerX, playerY, playerDir, -playerSpeed);
+      }
+      cameraX = playerX + playerW/2 - LCDWIDTH/2;
+      cameraY = playerY + playerH/2 - LCDHEIGHT/2;
+      shakeScreen();
+      /*
+      gb.display.setColor(7); // shrub shadow
+      drawWorld(cameraX-3, cameraY-3);
+      gb.display.setColor(5); // shrubs
+      drawWorld(cameraX, cameraY);
+      */
+      int x, y;
+      screenCoord(playerX, playerY, x, y);
+      //gb.display.setColor(10); //shadow
+      int8_t ox=0,oy=0;
+      ox--;
+      //gb.display.drawBitmap(x+ox, y+oy, playerSprite, playerDir, NOFLIP);
+      gb.display.setColor(3); //magenta
+      gb.display.drawBitmap(x, y, playerSprite, playerDir, NOFLIP);
+      byte thisSprite = 0;
+      moveMobs();
+      drawMobs();
+      if(nextShot)
+        nextShot--;
+      if(gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_A, 1) && !gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_B, 1)){
+        shoot();
+      }
+      if (gb.buttons.repeat(BTN_B, 1)){
+        playerSpeed = 2;
+      }
+      else {
+        playerSpeed = 1;
+      }
+      moveBullets();
+      drawBullets();
+      explode();
+      gb.display.setColor(4);
+      drawSplashes();
+      collideCrate();
+      drawCrate();
+      /** DRAW WORLD**/
+      //gb.display.setColor(7); // shrub shadow
+      //drawWorld(cameraX-2, cameraY-2);
+      gb.display.setColor(5); // shrubs
+      drawWorld(cameraX, cameraY);
+      //life remaining
+      for(byte i=0; i<=playerLifeMax/2; i+=1){
+        if((i*2)<=playerLife){
+          gb.display.setColor(4);
+          gb.display.drawBitmap(LCDWIDTH-i*9+2, 0, fullHeart);
+        }
+        else{
+          gb.display.setColor(0,0);
+          gb.display.drawBitmap(LCDWIDTH-i*9+2, 0, fullHeart);
+          gb.display.setColor(4,0);
+          gb.display.drawBitmap(LCDWIDTH-i*9+2, 0, emptyHeart);
+        }
+      }
+      if(!playerLife){
+        if((gb.frameCount%2)==0){
+          shake_magnitude = 2;
+          shake_timeLeft = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      else{
+        if(playerLife == 1){
+          shake_magnitude = 1;
+          shake_timeLeft = 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if(playerLife%2){ //odd number
+        gb.display.setColor(4,0);
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(LCDWIDTH-(playerLife/2+1)*9+2, 0, halfHeart);
+      }
+      drawAmmoOverlay();
+      displayScore();
+      for(byte thisMob=0; thisMob<activeMobs; thisMob++){
+        if(gb.collideRectRect(mobs_x[thisMob],mobs_y[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob], mobs_size[thisMob],
+        playerX, playerY, playerW, playerH)){
+          playerLife--;
+          //pokConsoleAddMessage(MSG_PRINT,V_INT16,playerLife);
+          shake_magnitude = 2;
+          shake_timeLeft = 4;
+          if(mobs_size[thisMob] == boss_size){
+            playerLife--;
+            shake_magnitude = 3;
+            shake_timeLeft = 4;
+          }
+          //int hazefactor = (255-42*playerLife)*2/3;
+          //for (uint16_t k =0 ; k<16; k++) hazepalette[k] = pokInterpolateColor(palette[k],palette[4],hazefactor);
+          gb.sound.playPattern(player_damage_sound, 0);
+          spawnMob(thisMob);
+          if(playerLife < 0){
+            byte timer=0;
+            while(1){
+              if(gb.update()){
+                //gb.display.setColor(1);
+                drawMobs();
+                drawBullets();
+                drawSplashes();
+                drawCrate();
+                drawAmmoOverlay();
+                displayScore();
+                drawWorld(cameraX, cameraY);
+                gb.display.drawBitmap(x-1, y-1, playerSprite, playerDir, NOFLIP);
+                gb.display.setColor(WHITE);
+                gb.display.fillRect(0,0,timer*2,LCDHEIGHT);
+                gb.display.fillRect(LCDWIDTH-timer*2,0,timer*2,LCDHEIGHT);
+                gb.display.setColor(BLACK, WHITE);
+                gb.display.cursorX = 12;
+                gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+                gb.display.print(("GAME OVER!"));
+                timer++;
+                if(timer==((LCDWIDTH/4)+10))
+                  break;
+              }
+              //int hazefactor = 0;
+              //for (uint16_t k =0 ; k<16; k++) hazepalette[k] = pokInterpolateColor(palette[k],palette[4],hazefactor);
+            }
+            while(1){
+              if(gb.update()){
+                if(score > highscore[RANKMAX-1]){ //if the score is better than the worse high score
+                  gb.display.cursorX = 2+rand()%2;
+                  gb.display.cursorY = 0+rand()%2;
+                  gb.display.print(("NEW HIGHSCORE"));
+                }
+                else{
+                  gb.display.cursorX = 12;
+                  gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+                  gb.display.print(("GAME OVER!"));
+                }
+                gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+                gb.display.cursorY = 12;
+                gb.display.print(("You made $"));
+                gb.display.print(score);
+                gb.display.print(("\nby killing\n"));
+                gb.display.print(kills);
+                gb.display.print((" crabs."));
+                gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+                gb.display.cursorY = 40;
+                gb.display.print(("\x15:accept"));
+                if(gb.buttons.pressed(BTN_A)){
+                  gb.sound.playOK();
+                  break;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            initGame();
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// DISPLAY SCORE
+void displayScore(){
+  // blue on bottom
+  /* gb.display.setColor(10);
+  gb.display.cursorX = -1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = -1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+  gb.display.cursorY = -1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = -1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = -1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 0;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = -1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 1;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 1;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 0;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);*/
+  // white on top
+  gb.display.setColor(8);
+  gb.display.cursorX = 0;
+  gb.display.cursorY = 0;
+  gb.display.print('$');
+  gb.display.println(score);
+///////////////////////////////////// SHAKE SCREEN
+void shakeScreen(){
+  if(shake_timeLeft){
+    shake_timeLeft--;
+    cameraX += random(-shake_magnitude,shake_magnitude+1);
+    cameraY += random(-shake_magnitude,shake_magnitude+1);
+    byte backlightStep = gb.backlight.backlightMax / 4;
+    gb.backlight.set(gb.backlight.backlightValue-random(0,backlightStep*shake_magnitude));
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// LOAD HIGHSCORE
+void loadHighscore(){
+  /*
+  for(byte thisScore = 0; thisScore < RANKMAX; thisScore++){
+    for(byte i=0; i<NAMELENGTH; i++){
+      name[thisScore][i] = + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2));
+    }
+    highscore[thisScore] = + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2)) & 0x00FF; //LSB
+    highscore[thisScore] += ( + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2)) << 8) & 0xFF00; //MSB
+    highscore[thisScore] = (highscore[thisScore]==0xFFFF) ? 0 : highscore[thisScore];
+  }*/ //jonnehw
+///////////////////////////////////// SAVE HIGHSCORE
+void saveHighscore(){
+  //gb.getDefaultName(name[RANKMAX-1]);
+  gb.display.setFont(font5x7);
+  gb.keyboard(name[RANKMAX-1], NAMELENGTH+1);
+  highscore[RANKMAX-1] = score;
+  for(byte i=RANKMAX-1; i>0; i--){ //bubble sorting FTW
+    if(highscore[i-1] < highscore[i]){
+      char tempName[NAMELENGTH];
+      strcpy(tempName, name[i-1]);
+      strcpy(name[i-1], name[i]);
+      strcpy(name[i], tempName);
+      unsigned int tempScore;
+      tempScore = highscore[i-1];
+      highscore[i-1] = highscore[i];
+      highscore[i] = tempScore;
+    }
+    else{
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  for(byte thisScore = 0; thisScore < RANKMAX; thisScore++){
+    for(byte i=0; i<NAMELENGTH; i++){
+      EEPROM.write(i + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2), name[thisScore][i]);
+    }
+    EEPROM.write(NAMELENGTH + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2), highscore[thisScore] & 0x00FF); //LSB
+    EEPROM.write(NAMELENGTH+1 + thisScore*(NAMELENGTH+2), (highscore[thisScore] >> 8) & 0x00FF); //MSB
+  }*/// jonnehw
+  displayHighScores();
+const byte PROGMEM logo[] =
+  64,36, //width and height
+  B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000001, B01000001, B01000001,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000001, B10000000, B00000110, B00000100, B00010100, B00010001,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000001, B10000000, B00000110, B00000000, B10000000, B10000001,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000001, B10000000, B00000110, B00000000, B00000000, B01000001,
+  B10001111, B00111111, B01111001, B10111001, B11101111, B10011110, B01111110, B00010001,
+  B10011001, B10111011, B11001101, B11111011, B00110110, B00110011, B01110110, B00100001,
+  B10011001, B10110011, B00001101, B10011000, B00110110, B00110011, B01100110, B01000101,
+  B10011000, B00110000, B01111101, B10011001, B11110110, B00110011, B01100000, B00000011,
+  B10011000, B00110000, B11001101, B10011011, B00110110, B00110011, B01100001, B01000001,
+  B10011000, B00110000, B11001101, B10011011, B00110110, B00110011, B01100100, B00010101,
+  B10011001, B10110000, B11011101, B10011011, B01110110, B00110011, B01100000, B10001001,
+  B11001111, B00110000, B11111101, B11110011, B11110011, B10011110, B01100000, B01000001,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000101, B00010101,
+  B10100000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00100000, B10000000, B10100001,
+  B11000000, B00000000, B00011000, B00001100, B00000000, B00000000, B00001111, B11110101,
+  B10010000, B00000000, B00100100, B01010010, B10000000, B11110000, B00001000, B00010011,
+  B11010000, B00000010, B10101100, B01010110, B10000001, B11111000, B00001111, B11110001,
+  B10011001, B01000011, B00110100, B11011010, B11100001, B11111000, B00001010, B00110101,
+  B10010101, B01000010, B00100101, B01010010, B10000001, B11111000, B00001100, B01011001,
+  B11011101, B11000010, B00011001, B11001100, B01100001, B01101000, B00001111, B11110001,
+  B10000000, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B11110000, B00001000, B00010101,
+  B10000000, B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001111, B11110001,
+  B11000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000110, B00000000, B00000000, B00000101,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001111, B00000000, B00000000, B00000011,
+  B11000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000110, B00000000, B00000000, B00000001,
+  B10010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001001, B00000000, B00000000, B00000101,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00001001,
+  B11000001, B01000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000001,
+  B10010011, B11010000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000101,
+  B10100011, B11100000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000000, B00000110, B00000000, B00000001,
+  B10000011, B11100000, B00000101, B01000101, B01000000, B00001111, B00000101, B01000101,
+  B10000011, B11010000, B00000010, B00000010, B00000000, B00000110, B00000010, B00000011,
+  B10000001, B01000000, B00000001, B01000001, B01000000, B00001001, B00000001, B01000001,
+  B10000000, B00000000, B00000100, B00010100, B00010000, B00000000, B00000100, B00010101,
+  B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111, B11111111,
+const byte PROGMEM world[]=
+  B11001111,B11001111,
+  B10000000,B01000000,
+  B00000001,B11111100,
+  B00111001,B11100000,
+  B00001100,B00000110,
+  B10000111,B00011111,
+  B11000011,B11000001,
+  B10000001,B00000001,
+  B00111100,B00110011,
+  B00000111,B11100000,
+  B10000100,B00001001,
+  B11000001,B11001111,
+const byte PROGMEM tiles[]=
+  8,8,
+  B01010100,
+  B00100000,
+  B00010100,
+  B01000001,
+  B10001000,
+  B00000100,
+  B01010001,
+  B00001010,
+const byte PROGMEM mobSprite[]=
+  8,8,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00011000,
+  B00111100,
+  B00011000,
+  B00100100,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+const byte PROGMEM bossSprite[]=
+  8,8,
+  B00000000,
+  B00100100,
+  B00011000,
+  B01111110,
+  B00111100,
+  B01111110,
+  B00111100,
+  B00000000,
+const byte PROGMEM playerSprite[]=
+  8,8,
+  B00000000,
+  B00111100,
+  B01011010,
+  B01111110,
+  B01111110,
+  B01111110,
+  B00111100,
+  B00000000,
+const byte PROGMEM splashSprite[]=
+  8,8,
+  B00000000,
+  B00001000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00011000,
+  B00111000,
+  B10110100,
+  B00000000,
+  B00010000,
+const byte PROGMEM crateSprite[]=
+  8,8,
+  B11111111,
+  B10000001,
+  B11111111,
+  B10100011,
+  B11000101,
+  B11111111,
+  B10000001,
+  B11111111,
+const byte PROGMEM fullHeart[]=
+  8,8,
+  B01101100,
+  B11111110,
+  B11111110,
+  B01111100,
+  B00111000,
+  B00010000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+const byte PROGMEM halfHeart[]=
+  8,8,
+  B00000000,
+  B00001100,
+  B00011100,
+  B00011000,
+  B00010000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+const byte PROGMEM emptyHeart[]=
+  8,8,
+  B01101100,
+  B10010010,
+  B10000010,
+  B01000100,
+  B00101000,
+  B00010000,
+  B00000000,
+  B00000000,
+///////////////////////////////////// GET TILE
+boolean getTile(uint8_t i, uint8_t j){
+  uint8_t test;
+  test = (pgm_read_byte(world + (j%WORLD_H)*byteWidth + (i%WORLD_W)/8) & (B10000000 >> (i % 8)));
+  if(test)
+    return true;
+  else
+    return false;
+///////////////////////////////////// DRAW WORLD
+void drawWorld(int16_t x, int16_t y){
+  int8_t i, j,
+  w = WORLD_W,
+  h = WORLD_H;
+  x = wrap(x,w*8);
+  y = wrap(y,h*8);
+  for(j=y/8; j < (LCDHEIGHT/8 + y/8 + 1); j++) {
+    for(i=x/8; i < (LCDWIDTH/8 + x/8 + 1); i++ ) {
+      if(getTile(i, j)) {
+        gb.display.drawBitmap(i*8 - x, j*8 - y, tiles);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+///////////////////////////////////// COLLIDE WORLD
+boolean collideWorld(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t w, uint8_t h){
+  if(getTile(x/8, y/8))
+    return true;
+  if(getTile((x+w-1)/8, y/8))
+    return true;
+  if(getTile((x+w-1)/8, (y+h-1)/8))
+    return true;
+  if(getTile(x/8, (y+h-1)/8))
+    return true;
+  return false;