Library for PAT9125 on L476RG platform

Fork of pat9125_mbed by PixArt Imaging

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Feb 01 02:21:50 2018 +0000
Commit message:
Merge pixart_lcm to pat9125_mbed.

Changed in this revision

pixart_lcm.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
pixart_lcm.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pixart_lcm.cpp	Thu Feb 01 02:21:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+#include "pixart_lcm.h"
+typedef struct
+    SPI                *pSPI ;
+    DigitalOut          *pCSB;
+    DigitalOut          *pRSTB;
+    DigitalOut          *pRS;
+} pixart_lcm_state_s;
+static pixart_lcm_state_s g_state ;
+#define LOW 0
+#define HIGH 1
+#define PIN_LCM_RS      g_state.pRS
+#define PIN_LCM_RSTB    g_state.pRSTB
+#define PIN_LCM_CSB     g_state.pCSB
+#define digitalWrite(pin,level) *pin =  level
+#define LCM_RS_LO       digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_RS,LOW)        
+#define LCM_RS_HI       digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_RS,HIGH)   
+#define LCM_RSTB_LO     digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_RSTB,LOW)
+#define LCM_RSTB_HI     digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_RSTB,HIGH)
+#define LCM_CSB_LO      digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_CSB,LOW)
+#define LCM_CSB_HI      digitalWrite(PIN_LCM_CSB,HIGH)
+#define I2C_ADDRESS    (0x73 << 1)
+#define delayMicroseconds(us) wait_us(us)
+#define delay(ms) wait_ms(ms)
+unsigned char hex2dec_nibble(unsigned char hex_nibble)
+    unsigned char dec;
+    switch(hex_nibble)
+    {
+    case 0xA: dec=10;   break;
+    case 0xB: dec=11;   break;
+    case 0xC: dec=12;   break;
+    case 0xD: dec=13;   break;
+    case 0xE: dec=14;   break;
+    case 0xF: dec=15;   break;
+    default:    dec=hex_nibble; break;
+    }
+    return (dec);
+unsigned int hex2dec_word(unsigned int hex_word)
+    unsigned char dec_nb[4];
+    unsigned char nibble3=(hex_word>>12)&0x000f;
+    unsigned char nibble2=(hex_word>>8)&0x000f;
+    unsigned char nibble1=(hex_word>>4)&0x000f;
+    unsigned char nibble0=hex_word&0x000f;
+    dec_nb[3]=hex2dec_nibble(nibble3);
+    dec_nb[2]=hex2dec_nibble(nibble2);
+    dec_nb[1]=hex2dec_nibble(nibble1);
+    dec_nb[0]=hex2dec_nibble(nibble0);
+    return ((dec_nb[3]<<12)+(dec_nb[2]<<8)+(dec_nb[1]<<4)+dec_nb[0]);
+void LCM_WriteCom(unsigned char Command)
+    LCM_CSB_LO;
+    LCM_RS_LO;
+    //SPI.transfer(Command);
+    g_state.pSPI->write(Command);
+    LCM_CSB_HI;
+    delayMicroseconds(30);
+void LCM_WriteData(unsigned char Ascii)
+    LCM_CSB_LO;
+    LCM_RS_HI;
+    //SPI.transfer(Ascii);
+    g_state.pSPI->write(Ascii);
+    LCM_CSB_HI;
+    delayMicroseconds(30); 
+void LCM_Init(void)
+    delay(3);
+    delay(20);
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x30); //wake up
+    delay(3);
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x30); //wake up
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x30); //wake up   
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x39); //function set
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x14); //internal osc frequency
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x56); //Contrast set
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x6D); //follower control
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x75); //contrast//
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x0C); //display on
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x06); //entry mode
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x01); //clear
+    delay(10);
+void LCM_Clear(void)
+    LCM_WriteCom(0x01);
+    delay(2);
+void LCM_SetPosition(unsigned char line, unsigned char position)//line=1 or 2; position=1~16
+    unsigned char address;
+    address = ((line-1) * 0x40) + (position-1);
+    address = 0x80 + (address & 0x7F);
+    LCM_WriteCom(address);
+void LCM_DisplayString(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, const char *ptr)
+    LCM_SetPosition(line,position);
+    while (*ptr)  
+    {
+            LCM_WriteData(*ptr++);
+    }
+void LCM_DisplayDecimal(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, unsigned int hex_word, unsigned char digits)
+    unsigned char sign;//0:positive, 1:negative
+    unsigned int dec_num;
+    unsigned char digit[5];
+    signed char ii;
+    if(hex_word & 0x8000)   
+        sign=1;
+    else    
+        sign=0;
+    if(sign==1) 
+        hex_word=~hex_word+1;
+    dec_num=hex2dec_word(hex_word);
+    digit[4]=dec_num/10000;
+    digit[3]=(dec_num%10000)/1000;
+    digit[2]=(dec_num%1000)/100;
+    digit[1]=(dec_num%100)/10;
+    digit[0]=dec_num%10;
+    LCM_SetPosition(line,position);
+    if(sign==1) 
+        LCM_WriteData('-');
+    else
+        LCM_WriteData('+');
+    for(ii=(digits-1);ii>=0;ii--)
+    {
+        LCM_WriteData(digit[ii] | 0x30);//decimal to ascii
+    }
+void LCM_ClearLine(unsigned char line)//    line: 1 or 2
+    LCM_DisplayString(line,1,"                ");
+void LCM_DisplayString_Reset(void)
+  LCM_DisplayString(1,1,"SHAFT"); LCM_DisplayString(1,8,"U/D");LCM_DisplayDecimal(1,12,0x000,4);
+  LCM_DisplayString(2,1,"SPRING");LCM_DisplayString(2,8,"P/R");LCM_DisplayDecimal(2,12,0x000,4);    
+void LCM_DisplayString_Boot(boolean sen_status)
+  LCM_DisplayString(1,1,"PixArt Shaft EVK");    
+  LCM_DisplayString(2,1,"PAT9125 FW V2.40");
+  delay(2000);
+  LCM_ClearLine(1);
+  LCM_ClearLine(2);
+  if(sen_status == true)
+  {
+    LCM_DisplayString_Reset();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    LCM_DisplayString(2,1,"Read Sensor Fail");
+    //while(1);//stop here if read sensor fail as a warning.
+  }
+pixart_lcm::pixart_lcm(SPI *pSPI, DigitalOut *pCSB, DigitalOut *pRSTB, DigitalOut *pRS)
+    g_state.pSPI = pSPI;
+    g_state.pCSB = pCSB;
+    g_state.pRSTB = pRSTB;
+    g_state.pRS = pRS;
+    *g_state.pRS =  1;
+    LCM_Init();
+void pixart_lcm::LCM_DisplayString(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, const char *ptr)
+    ::LCM_DisplayString(line, position, ptr);
+void pixart_lcm::LCM_DisplayDecimal(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, unsigned int hex_word, unsigned char digits)
+    ::LCM_DisplayDecimal(line, position, hex_word, digits);
+void pixart_lcm::LCM_DisplayString_Reset(void)
+    ::LCM_DisplayString_Reset();
+void pixart_lcm::LCM_DisplayString_Boot(boolean sen_status)
+    ::LCM_DisplayString_Boot(sen_status);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pixart_lcm.h	Thu Feb 01 02:21:50 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#ifndef PIXART_LCM_H
+#define PIXART_LCM_H
+#include "stdint.h"
+#include "mbed.h"
+typedef uint8_t boolean ;
+class pixart_lcm
+    public:           
+        pixart_lcm(SPI *pSPI, DigitalOut *pCSB, DigitalOut *pRSTB, DigitalOut *pRS) ;
+        void LCM_DisplayString(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, const char *ptr) ; 
+        void LCM_DisplayDecimal(unsigned char line, unsigned char position, unsigned int hex_word, unsigned char digits) ; 
+        void LCM_DisplayString_Reset(void); 
+        void LCM_DisplayString_Boot(boolean sen_status); 