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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "TimeInterface.h"
00004 void SetDate(int DD, int MM, int YYYY)
00005 {
00006     time_t currentTime = time(0);   //Get the currenttime
00007     tm* current_tm = localtime(&currentTime);  //Convert the time integer to a stuct
00008     tm newtime = *current_tm;       //structure holding new time
00009     newtime.tm_year = YYYY - 1900;  //Year since 1900
00010     newtime.tm_mon = MM - 1;        //month of the year (0-11)
00011     newtime.tm_mday = DD;           //day of month
00012     //All other parameters remain unchanged
00014     int timeint = mktime(&newtime);  //Convert time strucutre to int
00015     if (timeint == -1)
00016     {
00017         //error code
00018     } else {
00019         set_time(timeint);  //Set the new time
00020     }
00021 }
00023 void SetTime(int HH, int mm, int ss)
00024 {
00025     time_t currentTime = time(0);   //Get the currenttime
00026     tm* current_tm = localtime(&currentTime);  //Convert the time integer to a stuct
00027     tm newtime = *current_tm;       //structure holding new time
00029     newtime.tm_hour = HH;   //Set hours
00030     newtime.tm_min = mm;    //Set mins
00031     newtime.tm_sec = ss;    //Set secs
00032     //All other parameters remain unchanged
00034     int timeint = mktime(&newtime);  //Convert time strucutre to int
00035     if (timeint == -1)
00036     {
00037         //error code
00038     } else {
00039         set_time(timeint);  //Set the new time
00040     }
00041 }
00043 struct tm ReturnDateTimeStruct(time_t seconds)
00044 {
00045     tm* ltm = localtime(&seconds);  //Turn given time integer into time structure pointer
00046     ltm->tm_mon += 1;    //adjust from the standard of 0-11 for months to 1-12
00047     ltm->tm_year += 1900;
00048     return *ltm;    //Return the data held at this address.
00049 }