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00001 #ifndef __LCD__
00002 #define __LCD__
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00005 #include "DriverLCD.h"
00006 #include "rtos.h"
00007 #include "TimeInterface.h"
00008 #include "Logging.h"
00009 #include <string>
00010 /*
00011 *The ENVDISPLAY class enhances the abilities of the TextLCD class to be
00012 *relevant for an ENVIRONMENTAL sensor.
00013 *Temperature, pressure, LDR and time readings are passed into the object using
00014 *the UpdateData function. A custom message can also be displayed using
00015 *SendMessage, with the option of returning to enviromental data.
00016 *
00017 *Two buttons are required for time setting functions. Pressing button 1 enters
00018 *the lcd into a set_time state.
00019 *
00020 *Device initialised with: ENVDISPLAY lcd(D9, D8, D7, D6, D4, D2,PE_12, PE_14);
00021 *lcd.Start() must be run to begin operation.
00022 */
00024 #define SCREENDELAY_MS 2707  //Delay for screen update
00026 class ENVDISPLAY : DriverLCD  //Class inherits TextLCD
00027 {
00028 private:
00029     char _message[32];  //32 characters on display
00030     bool _AutoQuit;     //After a message, should the LCD return to enviromental?
00031     float _latestTemp;  //Latest sample data
00032     float _latestPres;
00033     float _latestLDR;
00034     time_t _latestTime;
00038     ThreadState _currentState; //State machine state
00040     //Hardware
00041     InterruptIn Button1;  //Buttons used for setting time
00042     InterruptIn Button2;
00043     Timeout But1Debouncer;//Button debouncers
00044     Timeout But2Debouncer;
00045     Thread LCDThread;     //Thread which LCD runs in
00047     void Button1ISR(void);
00048     //Called when button 1 is pressed.
00049     void But1DebouncerISR(void);
00050     //insures that only 1 button press signal is sent to thread
00051     void Button2ISR(void);
00052     //Called when button 2 is pressed. Sets _but2Pressed and thread flag
00053     void But2DebouncerISR(void);
00054     //insures that only 1 button press signal is sent to thread
00055     void StateMachine(void);
00056     //Gets attached to LCDThread
00057     int TimeEditor(int changingVal, int upperLimit, int lowerLimit);
00058     //Handles the cycle and user input to modify changingVal and return the updated number
00060     //Used for time editing
00061     bool _but1Pressed;  //Signals that button 1 has been pressed
00062     bool _but2Pressed;  //Signals that button 2 has been pressed
00063     tm _EditTime;       //used to hold time structure whilst editing
00064     char _editingInTime[10];//hold the string of what variable is to be edited
00067 public:
00068     ENVDISPLAY(PinName rsPin, PinName rePin, PinName d4Pin, PinName d5Pin, PinName d6Pin, PinName d7Pin, PinName Button1Pin, PinName Button2Pin);
00069     //constructor
00070     void SendMessage(char sentText[], bool returnToReadings);
00071     //Display a custom message on the display with option to resume displaying readings
00072     void Start(void);
00073     //Inititates LCD activity
00074     void POST(void);
00075     //Self Test
00076     void UpdateData(float temp, float pres, float LDR, time_t sampleTime);
00077     //Pass in new enviromental data
00079 };
00080 extern ENVDISPLAY lcd;
00082 #endif