fuck this

Dependencies:   BMP280

--- a/Sampling.cpp	Wed Jan 03 16:37:33 2018 +0000
+++ b/Sampling.cpp	Thu Jan 04 17:34:57 2018 +0000
@@ -5,38 +5,104 @@
 Mutex tempReadingsLock;
 Mutex presReadingsLock;
 Mutex LDRReadingsLock;
+Mutex timeReadingsLock;
 float tempReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
 float presReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
 float LDRReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
+float timeReadings[BUFFERSIZE];
-unsigned short newestTempIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
-unsigned short oldestTempIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
+unsigned short newestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
+unsigned short oldestIndex = BUFFERSIZE-1;
+bool firstSample = true;
-bool NewEnvSample = false;  //Is there new data from the envirom sensor to output?
-bool NewLDRSample = false;  //Is there new data from the LDR to output?
+#ifdef BME
+BME280 sensor(D14, D15);
+BMP280 sensor(D14, D15);
+AnalogIn LDRSensor(PA_1); //Check this is the correct pin
 void SampleTimerISR(void)
     //Flag Threads
+    t1.signal_set(1);
+    t2.signal_set(1);
 void ConfigThreadsAndIR(void)
-   sampleRate.attach(SampleTimerISR, 15); //15 second interval
+    NewEnvSample = false;  //Reset
+    NewLDRSample = false;  //Reset
+    t1.start(ThreadSampleEnvSensor);
+    t2.start(ThreadSampleLDR);
+    sampleRate.attach(SampleTimerISR, 15); //15 second interval
+void AddTempSample(float temp)
+    tempReadingsLock.lock(); //Take the key
+    tempReadings[newestIndex+1] = temp; //Add the sample after the most recent
+    tempReadingsLock.unlock(); // Release the key
+void AddPresSample(float pres)
+    presReadingsLock.lock();    //Take the key
+    presReadings[newestIndex+1] = pres; //Add to register
+    presReadingsLock.unclock(); //Release the key
-void AddPresSample(float* Pres)
+void ThreadSampleEnvSensor(void)
-   tempReadingsLock.lock(); //Take the key
-   tempReadings[newestTempIndex+1] = Pres; //Add the sample after the most recet
-   tempReadingsLock.unlock(); // Release the key
+    while (true) {
+        Thread::signal_wait(1); //Wait for signal 1
+        //Get readings
+        float temp = sensor.getTemperature();
+        float pres = sensor.getPressure();
+        AddPresSample(pres);    //Add value to register
+        AddTempSample(temp);    //Add value to register
+        NewEnvSample = true;    //Signal to main thread
+    }
+void AddLDRSample(float LDRval)
+    LDRReadingsLock.lock(); //Take the key
+    LDRReadings[newestIndex+1] = LDR; //Add the sample after the most recent
+    LDRReadingsLock.unlock(); // Release the key
-void threadSampleEnvSensor(void)
+void ThreadSampleLDR(void)
-    //Get readings
-    //float temp =
-    //float pres = 
-    AddPresSample(pres);
\ No newline at end of file
+    while (true) {
+        Thread::signal_wait(1); //Wait for signal 1
+        //get readings
+        float LDRval = LDRSensor.value(); //Read the analogue pin value
+        //get time function
+        AddLDRSample(LDRval);
+        //add time sample
+        NewLDRSample = true;    //signal to main thread
+    }
+void IncrementIndex(void)
+    newestIndex++; //Move the index forward one
+    if (newestIndex == oldestIndex) {
+        //If this is true then the memory is full and has looped back around and overwritten the oldest sample
+        //Therefore, we need to move the oldest index pointer
+        if (firstSample)
+        {
+            //this prevents the initial error
+            oldestIndex++;
+            firstSample = false;
+        }
+    }