SENtral Simple Serial Host interface for PNI Sensor Corp SENtral-A2 motion coprocessor. For use with the RM3100RTI Arduino shield module on top of an STM4 serial mbed board. Will work with an PNI RM3100RTI module or M&M motion modules. Interaction with unit using built in USB serial serial port set for 115200 baud. Send '?' char for menu. Presently requires SENtral firmware to either be loaded in the RM3100RTI Arduino shield SD Card or preloaded in the RM3100RTI or M&M module's EEPROM. Firmware is typically preloaded on the module's EEPROM by PNI. PNI Sensor, 2019

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemVSG

SENtral Simple Serial Host interface for PNI Sensor Corp SENtral-A2 motion coprocessor. For use with the RM3100RTI Arduino shield module on top of an STM4 serial mbed board. Will work with an PNI RM3100RTI module or M&M motion modules. Interaction with unit using built in USB serial serial port set for 115200 baud. Send '?' char for menu. Presently requires SENtral firmware to either be loaded in the RM3100RTI Arduino shield SD Card or preloaded in the RM3100RTI or M&M module's EEPROM. Firmware is typically preloaded on the module's EEPROM by PNI. PNI Sensor, 2019



File content as of revision 5:7f3a6a07b973:

#include "main.h"

#define REVISION "1.0.2"
#define CR 13
#define LF 10

// Note: all warmstart related functions are commented-out. The parameter list and 
//   flags are presently going through a major revision.

//  Function prototypes
void read_BuildVersion(void);
void executeSerialFunction(char key);

// Global Variables
u8      serialCommandMode;
u8      serialSensorID;
u16     serialSensorRate; 
u16     serialCommandValue;

u8      fifoBuffer[24 * 1024];
u32     bytesRead;

u8      apSuspendMode = 0;
u8      displayText = 1;       // Also see simular "printData" in em7186.cpp
u8      reportMetaData = 0;

u8      fw[] = { "/sd/sentral.fw" };
u8      logfilename[] = { "/sd/log.csv" };
//u8      warmStartFile[] = { "/sd/warmstart.dat" }; 
u8 sentral_service_flag=0;

FILE *flog;

char    serial_inchar;

//  Interrupt callback functions
void SENtral_Interrupt(void)


void OnSerial(void)
    serial_inchar = pc.getc();

//  Serial input Character (Key) Commands

// processSerialInchar function is called upon every incomming serial character 
//   as defined in mbed_objects.cpp
void processSerialInchar(char key)
    // The Simple Serial protocal mostly consists of single character commands
    //   the exceptions are commands that require additional information like 's' and 'X'.
    //   In these cases serialCommandMode states are used and operands are then preprocessed 
    //   inside this function.

    // If the protocal gets larger and more commands require additional data a more complex
    //    command processor with incoming serial buffer will have to be implimented
    //    presently this simple processor does the job

    // serialCommandMode  ** STATES **
    // 0: Not in Sensor command building mode
    // 1: 's' Sensor Rate chane. State 1 = Constructing Sensor ID number
    // 2:                        State 2 = Constructing Sensor Rate Value
    // 3: 'X' Firmware Image Tranfer Mode (waiting for source/destination character)
    // CR: [carrage return] sends constructed sensor rate request
    // send '?' to mbed for menu of commands

    serial_inchar = NULL;

    if ((serialCommandMode > 0) && (serialCommandMode < 3)) { //'s' virutual sensor rate change request
        if ((key >= '0') && (key <= '9')) {
            serialCommandValue = (serialCommandValue * 10) + (key - '0');
        else if (key == ',') {
            serialSensorID = (unsigned char)serialCommandValue;
            serialCommandValue = 0;
            serialCommandMode = 2;
        } else if (key == CR || key == LF) {
            if (serialCommandMode == 1) {
                serialSensorID = serialCommandValue;
            } else {
                serialSensorRate = serialCommandValue;
            if (serialSensorID > 0) {
                if (displayText) printf("\n\rChanging rate of sensor %u to %d\n\r", serialSensorID, serialSensorRate);
                if (serialSensorRate > 0) {
                    sensorEnabled[serialSensorID-1] = TRUE;
                } else {
                    sensorEnabled[serialSensorID-1] = FALSE;
            serialCommandMode = 0;
            serialSensorID = 0;
            serialSensorRate = 0;
    } else if (serialCommandMode == 3) { // 'X' Transfer firmware command
        serialCommandMode = 0;
    } else

void executeSerialFunction(char key)
    u8 paramValues[2];
    ParamInfo param = { 1,1 }; // parameter# 1, size=1
    switch (key)
    case 'B':
        if (displayText) printf("\n\r\n\r ********** PREPARING FOR SENSOR SELF TEST REQUEST; STANDBY REQUEST MADE ********** \n\r\n\r");
        paramValues[0] = 0x01; // Request Sensor Self Test bit and NOT standby bit
        em7186_i2c_write(0x55, paramValues, 1); // 0x55 = Host Interface Control Reg
        if (displayText) printf("\n\r\n\r ********** SENSOR SELF TEST REQUEST + RUN MADE ********** \n\r\n\r");
        paramValues[0] = 0x40; // Request Sensor Self Test bit and NOT standby bit
        em7186_i2c_write(0x55, paramValues, 1); // 0x55 = Host Interface Control Reg
    case 'c':
//    case 'd':
//        displayParams(2, warmStartList, sizeof(warmStartList) / sizeof(warmStartList[0]));
//        break;
    case 'D':  // this togggles display of SENtral(FIFO) Data 
               // Only useful when intending to log data through SD Card and want to suspend terminal display of data
        printData = !printData;
        if (displayText) printf("Display SENtral Data  - %s\n\r", (printData ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
    case 'e':
    case 'f':

    case 'g':
        logData = !logData;
        if(logData) {
            flog = fopen(logfilename, "a");
            if (!flog) {
                printf("Error Opening log file\n\r");
                logData = 0;
                printf("%s Log file open\n\r",logfilename);            
        else {
            if(flog) {
                printf("Log file closed\n\r");
    case 'h':
        apSuspendMode = !apSuspendMode;
        if (apSuspendMode) em7186_ap_suspend(1);
        else em7186_ap_suspend(0);
        if (displayText) printf("AP Suspend Mode %s\n\r", (apSuspendMode ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
    case 'H':
        em7186_i2c_write_value(CHIP_CONTROL_REG, CHIP_CONTROL_CPU_STOP);        
        if (displayText) printf("Exit Run Mode Request sent\n\r");
    case 'i':
    case 'j':
        em7186_set_fifo_watermarks(1000, 1000);
//    case 'l':
//        em7186_warm_start_load(warmStartFile);
//        break;
    case 'm':
        reportMetaData = !reportMetaData;
        if (reportMetaData) printf("Meta Data reporting  - %s\n\r", (printData ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
    case 'n':
    case 'r':
        em7186_i2c_write_value(CHIP_CONTROL_REG, CHIP_CONTROL_CPU_RUN);        
        if (displayText) printf("Run Mode Request sent\n\r");
    case 'R':
        em7186_i2c_write_value(RESET_REQ_REG, 1);        
        if (displayText) printf("Reset Request Sent\n\r"); 
    case 's':
        serialCommandMode = 1; // user beginning to Enable/Disable or change SensorRate
        serialSensorID = 0; serialSensorRate = 0; serialCommandValue = 0;
        if (displayText) printf("Enter Sensor ID,Rate--> ");
        // reminder: SENtral must be "run"-ing before the virtual sensor actually starts
        // run mode ('r' command) can be executed before or after this command
//    case 'S':
//        em7186_warm_start_save(warmStartFile);
//        break;
   case 't':
        displayText = !displayText;
        if (displayText) printf("Text Display %s\n\r", (displayText ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"));
    case 'X':
            if (displayText) printf("Firmware Transfer. Enter source/destination code: %s\n\r",fw);
            serialCommandMode = 3;
    case 'v':
    case 'V':
//    case 'w':
//        warmStart(); // this is to test the warmstart save/load process
//        break;
    case 'y':
    case 'z':
     case '?':
        u8 bar[45];
        memset(bar, 205, sizeof(bar));
        bar[sizeof(bar)-1] = 0;
        printf("  RM3100RTI-SEntral Simple Serial Interface\n\r");
        printf("                  Revision: %s\n\r",REVISION);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 201, bar, 187);
        printf("  %c        Commands  (case sensitive)          %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        // Status and configuration
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c         Configuration and Status           %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c c : Display status registers               %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c e : Display physical sensor status         %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c f : Display sensor status                  %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c i : Display Physical Sensor Information    %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c n : Display sensor information             %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c z : Display sensor configuration           %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c v : Display Firmware Version information   %c\n\r", 186, 186);

        // Sensor control
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c               Firmware Transfers           %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c XR : From SD Card to SENtral RAM           %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c XE : From SD Card to EEPROM                %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        // Sensor control
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c               Sensor Rates                 %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c s @@@,###[CR]                              %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c   where:                                   %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c    @@@ = Sensor ID                         %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c    ### = Data rate                         %c\n\r", 186, 186); 
        printf("  %c    [CR]= carriage return (0x0D)            %c\n\r", 186, 186); 
        // Display controls
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c             Display Controls               %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c t : Toggle command feedback text           %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c m : Meta event reporting (on/off)          %c\n\r", 186, 186);

        // Data logging
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c               Data Logging                 %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c g : Toggle sensor Data log (on/off)        %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c D : Toggle sensor Data display (on/off)    %c\n\r", 186, 186);

        // Additional controls
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c           Additional Controls              %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c j : Set fifo watermarks to 1000            %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c h : Toggle AP suspend mode (on/off)        %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c R : Send Reset Request to SENtral          %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c r : Request SENtral Run Mode ON            %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c H : Request SENtral Run Mode OFF (Halt)    %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        // Warm-start
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c                Warm-Start                  %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c S : Save warm-start parameters             %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c l : Load warm-start parameters             %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c d : Display warm-start parameters          %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c w : Perform warm-start test                %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        // Tests
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c                  Tests                     %c\n\r", 186, 186);
        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 204, bar, 185);
        printf("  %c B : Run sensor Self tests                  %c\n\r", 186, 186);

        printf("  %c%s%c\n\r", 200, bar, 188);


void runScript(void)
    // This script(function) runs when the Pushbutton on the RM3100 Arduino
    // shield is pressed, which is connected to pin D5.
    green_LED = 1; // flash to denote start
    green_LED = 0;
    if (displayText) printf("Running Special script\n\r");  
    Your custom code goes here


//  MAIN

int main()

    // Init user serial interface
    printf("SENtral Simple Serial Host Interface %s\n\r",REVISION);

    // Initialize Stuff
    if (!em7186_i2c_init()) {
        printf("Failed to see SENtral device.\n\r Check connections\n\r");

    // Setup interrupt callback functions
    SENtral_InterruptPin.rise(&SENtral_Interrupt); // SENtral host interrupt
    pc.attach(&OnSerial);                          // user input from serial term 
    // flash ready signal on expansion board Assumes LED is jumpered to D4
    for (char i=4;i;i--)
        green_LED       = 1;     // This LED is optional RM3100RTI shield board specific
        green_LED       = 0;
    green_LED       = 1;
    while (1) 

        if (serial_inchar) 
            processSerialInchar(serial_inchar); // process user key commands
            serial_inchar = NULL;
        if (sentral_service_flag)
            bytesRead = em7186_read_fifo(fifoBuffer);
            em7186_parse_fifo(fifoBuffer, bytesRead);

        if (pushButton == 1) // PBSwitch is wired as active high
            runScript();    // execute special script(function)
