SENtral Simple Serial Host interface for PNI Sensor Corp SENtral-A2 motion coprocessor. For use with the RM3100RTI Arduino shield module on top of an STM4 serial mbed board. Will work with an PNI RM3100RTI module or M&M motion modules. Interaction with unit using built in USB serial serial port set for 115200 baud. Send '?' char for menu. Presently requires SENtral firmware to either be loaded in the RM3100RTI Arduino shield SD Card or preloaded in the RM3100RTI or M&M module's EEPROM. Firmware is typically preloaded on the module's EEPROM by PNI. PNI Sensor, 2019

Dependencies:   mbed SDFileSystemVSG

SENtral Simple Serial Host interface for PNI Sensor Corp SENtral-A2 motion coprocessor. For use with the RM3100RTI Arduino shield module on top of an STM4 serial mbed board. Will work with an PNI RM3100RTI module or M&M motion modules. Interaction with unit using built in USB serial serial port set for 115200 baud. Send '?' char for menu. Presently requires SENtral firmware to either be loaded in the RM3100RTI Arduino shield SD Card or preloaded in the RM3100RTI or M&M module's EEPROM. Firmware is typically preloaded on the module's EEPROM by PNI. PNI Sensor, 2019



File content as of revision 0:02c0c2cbc3df:

* @file         em7186.h
* @brief        Sample interface for the em7186.
* @authors      David Vincent
* @date         04/01/2015
* @copyright    (C) 2015 PNI Corp
* @copyright    Disclosure to third parties or reproduction in any form
*               whatsoever, without prior written consent, is strictly forbidden

#ifndef EM7186_H
#define EM7186_H

#include "main.h"

extern float em7186_sensor_scale[128];

extern u32 timestampNonWake;
extern u32 timestampWake;
extern u8 printData;
extern u8 logData;
extern u8 sensorEnabled[64];

// Hardware specific functions

* Initialize the i2c interface. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @return 1 if initialization succeeded, 0 otherwise.
u32 em7186_i2c_init();
* Initialize the i2c interface indicated by the device id. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @param deviceId the unique device id for the I2C interface hardware.
* @return 1 if initialization succeeded, 0 otherwise.
u32 em7186_i2c_init_by_id(s32 deviceId);
* Read a block of data from the i2c bus. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @param registerAddress The address of the first register in the block.
* @param[out] buffer The data.
* @param length The number of bytes to read.
* @return The number of bytes read.
u32 em7186_i2c_read(u8 registerAddress, char* buffer, u16 length);
* Write a block of data to the i2c bus. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @param registerAddress The address of the first register in the block.
* @param buffer The data to write.
* @param length The number of bytes to write.
* @return The number of bytes written.
u32 em7186_i2c_write(u8 registerAddress, char* buffer, u16 length);
* Write a single byte to the i2c bus. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @param registerAddress The register to write.
* @param value The data to write.
* @return 1 if the write succeeded, 0 otherwise.
u32 em7186_i2c_write_value(u8 registerAddress, char value);
* Check for an interrupt from the em7186. Implementation is hardware specific.
* @return 1 if the interrupt line is high, 0 otherwise.
u8 em7186_interrupt();
* Set the sensor scale factors. Some of these values could change depending on 
* the hardware being used.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u8 em7186_set_scale_factors();
* Save a set of warm-start coefficients to file.
* @see em7186_warm_start_load
* @param filename The name of the file to create.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
//u32 em7186_warm_start_save(const char *filename);
* Load a set of warm-start coefficients from file.
* @see em7186_warm_start_save
* @param filename The name of the file to load.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
//u32 em7186_warm_start_load(const char *filename);

// Core functions

* Upload firmware. Resets the CPU and uploads firmware.
* @param filename The name of the firmware file to upload.
* @return 1 on success, 0 otherwise.
u32 em7186_firmware_Transfer2RAM(const char *filename);
* Read a set of parameters. Initiate the transfer of a set of 
* parameters on the same parameter page.
* @param[out] values, The values of the parameters that have been read.
* @param page, The page to read values from.
* @param params, The list of parameters to read.
* @param numParams, The number of parameters to read.
* @return, The number of parameters that were read.
u32 em7186_param_read(char *values, u8 page, ParamInfo *params, u8 numParams);
* Write a set of parameters. Initiate the transfer of a set of
* parameters on the same parameter page.
* @param values, The values to write to the specified parameters.
* @param page, The page to write values to.
* @param params, The list of parameters to write.
* @param numParams, The number of parameters to write.
* @return, The number of parameters that were written.
u32 em7186_param_write(char *values, u8 page, ParamInfo *params, u8 numParams);
* Read the contents of the fifo. Note that the size of the buffer must be at
* least as large as the space available for the fifo.
* @param[out] buffer The contents of the fifo.
* @return The number of bytes read from the fifo.
u32 em7186_read_fifo(char *buffer);
* Parse the fifo buffer.
* @param buffer The contents of the fifo.
* @param size The number of bytes in the fifo buffer.
* @return The number of bytes parsed.
u32 em7186_parse_fifo(char* buffer, u32 size);
* Set a sensor output rate.
* @param sensorId The id of the sensor.
* @param rate The desired rate in Hz.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_set_sensor_rate(u8 sensorId, u16 rate);
* Set a sensor maximum report latency.
* @param sensorId The id of the sensor.
* @param rate The desired latency in milliseconds.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_set_sensor_delay(u8 sensorId, u16 delay);

// Additional Control Functions
* Set fifo watermark values. The fifo watermark can be used to wake the host
* before data is lost from the fifo. Default behavior is to allow the non-wake
* fifo to overflow while the host is in suspend mode and for the wake fifo to
* wake the host before data is lost. This function sets the minimum number of
* bytes remaining in the fifo before a host interrupt is issued.
* Note that the watermark values used in this function differ from those in
* the documentation.
* @param wakeFifoWatermark The minimum number of bytes remaining in the wake 
*    fifo before interrupting the host.
* @param nonWakeFifoWatermark The minimum number of bytes remaining in the 
*    non-wake fifo before interrupting the host.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_set_fifo_watermarks(u16 wakeFifoWatermark, u16 nonWakeFifoWatermark);
* Change meta-event settings. Enable or disable individual meta-events and
* their interrupts.
* @param eventId The id of the meta-event.
* @param enable True to enable the meta-event.
* @param enableInt True to cause meta-event to interrupt the host.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_set_meta_event(u8 eventId, u8 enable, u8 enableInt);
* Enter or exit ap suspend mode. AP suspend mode changes the interrupt behavior
* of the em7186. While in AP suspend mode only wake events will interrupt the
* host.
* @param suspend True to enter suspend mode, False to exit suspend mode.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_ap_suspend(u8 suspend);
* Flush data from a fifo. Flush can be for an individual sensor or an entire
* fifo.
* @param sensorId The id of the sensor to flush, or a special flush command.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_flush_sensor(u8 sensorId);
* Enable raw sensor data for calibration or debugging.
* @param emableMag True to enable the magnetometer debug output.
* @param emableAccel True to enable the accelerometer debug output.
* @param emableGyro True to enable the gyroscope debug output.
* @return 1 on success, 0 on failure.
u32 em7186_enable_raw_sensors(u8 enableMag, u8 enableAccel, u8 enableGyro);

void displayParams(u8 paramPage, ParamInfo *paramList, u8 numParams);
//void warmStart();
void displayStatusRegisters();
void displaySensorStatus();
void displayPhysicalSensorInformation();
void displayPhysicalSensorStatus();
void getSensorInformation();
void getSensorConfiguration();
void displaySensorConfiguration();
void displaySensorInformation();
void firmwareTransfer(char srcDestCode);
u32 em7186_firmware_Transfer2EE(const u8 *firmwareName);
u32 EE_Write(u8 I2C_Addr, u16 EE_MemAddr, u8*buffer, u16 length);
void executeSerialFunction(unsigned char key);

#endif //EM7186_H