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Mon Dec 05 09:09:14 2016 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
zmu9250.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 77a7d1a1c6db -r 29b8881ac539 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat Dec 03 18:21:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Dec 05 09:09:14 2016 +0000
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #include "zmu9250.h"
 #include "math.h"
+Ticker flipper;
 ZMU9250 a;
 Serial pc(D1, D0);
@@ -15,291 +16,455 @@
 int cube1(int x, int y, int z);
 int seccon(float roll ,float pitch, float yaw);
 int round(int rt_x, int rt_y, int rt_z);
+int sata0(int neww);
+int roo(int a1);
+int Rotate_Roll, Rotate_Pitch, Rotate_Yaw, A, B, C ;
+int rmap[5][5][5];
+int map[5][5][5];
+char dete[50];
+ int indx=0;
+ int ii;
+bool anach = false;
+char data[50];
+char elem;
+Serial mas(D8,D2);
+// state    0 = initial / start.
+//          1 = waiting for limit switch.
+unsigned int turn = 0; // turn.
+unsigned int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
+int helperRoll = 0, helperPitch=0,helperYaw=0;
+unsigned int state = 0;
+DigitalIn op_roll(USER_BUTTON);
+ int Cross(int degree)
+        {
+            if (degree == 0)
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }else if (degree == 180)
+            {
+                return -1;
+            }else
+            {
+                return 0;   
+            }
+        }
+        int Zine(int degree)
+        {
+            if (degree == 90)
+            {
+                return 1;
+            }else if (degree == -90)
+            {
+                return -1;
+            }else
+            {
+                return 0;   
+            }
+        }
+void Sent(char arrayi[],float it,int siz)
+    for (int i = 0;i<siz;i++)
+        {
+            mas.putc(arrayi[i]);
+            wait(it);
+        }   
-DigitalIn op_roll(USER_BUTTON);
+ void Rotate(int role,int pit,int yaw)
+        {pc.printf("role %d\t pit %d\t yaw %d\n\n\n\r",role , pit ,yaw);
+            int i=2,j=3,k=4;
+            if ((role == 90) || (role == -90))
+            {
+                /*for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
+                {
+                    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
+                    {
+                        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)
+                        {*/
+                          A =  ((i-2)*Cross(pit))-((k-2)*Zine(pit) )+2;
+                          B =  ((j-2)*Cross(yaw))-((i-2)*Zine(pit)*Zine(yaw))-((k-2)*Zine(yaw)*Cross(pit) )+2;
+                          C =  ((j-2)*Zine(yaw))+((i-2)*Cross(yaw)*Zine(pit))+((k-2)*Cross(yaw)*Cross(pit) )+2;
+                          pc.printf("from %d %d %d to %d %d %d\t=1  \n\n\n\r",i,j,k,A,B,C);
+                       // }   
+                    //}   
+                //}
+            }else if ((pitch == 90) || (pitch == -90))
+            {
+                /*for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
+                {
+                    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
+                    {
+                        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)
+                        {*/
+                           A =  ((i-2)*Cross(yaw))+((j-2)*Zine(role)*Zine(yaw))+((k-2)*Zine(yaw)*Cross(role))+2;
+                           B =  ((j-2)*Cross(role))-((k-2)*Zine(role))+2;
+                           C =  -((i-2)*Zine(yaw))+((j-2)*Cross(yaw)*Zine(role))+((k-2)*Cross(yaw)*Cross(role))+2;
+                           pc.printf("from %d %d %d to %d %d %d\t=2  \n\n\n\r",i,j,k,A,B,C);
+                       // }   
+                    //}   
+               // } 
+            }else
+            {
+                /*for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
+                {
+                    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
+                    {
+                        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)
+                        {*/
+                            A =  ((i-2)*Cross(yaw))-((j-2)*Zine(yaw))+2;
+                            B =  ((i-2)*Zine(yaw))+((j-2)*Cross(yaw))+2;
+                            C =  k;
+                            pc.printf("from %d %d %d to %d %d %d\t=3  \n\n\n\r",i,j,k,A,B,C);
+                        //}   
+                    //}   
+               // } 
+            }
+            for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
+                {
+                    for (int j=0;j<5;j++)
+                    {
+                        for(int k=0;k<5;k++)
+                        {
+                            map[i][j][k]= rmap[i][j][k];
+                        }   
+                    }   
+                }
+        }
+void getStr()
+    pc.printf("x\n");
+    while (mas.readable())
+    {
+        elem = mas.getc();
+        pc.printf("char is %d\n\r",elem);
+        if ((elem == '\n'))
+        {
+            pc.printf("string is %s\n\r",data);   
+            for(int i=0;i<indx;i++)
+            {
+                if (indx > 2)
+                {
+                    dete[i] = data[i];      
+                }
+            }
+            for(int i=0;i<30;i++)
+            {
+                data[i] = '\0';
+            }
+            indx = 0;
+            break;
+        }else
+        {
+            data[indx] = elem;
+            indx += 1;
+        }
+    }  
 int main(){
-    while(1){
+  while(1){
         yaw_z = a.Yaw();
         pitch_y = a.Pitch();
         roll_x = a.Roll();
-//        pc.printf("Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\n", yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x);
+        pc.printf("Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\n\n\n\r", yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x);
 //l = cube1(3,3,3);
-        //pc.printf("%d\t Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\n",l , yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x);  //add
-        pc.printf("%d\t Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\t %d\t %c\t %d\t \r\n ",round(5,5,5), yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x, sata, rt, l);                  //round
+    //     Rotate(Rotate_Roll, Rotate_Pitch, Rotate_Yaw);
+        //pc.printf("%d\t Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\n\n\n\r",l , yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x);  //add
+    //    pc.printf("%d\t sata(Yaw_z) %d\t sata0(pitch_y) %d\t sata0(Roll_x) %d\n\n\n\r",l , sata0(yaw_z), sata0(pitch_y), sata0(roll_x));
+        //pc.printf("%d\t Yaw_z %f\t Pitch_y %f\t Roll_x %f\t %d\t %c\t %d\t \r\n ",round(5,5,5), yaw_z, pitch_y, roll_x, sata, rt, l);                  //round
       //  pc.printf( "%d\n" ,seccon(roll_x, pitch_y, yaw_z));
 //        pc.printf("========\n");                                      //it
-        if(op_roll == 0){
-         l = cube1(3,3,3);
+       // if(op_roll == 0){
+//         l = cube1(3,3,3);
+//            }
+            Sent("hely\n",0.1,5); // tell the other box, that we want helper roll.
+            while((dete[0]!='h')||(dete[1]!='e')||(dete[2]!='l')||(dete[3]!='y'))
+            {
+                pc.printf("srt %s\n\r",dete);     
+            helperYaw = int(  ((int(dete[4+ii])-48)*100)+((int(dete[5+ii])-48)*10)+(int(dete[6+ii])-48)  ); //get roll from another box
+        pc.printf("help   %d\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t",helperYaw);  
-    int cube1(int x, int y, int z){
-           if( ((pitch_y > -30) && (pitch_y < 30)) ){    // vCC L leg D
-                 if( ((yaw_z > 36) && (yaw_z < 113)) &&  ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40))   ){
-                    x++; //R x+
-                    xlr = 1;
-                } 
-                 if( ((yaw_z > -101) && (yaw_z < 35)) &&  ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40))   ){
-                    y--;  //B y+
-                    yfb = -1;
-                }
-                 if( ((yaw_z > 110) && (yaw_z < 179)) && ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40))   ){
-                    y++; //F y-
-                    yfb = 1;
-                }
-                if( ((yaw_z > -180) && (yaw_z < -100)) && ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40))   ){
-                    x--; //L x-
-                    xlr = -1;
-                }
-                if((roll_x > 41) && (roll_x < 130) ){
-                    z++; //T z+
-                    ztd = 1;
-                }
-                if( (roll_x > -130) && (roll_x < -41)){
-                    z--; //D z-
-                    ztd = -1;
-                }
-            }
-       return (x*100+y*10+z); 
-    }
-    int seccon(float roll ,float pitch, float yaw){
-        if(   ( ((yaw > -50) && (yaw < -30)) || ((yaw > -145) && (yaw < -125)) || ((yaw > 140) && (yaw < 160))||((yaw > 0) && (yaw < -20)) )
-                 && ((roll_x > -10 )&& (roll_x < 10))
-                && (( pitch > -10 )&&(pitch < 10))  //L T R D
-            ){
-            ir = roll;
-            ip = pitch;
-            iy = yaw;
-            return 1;
-            }
-        else{
-             return 0;   
-                }
-        }
-    int round(int rt_x, int rt_y, int rt_z){
-           if( (pitch_y > -30) && (pitch_y < 30) ){    // vCC L leg D
-                 if( ((yaw_z > 36) && (yaw_z < 113)) && ( ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40)) )  ){
-                   //R x+
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  0;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 90; 
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 180;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 270;       //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 90;        //x
-                        rt ='x';
-                        }
-                } 
-                 if( ((yaw_z > -74) && (yaw_z < 35)) && ( ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40)) )  ){
-                   //B y+
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  270;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 0;
-                        rt = 'z'; 
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 180;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 270; //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 90; //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                }
-                 if( ((yaw_z > 110) && (yaw_z < 179)) &&( ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40)) )  ){
-                    //F y-
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  90;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 180;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 0;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                }
-                if( ((yaw_z > -180) && (yaw_z < -75)) &&( ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 40)) )  ){
-                    //L x-
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  180;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 0;
-                        rt = 'z';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                }
-                if((roll_x > 41) && (roll_x < 130) ){
-                    //T z+
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  90; //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 90; //y
-                        rt = 'y';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'y';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 0;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 180;     //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                }
-                if( (roll_x > -130) && (roll_x < -41)){
-                    //D z-
-                    if(xlr == 1){
-                        sata =  270;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == -1){
-                        sata = 270;
-                        rt = 'y'; 
-                        }
-                    else if(yfb == 1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'y';
-                        }
-                    else if(xlr == -1){
-                        sata = 90;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == 1){
-                        sata = 180;
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                    else if(ztd == -1){
-                        sata = 0 ; //x
-                        rt = 'x';
-                        }
-                }
-            }
-       rt_x = rt_x - 3;
-       rt_y = rt_y - 3;
-       rt_z = rt_z - 3;
-       if(rt == 'x'){
-       rt_x = rt_x + 3;   //x
-       rt_y = (rt_y * cos(sata*(PI/180))+ rt_z * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
-       rt_z = (-rt_y * sin(sata*(PI/180))+ rt_z * cos(sata*(PI/180)) ) + 3;
-       }
-       if(rt == 'y'){
-       rt_x = (rt_x * cos(sata*(PI/180)) - rt_z * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;    // y
-       rt_y = rt_y + 3;
-       rt_z = (rt_x * sin(sata*(PI/180)) + rt_z * cos(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
-       }
-       if(rt == 'z'){
-       rt_x = (rt_x * cos(sata*(PI/180))+ rt_y * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;    //z
-       rt_y = (rt_y * cos(sata*(PI/180))- rt_x * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
-       rt_z = rt_z + 3;
-        }
-    pc.printf("rt_x %d\t", rt_x);
-    pc.printf("rt_y %d\t", rt_y);
-    pc.printf("rt_z %d \n\n\n\n\r", rt_z);
-       return (rt_x*100 + rt_y*10 + rt_z); 
-       }
\ No newline at end of file
+ //
+//    int cube1(int x, int y, int z){
+//          // if( ((pitch_y > -30) && (pitch_y < 30)) ){    // vCC L leg D
+//                 if( ((yaw_z > -40) && (yaw_z < 0)) &&  ((roll_x > -30) && (roll_x < 30)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 30))  ){
+//                    x++; //R x+
+//                    xlr = 1;
+//                } 
+//                 else if( ((yaw_z > -105) && (yaw_z < -75))&& ((roll_x > -20) && (roll_x < 35)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 30)) ){
+//                    y--;  //B y+
+//                    yfb = -1;
+//                }
+//                 else if( ((yaw_z > 140) && (yaw_z < 175)) && ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 25)) && ((pitch_y > -35) && (pitch_y < 25))  ){
+//                    y++; //F y-
+//                    yfb = 1;
+//                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > -155) && (yaw_z < -130)) && ((roll_x > -25) && (roll_x < 10)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 15))  ){
+//                    x--; //L x-
+//                    xlr = -1;
+//                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > -150) && (yaw_z < -88)) && ((roll_x > 70) && (roll_x < 110)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 35))){
+//                    z++; //T z+
+//                    ztd = 1;
+//                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > -125) && (yaw_z < -100)) && ((roll_x > -100) && (roll_x < -75)) && ((pitch_y > -25) && (pitch_y < 35))){
+//                    z--; //D z-
+//                    ztd = -1;
+//                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > -80) && (yaw_z < -40)) && ((roll_x > 160) || (roll_x < -160)) && ((pitch_y > -15) && (pitch_y < 15))){
+//                    y++; 
+//                    yfb = 1;
+//                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > 160) || (yaw_z < -165)) &&  ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -10) && (pitch_y < 10))  ){
+//                    x++; 
+//                    xlr = 1;
+//                    }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > 100) && (yaw_z < 130)) && ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 15))){
+//                    y--; 
+//                    yfb = -1;
+//                    }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > 45) && (yaw_z < 65)) && ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -15) && (pitch_y < 15))  ){
+//                    x--; //L x-
+//                    xlr = -1;
+//                }
+//        int rt_x , rt_y , rt_z;
+//        int a = rt_x - 3;
+//        int b = rt_y - 3;
+//        int c = rt_z - 3;
+//        if(rt == 'x'){
+//            rt_x = a + 3;   //x
+//            rt_y = (b * cos(sata*(PI/180))+ c * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
+//            rt_z = (-b * sin(sata*(PI/180))+ c * cos(sata*(PI/180)) ) + 3;
+//        }
+//        if(rt == 'y'){
+//            rt_x = (a * cos(sata*(PI/180)) - c * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;    // y
+//            rt_y = b + 3;
+//            rt_z = (a * sin(sata*(PI/180)) + c * cos(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
+//        }
+//        if(rt == 'z'){
+//            rt_x = (a * cos(sata*(PI/180))+ b * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;    //z
+//            rt_y = (b * cos(sata*(PI/180))- a * sin(sata*(PI/180)) )+ 3;
+//            rt_z = c + 3;
+//        }
+//       return (x*100+y*10+z); 
+//    }
+//    int sata0(int neww){
+//        if(neww>=0){
+//            if((neww <= 45) && (neww >= 0)){
+//                return 0;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= 90) && (neww >= 46)){
+//                return 90;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= 135) && (neww >= 91)){
+//                return -90;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= 180) && (neww >= 136)){
+//                return 180;
+//                }
+//            }
+//        else{
+//            if((neww <= 0) && (neww >= -45)){
+//                return 180;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= -46) && (neww >= -90)){
+//                return -90;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= -91) && (neww >= -135)){
+//                return 90;
+//                }
+//            if((neww <= -136) && (neww >= -180)){
+//                return 0;
+//                }
+//            }
+//        }
+//     int roo(int a1){
+//     //if( ((yaw_z > -40) && (yaw_z < 0)) &&  ((roll_x > -30) && (roll_x < 30)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 30))  ){
+////                    //R x+     
+////                     Rotate_Roll = roll_x;    
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y;
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z;
+////                } 
+//                if ( ((yaw_z > -150) && (yaw_z < -110))&& ((roll_x > 60) && (roll_x < 100)) && ((pitch_y > -10) && (pitch_y < 10)) ){
+//                  Rotate_Roll = 0;         // 0,90,2
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = 180;
+//                     pc.printf("0,90,2 \n\n\n\r");
+//                 }
+//                 else if ( ((yaw_z > -140) && (yaw_z < -100))&& ((roll_x > -100) && (roll_x < -60)) && ((pitch_y > -10) && (pitch_y < 10)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = 0;    // 0,-90,2
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = 180;
+//                     pc.printf("0,-90,2 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > 60) && (yaw_z < 100))&& ((roll_x > 60) && (roll_x < 100)) && ((pitch_y > -10) && (pitch_y < 10)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = 180;    // 180,90,2
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = 0;
+//                     pc.printf("180,90,2 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//                else if ( ((yaw_z > 50) && (yaw_z < 90))&& ((roll_x > -110) && (roll_x < -70)) && ((pitch_y > -15) && (pitch_y < 15)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = 180;    // 180,-90,2
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = 0;
+//                     pc.printf("180,-90,2 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//       //         else if( ((al > 0) && (a1 < 9999)) && ((pitch_y > -85) && (pitch_y < -45)) ){
+////                      Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);    // 90,0,3
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+////                     pc.printf("90,0,3 \n\n\n\r");
+////                     }
+//                else if( ((a1 > 0) && (a1 < 9999)) && ((pitch_y > 60) && (pitch_y < 85)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);    // -90,0,3
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                     pc.printf("-90,0,3 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//                else if( ((a1> 0) && (a1 < 9999)) && ((pitch_y > -85) && (pitch_y < -45)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);    // 90,180,3
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                     pc.printf("90,180,3 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//                 else if( ((a1 > 0) && (a1 < 9999)) && ((pitch_y > 60) && (pitch_y < 85)) ){
+//                      Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);    // 90,180,3
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                     pc.printf("90,180,3 \n\n\n\r");
+//                     }
+//                 else if( ((yaw_z > -105) && (yaw_z < -75))&& ((roll_x > -20) && (roll_x < 35)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 30)) ){
+//                     //B y+ 180,180,1
+//                      Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                    pc.printf("180,180,1 \n\n\n\r");
+//                }
+//                 else if( ((yaw_z > 140) && (yaw_z < 175)) && ((roll_x > -40) && (roll_x < 25)) && ((pitch_y > -35) && (pitch_y < 25))  ){
+//                     //F y- 0,0,1
+//                    Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                    pc.printf("0,0,1 \n\n\n\r");
+//                }
+//               // else if( ((yaw_z > -155) && (yaw_z < -130)) && ((roll_x > -25) && (roll_x < 10)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 15))  ){
+////                    //L x-  180,180,1
+////                     Rotate_Roll = roll_x;
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y;
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z;
+////                     pc.printf("180,180,1 \n\n\n\r");
+////                }
+//                //else if( ((yaw_z > -150) && (yaw_z < -88)) && ((roll_x > 70) && (roll_x < 110)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 35))){
+////                    z++; //T z+
+////                    ztd = 1;
+////                     Rotate_Roll = roll_x
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z
+////                }
+////                else if( ((yaw_z > -125) && (yaw_z < -100)) && ((roll_x > -100) && (roll_x < -75)) && ((pitch_y > -25) && (pitch_y < 35))){
+////                    z--; //D z-
+////                    ztd = -1;
+////                    Rotate_Roll = roll_x
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z
+////                }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > -80) && (yaw_z < -40)) && ((roll_x > 160) || (roll_x < -160)) && ((pitch_y > -15) && (pitch_y < 15))){
+//                    //180,0,4
+//                     Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                    pc.printf("180,0,4");
+//                }
+////                else if( ((yaw_z > 160) || (yaw_z < -165)) &&  ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -10) && (pitch_y < 10))  ){
+////                    x++; 
+////                    xlr = 1;
+////                     Rotate_Roll = roll_x
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z
+////                    }
+//                else if( ((yaw_z > 100) && (yaw_z < 130)) && ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -20) && (pitch_y < 15))){
+//                    //0,180,4
+//                     Rotate_Roll = sata0(roll_x);
+//                    Rotate_Pitch = sata0(pitch_y);
+//                    Rotate_Yaw = sata0(yaw_z);
+//                    pc.printf("0,180,4");
+//                    }
+////                else if( ((yaw_z > 45) && (yaw_z < 65)) && ((roll_x > 165) || (roll_x < -165)) && ((pitch_y > -15) && (pitch_y < 15))  ){
+////                    x--; //L x-
+////                    xlr = -1;
+////                     Rotate_Roll = roll_x
+////                    Rotate_Pitch = pitch_y
+////                    Rotate_Yaw = yaw_z
+////                }
+//            return (1); 
+//        }
\ No newline at end of file
diff -r 77a7d1a1c6db -r 29b8881ac539 zmu9250.h
--- a/zmu9250.h	Sat Dec 03 18:21:47 2016 +0000
+++ b/zmu9250.h	Mon Dec 05 09:09:14 2016 +0000
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
               // Read the WHO_AM_I register, this is a good test of communication
               uint8_t whoami = this->mpu9250.readByte(MPU9250_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU9250);  // Read WHO_AM_I register for MPU-9250
-              if (whoami == 0x71) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
+              if ((whoami == 0x73)||(whoami == 0x71)) // WHO_AM_I should always be 0x68
                 this->mpu9250.resetMPU9250(); // Reset registers to default in preparation for device calibration