NuMaker emWin HMI

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00001 /*********************************************************************
00002 *                 SEGGER Software GmbH                               *
00003 *        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
00004 **********************************************************************
00005 *                                                                    *
00006 *        (c) 1996 - 2018  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH                *
00007 *                                                                    *
00008 *        Internet:    Support:    *
00009 *                                                                    *
00010 **********************************************************************
00012 ** emWin V5.48 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
00013 All  Intellectual Property rights in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
00014 emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
00015 source code may not be used to write a similar product. This file may
00016 only be used in accordance with the following terms:
00018 The  software has  been licensed by SEGGER Software GmbH to Nuvoton Technology Corporationat the address: No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan
00019 for the purposes  of  creating  libraries  for its 
00020 Arm Cortex-M and  Arm9 32-bit microcontrollers, commercialized and distributed by Nuvoton Technology Corporation
00021 under  the terms and conditions  of  an  End  User  
00022 License  Agreement  supplied  with  the libraries.
00023 Full source code is available at:
00025 We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
00026 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00027 Licensing information
00028 Licensor:                 SEGGER Software GmbH
00029 Licensed to:              Nuvoton Technology Corporation, No. 4, Creation Rd. III, Hsinchu Science Park, 30077 Hsinchu City, Taiwan
00030 Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
00031 License number:           GUI-00735
00032 License model:            emWin License Agreement, signed February 27, 2018
00033 Licensed platform:        Cortex-M and ARM9 32-bit series microcontroller designed and manufactured by or for Nuvoton Technology Corporation
00034 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00035 Support and Update Agreement (SUA)
00036 SUA period:               2018-03-26 - 2019-03-27
00037 Contact to extend SUA:
00038 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00039 File        : LISTVIEW.h
00040 Purpose     : LISTVIEW include
00041 --------------------END-OF-HEADER-------------------------------------
00042 */
00044 #ifndef LISTVIEW_H
00045 #define LISTVIEW_H
00047 #include "WM.h"
00048 #include "DIALOG_Intern.h"      // Req. for Create indirect data structure
00049 #include "ICONVIEW.h"
00050 #include "HEADER.h"
00054 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00055   extern "C" {     /* Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs */
00056 #endif
00058 /*********************************************************************
00059 *
00060 *       Defines
00061 */
00062 #define LISTVIEW_ALL_ITEMS  -1
00064 /*********************************************************************
00065 *
00066 *       Color indices
00067 */
00068 #define LISTVIEW_CI_UNSEL       0
00069 #define LISTVIEW_CI_SEL         1
00070 #define LISTVIEW_CI_SELFOCUS    2
00071 #define LISTVIEW_CI_DISABLED    3
00073 /************************************************************
00074 *
00075 *       Create / Status flags
00076 */
00077 #define LISTVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_H   (1 << 0)
00078 #define LISTVIEW_CF_AUTOSCROLLBAR_V   (1 << 1)
00079 #define LISTVIEW_CF_CELL_SELECT       (1 << 2)                     // Create Flag used to enable cell selection
00083 /*********************************************************************
00084 *
00085 *       Public Types
00086 *
00087 **********************************************************************
00088 */
00089 typedef WM_HMEM LISTVIEW_Handle;
00091 /*********************************************************************
00092 *
00093 *       Create functions
00094 *
00095 **********************************************************************
00096 */
00097 LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_Create        (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int Id, int Flags, int SpecialFlags);
00098 LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateEx      (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id);
00099 LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateUser    (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id, int NumExtraBytes);
00100 LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateAttached(WM_HWIN hParent, int Id, int SpecialFlags);
00101 LISTVIEW_Handle LISTVIEW_CreateIndirect(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreateInfo, WM_HWIN hWinParent, int x0, int y0, WM_CALLBACK * cb);
00103 /*********************************************************************
00104 *
00105 *       The callback ...
00106 *
00107 * Do not call it directly ! It is only to be used from within an
00108 * overwritten callback.
00109 */
00110 void LISTVIEW_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
00112 /*********************************************************************
00113 *
00114 *       Member functions
00115 *
00116 **********************************************************************
00117 */
00118 int              LISTVIEW_AddColumn           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int Width, const char * s, int Align);
00119 int              LISTVIEW_AddRow              (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, const GUI_ConstString * ppText);
00120 int              LISTVIEW_CompareText         (const void * p0, const void * p1);
00121 int              LISTVIEW_CompareDec          (const void * p0, const void * p1);
00122 void             LISTVIEW_DecSel              (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00123 void             LISTVIEW_DeleteAllRows       (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00124 void             LISTVIEW_DeleteColumn        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
00125 void             LISTVIEW_DeleteRow           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
00126 void             LISTVIEW_DeleteRowSorted     (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int Row);
00127 void             LISTVIEW_DisableRow          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Row);
00128 void             LISTVIEW_DisableSort         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00129 void             LISTVIEW_EnableCellSelect    (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned OnOff);  // Enables/disables cell selection
00130 void             LISTVIEW_EnableRow           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Row);
00131 void             LISTVIEW_EnableSort          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00132 GUI_COLOR        LISTVIEW_GetBkColor          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
00133 const GUI_FONT * LISTVIEW_GetFont             (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00134 HEADER_Handle    LISTVIEW_GetHeader           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00135 void             LISTVIEW_GetItemRect         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, U32 Col, U32 Row, GUI_RECT * pRect);
00136 void             LISTVIEW_GetItemText         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, char * pBuffer, unsigned MaxSize);
00137 unsigned         LISTVIEW_GetItemTextLen      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row);
00138 void             LISTVIEW_GetItemTextSorted   (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, char * pBuffer, unsigned MaxSize);
00139 unsigned         LISTVIEW_GetLBorder          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00140 unsigned         LISTVIEW_GetNumColumns       (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00141 unsigned         LISTVIEW_GetNumRows          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00142 unsigned         LISTVIEW_GetRBorder          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00143 int              LISTVIEW_GetSel              (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00144 int              LISTVIEW_GetSelCol           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00145 int              LISTVIEW_GetSelUnsorted      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00146 int              LISTVIEW_GetTextAlign        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned ColIndex);
00147 GUI_COLOR        LISTVIEW_GetTextColor        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Index);
00148 int              LISTVIEW_GetUserData         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, void * pDest, int NumBytes);
00149 U32              LISTVIEW_GetUserDataRow      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Row);
00150 GUI_WRAPMODE     LISTVIEW_GetWrapMode         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00151 void             LISTVIEW_IncSel              (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj);
00152 int              LISTVIEW_InsertRow           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Index, const GUI_ConstString * ppText);
00153 int              LISTVIEW_OwnerDraw           (const WIDGET_ITEM_DRAW_INFO * pDrawItemInfo);
00154 unsigned         LISTVIEW_RowIsDisabled       (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Row);
00155 void             LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollH      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int OnOff);
00156 void             LISTVIEW_SetAutoScrollV      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int OnOff);
00157 void             LISTVIEW_SetItemBitmap       (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, int xOff, int yOff, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap);
00158 void             LISTVIEW_SetBkColor          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00159 void             LISTVIEW_SetColumnWidth      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned int Index, int Width);
00160 void             LISTVIEW_SetCompareFunc      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, int (* fpCompare)(const void * p0, const void * p1));
00161 unsigned         LISTVIEW_SetFixed            (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Fixed);
00162 void             LISTVIEW_SetFont             (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, const GUI_FONT * pFont);
00163 int              LISTVIEW_SetGridVis          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int Show);
00164 void             LISTVIEW_SetHeaderHeight     (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned HeaderHeight);
00165 void             LISTVIEW_SetItemBkColor      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, unsigned int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00166 void             LISTVIEW_SetItemText         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, const char * s);
00167 void             LISTVIEW_SetItemTextColor    (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, unsigned int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00168 void             LISTVIEW_SetItemTextSorted   (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Row, const char * pText);
00169 void             LISTVIEW_SetLBorder          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned BorderSize);
00170 void             LISTVIEW_SetOwnerDraw        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, WIDGET_DRAW_ITEM_FUNC * pfDrawItem);
00171 void             LISTVIEW_SetRBorder          (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned BorderSize);
00172 unsigned         LISTVIEW_SetRowHeight        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned RowHeight);
00173 void             LISTVIEW_SetSel              (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int Sel);
00174 void             LISTVIEW_SetSelCol           (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int NewCol);
00175 void             LISTVIEW_SetSelUnsorted      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, int Sel);
00176 unsigned         LISTVIEW_SetSort             (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Column, unsigned Reverse);
00177 void             LISTVIEW_SetTextAlign        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned int Index, int Align);
00178 void             LISTVIEW_SetTextColor        (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned int Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00179 int              LISTVIEW_SetUserData         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, const void * pSrc, int NumBytes);
00180 void             LISTVIEW_SetUserDataRow      (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, unsigned Row, U32 UserData);
00181 void             LISTVIEW_SetWrapMode         (LISTVIEW_Handle hObj, GUI_WRAPMODE WrapMode);
00183 /*********************************************************************
00184 *
00185 *       Managing default values
00186 *
00187 **********************************************************************
00188 */
00190 GUI_COLOR        LISTVIEW_SetDefaultBkColor  (unsigned  Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00191 const GUI_FONT * LISTVIEW_SetDefaultFont     (const GUI_FONT * pFont);
00192 GUI_COLOR        LISTVIEW_SetDefaultGridColor(GUI_COLOR Color);
00193 GUI_COLOR        LISTVIEW_SetDefaultTextColor(unsigned  Index, GUI_COLOR Color);
00195 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00196   }
00197 #endif
00199 #endif  // GUI_WINSUPPORT
00200 #endif  // LISTVIEW_H
00202 /*************************** End of file ****************************/