NuMaker-PFM-NUC472 : I2C1 LCD draw bitmap

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00001 // SSD1306Z LCD Driver: 0.96" lcd LY096BG30
00002 #include "mbed.h"
00003 #include "ssd1306.h"
00004 #include "Font8x16.h"
00005 #include "Font5x7.h"
00007 I2C  ssd1306_i2c(PD_12, PD_10); // I2C1_SDA, I2C1_SCL
00009 char DisplayBuffer[128*8];
00011 void lcdWriteCommand(uint8_t lcd_Command)
00012 {
00013     char data[2];
00014     data[0]=0x00;
00015     data[1]=lcd_Command;
00016     ssd1306_i2c.write(SSD1306_slave_addr, data, 2, 0);
00017 }
00019 void lcdWriteData(uint8_t lcd_Data)
00020 {
00021     char data[2];
00022     data[0]=0x40;
00023     data[1]=lcd_Data;
00024     ssd1306_i2c.write(SSD1306_slave_addr, data, 2, 0); 
00025 }
00027 void lcdSetAddr(uint8_t column, uint8_t page)
00028 {
00029     lcdWriteCommand(0xb0+page);                     // set page address
00030     lcdWriteCommand(0x10 | ((column & 0xf0) >> 4)); // set column address MSB
00031     lcdWriteCommand(0x00 |  (column & 0x0f)      ); // set column address LSB
00032 }
00034 void SSD1306::initialize(void)
00035 {
00036     lcdWriteCommand(0xae); //display off
00037     lcdWriteCommand(0x20);  //Set Memory Addressing Mode    
00038     lcdWriteCommand(0x10);  //00,Horizontal Addressing Mode;01,Vertical Addressing Mode;10,Page Addressing Mode (RESET);11,Invalid
00039     lcdWriteCommand(0xb0);  //Set Page Start Address for Page Addressing Mode,0-7
00040     lcdWriteCommand(0xc8);  //Set COM Output Scan Direction
00041     lcdWriteCommand(0x00);//---set low column address
00042     lcdWriteCommand(0x10);//---set high column address
00043     lcdWriteCommand(0x40);//--set start line address
00044     lcdWriteCommand(0x81);//--set contrast control register
00045     lcdWriteCommand(0x7f);
00046     lcdWriteCommand(0xa1);//--set segment re-map 0 to 127
00047     lcdWriteCommand(0xa6);//--set normal display
00048     lcdWriteCommand(0xa8);//--set multiplex ratio(1 to 64)
00049     lcdWriteCommand(0x3F);//
00050     lcdWriteCommand(0xa4);//0xa4,Output follows RAM content;0xa5,Output ignores RAM content
00051     lcdWriteCommand(0xd3);//-set display offset
00052     lcdWriteCommand(0x00);//-not offset
00053     lcdWriteCommand(0xd5);//--set display clock divide ratio/oscillator frequency
00054     lcdWriteCommand(0xf0);//--set divide ratio
00055     lcdWriteCommand(0xd9);//--set pre-charge period
00056     lcdWriteCommand(0x22); //
00057     lcdWriteCommand(0xda);//--set com pins hardware configuration
00058     lcdWriteCommand(0x12);
00059     lcdWriteCommand(0xdb);//--set vcomh
00060     lcdWriteCommand(0x20);//0x20,0.77xVcc
00061     lcdWriteCommand(0x8d);//--set DC-DC enable
00062     lcdWriteCommand(0x14);//
00063     lcdWriteCommand(0xaf);//--turn on lcd panel 
00064 }
00066 void SSD1306::clearscreen(void)
00067 {
00068     int16_t x, Y;
00069     for (Y=0;Y<LCD_Ymax/8;Y++) 
00070     {
00071         lcdSetAddr(0, Y);
00072       for (x=0;x<LCD_Xmax;x++)
00073          lcdWriteData(0x00);
00074     }
00075 }
00077 // print char function using Font5x7
00078 void SSD1306::printC_5x7 (int x, int y, unsigned char ascii_code) 
00079 {
00080     int8_t i;
00081     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-5) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) {
00082        if      (ascii_code<0x20) ascii_code=0x20;
00083      else if (ascii_code>0x7F) ascii_code=0x20;
00084        for (i=0;i<5;i++) {
00085               lcdSetAddr((x+i), (y/8)); 
00086               lcdWriteData(Font5x7[(ascii_code-0x20)*5+i]);
00087          }
00088     }
00089 }
00091 void SSD1306::printC(int Line, int Col, unsigned char ascii_code)
00092 {
00093     uint8_t j, i, tmp;  
00094     for (j=0;j<2;j++) {     
00095         lcdSetAddr(Col*8, Line*2+j);
00096         for (i=0;i<8;i++) {
00097           tmp=Font8x16[(ascii_code-0x20)*16+j*8+i];
00098           lcdWriteData(tmp);
00099           }
00100   }
00101 }
00103 void SSD1306::printLine(int line, char text[])
00104 {
00105     uint8_t Col;
00106       for (Col=0; Col<strlen(text); Col++) 
00107             printC(line, Col, text[Col]);
00108 }
00110 void SSD1306::printS(int x, int y, char text[])
00111 {
00112     int8_t i;
00113     for (i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) 
00114         printC(x+i*8, y,text[i]);
00115 }
00117 void SSD1306::printS_5x7(int x, int y, char text[])
00118 {
00119     int8_t i;
00120     for (i=0;i<strlen(text);i++) {
00121         printC_5x7(x,y,text[i]);
00122       x=x+5;
00123     }
00124 }
00126 void SSD1306::drawPixel(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor)
00127 {
00128     if (fgColor!=0) 
00129         DisplayBuffer[x+y/8*LCD_Xmax] |= (0x01<<(y%8));
00130     else 
00131         DisplayBuffer[x+y/8*LCD_Xmax] &= (0xFE<<(y%8));
00133     lcdSetAddr(x, y/8);
00134     lcdWriteData(DisplayBuffer[x+y/8*LCD_Xmax]);
00135 }
00137 void SSD1306::drawBmp8x8(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00138 {
00139     uint8_t t,i,k, kx,ky;
00140     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-7) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) // boundary check     
00141          for (i=0;i<8;i++){
00142                kx=x+i;
00143                  t=bitmap[i];                    
00144                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00145                           ky=y+k;
00146                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00147                 }
00148          }
00149 }
00151 void SSD1306::drawBmp32x8(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00152 {
00153     uint8_t t,i,k, kx,ky;
00154     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-7) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) // boundary check     
00155          for (i=0;i<32;i++){
00156                kx=x+i;
00157                  t=bitmap[i];                    
00158                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00159                           ky=y+k;
00160                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00161                 }
00162          }
00163 }
00165 void SSD1306::drawBmp120x8(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00166 {
00167     uint8_t t,i,k, kx,ky;
00168     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-7) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) // boundary check     
00169          for (i=0;i<120;i++){
00170                kx=x+i;
00171                  t=bitmap[i];                    
00172                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00173                           ky=y+k;
00174                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00175                 }
00176          }
00177 }
00179 void SSD1306::drawBmp8x16(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00180 {
00181     uint8_t t,i,k, kx,ky;
00182     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-7) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) // boundary check     
00183          for (i=0;i<8;i++){
00184                kx=x+i;
00185                  t=bitmap[i];                    
00186                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00187                           ky=y+k;
00188                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00189                 }
00190                  t=bitmap[i+8];                  
00191                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00192                           ky=y+k+8;
00193                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00194                 }                
00195          }
00196 }
00198 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x8(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00199 {
00200     uint8_t t,i,k,kx,ky;
00201     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-7)) // boundary check
00202          for (i=0;i<16;i++)
00203        {
00204                kx=x+i;
00205                  t=bitmap[i];                    
00206                  for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00207                           ky=y+k;
00208                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00209                     }
00210          }
00211 }
00213 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x16(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00214 {
00215     uint8_t t,i,j,k, kx,ky;
00216     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-15)) // boundary check
00217        for (j=0;j<2; j++){       
00218              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {   
00219             kx=x+i;
00220                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00221                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00222                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00223                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00224                         }
00225              }
00226          }
00227 }
00229 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x24(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00230 {
00231     uint8_t t,i,j,k, kx,ky;
00232     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-15)) // boundary check
00233        for (j=0;j<3; j++){       
00234              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {   
00235             kx=x+i;
00236                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00237                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00238                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00239                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00240                         }
00241              }
00242          }
00243 }
00245 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x32(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00246 {
00247     uint8_t t, i,j,k, kx,ky;
00248     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-31)) // boundary check
00249        for (j=0;j<4; j++)   {            
00250              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00251             kx=x+i;
00252                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00253                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00254                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00255                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00256                         }                    
00257              }       
00258          }
00259 }
00261 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x40(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00262 {
00263     uint8_t t, i,j,k, kx,ky;
00264     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-31)) // boundary check
00265        for (j=0;j<5; j++)   {            
00266              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00267             kx=x+i;
00268                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00269                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00270                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00271                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00272                         }                   
00273              }       
00274          }
00275 }
00277 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x48(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00278 {
00279     uint8_t t,i,j,k,kx,ky;
00280     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y<(LCD_Ymax-47)) // boundary check
00281        for (j=0;j<6; j++)   {
00282          k=x;            
00283              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00284             kx=x+i;
00285                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00286                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00287                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00288                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00289                         }                        
00290              }       
00291          }
00292 }
00294 void SSD1306::drawBmp16x64(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00295 {
00296     uint8_t t,i,j,k,kx,ky;
00297     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-15) && y==0) // boundary check
00298        for (j=0;j<8; j++) {
00299                  k=x;
00300              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00301             kx=x+i;
00302                       t=bitmap[i+j*16];                  
00303                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00304                           ky=y+j*8+k;
00305                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00306                         }                        
00307              }
00308          }
00309 }
00311 void SSD1306::drawBmp32x16(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00312 {
00313     uint8_t t,i,jx,jy,k,kx,ky;
00314     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-31) && y<(LCD_Ymax-15)) // boundary check
00315         for (jy=0;jy<2;jy++)
00316        for (jx=0;jx<2;jx++) {
00317                k=x;
00318              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00319             kx=x+jx*16+i;
00320                       t=bitmap[i+jx*16+jy*32];                   
00321                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00322                           ky=y+jy*8+k;
00323                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00324                         }                        
00325              }
00326             }
00327 }
00329 void SSD1306::drawBmp32x32(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00330 {
00331     uint8_t t,i,jx,jy,k, kx,ky;
00332     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-31) && y<(LCD_Ymax-31)) // boundary check
00333         for (jy=0;jy<4;jy++)
00334        for (jx=0;jx<2;jx++) {
00335                k=x;
00336              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00337             kx=x+jx*16+i;
00338                       t=bitmap[i+jx*16+jy*32];                   
00339                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00340                           ky=y+jy*8+k;
00341                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00342                         }                        
00343              }
00344             }
00345 }
00347 void SSD1306::drawBmp32x48(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00348 {
00349     uint8_t t,i,jx,jy,k, kx,ky;
00350     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-31) && y<(LCD_Ymax-47)) // boundary check
00351         for (jy=0;jy<6;jy++)
00352        for (jx=0;jx<2;jx++) {
00353                k=x;
00354              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00355                       kx=x+jx*16+i;
00356                       t=bitmap[i+jx*16+jy*32];                   
00357                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00358                           ky=y+jy*8+k;
00359                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00360                         }   
00361              }       
00362          }
00363 }
00365 void SSD1306::drawBmp32x64(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00366 {
00367     uint8_t t,i,jx,jy,k, kx,ky;
00368     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-31) && y==0) // boundary check
00369         for (jy=0;jy<8;jy++)
00370        for (jx=0;jx<2;jx++) {
00371                k=x;
00372              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00373                       kx=x+jx*16+i;
00374                       t=bitmap[i+jx*16+jy*32];                   
00375                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00376                           ky=y+jy*8+k;
00377                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00378                         }                        
00379              }
00380             }                
00381 }
00383 void SSD1306::drawBmp64x64(int x, int y, int fgColor, int bgColor, unsigned char bitmap[])
00384 {
00385     uint8_t t, i,jx,jy,k, kx,ky;
00386     if (x<(LCD_Xmax-63) && y==0) // boundary check
00387         for (jy=0;jy<8;jy++)
00388        for (jx=0;jx<4;jx++) {
00389            k=x;
00390              for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
00391                       kx=x+jx*16+i;
00392                       t=bitmap[i+jx*16+jy*64];                 
00393                       for (k=0;k<8;k++) {
00394                           ky=y+jy*8+k;
00395                           if (t&(0x01<<k)) drawPixel(kx,ky,fgColor,bgColor);
00396                         }                    
00397              }
00398             }
00399 }
00401 void SSD1306::drawBMP(unsigned char *buffer)
00402 {
00403   uint8_t x,y;
00404     for (x=0; x<LCD_Xmax; x++) {
00405         for (y=0; y<(LCD_Ymax/8); y++) {
00406                lcdSetAddr(x ,y);
00407                lcdWriteData(buffer[x+y*LCD_Xmax]);
00408             }
00409         }           
00410 }