NuMaker connection with AWS IoT thru MQTT/HTTPS

Dependencies:   MQTT

Mon Apr 15 17:31:56 2019 +0800
Reduce memory footprint according to RFC 6066 TLS extension

1. Enable RFC 6066 max_fragment_length extension.

But this approach is risky because:
1. AWS IoT doesn't support RFC 6066 TLS extension yet.
2. TLS handshake may need larger I/O buffers than configured 4KiB/4KiB. 4KiB/4KiB is minimum
to pass TLS handshake per test.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 1 # Example for Connection with AWS IoT thru MQTT/HTTPS on Mbed OS
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 2
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 3 This is an example to demonstrate connection with [AWS IoT](
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 4 on Nuvoton Mbed-enabled boards.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 5
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 6 ## Supported platforms
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 7 On Mbed OS, connection with AWS IoT requires Mbed TLS. It requires more than 64 KB RAM.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 8 Currently, the following Nuvoton Mbed-enalbed boards can afford such memory footprint:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 9 - [NuMaker-PFM-NUC472](
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 10 - [NuMaker-PFM-M487](
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 11
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 12 ## Access and manage AWS IoT Service
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 13 To run the example, you need to register one [AWS account](
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 14 to access and manage AWS IoT Service for your device to connect with.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 15 This [link]( gives detailed
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 16 information about it.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 17
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 18 1. Sign in to [AWS Management Console](
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 19 1. Enter AWS IoT Service.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 20 1. In AWS IoT Service, create a thing.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 21 The Console may prompt you to also create a certificate and a policy. Skip for creating them later.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 22 1. In AWS IoT Service, create a policy. A workable example would be below.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 23 Note that you need to replace **REGION** and **ACCOUNT** to match your case.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 24
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 25 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 26 {
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 27 "Version": "2012-10-17",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 28 "Statement": [
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 29 {
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 30 "Effect": "Allow",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 31 "Action": "iot:Connect",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 32 "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:<b>REGION</b>:<b>ACCOUNT</b>:client/*"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 33 },
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 34 {
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 35 "Effect": "Allow",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 36 "Action": "iot:Subscribe",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 37 "Resource": ["arn:aws:iot:<b>REGION</b>:<b>ACCOUNT</b>:topicfilter/*"]
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 38 },
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 39 {
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 40 "Effect": "Allow",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 41 "Action": ["iot:Publish", "iot:Receive"],
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 42 "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:<b>REGION</b>:<b>ACCOUNT</b>:topic/*"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 43 },
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 44 {
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 45 "Effect": "Allow",
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 46 "Action": ["iot:UpdateThingShadow", "iot:GetThingShadow", "iot:DeleteThingShadow"],
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 47 "Resource": "arn:aws:iot:<b>REGION</b>:<b>ACCOUNT</b>:thing/*"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 48 }
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 49 ]
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 50 }
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 51 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 52
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 53 1. In AWS IoT Service, create a certificate. You would get 4 security credential files from it.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 54 Download them for later use.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 55 - AWS IoT's CA certificate
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 56 - User certificate
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 57 - User private key
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 58 - User public key
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 59
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 60 After creating the certificate, do:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 61 1. Activate the certificate
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 62 1. Attach the thing created above to the certificate
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 63 1. Attach the policy created above to the certificate
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 64
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 65 ## Configure your device with AWS IoT
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 66 Before connecting your device with AWS IoT, you need to configure security credential and
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 67 protocol dependent parameters into your device. These configurations are all centralized in `main.cpp`.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 68
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 69 ### Configure certificate into your device
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 70 From above, you've got 4 security credential files: CA certificate and user certificate/private key/public key.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 71 Configure CA certificate, user certificate, and user private key into your device.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 72 User public key has been included in user certificate and is not used here.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 73 1. Replace CA certificate with downloaded from the Console.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 74 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 75 const char SSL_CA_CERT_PEM[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 76 "MIIE0zCCA7ugAwIBAgIQGNrRniZ96LtKIVjNzGs7SjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCB\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 77 "yjELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxFzAVBgNVBAoTDlZlcmlTaWduLCBJbmMuMR8wHQYDVQQL\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 78 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 79
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 80 1. Replace user certificate with downloaded from the Console.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 81 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 82 const char SSL_USER_CERT_PEM[] = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 83 "MIIDWjCCAkKgAwIBAgIVALN/H7tr8cgpl2zwg0JjEE106XilMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEB\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 84 "CwUAME0xSzBJBgNVBAsMQkFtYXpvbiBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMgTz1BbWF6b24uY29t\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 85 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 86
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 87 1. Replace user private key with downloaded from the Console.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 88 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 89 const char SSL_USER_PRIV_KEY_PEM[] = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 90 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 91
ccli8 4:dc23eeba885a 92 **NOTE:** The credential hard-coded in source code is deactivated or deleted.
ccli8 4:dc23eeba885a 93 Use your own credential for connection with AWS IoT.
ccli8 4:dc23eeba885a 94
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 95 ### Connect through MQTT
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 96 To connect your device with AWS IoT through MQTT, you need to configure the following parameters.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 97
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 98 1. Enable connection through MQTT.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 99 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 100 #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_TEST 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 101 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 102
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 103 1. Replace server name (endpoint). **Endpoint** has the following format and you just
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 104 need to modify **IDENTIFIER** and **REGION** to match your case.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 105 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 106 #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_SERVER_NAME "<b>IDENTIFIER</b>.iot.<b>REGION</b>"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 107 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 108
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 109 1. Server port number is fixed. Don't change it.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 110 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 111 #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_SERVER_PORT 8883
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 112 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 113
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 114 1. Replace **THINGNAME** to match your case. The **THINGNAME** is just the name of the thing you've created above.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 115 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 116 #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_THINGNAME "<b>THINGNAME</b>"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 117 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 118
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 119 1. Replace **CLIENTNAME** to match your case. If you adopt the example policy above,
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 120 you can modify it arbitrarily because the policy permits any client name bound to your account.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 121 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 122 #define AWS_IOT_MQTT_CLIENTNAME "<b>CLIENTNAME</b>"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 123 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 124
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 125 AWS IoT MQTT protocol supports topic subscribe/publish. The example demonstrates:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 126 - Subscribe/publish with user topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 127 - Subscribe/publish with reserved topic (starting with $) to:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 128 - Update thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 129 - Get thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 130 - Delete thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 131
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 132 ### Connect through HTTPS
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 133 To connect your device with AWS IoT through HTTPS, you need to configure the following parameters.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 134
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 135 1. Enable connection through HTTPS.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 136 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 137 #define AWS_IOT_HTTPS_TEST 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 138 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 139
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 140 1. Replace server name (endpoint). **Endpoint** has the following format and you just
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 141 need to modify **IDENTIFIER** and **REGION** to match your case.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 142 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 143 #define AWS_IOT_HTTPS_SERVER_NAME "<b>IDENTIFIER</b>.iot.<b>REGION</b>"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 144 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 145
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 146 1. Server port number is fixed. Don't change it.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 147 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 148 #define AWS_IOT_HTTPS_SERVER_PORT 8443
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 149 ```
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 150
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 151 1. Replace **THINGNAME** to match your case. The **THINGNAME** is just the name of the thing you've created above.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 152 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 153 #define AWS_IOT_HTTPS_THINGNAME "<b>THINGNAME</b>"
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 154 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 155
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 156 AWS IoT HTTPS protocol supports topic publish-only and RESTful API. The example demonstrates:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 157 - Publish to user topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 158 - Publish to reserved topic (starting with $) to:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 159 - Update thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 160 - Get thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 161 - Delete thing shadow
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 162 - RESTful API to:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 163 - Update thing shadow RESTfully through HTTPS/POST method
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 164 - Get thing shadow RESTfully through HTTPS/GET method
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 165 - Delete thing shadow RESTfully through HTTPS/DELETE method
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 166
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 167 ## Monitor the application
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 168 If you configure your terminal program with **9600/8-N-1**, you would see output similar to:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 169
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 170 **NOTE:** Make sure that the network is functional before running the application.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 171
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 172 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 173 Starting AWS IoT test
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 174 Using Mbed OS 5.7.1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 175 [EasyConnect] IPv4 mode
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 176 Connecting with
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 177 Connecting to
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 178 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 179
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 180 If you get here successfully, it means configurations with security credential are correct.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 181 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 182 Starting the TLS handshake...
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 183 TLS connection to established
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 184 Server certificate:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 185 cert. version : 3
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 186 serial number : 3C:AC:B3:D3:3E:D8:6A:C9:2B:EF:D2:C5:B1:DC:BF:66
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 187 issuer name : C=US, O=Symantec Corporation, OU=Symantec Trust Network, CN=Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit SSL CA - G2
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 188 subject name : C=US, ST=Washington, L=Seattle,, Inc., CN=*
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 189 issued on : 2017-03-07 00:00:00
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 190 expires on : 2018-03-08 23:59:59
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 191 signed using : ECDSA with SHA256
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 192 EC key size : 256 bits
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 193 basic constraints : CA=false
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 194 subject alt name :, *
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 195 key usage : Digital Signature
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 196 ext key usage : TLS Web Server Authentication, TLS Web Client Authentication
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 197 Certificate verification passed
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 198
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 199 Connects with OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 200 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 201
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 202 MQTT handshake goes:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 203 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 204 MQTT connects OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 205
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 206 Subscribing/publishing user topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 207 MQTT subscribes to Nuvoton/Mbed/+ OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 208 Message to publish:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 209 { "message": "Hello from Nuvoton Mbed device" }
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 210 MQTT publishes message to Nuvoton/Mbed/D001 OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 211 Message arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 212 Payload:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 213 { "message": "Hello from Nuvoton Mbed device" }
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 214
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 215 MQTT unsubscribes from Nuvoton/Mbed/+ OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 216 Subscribes/publishes user topic OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 217
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 218 Subscribing/publishing UpdateThingShadow topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 219 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/update/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 220 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/update/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 221 Message to publish:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 222 { "state": { "reported": { "attribute1": 3, "attribute2": "1" } } }
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 223 MQTT publishes message to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/update OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 224 Message arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 225 Payload:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 226 {"state":{"reported":{"attribute1":3,"attribute2":"1"}},"metadata":{"reported":{"attribute1":{"timestamp":1514962195},"attribute2":{"timestamp":1514962195}}},"version":77,"timestamp":1514962195}
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 227
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 228 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/update/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 229 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/update/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 230 Subscribes/publishes UpdateThingShadow topic OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 231
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 232 Subscribing/publishing GetThingShadow topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 233 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/get/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 234 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/get/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 235 Message to publish:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 236
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 237 MQTT publishes message to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/get OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 238 Message arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 239 Payload:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 240 {"state":{"reported":{"attribute1":3,"attribute2":"1"}},"metadata":{"reported":{"attribute1":{"timestamp":1514962195},"attribute2":{"timestamp":1514962195}}},"version":77,"timestamp":1514962198}
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 241
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 242 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/get/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 243 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/get/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 244 Subscribes/publishes GetThingShadow topic OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 245
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 246 Subscribing/publishing DeleteThingShadow topic
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 247 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/delete/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 248 MQTT subscribes to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/delete/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 249 Message to publish:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 250
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 251 MQTT publishes message to $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/delete OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 252 Message arrived: qos 1, retained 0, dup 0, packetid 1
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 253 Payload:
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 254 {"version":77,"timestamp":1514962202}
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 255
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 256 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/delete/accepted OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 257 MQTT unsubscribes from $aws/things/Nuvoton-Mbed-D001/shadow/delete/rejected OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 258 Subscribes/publishes DeleteThingShadow topic OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 259
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 260 MQTT disconnects OK
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 261 </pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 262
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 263 Dynamic memory footprint (heap) is output below.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 264 Static memory footprint (global/stack) could be obtained by inspecting MAP file.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 265 You could get total memory footprint by adding these two together.
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 266 <pre>
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 267 Current heap size: 1351
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 268 Max heap size: 63022
ccli8 1:5ffad9f24d63 269 </pre>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 270
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 271 ## Trouble-shooting
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 272 - Over ESP8266 WiFi,
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 273 if you make a loop test like below (`main.cpp`), you may always meet errors in the following loops
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 274 after some network error has happened in the previous one.
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 275 <pre>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 276 <b>while (true) {</b>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 277 #if AWS_IOT_MQTT_TEST
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 278 AWS_IoT_MQTT_Test *mqtt_test = new AWS_IoT_MQTT_Test(AWS_IOT_MQTT_SERVER_NAME, AWS_IOT_MQTT_SERVER_PORT, network);
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 279 mqtt_test->start_test();
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 280 delete mqtt_test;
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 281 #endif // End of AWS_IOT_MQTT_TEST
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 282
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 283 #if AWS_IOT_HTTPS_TEST
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 284 AWS_IoT_HTTPS_Test *https_test = new AWS_IoT_HTTPS_Test(AWS_IOT_HTTPS_SERVER_NAME, AWS_IOT_HTTPS_SERVER_PORT, network);
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 285 https_test->start_test();
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 286 delete https_test;
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 287 #endif // End of AWS_IOT_HTTPS_TEST
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 288 <b>}</b>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 289 </pre>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 290 This issue would be caused by failure of ESP8266 AT commands **CLOSE**/**DISCONNECT**
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 291 because ESP8266 F/W is still busy in handling previous unfinished network transfer
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 292 due to bad network status and fails these commands.
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 293 These commands must be OK for ESP8266 F/W to reset connection state correctly.
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 294 If that happens, try enlarging [ESP8266 driver's]( timeout configuration.
ccli8 6:7ef096085ca7 295 For example, enlarge `ESP8266_SEND_TIMEOUT`/`ESP8266_RECV_TIMEOUT`/`ESP8266_MISC_TIMEOUT` (defined in
ccli8 6:7ef096085ca7 296 [ESP8266Interface.cpp](
ccli8 6:7ef096085ca7 297 to 5000/5000/5000 ms respectively (through `mbed_app.json`).
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 298 <pre>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 299 {
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 300 "macros": [
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 301 "MBED_CONF_APP_MAIN_STACK_SIZE=4096",
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 302 "MBEDTLS_USER_CONFIG_FILE=\"mbedtls_user_config.h\"",
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 303 "MBED_HEAP_STATS_ENABLED=1",
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 304 "MBED_MEM_TRACING_ENABLED=1",
ccli8 6:7ef096085ca7 305 <b>"ESP8266_SEND_TIMEOUT=5000",</b>
ccli8 6:7ef096085ca7 306 <b>"ESP8266_RECV_TIMEOUT=5000",</b>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 307 <b>"ESP8266_MISC_TIMEOUT=5000"</b>
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 308 ],
ccli8 5:2a70e217325f 309 "config": {
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 310 </pre>
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 311
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 312 - Reduce memory footprint according to RFC 6066 TLS extension
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 313 `MBEDTLS_SSL_IN_CONTENT_LEN`/`MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN` determine the sizes of incoming/outgoing TLS I/O buffers.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 314 We reduce the sizes by default according to RFC 6066:
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 315 1. Enable RFC 6066 max_fragment_length extension.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 316 1. Reduce `MBEDTLS_SSL_IN_CONTENT_LEN`/`MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN` to 4KiB/4KiB from 16KiB/16KiB.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 317
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 318 But this approach is risky because:
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 319 1. AWS IoT doesn't support RFC 6066 TLS extension yet.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 320 1. TLS handshake may need larger I/O buffers than configured 4KiB/4KiB.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 321
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 322 If you doubt your trouble is caused by this configuration, disable it by:
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 323 1. Remove the line `my-tlssocket.tls-max-frag-len` in `mbed_app.json`.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 324 ```json
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 325 "NUMAKER_PFM_NUC472": {
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 326 "" : "ETHERNET",
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 327 "target.macros_add": [
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 328 "ESP8266_AT_SEL=ESP8266_AT_EXTERN"
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 329 ]
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 330 },
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 331 ```
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 332 1. Comment out `MBEDTLS_SSL_IN_CONTENT_LEN`/`MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN` in `mbedtls_user_config.h`.
ccli8 26:e5cfc2628e84 333 This will change back to 16KiB/16KiB.