RT1050 GUI demo using emWin library

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00001 /*********************************************************************
00002 *                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
00003 *        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
00004 **********************************************************************
00005 *                                                                    *
00006 *        (c) 1996 - 2016  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG       *
00007 *                                                                    *
00008 *        Internet: www.segger.com    Support:  support@segger.com    *
00009 *                                                                    *
00010 **********************************************************************
00012 ** emWin V5.38 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
00013 All  Intellectual Property rights  in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
00014 emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
00015 source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
00016 only be used in accordance with the following terms:
00018 The software has been licensed to  NXP Semiconductors USA, Inc.  whose
00019 registered  office  is  situated  at 411 E. Plumeria Drive, San  Jose,
00020 CA 95134, USA  solely for  the  purposes  of  creating  libraries  for
00021 NXPs M0, M3/M4 and  ARM7/9 processor-based  devices,  sublicensed  and
00022 distributed under the terms and conditions of the NXP End User License
00023 Agreement.
00024 Full source code is available at: www.segger.com
00026 We appreciate your understanding and fairness.
00027 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00028 Licensing information
00030 Licensor:                 SEGGER Microcontroller Systems LLC
00031 Licensed to:              NXP Semiconductors, 1109 McKay Dr, M/S 76, San Jose, CA 95131, USA
00032 Licensed SEGGER software: emWin
00033 License number:           GUI-00186
00034 License model:            emWin License Agreement, dated August 20th 2011
00035 Licensed product:         -
00036 Licensed platform:        NXP's ARM 7/9, Cortex-M0,M3,M4
00037 Licensed number of seats: -
00038 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00039 File        : IMAGE.h
00040 Purpose     : Image include
00041 --------------------END-OF-HEADER-------------------------------------
00042 */
00044 #ifndef IMAGE_H
00045 #define IMAGE_H
00047 #include "WM.h"
00048 #include "DIALOG_Intern.h"
00049 #include "WIDGET.h"
00053 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00054   extern "C" { // Make sure we have C-declarations in C++ programs
00055 #endif
00057 /*********************************************************************
00058 *
00059 *       Defines
00060 *
00061 **********************************************************************
00062 */
00063 #define IMAGE_CF_MEMDEV   (1 << 0) // Widget uses an internal memory device which speeds up use of compressed images (GIF, JPEG, PNG)
00064 #define IMAGE_CF_TILE     (1 << 1) // Uses tiling to fill up the whole area of the widget
00065 #define IMAGE_CF_ALPHA    (1 << 2) // Needs to be set if alpha blending is required (PNG)
00066 #define IMAGE_CF_ATTACHED (1 << 3) // Widget size is fixed to the parent border
00067 #define IMAGE_CF_AUTOSIZE (1 << 4) // Widget size is taken from the attached image
00069 /*********************************************************************
00070 *
00071 *       Types
00072 *
00073 **********************************************************************
00074 */
00075 typedef WM_HMEM IMAGE_Handle;
00077 /*********************************************************************
00078 *
00079 *       Public functions
00080 *
00081 **********************************************************************
00082 */
00083 IMAGE_Handle IMAGE_CreateEx      (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id);
00084 IMAGE_Handle IMAGE_CreateUser    (int x0, int y0, int xSize, int ySize, WM_HWIN hParent, int WinFlags, int ExFlags, int Id, int NumExtraBytes);
00085 IMAGE_Handle IMAGE_CreateIndirect(const GUI_WIDGET_CREATE_INFO * pCreateInfo, WM_HWIN hWinParent, int x0, int y0, WM_CALLBACK * cb);
00087 void IMAGE_Callback(WM_MESSAGE * pMsg);
00089 /*********************************************************************
00090 *
00091 *       Member functions
00092 *
00093 **********************************************************************
00094 */
00095 int  IMAGE_GetUserData(IMAGE_Handle hObj, void * pDest, int NumBytes);
00096 void IMAGE_SetBitmap  (IMAGE_Handle hWin, const GUI_BITMAP * pBitmap);
00097 void IMAGE_SetBMP     (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
00098 void IMAGE_SetBMPEx   (IMAGE_Handle hObj, GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData, void * pVoid);
00099 void IMAGE_SetDTA     (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
00100 void IMAGE_SetDTAEx   (IMAGE_Handle hObj, GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData, void * pVoid);
00101 void IMAGE_SetGIF     (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
00102 void IMAGE_SetGIFEx   (IMAGE_Handle hObj, GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData, void * pVoid);
00103 void IMAGE_SetJPEG    (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
00104 void IMAGE_SetJPEGEx  (IMAGE_Handle hObj, GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData, void * pVoid);
00105 void IMAGE_SetPNG     (IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pData, U32 FileSize);
00106 void IMAGE_SetPNGEx   (IMAGE_Handle hObj, GUI_GET_DATA_FUNC * pfGetData, void * pVoid);
00107 int  IMAGE_SetUserData(IMAGE_Handle hObj, const void * pSrc, int NumBytes);
00110 #if defined(__cplusplus)
00111   }
00112 #endif
00114 #endif // GUI_WINSUPPORT
00115 #endif // IMAGE_H
00117 /*************************** End of file ****************************/