update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem



File content as of revision 76:c802e1da4179:

      had to change config to save zerooffset as an integer

// saveBCEData (int change)
// saveBATTData (int change)
//save pitch all floats
//save depth all floats

bce      P:  0.01, I:  0.00, D:  0.00,   zero offset: 846, limit  320.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 0.5  
batt     P: -0.10, I:  0.00, D:  0.00,   zero offset: 490, limit   60.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 0.5  
rudder   min_pwm:2240.0, center_pwm:1640.0, max_pwm:1040.0 (min_deg: -45.0 max_deg:  45.0)
depth    P:-20.00, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:  151.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
pitch    P:  0.50, I:  0.00, D: -0.25, output offset:   21.5 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
heading  P:  1.50, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:    0.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 5.0 

bce      P:  0.01, I:  0.00, D:  0.00,   zero offset: 250, limit  320.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 0.5  
batt     P: -0.10, I:  0.00, D:  0.00,   zero offset: 490, limit   60.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 0.5  
rudder   min_pwm:2240.0, center_pwm:1640.0, max_pwm:1040.0 (min_deg: -45.0 max_deg:  45.0)
depth    P:-20.00, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:  151.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
pitch    P:  0.50, I:  0.00, D: -0.25, output offset:   21.5 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
heading  P:  1.50, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:    0.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 5.0 

bce      P:  0.10, I:  0.20, D:  0.30,   zero offset: 250, limit  320.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 1.1  
batt     P: -0.10, I:  0.00, D:  0.00,   zero offset: 490, limit   60.0 mm, slope 0.12176, deadband: 0.5  
rudder   min_pwm:2240.0, center_pwm:1640.0, max_pwm:1040.0 (min_deg: -45.0 max_deg:  45.0)
depth    P:-20.00, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:  151.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
pitch    P:  0.50, I:  0.00, D: -0.25, output offset:   21.5 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 0.5 
heading  P:  1.50, I:  0.00, D:  0.00, output offset:    0.0 mm, filter_freq: 6.0, deadband: 5.0 

2) Check log files