update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem



File content as of revision 75:92e79d23d29a:

#include "IMU.h"

IMU::IMU(PinName Tx, PinName Rx): 

void IMU::initialize() {
    //set up the spi bus and frequency

    // initialize the processing state machine
    state = SYNC0; 
    // initialize to zeros
    euler[0] = 0.0;
    euler[1] = 0.0;
    euler[2] = 0.0;
    // initialize to zeros
    latLonAlt[0] = 0.0;
    latLonAlt[1] = 0.0;
    latLonAlt[2] = 0.0;
    // initialize to no GNSS fix
    is2dFixValid = false;
    is3dFixValid = false;
    numSV = 0;

// this stops an interval timer trigger of the IMU update function
void IMU::start() {
    interval.attach(this, &IMU::update, .05);  //this should be a 1 Hz sample rate

// this stops the interval timer trigger of the IMU update function
void IMU::stop() {

void IMU::runIMU() {

// updated the imu update function with a state machine that doesn't hang if no data is present
void IMU::update() {
//    // DEBUGGING an example packet
//    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
//    //char data[20] = {0x75,0x65,0x80,0x0E,0x0E,0x04,0x3E,0x7A,0x63,0xA0,0xBB,0x8E,0x3B,0x29,0x7F,0xE5,0xBF,0x7F,0x84,0xEE}; // 3d accel
//    char data[20] = {0x75,0x65,0x80,0x0E,0x0E,0x0C,0xBA,0xE3,0xED,0x9B,0x3C,0x7D,0x6D,0xDF,0xBF,0x85,0x5C,0xF5,0x41,0xBB}; // euler cf
//    for (int j=0; j<20; j++) {
        //byte = data[j];
    while (_rs232.readable()) {
        // read a single byte
        byte = _rs232.getc();
        // state machine to process byte-by-byte
        switch (state) {
        case SYNC0 : 
            if (byte == 0x75) {
                packet[0] = byte; // save into the packet
                state = SYNC1;
        case SYNC1 :
            if (byte == 0x65) {
                packet[1] = byte; // save into the packet
                state = SET;
            else {
                state = SYNC0;
        case SET :
            descriptor = byte; // save descriptor set
            packet[2] = byte; // save into the packet
            state = LEN;
        case LEN :
            len = byte; // save payload length
            packet[3] = byte; // save into the packet
            state = PAY;
            i = 0; // reset payload field length counter
        case PAY :
            if (i < len) { // keep adding until get all the payload length
                packet[4+i] = byte; // add byte to the packet, skipping over the header 4-bytes
                i++; // increment payload counter
            else {
                state = CRC0;
            if (i >= len) { // not an elseif, since we want to escape when i==len
                state = CRC0;
        case CRC0 :
            crc0 = byte; // save the msb of the checksum
            state = CRC1;
        case CRC1 :
            crc1 = byte; // save the lsb of the checksum
            checksum = ((unsigned int)crc0 << 8) + (unsigned int)crc1; // make checksum into a uint16
            if (checksum == calcChecksum(packet, len+4)) { // passed checksum, wahoo!
                processPayload(descriptor, packet[4], &packet[4]); // process the payload part of the packet, starting at byte 4
            state = SYNC0; // reset to SYNC0 state

        default :
            state = SYNC0;

void IMU::processPayload(char descriptor, char length, unsigned char * payload) {
    if (descriptor == IMU_DATA_SET) { // find an IMU data descriptor set
        if (length > 2) { // make sure there are at least two bytes to see the field descriptor
            if (payload[1] == EULER_CF_DESCRIPTOR) { // find an euler CF field descriptor
                processEulerCfPacket(length, payload);
    else if (descriptor == GNSS_DATA_SET) { // find a GNSS data descriptor set
        if (length > 2) { // make sure there are at least two bytes to see the field descriptor
            if (payload[1] == LLH_POSITION_DESCRIPTOR) { // find a lat-lon-alt field descriptor
                processLatLonAltPacket(length, payload);
            else if (payload[1] == GNSS_FIX_INFO_DESCRIPTOR) { // find a gnss fix field descriptor
                processGnssFixInformation(length, payload);

void IMU::processEulerCfPacket(char length, unsigned char * payload) {
    if (length >= EULER_CF_LENGTH) { // make sure correct field length
        if (payload[0] == EULER_CF_LENGTH) { // make sure field length is as expected
            euler[0] = floatFromChar(&payload[ROLL_OFFSET+2])*180/_PI;  // roll Euler angle convert in degrees
            euler[1] = floatFromChar(&payload[PITCH_OFFSET+2])*180/_PI; // pitch Euler angle convert in degrees
            euler[2] = floatFromChar(&payload[YAW_OFFSET+2])*180/_PI;   // yaw Euler angle convert in degrees

void IMU::processLatLonAltPacket(char length, unsigned char * payload) {
    if (length >= LLH_POSITION_LENGTH) { // make sure correct field length
        if (payload[0] == LLH_POSITION_LENGTH) { // make sure field length is as expected
            latLonAlt[0] = doubleFromChar(&payload[LATITUDE_OFFSET+2]);   // latitude in decimal degrees
            latLonAlt[1] = doubleFromChar(&payload[LONGITUDE_OFFSET+2]);  // longitude in decimal degrees
            latLonAlt[2] = doubleFromChar(&payload[HEIGHT_MSL_OFFSET+2]); // altitude above mean sea level in meters

void IMU::processGnssFixInformation(char length, unsigned char * payload) {
    if (length >= GNSS_FIX_INFO_LENGTH) { // make sure field length is as expected
        if (payload[0] == GNSS_FIX_INFO_LENGTH) { // make sure field length is as expected
            is2dFixValid = char(payload[FIX_TYPE_OFFSET+2]) & 0x01; // bitand on LSB to see 2d fix flag
            is3dFixValid = char(payload[FIX_TYPE_OFFSET+2]) & 0x02; // bitand on LSB to see 3d fix flag
            numSV = char(payload[NUM_SV_OFFSET+2]); // number of GNSS satellite vehicles

float IMU::floatFromChar(unsigned char * value) {
    unsigned char temp[4];
    temp[0] = value[3];
    temp[1] = value[2];
    temp[2] = value[1];
    temp[3] = value[0];
    return *(float *) temp;

double IMU::doubleFromChar(unsigned char * value) {
    unsigned char temp[8];
    temp[0] = value[7];
    temp[1] = value[6];
    temp[2] = value[5];
    temp[3] = value[4];
    temp[4] = value[3];
    temp[5] = value[2];
    temp[6] = value[1];
    temp[7] = value[0];
    return *(double *) temp;

float IMU::getRoll() {
    return euler[0];

float IMU::getPitch() {
    return euler[1];

float IMU::getHeading() {
    return euler[2];    //

bool IMU::getIsValid2dFix() {
    return is2dFixValid;   

bool IMU::getIsValid3dFix() {
    return is3dFixValid;

char IMU::getNumSV() {
    return numSV;

double IMU::getLatitude() {
    return latLonAlt[0];

double IMU::getLongitude() {
    return latLonAlt[1];

double IMU::getAltitudeMSL() {
    return latLonAlt[2];

unsigned int IMU::calcChecksum(unsigned char * mip_packet, char checksum_range) {
    unsigned char checksum_byte1 = 0;
    unsigned char checksum_byte2 = 0;
    unsigned int myChecksum = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<checksum_range; i++) {
        checksum_byte1 += mip_packet[i];
        checksum_byte2 += checksum_byte1;
    myChecksum = ((unsigned int)checksum_byte1 << 8) + (unsigned int)checksum_byte2;
    return myChecksum;