update with altimeter, swimfile.txt endleg.txt, etc see changes_13sep.txt also reset_PI()

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/changes_13sep2019.txt	Fri Sep 13 16:51:48 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# new version  13sep2019
+has changes to implement altimeter blank_m  - turned off and ignored
+and altim_abort_m  distance to bottom that aborts dive
+present code  takes TWO  near approaches to end a leg. only one and it forces a rise, and starts counting.
+IMplement swimfile.txt reading in swim parameters.
+swimfile parameters:
+#the swim file parameters
+implement  writing out endleg_reason  into endleg.txt  file
+# EndLeg reason set here
+reasons:1 = normal timeout  2=yo_timeout  3= altim_abort 4=no_find_neutral  
+5=still inverted 6=yo_timeout+too slow 7=no_find_neutral+altim_abort
+     8=mbed_max_runtime_hr  limit
+implement altimeter reading of altim.txt  for slope and offset.
+altim.txt  NOT named alt.txt.         hated that name.
+# Linear regression parameters for altimeter 
+Present code has not yet switched to really use max_mbed_runtime_hr  yet.
+here is the code at line 539 of main.cpp
+if(tNow ==  90000) {  // don't wait forever  -remove this for real operations!!
+  // if(tNow == 1000 * configFileIO().swimConstants.max_mbed_runtime_hr * 3600) {  //replace with this real runtime    
+                keeprunning=0;
+Typical block using altimeter info is in Statemachine()
+line 810 inStatemachine().cpp
+CODE      exit from LEG_POSITION_DIVE    logic
+else if( (depthLoop().getPosition() > configFileIO().swimConstants.altim_blank_m)    //  ending on altimieter abort - bad, endleg, etc
+                     && (fabs(imu().getRoll()) < 45) && (altimLoop().getPosition() < configFileIO().swimConstants.altim_abort_m)) {
+                //just go to leg_position_rise unless it is the second time
+                    if(configFileIO().swimConstants.altim_abort_count  >= 2) {  // more than one altimeter abort
+                       _state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;
+                       finish_leg =1;
+                       sprintf(buf, "LEG POS DIVE: ALTIMETER ABORT - more than one!: depth=%f altimeter=%f - go to emergency climb\n\n\r",
+                                      depthLoop().getPosition(), altimLoop().getPosition() );
+                    mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                       configFileIO().swimConstants.endleg_reason = 3;  // altimeter abort
+                       _fsm_timer.reset();
+                       _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+                    }
+                // just go to leg_position_rise unless it is the second time
+                    if(configFileIO().swimConstants.altim_abort_count  < 2) {
+                       _state = LEG_POSITION_RISE;
+                       _fsm_timer.reset();
+                       printf(buf, "LEG POS DIVE: ALTIMETER ABORT first one:  ONLY go to leg_postiion_rise -depth=%f altimeter=%f - go to emergency climb\n\n\r",
+                                      depthLoop().getPosition(), altimLoop().getPosition() );
+                       mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                       _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+                       configFileIO().swimConstants.altim_abort_count += 1;
+                    }
+                }
+The test is:  deeper than atimeter blanking depth?  also  NOT inverted (roll test)  also  altimeter measure is smaller than swimConstants.altim_abort_m
+     the second time ;  Emergency climb and end the leg
+     the first time - just end the yo and start conunting approaches
+implement inverted.txt
+# Still Inverted after START_SWIM yo timeout timeout
+ yo_time=45
\ No newline at end of file