most functionality to splashdwon, find neutral and start mission. short timeouts still in code for testing, will adjust to go directly to sit_idle after splashdown

Dependencies:   mbed MODSERIAL FATFileSystem

diff -r ba3a118b0080 -r 6d95f853dab3 StateMachine/StateMachine.cpp
--- a/StateMachine/StateMachine.cpp	Thu May 02 20:34:16 2019 +0000
+++ b/StateMachine/StateMachine.cpp	Wed May 08 13:24:04 2019 +0000
@@ -9,18 +9,25 @@
     _bceFloatPosition = bce().getTravelLimit();      // bce position for "float" states                  (max travel limit for BCE is 320 mm)
     _battFloatPosition = batt().getTravelLimit();    // batt position tail high for "broadcast" state    (max travel limit for battery is 75 mm)
+    _disconnect_batt_pos_mm = _battFloatPosition;  // all the way forward
+    _batt_flying_pos_mm  = 22.0;
+    _timeout_splashdown = 120;  // two minutes??
+    _motorDisconnect_triggered = 0;
     _depth_command = 2.0;                        // user keyboard depth (default)
     _pitch_command = -20.0;                      // user keyboard pitch (default)
     _heading_command = 0.0;
+    _start_swim_entry = SIT_IDLE;
+    _neutral_entry_state = SIT_IDLE;
     //new commands
     _BCE_dive_offset = 0.0;     //starting at the limits
     _BMM_dive_offset = 0.0;
     //new commands
     _neutral_timer        = 0;                  //timer used in FIND_NEUTRAL sub-FSM
+    _neutral_success = 0;    // used if find neutral has not been run and neutral_setval is also not 1 from neutral.txt file
     _state = SIT_IDLE;                          // select starting state here
     _isTimeoutRunning = false;                  // default timer to not running
     _isSubStateTimerRunning = false;            // default timer to not running
@@ -79,7 +86,51 @@
           _isTimeoutRunning = 1;
           keyboard();  //keyboard function now needs to know about this state and its timeout
-          break;  
+          break; 
+        case FLYING_IDLE:   // wait for some signal and the move the battery by a known amount
+            //  then wait until you drop to START_SWIM on a timeout
+            if (!_isTimeoutRunning)  {      //     start in the correct state, tell it once where to move
+                _fsm_timer.reset();
+                _fsm_timer.start();
+                _isTimeoutRunning = 1;
+                batt().unpause();
+                batt().setPosition_mm(_batt_flying_pos_mm); // do nothing - may include not bothering to log data - yes both SIT_IDLE and FLYING_IDLE do not log  27mar2019
+                sprintf(buf, "FLYING_IDLE started in statemachine\n\n\r");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,0);
+            }
+            if (motorDisconnect().read() || (_fsm_timer >  13))  {     //  for real case, only test is motorDisconnect().read(), timeout check is for testing only
+                _motorDisconnect_triggered = 1;  // once hardware has switched once, do not need it again
+                // move the battery
+                // reset and start the timer for post disconnect wait
+                sprintf(buf, "FLYING_IDLE: at timeout=13sec, to end\n\r");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,0);
+                _fsm_timer.reset();
+                _fsm_timer.start();
+                _isTimeoutRunning = 1;
+                batt().unpause();   //this is now active
+                batt().setPosition_mm(_disconnect_batt_pos_mm);
+            }
+            _timeout_splashdown = 6;    // timeout_splashdown reduced to 6 seconds for testing, usually 120 sec
+            if( _motorDisconnect_triggered && _isTimeoutRunning) {
+                // how end  - timeout
+                if (_fsm_timer > _timeout_splashdown) {  // timeout_splashdown reduced to 6 seconds for testing, usually 120 sec
+                    xbee().printf("FLYING_IDLE ended: timed out! Go to START_SWIM \r\n");  // go to start_swim
+                    //tare the  pressure sensor
+                    depth().tare(); // tares to ambient (do on surface)
+                    _state = START_SWIM;  // alternately, go into the legStruct and set start_swim now? rather than leg, or leg_position_dive
+                    _start_swim_entry = FLYING_IDLE;
+                    sprintf(buf, "FLYING_IDLE ended on splashdown timeout  go to Start_swim\n\n\r");
+                    mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                    //sprintf(buf, "FLYING_IDLE ended on splashdown timeout.  FOR testing go to ENDLEG_WAIT instead of   go to Start_swim\n\n\r");
+                    //mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,0);
+                    //_state = ENDLEG_WAIT;
+                    _fsm_timer.reset();
+                    _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+                }
+            }
+            break; 
     case SIT_IDLE:   // sit_idle and fb_exit fall through to keyboard actions, since they do not have break statements
     case FB_EXIT:               
     case KEYBOARD :
@@ -177,6 +228,8 @@
             _state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
             _fsm_timer.reset(); _yotimer.reset();
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+            sprintf(buf, "EMERGENCY_CLIMB - at surface ... now go to  FLOAT_BROADCAST\n\n\r");
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
         //WHAT IS ACTIVE?
@@ -219,8 +272,14 @@
         // how exit? (exit with the timer, if timer still running continue processing sub FSM)
         if (_fsm_timer > _timeout) {
             xbee().printf("FN: timed out [time: %0.1f sec]\r\n",;
+            sprintf(buf, "FIND_NEUTRAL  - timed out  roll=%f  depth = %f   now exit to EMERG_CLIMB\n\n", imu().getRoll(), depthLoop().getPosition());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
             _state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;         //new behavior (if this times out it emergency surfaces)
+            sprintf(buf, "FN: timed out [time:%0.1f sec], _neutral_success = -1 for info to float_broadcast\n",;
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+            _fsm_timer.reset();
+            _neutral_success = -1;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
             //record this to the NEUTRAL sub-FSM tracker
@@ -228,15 +287,28 @@
         //what is active? (neutral finding sub-function runs until completion)        
         //check if substate returned exit state, if so stop running the sub-FSM
-        else if (runNeutralStateMachine() == NEUTRAL_EXIT) { 
+        else if (runNeutralStateMachine() == NEUTRAL_EXIT) {   // but this line will repeatedly runneutralstatemachine as long as the overall state is FIND_NEUTRAL
             //if successful, FIND_NEUTRAL then goes to RISE
             xbee().printf("*************************************** FIND_NEUTRAL sequence complete.  Rising.\r\n\n");
-            _state = RISE;
+             sprintf(buf, "FIND_NEUTRAL - at Neutral EXIT  now go to RISE\n\n");
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+            if(_neutral_success == 0 ) {   // failed in finding neutral - bad exit states
+                 configFileIO().report_no_neutral_found( bce().getPosition_mm(), batt().getPosition_mm());   // this is a message "no_float.txt"
+                                                                                                             //to the raspberry Pi control computer
+                 }
+            _state = RISE;  // adjust this to leg_position_dive  with an if statement - if not sent via keyboard
+                            // also set flags/structures that neutral was found successfully.
+              if (_neutral_entry_state == START_SWIM ) { 
+                   _state = EMERGENCY_CLIMB;  finish_leg =1;
+                   sprintf(buf, "FN  neutral_EXIT: but entry via start_swim, so radio call is next\n\n\r");
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3); 
+                }   //exit case when not entered by keyboard
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
     case DIVE :
@@ -295,7 +367,128 @@
+    case START_SWIM :
+        // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
+            if (!_isTimeoutRunning) {
+                xbee().printf("\r\n\nstate: START_SWIM\r\n");
+                _fsm_timer.reset(); // timer goes back to zero
+                _fsm_timer.start(); // background timer starts running
+                      sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM begun \n\r");
+                      mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                _yotimer.reset();
+                _yotimer.start();
+                _isTimeoutRunning = true;
+                //tare the  pressure sensor
+                    depth().tare(); // tares to ambient (do on surface)     HOW certain am I that this tare only happens at surface?
+                if( fabs(imu().getRoll()) > 70  && depthLoop().getPosition() < 9.0) {  //inversion operations
+                    // what needs to be started?
+                    bce().unpause();
+                    batt().unpause();
+                    rudder().unpause();
+                    _depth_command = 10;  // this should be meters depth
+                    _heading_command = 90;
+                    _timeout = 180;
+                    sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM found upside down, starting to descend imu().getRoll()= %f \n\r", imu().getRoll());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                    // what are the commands? (using inner loops except for heading outer loop)
+                    // These actions happen ONCE in the POSITION_DIVE sequence
+                    //DEPTH and HEADING  COMMANDS first
+                    depthLoop().setCommand(_depth_command);
+                    headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);     //ACTIVE HEADING (mimic of dive and rise code)
+                     // move BCE and batt to new target positions                     
+                     bce().setPosition_mm(depthLoop().getOutput());  //constantly checking the Outer Loop output to move the motors
+                     // depthloop().getOutput()  will tell bce() to basically hold at neutral if you are at the desired depth ( assuming that zeroOffset for depth is correct)
+                     batt().setPosition_mm(pitchLoop().getOutput());  //these together should hold a depth, rather than turn around and rise
+                                        //batt().setPosition_mm(_neutral_batt_pos_mm + _BMM_dive_offset); // dare not use neutral postions before knowing what neutral is
+                                        //bce().setPosition_mm(_neutral_bce_pos_mm - _BCE_dive_offset);    // dare not use neutral postions before knowing what neutral is
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  BATT cmd: %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());  //g
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  BCE cmd: %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());  //g
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  starting roll = : %3.1f\r\n",imu().getRoll() );  //g
+                }  //end of inversion section
+                if( fabs(imu().getRoll()) >70  && depthLoop().getPosition() > 9.0) {  //still inverted
+                    // what needs to be started?
+                    bce().unpause();
+                    batt().unpause();
+                    rudder().unpause();
+                    _depth_command = 9;
+                    _heading_command = 90;
+                    _timeout = 120;
+                    _pitch_command = 0;
+                    //DEPTH COMMAND
+                    depthLoop().setCommand(_depth_command);
+                    headingLoop().setCommand(_heading_command);     //ACTIVE HEADING (mimic of dive and rise code)
+                    // what are the commands? (using inner loops except for heading outer loop)
+                    // These actions happen ONCE in the POSITION_DIVE sequence
+                                      //batt().setPosition_mm(_neutral_batt_pos_mm - _BMM_dive_offset);  // is this right ??  looks like climb commands
+                                      //bce().setPosition_mm(_neutral_bce_pos_mm + _BCE_dive_offset); // dare not use neutral postions before knowing what neutral is
+                     bce().setPosition_mm(depthLoop().getOutput());  //constantly checking the Outer Loop output to move the motors
+                     batt().setPosition_mm(pitchLoop().getOutput());  //these together should hold a depth, rather than turn around and rise
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  BATT cmd: %3.1f\r\n",batt().getSetPosition_mm());  //g
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  BCE cmd: %3.1f\r\n",bce().getSetPosition_mm());  //g
+                    xbee().printf("START_SWIM: inversion  starting roll = : %3.1f\r\n",imu().getRoll() );  //g
+                sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM still upside down but depth>9m, set up to limit descent:  depth = %f   roll=%f\n\n\r", depthLoop().getPosition(), imu().getRoll());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                }
+            if( fabs(imu().getRoll()) <70 && _start_swim_entry == FLYING_IDLE ) {  // starts out right side up,  still inside first call to start_swim
+                finish_leg = 1;   //this works to get to FB_EXIT, 
+                _state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
+                _fsm_timer.reset(); _yotimer.reset();
+                _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+                sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM now upright, called by flying_idle, so end now.  roll= %f  depth = %f\n\r", imu().getRoll(), depthLoop().getPosition());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+             }
+             if( fabs(imu().getRoll()) <70 && _start_swim_entry != FLYING_IDLE ) {  // starts out right side up,  on second on/off cycle
+                _state = FIND_NEUTRAL;
+                _neutral_entry_state = START_SWIM;
+                _fsm_timer.reset(); _yotimer.reset();
+                _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+                sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM not called by FLYING_IDLE, so go to find_neutral: depth= %f\n\r", depthLoop().getPosition());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+             }
+        } //end of timeout running ==0
+        // how exit?   keep diving and watching depth while also watching imu().getRoll()
+        if ((_fsm_timer > _timeout ) || (_yotimer > _yo_time)) {  // this is bad, still upside down.
+            xbee().printf("start_swim: timed out\r\n");
+            sprintf(buf, "start_swim timed out on yo_time or timeout - still upside down bad - go to FLOAT_BROADCAST  roll=%f \n\n\r", imu().getRoll());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+            configFileIO().report_still_inverted( fabs(imu().getRoll()), _yo_time);  // tells how long you waited, puts in file "inverted.txt"
+            _state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
+            _fsm_timer.reset(); _yotimer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        else if (fabs(imu().getRoll()) <30 ) { // pretty much righted itself  go to FIND_NEUTRAL
+            _state = FIND_NEUTRAL;
+            _neutral_entry_state = START_SWIM;
+            sprintf(buf, "START_SWIM - turned self upright  roll=%f  depth = %f ,    now go toFIND_NEUTRAL\n\n\r", imu().getRoll(), depthLoop().getPosition());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+            // print message ?
+            _fsm_timer.reset(); _yotimer.reset();
+            _isTimeoutRunning = false;
+        }
+        //WHAT IS ACTIVE?
+        //print status to screen continuously
+        xbee().printf("START_SWIM: BcePos (cmd):%6.1f mm(%0.1f), BattPos:%6.1f mm(%0.1f), RUD_deg_cmd: %5.1f <<current depth:%6.1f m [cmd:%6.1f]), pitch:%6.1f deg [cmd:%6.1f], heading_imu:%6.1f deg>>[%0.2f sec]                                         \r", 
+        bce().getPosition_mm(),bce().getSetPosition_mm(),batt().getPosition_mm(),batt().getSetPosition_mm(),rudder().getSetPosition_deg(),
+        depthLoop().getPosition(),depthLoop().getCommand(),pitchLoop().getPosition(),pitchLoop().getCommand(),imu().getHeading(),;
+        bce().setPosition_mm(depthLoop().getOutput());  //constantly checking the Outer Loop output to move the motors
+        batt().setPosition_mm(pitchLoop().getOutput());  //these together should hold a depth, rather than turn around and rise
+        break;
     case RISE :
         // start local state timer and init any other one-shot actions
@@ -332,6 +525,8 @@
         //did not work correctly in bench test (stuck in rise state)
         else if (depthLoop().getPosition() < 0.5) {
             xbee().printf("RISE: actual depth: %3.1f (cmd: %3.1f)\r\n", depthLoop().getPosition(), depthLoop().getCommand());
+            sprintf(buf, "in RISE: at surface ...  depth =%g  ... now go to  FLOAT_BROADCAST\n\n\r", depthLoop().getPosition());
+                   mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
             _state = FLOAT_BROADCAST;
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
@@ -777,6 +972,8 @@
         if (_fsm_timer > _timeout || ( _yotimer > _state_transition_time)) {
             xbee().printf("FB: timed out\r\n");
+            sprintf(buf, "in FLOAT_BRADCAST timed out  ...  go to SIT_IDLE\n\n");
+            mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
             _state = SIT_IDLE;
@@ -784,7 +981,11 @@
             _isTimeoutRunning = false;
-            if(finish_leg == 1) { _state = ENDLEG_WAIT; }  // allows wait at surface for xbee messaging to not close program
+            if(finish_leg == 1) { 
+                _state = ENDLEG_WAIT;
+                sprintf(buf, "in FLOAT_BROADCAST still timed out .... but also finish_leg==1 so go to ENDLEG_WAIT\n\n");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3); 
+            }  // allows wait at surface for xbee messaging to not close program
         //fix on float_broadcast to account for BCE stopping early in current hardware
@@ -1095,7 +1296,8 @@
 //FIND_NEUTRAL sub-Finite State Machine (sub-FSM)
 // Note: the sub-FSM only moves the pistons once at the start of each timer loop
 //  (timer completes, moves piston, timer completes, moves piston, etc)
-int StateMachine::runNeutralStateMachine() {                
+int StateMachine::runNeutralStateMachine() {  
+       char buf[256];              
     switch (_substate) {
         case NEUTRAL_SINKING :
             //start the 10 second timer
@@ -1116,16 +1318,23 @@
             //once reached the travel limit, no need to keep trying, so exit
             if (bce().getPosition_mm() <= 0) {
                 xbee().printf("\r\nDEBUG: BCE current position is %0.1f mm (NEXT SUBSTATE NEUTRAL EXIT)\r\n", bce().getPosition_mm());
+                sprintf(buf, "in RUNneutral: state failed at bce.getPosition()\n\n");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
                 _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
+                 _neutral_success = 0;
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer
             //Troy: Pressure vessel went beyond set depth limit, goes to next state
             //once deeper than the commanded setpoint...
             else if (depthLoop().getPosition() > _depth_command) {
                 _substate = NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE; // next state
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; //reset the sub state timer
+            else if ( (depthLoop().getVelocity()  > 0.05) && (depthLoop().getPosition() >  0.6 * _depth_command) )  {  // need to code in FILTERED vertical velocity
+                _substate = NEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE; // next state
+                _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; //reset the sub state timer
+            }
             // what is active?
             //once the 10 second timer is complete, reset the timeout so the state one-shot entry will move the setpoint
             if ( >= _neutral_timer) {
@@ -1164,7 +1373,10 @@
             // how exit?
             //once at full travel limit (setPosition) and haven't yet risen, time to give up and exit
             if (bce().getSetPosition_mm() >= bce().getTravelLimit()) {
-                _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;     
+                _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;  
+                sprintf(buf, "in RUNneutral: SLOWLY RISE state failed at bce.getsetPosition()\n\n");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                _neutral_success =0;  //another failed state   
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer
             //Troy: Depth rate will go negative as the pressure vessel starts rising
@@ -1173,8 +1385,7 @@
                 xbee().printf("\r\n\nNEUTRAL_SLOWLY_RISE: Sink Rate < 0 m/s [time: %0.1f]\r\n",;
                 _substate = NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH;
                 _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer
-            }
+            }        
             // what is active?
             //once 5 second timer complete, reset the timeout so the state one-shot entry will move the setpoint
             if ( >= _neutral_timer) {
@@ -1236,13 +1447,20 @@
                     xbee().printf("\r\n\n>>> Saving Positions: BCE: %0.1f mm, BATT: %0.1f <<<\r\n\n",_neutral_bce_pos_mm,_neutral_batt_pos_mm);
+                    _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again  
                     _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
-                    _isSubStateTimerRunning = false; // reset the sub state timer to do one-shot actions again
+                    sprintf(buf, "in RUNneutral: state succeeded! at NEUTRAL_CHECK PITCH line 1452\n\n");
+                mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
+                    _neutral_success = 1;
+                    configFileIO().saveNeutralStatus(_neutral_success, _neutral_bce_pos_mm, _neutral_batt_pos_mm);  // saves to tell re-started program neutral has been found
                 else {
                     xbee().printf("\r\nDid not find NEUTRAL_CHECK_PITCH or NEUTRAL_FIRST_PITCH, how did I get here?!\r\n");
                     _substate = NEUTRAL_EXIT;
+                    sprintf(buf, "in RUNneutral: state failed at final fallthrough point line 1462\n\n");
+                    mbedLogger().appendDiagFile(buf,3);
@@ -1328,7 +1546,7 @@
             _state = FB_EXIT;
-    if (xbee().readable() && (_state == SIT_IDLE || _state == KEYBOARD  || _state == ENDLEG_WAIT)) {  //ends at very end of function  1684     
+    if (xbee().readable() && (_state == SIT_IDLE || _state == KEYBOARD  || _state == ENDLEG_WAIT)) {  //ends at very end of function  1740     
         // then get the key
         user_input = xbee().getc();   
         // and exit from ENDLEG_WAIT - you got a keyboard input