NCTU Programming Marathon

Team for Make NCTU Programming Marathon 2017 in Taipei. See the Wiki tab below for details on using the hardware available. The Code tab contains example code for all the hardware.

Port BLE Example to X NUCLEO IDB05A1

Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. Steps


The examples for BLE are located in the BLE Team page. These examples are generic for most BLE SOC devices, but the IDB05A1 board is a little different. To use the IDB05A1 board we need to make some changes to the standard BLE Library.


First, import a BLE Example. Any example from the BLE Team page will do.
Next, Right click on the project and select 'Import Library' then click on 'From URL'

Next, enter the URL
This will add the library to your program.
Finally add `#define IDB0XA1_D13_PATCH` to X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1/x_nucleo_idb0xa1/x_nucleo_idb0xa1_targets.h /media/uploads/mbedAustin/5a1.png


You cannot use LED1 with the BLE shield because it uses the same pin as the BLE Shield's SPI CLK. If you are using an example that flashes LED1 either disable it or use a different LED.

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