Bleeding edge development version of the xDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is not guaranteed to be stable or well tested and should not be used in production or deployment scenarios.

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00001 /**   __  ___     ____  _    ______        __     ____         __                  ____
00002  *   /  |/  /_ __/ / /_(_)__/_  __/__ ____/ /    / __/_ _____ / /____ __ _  ___   /  _/__  ____
00003  *  / /|_/ / // / / __/ /___// / / -_) __/ _ \  _\ \/ // (_-</ __/ -_)  ' \(_-<  _/ // _ \/ __/ __
00004  * /_/  /_/\_,_/_/\__/_/    /_/  \__/\__/_//_/ /___/\_, /___/\__/\__/_/_/_/___/ /___/_//_/\__/ /_/
00005  * Copyright (C) 2015 by Multi-Tech Systems        /___/
00006  *
00007  *
00008  * @author Jason Reiss
00009  * @date   10-31-2015
00010  * @brief  lora::ChannelPlan provides an interface for LoRaWAN channel schemes
00011  *
00012  * @details
00013  *
00014  */
00016 #ifndef __CHANNEL_PLAN_IN865_H__
00017 #define __CHANNEL_PLAN_IN865_H__
00019 #include "Lora.h"
00020 #include "SxRadio.h"
00021 #include <vector>
00022 #include "ChannelPlan.h"
00024 namespace lora {
00026     const uint8_t  IN865_125K_NUM_CHANS = 16;         //!< Number of 125k channels in IN865 channel plan
00027     const uint8_t  IN865_DEFAULT_NUM_CHANS = 3;       //!< Number of default channels in IN865 channel plan
00028     const uint32_t IN865_125K_DEF_FREQ_1 = 865062500;
00029     const uint32_t IN865_125K_DEF_FREQ_2 = 865402500;
00030     const uint32_t IN865_125K_DEF_FREQ_3 = 865985000;
00031     const uint32_t IN865_RX2_FREQ = 866550000;        //!< Frequency default for second rx window in IN865
00032     const uint8_t  IN865_TX_POWER_MAX = 30;           //!< Max power for IN865 channel plan
00033     const uint8_t  IN865_BEACON_DR = DR_4;            //!< Default beacon datarate
00034     const uint32_t IN865_BEACON_FREQ = 866550000U;    //!< Default beacon broadcast frequency
00036     class ChannelPlan_IN865 : public lora::ChannelPlan {
00037         public:
00038             /**
00039              * ChannelPlan constructor
00040              * @param radio SxRadio object used to set Tx/Rx config
00041              * @param settings Settings object
00042              */
00043             ChannelPlan_IN865();
00044             ChannelPlan_IN865(Settings* settings);
00045             ChannelPlan_IN865(SxRadio* radio, Settings* settings);
00047             /**
00048              * ChannelPlan destructor
00049              */
00050             virtual ~ChannelPlan_IN865();
00052             /**
00053              * Initialize channels, datarates and duty cycle bands according to current channel plan in settings
00054              */
00055             virtual void Init();
00057             /**
00058              * Get the next channel to use to transmit
00059              * @return LORA_OK if channel was found
00060              * @return LORA_NO_CHANS_ENABLED
00061              */
00062             virtual uint8_t GetNextChannel();
00064             /**
00065              * Add a channel to the ChannelPlan
00066              * @param index of channel, use -1 to add to end
00067              * @param channel settings to add
00068              */
00069             virtual uint8_t AddChannel(int8_t index, Channel channel);
00071             /**
00072              * Get channel at index
00073              * @return Channel
00074              */
00075             virtual Channel GetChannel(int8_t index);
00077             /**
00078              * Get rx window settings for requested window
00079              * RX_1, RX_2, RX_BEACON, RX_SLOT
00080              * @param window
00081              * @return RxWindow
00082              */
00083             virtual RxWindow GetRxWindow(uint8_t window);
00085             /**
00086              * Get datarate to use on the join request
00087              * @return datarate index
00088              */
00089             virtual uint8_t GetJoinDatarate();
00091             /**
00092              * Calculate the next time a join request is possible
00093              * @param size of join frame
00094              * @returns LORA_OK
00095              */
00096             virtual uint8_t CalculateJoinBackoff(uint8_t size);
00098             /**
00099              * Get next channel and set the SxRadio tx config with current settings
00100              * @return LORA_OK
00101              */
00102             virtual uint8_t SetTxConfig();
00104             /**
00105              * Set the SxRadio rx config provided window
00106              * @param window to be opened
00107              * @param continuous keep window open
00108              * @param wnd_growth factor to increase the rx window by
00109              * @return LORA_OK
00110              */
00111             virtual uint8_t SetRxConfig(uint8_t window, bool continuous, uint16_t wnd_growth);
00113             /**
00114              * Set frequency sub band if supported by plan
00115              * @param sub_band
00116              * @return LORA_OK
00117              */
00118             virtual uint8_t SetFrequencySubBand(uint8_t sub_band);
00120             /**
00121              * Callback for ACK timeout event
00122              * @return LORA_OK
00123              */
00124             virtual uint8_t HandleAckTimeout();
00126             /**
00127              * Callback for Join Accept packet to load optional channels
00128              * @return LORA_OK
00129              */
00130             virtual uint8_t HandleJoinAccept(const uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t size);
00132             /**
00133              * Callback to for rx parameter setup ServerCommand
00134              * @param payload packet data
00135              * @param index of start of command buffer
00136              * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
00137              * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00138              * @return LORA_OK
00139              */
00140             virtual uint8_t HandleRxParamSetup(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);
00142             /**
00143              * Callback to for new channel ServerCommand
00144              * @param payload packet data
00145              * @param index of start of command buffer
00146              * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
00147              * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00148              * @return LORA_OK
00149              */
00150             virtual uint8_t HandleNewChannel(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);
00152             /**
00153              * Callback to for ping slot channel request ServerCommand
00154              * @param payload packet data
00155              * @param index of start of command buffer
00156              * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
00157              * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00158              * @return LORA_OK
00159              */
00160             virtual uint8_t HandlePingSlotChannelReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);
00162             /**
00163              * Callback to for beacon frequency request ServerCommand
00164              * @param payload packet data
00165              * @param index of start of command buffer
00166              * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
00167              * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00168              * @return LORA_OK
00169              */
00170             virtual uint8_t HandleBeaconFrequencyReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);
00172             /**
00173              * Callback to for adaptive datarate ServerCommand
00174              * @param payload packet data
00175              * @param index of start of command buffer
00176              * @param size number of bytes in command buffer
00177              * @param[out] status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00178              * @return LORA_OK
00179              */
00180             virtual uint8_t HandleAdrCommand(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status);
00182             /**
00183              * Validate the configuration after multiple ADR commands have been applied
00184              * @return status to be returned in MoteCommand answer
00185              */
00186             virtual uint8_t ValidateAdrConfiguration();
00188             /**
00189              * Update duty cycle with at given frequency and time on air
00190              * @param freq frequency
00191              * @param time_on_air_ms tx time on air
00192              */
00193             virtual void UpdateDutyCycle(uint32_t freq, uint32_t time_on_air_ms);
00195             /**
00196              * Get the time the radio must be off air to comply with regulations
00197              * Time to wait may be dependent on duty-cycle restrictions per channel
00198              * Or duty-cycle of join requests if OTAA is being attempted
00199              * @return ms of time to wait for next tx opportunity
00200              */
00201             virtual uint32_t GetTimeOffAir();
00203             /**
00204              * Get the channels in use by current channel plan
00205              * @return channel frequencies
00206              */
00207             virtual std::vector<uint32_t> GetChannels();
00209             /**
00210              * Get the channel datarate ranges in use by current channel plan
00211              * @return channel datarate ranges
00212              */
00213             virtual std::vector<uint8_t> GetChannelRanges();
00215             /**
00216              * Print log message for given rx window
00217              * @param wnd 1 or 2
00218              */
00219             virtual void LogRxWindow(uint8_t wnd);
00221             /**
00222              * Enable the default channels of the channel plan
00223              */
00224             virtual void EnableDefaultChannels();
00226             /**
00227              * Called when MAC layer doesn't know about a command.
00228              * Use to add custom or new mac command handling
00229              * @return LORA_OK
00230              */
00231             virtual uint8_t HandleMacCommand(uint8_t* payload, uint8_t& index);
00233             /**
00234              *Decrements the datarate based on TxDwellTime
00235              */
00236             virtual void DecrementDatarate();
00238             /**
00239              *Decrements the datarate based on TxDwellTime
00240              */
00241             virtual void IncrementDatarate();
00243             /**
00244              * Check if this packet is a beacon and if so extract parameters needed
00245              * @param payload of potential beacon
00246              * @param size of the packet
00247              * @param [out] data extracted from the beacon if this packet was indeed a beacon
00248              * @return true if this packet is beacon, false if not
00249              */
00250             virtual bool DecodeBeacon(const uint8_t* payload,
00251                                       size_t size,
00252                                       BeaconData_t& data);
00254         protected:
00256             static const uint8_t IN865_TX_POWERS[11];                    //!< List of available tx powers
00257             static const uint8_t IN865_RADIO_POWERS[21];                 //!< List of calibrated tx powers
00258             static const uint8_t IN865_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE[];              //!< List of max payload sizes for each datarate
00259             static const uint8_t IN865_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_REPEATER[];     //!< List of repeater compatible max payload sizes for each datarate
00261             typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
00262                 uint8_t RFU1[1];
00263                 uint8_t Time[4];
00264                 uint8_t CRC1[2];
00265                 uint8_t GwSpecific[7];
00266                 uint8_t RFU2[3];
00267                 uint8_t CRC2[2];
00268             } BCNPayload;
00269     };
00270 }
00272 #endif //__CHANNEL_PLAN_IN865_H__