Bleeding edge development version of the xDot library for mbed 5. This version of the library is not guaranteed to be stable or well tested and should not be used in production or deployment scenarios.

Dependents:   Dot-Examples Dot-AT-Firmware Dot-Examples TEST_FF1705 ... more

The Dot library provides a LoRaWan certified stack for LoRa communication using MultiTech mDot and xDot devices. The stack is compatible with mbed 5.

Dot Library Version 3 Updates

Dot Library versions 3.x.x require a channel plan to be injected into the stack. Channel plans are included with the 3.x.x Dot Library releases. The following code snippet demonstrates how to create a channel plan and inject it into the stack.

#include "mDot.h"
#include "channel_plans.h"

int main() {
    ChannelPlan* plan = new lora::ChannelPlan_US915();
    mDot* dot = mDot::getInstance(plan);

    // ...

Dot devices must not be deployed with software using a different channel plan than the Dot's default plan! This functionality is for development and testing only!

Multicast Sessions

Multicast sessions and packet rx events in library. When in Class C mode Multicast downlinks can be received. Recieved packets should be filtered on address, counter value will be maintained in the session or can be set explicitly depending on Application support to share Multicast Address, Keys and Counters.


         * Add a multicast session address and keys
         * Downlink counter is set to 0
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastSession(uint8_t index, uint32_t addr, const uint8_t* nsk, const uint8_t* dsk);
         * Set a multicast session counter
         * Up to 3 MULTICAST_SESSIONS can be set
        int32_t setMulticastDownlinkCounter(uint8_t index, uint32_t count);


The address field was added to PacketRx event.

        virtual void PacketRx(uint8_t port, uint8_t *payload, uint16_t size, int16_t rssi, int8_t snr, lora::DownlinkControl ctrl, uint8_t slot, uint8_t retries, uint32_t address);

The name of the repository can be used to determine which device the stack was compiled for and if it's a development or production-ready build:

A changelog for the Dot library can be found here.

The Dot library version and the version of mbed-os it was compiled against can both be found in the commit message for that revision of the Dot library. Building your application with the same version of mbed-os as what was used to build the Dot library is highly recommended!

The Dot-Examples repository demonstrates how to use the Dot library in a custom application.

The mDot and xDot platform pages have lots of platform specific information and document potential issues, gotchas, etc, and provide instructions for getting started with development. Please take a look at the platform page before starting development as they should answer many questions you will have.


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
133:4ca51f965419 2018-11-09 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-57-g8e84ec6 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.10.2 default tip
132:42d19971dfa9 2018-10-26 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-48-g8cda346 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
131:865d54f61813 2018-10-25 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-45-g0fe28cf and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
130:8cb110bd3e97 2018-10-19 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-38-g799685a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
129:7e4afccbee99 2018-10-12 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-37-ge79d0a7 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
128:ff9ca3779136 2018-10-08 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-35-ge3d5c08 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
127:db053d511848 2018-09-18 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-28-g84dbee8 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
126:c17213d3156d 2018-09-12 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-25-gaf5eb3e and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
125:d72d6cc03a27 2018-09-05 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-24-gfd76f53 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
124:85e19115e4a1 2018-09-05 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-23-g0219320 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
123:c47f5f433689 2018-09-05 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-22-ge3f3618 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.9.6
122:7f150860b6c2 2018-09-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-18-gba4df31 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
121:b7c80d8c4eb2 2018-08-30 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-class-b-alpha-1-15-g0c33f0a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
120:77af6791e600 2018-08-14 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc8 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
119:2eaeda989f93 2018-08-09 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-10-g9ae003e and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
118:31de607b3102 2018-08-08 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-8-g468787a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
117:9232e7453381 2018-08-08 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-6-g48b1f19 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
116:1320cce45cc9 2018-08-03 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-4-g53b5205 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
115:054784183e98 2018-07-23 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-3-g8f7bc37 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
114:8c46cd200c40 2018-07-20 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-2-g3cad58a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
113:6f371faef2a0 2018-07-17 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc6-1-gb726ff6 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
112:650995e6ca96 2018-06-29 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-21-gfe609f3 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
111:81be299d83ca 2018-06-19 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-17-g6dbbebf and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
110:5f48d40adddb 2018-06-19 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-16-gd057800 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
109:e4e8eb4fcb73 2018-06-19 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-15-g98db902 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
108:487e0d4020b0 2018-06-18 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-14-g80e9b22 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
107:79e826e5708d 2018-06-15 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-13-g6b383ec and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
106:e0380d1722b4 2018-06-11 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-12-gca17957 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
105:13d5420e1cec 2018-06-06 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-11-g27d3bfa and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
104:07cdaa180b72 2018-06-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-10-g10868b7 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
103:6a5df27db38b 2018-06-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-9-gae3ce76 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
102:a1182bba0f4e 2018-05-30 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-8-g6ac9f1c and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
101:c5a060902589 2018-05-29 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-7-g751a3fe and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
100:4ceefc908bbd 2018-05-29 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-7-g751a3fe and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
99:b7757ede0578 2018-05-10 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc5-2-g448d281 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
98:0fa5451750c3 2018-05-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc4-7-g93e1b77 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
97:d51d7517f938 2018-05-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc4-6-ga54b65b and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
96:bb68010d7b52 2018-04-30 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc4-3-g4ce67aa and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
95:38eaa16d8b10 2018-04-30 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc4-1-gae5dfa8 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
94:606b32589cc3 2018-04-11 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc3-1-g089701b and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.7
93:4805046c56a3 2018-04-06 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc3 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.4
92:125db4d502da 2018-04-04 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc2-2-ged9817a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.4
91:397cff685086 2018-03-20 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc2-1-g9b74cf2 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.4
90:1263eee88df5 2018-03-08 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc2 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
89:8b647889fd4b 2018-03-08 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc1-4-g4409111 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
88:c31c043ee0e1 2018-03-06 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc1-3-g43dd6d6 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
87:5e772f28476d 2018-03-06 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc1-1-g46e4f33 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
86:8e7bfa8973b4 2018-02-28 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.1.0-rc1 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
85:3eec41cabece 2018-02-22 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-54-ge5f8ac1 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.7.5
84:7ded4b9b3f37 2018-02-22 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-53-g4c557ea and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
83:bc2e615d8595 2018-02-16 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-51-g6ba87fb and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
82:1e03f40a72bb 2018-02-16 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-50-g861f38a and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
81:2b275bd4c948 2018-02-14 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-41-g8e44939 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
80:836b6fd44f48 2018-02-06 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-39-g641818c and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
79:32ac9ba47243 2018-02-02 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-38-g20900c1 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
78:c45fcbc83ebb 2018-01-24 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-37-g56034c6 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
77:e4d366593bcc 2018-01-24 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-36-g3bae9ec and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
76:3b946c7d4a8b 2018-01-23 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-35-g4b99fdb and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
75:e5b2e2d6809e 2018-01-23 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-33-gf3c51e5 and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7
74:9914174cbeb9 2018-01-11 Jenkins@KEILDM1.dc.multitech.prv xdot-library revision 3.0.2-32-gcd1e1de and mbed-os revision mbed-os-5.5.7