A library for talking to Multi-Tech's Cellular SocketModem Devices.

Dependents:   M2X_dev axeda_wrapper_dev MTS_M2x_Example1 MTS_Cellular_Connect_Example ... more

--- a/cellular/Cellular.h	Tue Dec 17 18:49:06 2013 +0000
+++ b/cellular/Cellular.h	Tue Dec 17 23:56:20 2013 +0000
@@ -7,38 +7,172 @@
 #include <string>
 #include <vector>
-#define PINGDELAY 3
-#define PINGNUM 4
+#define PINGDELAY 3 //Time to wait on each ping for a response before timimg out (seconds)
+#define PINGNUM 4 //Number of pings to try on ping command
+// An array of strings for printing the names of the Code enum.
+const string CodeNames[] = {"OK", "ERROR", "NO_RESPONSE", "FAILURE"};
+// An array of strings for printing the names of the Registration enum.
+const string RegistrationNames[] = {"NOT_REGISTERED", "REGISTERED", "SEARCHING", "DENIED", "UNKNOWN", "ROAMING"};
+/** This is a class for communicating with a Multi-Tech Systems SocketModem iCell. The 
+* SocketModem iCell is a family of carrier certified embedded cellular radio modules with
+* a common hardware footprint and AT command set for built in IP-stack functionality.
+* This class supports three main types of cellular radio interactions including: 
+* configuration and status AT command processing, SMS processing, and TCP/UDP Socket
+* data connections. It should be noted that the radio can not process commands or 
+* SMS messages while having an open data connection at the same time. The concurrent
+* capability may be added in a future release. This class also inherits from IPStack
+* providing a common set of commands for communication devices that have an onboard
+* IP Stack. It is also integrated with the standard Mbed Sockets package and can therefore
+* be used seamlessly with clients and services built on top of this interface already within
+* the Mbed library.
+* All of the following examples use the Pin Names for the Freedom KL46Z board coupled with
+* the SocketModem Shield Arduino compatible board. Please chage Pin Names accordingly to 
+* match your hardware configuration. It also assumes the use of RTS/CTS hardware handshaking
+* using GPIOs. To disable this you will need to change settings on the radio module and
+* and use the MTSSerial class instead of MTSSerialFlowControl. The default baud rate for the
+* cellular radio is 115200 bps.
+* The following set of example code demonstrates how to send and receive configuration and
+* status AT commands with the radio:
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* #include "Cellular.h"
+* #include "MTSSerialFlowControl.h"
+* main() {
+*   //Wait for radio to boot up
+*   wait(15);
+*   //Setup serial interface to radio
+*   MTSSerialFlowControl* serial = new MTSSerialFlowControl(PTD3, PTD2, PTA12, PTC8);
+*   serial->baud(115200);
+*   //Setup Cellular class
+*   Cellular* cellular = Cellular::getInstance(serial);
+*   //Run status and configuration commands
+*   printf("Start Status and Configuration Example\n\r");
+*   printf("test: %s\n\r", CodeNames[cellular->test()]);
+*   printf("Phone Number: %s\n\r", cellular->getPhoneNumber());
+*   printf("Signal Strength: %d\n\r", cellular->getSignalStrength());
+*   printf("Registration State: %s\n\r", RegistrationNames[cellular->getRegistration()]);
+*   printf("Send Basic Command (AT): %s\n\r", CodeNames[cellular->sendBasicCommand("AT", 1000)]);
+*   printf("Send Command (AT+CSQ): %s\n\r", sendCommand("AT+CSQ", 1000));  
+*   printf("End Program\n\r"); 
+* }
+* @endcode
+* The following set of example code demonstrates how process SMS messages:
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* @endcode
+* The following set of example code demonstrates how to setup and verify a cellular data
+* connection:
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* #include "Cellular.h"
+* #include "MTSSerialFlowControl.h"
+* main() {
+*   //Wait for radio to boot up
+*   wait(20);
+*   //Setup serial interface to radio
+*   MTSSerialFlowControl* serial = new MTSSerialFlowControl(PTD3, PTD2, PTA12, PTC8);
+*   serial->baud(115200);
+*   //Setup Cellular class
+*   Cellular* cellular = Cellular::getInstance(serial);
+*   //Start Test
+*   printf("Start Network Connectivity Example\n\r");
+*   printf("test: %s\n\r", CodeNames[cellular->test()]);
+*   printf("Set APN: %s\n\r", CodeNames[cellular->setApn("wap.cingular")]) //Use APN from service provider!!!
+*   //Setup a data connection
+*   printf("Attempting to Connect\n\r");
+*   while (cellular->connect()) {
+*       wait(1);
+*   }
+*   printf("Connected to Network!\n\r");
+*   //Try pinging default server ""
+*   printf("Ping Valid: %s\n\r", cellular->ping() ? "true" : "false");
+*   printf("End Program\n\r");
+* }
+* @endcode
+* The following set of example code demonstrates how to setup and use a TCP socket connection
+* using the native commands from this class:
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* @endcode
+* The following set of example code demonstrates how to setup and use a TCP socket connection
+* using the Mbed compatible Socket interfaces.
+* @code
+* #include "mbed.h"
+* @endcode
 class Cellular : virtual IPStack
+    /// An enumeration for common responses to an AT command.
     enum Code {
+    /// An enumeration for escape characters at the end of AT commands.
     enum ESC_CHAR {
         CR, CTRL_Z, NONE
+    /// An enumeration of radio registration states with a cell tower.
     enum Registration {
     struct Sms {
-            std::string phoneNumber;
-            std::string message;
-            std::string timestamp;
+        std::string phoneNumber;
+        std::string message;
+        std::string timestamp;
+    /** Destructs a Cellular object and frees all related resources.
+    */
     static Cellular* getInstance();
     static Cellular* getInstance(MTSBufferedIO* io);
-    virtual bool connect(); // Parameters for this function will vary between devices!!!
+    /** This method establishes a data connection on the cellular radio.
+    * Note that before calling you must have an activated radio and if
+    * using a SIM card set the APN using the setApn method. The APN can
+    * be obtained from your cellular service provider.
+    *
+    * @returns true if the connection was successfully established, otherwise
+    * false on an error.
+    */
+    virtual bool connect();
+    /** This method is used to stop a previously established cellular data connection.
+    */
     virtual void disconnect();
+    /** This method is used to check if the radio currently has a data connection
+    * established.
+    *
+    * @returns true if a data connection exists, otherwise false.
+    */
     virtual bool isConnected();
     // Used for TCPSocketConnection & UDPSocketConnection
@@ -50,22 +184,41 @@
     virtual int write(char* data, int length, int timeout = -1);
     virtual unsigned int readable();
     virtual unsigned int writeable();
-    virtual void reset();    
+    virtual void reset();
-    //Cellular Radio Specific
+    /** A method for sending a generic AT command to the radio. Note that you cannot
+    * send commands and have a data connection at the same time.
+    * 
+    * @param command the command to send to the radio without the escape character.
+    * @param timeoutMillis the time in millis to wait for a response before returning.
+    * @param esc escape character to add at the end of the command, defaults to
+    * carriage return (CR).
+    * @returns all data received from the radio after the command as a string.
+    */
     std::string sendCommand(std::string command, int timeoutMillis, ESC_CHAR esc = CR);
+    /** A method for sending a basic AT command to the radio. A basic AT command is 
+    * one that simply has a response of either OK or ERROR without any other information.
+    * Note that you cannot send commands and have a data connection at the same time.
+    * 
+    * @param command the command to send to the radio without the escape character.
+    * @param timeoutMillis the time in millis to wait for a response before returning.
+    * @param esc escape character to add at the end of the command, defaults to
+    * carriage return (CR).
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
     Code sendBasicCommand(std::string command, int timeoutMillis, ESC_CHAR esc = CR);
     /** A method for testing command access to the radio.  This method sends the
-    * command "AT" to the radio, which is a standard radio test to see if you 
+    * command "AT" to the radio, which is a standard radio test to see if you
     * have command access to the radio.
     * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
     Code test();
     /** A method for configuring command ehco capability on the radio. This command
     * sets whether sent characters are echoed back from the radio, in which case you
     * will receive back every command you send.
@@ -74,50 +227,99 @@
     * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
     Code echoOff(bool state);
     /** A method for getting the signal strength of the radio. This method allows you to
     * get a value that maps to signal strength in dBm. Here 0-1 is Poor, 2-9 is Marginal,
     * 10-14 is Ok, 15-19 is Good, and 20+ is Excellent.  If you get a result of 99 the
-    * signal strength is not known or not detectable. 
+    * signal strength is not known or not detectable.
     * @returns an integer representing the signal strength.
     int getSignalStrength();
+    /** This method is used to get the phone number of the cellular radio if one exists.
+    *
+    * @returns the phone number as a string, otherwise "unknown" if it does not exist.
+    */
     std::string getPhoneNumber();
+    /** This method is used to check the registration state of the radio with the cell tower.
+    * If not appropriatley registered with the tower you cannot make a cellular connection.
+    *
+    * @returns the registration state as an enumeration type.
+    */
     Registration getRegistration();
+    /** This method is used to set the radios APN if using a SIM card. Note that the APN
+    * must be set correctly before you can make a data connection. The APN for your SIM
+    * can be obtained by contacting your cellular service provider.
+    *
+    * @param the APN as a string.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
     Code setApn(const std::string& apn);
-    Code setDns(const std::string& apn);
+    /** This method is used to set the DNS which enables the use of URLs instead
+    * of IP addresses when making a socket connection.
+    *
+    * @param the DNS server address as a string in form xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
+    Code setDns(const std::string& address);
+    /** This method is used test network connectivity by pinging a server.
+    *
+    * @param address the address of the server in format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx.
+    * @returns true if the ping was successful, otherwise false.
+    */
     bool ping(const std::string& address = "");
     Code setSocketCloseable(bool enabled = true);  //ETX closes socket (ETX and DLE in payload are escaped with DLE)
+    /** This method is used to send an SMS message. Note that you cannot send an
+    * SMS message and have a data connection open at the same time.
+    *
+    * @param phoneNumber the phone number to send the message to as a string.
+    * @param message the text message to be sent.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
+    Code sendSMS(const std::string& phoneNumber, const std::string& message);
-    //SMS
-    Code sendSMS(const std::string& phoneNumber, const std::string& message);
+    /** This method is used to send an SMS message. Note that you cannot send an
+    * SMS message and have a data connection open at the same time.
+    *
+    * @param sms an Sms struct that contains all SMS transaction information.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
     Code sendSMS(const Sms& sms);
+    /**
+    *
+    */
     std::vector<Cellular::Sms> getReceivedSms();
     Code deleteAllReceivedSms();
     Code deleteOnlyReceivedReadSms();
     static Cellular* instance; //Static pointer to the single Cellular object.
     MTSBufferedIO* io; //IO interface obect that the radio is accessed through.
     bool echoMode; //Specifies if the echo mode is currently enabled.
     bool pppConnected; //Specifies if a PPP session is currently connected.
     std::string apn; //A string that holds the APN for the radio.
-    Mode mode; 
+    Mode mode;
     bool socketOpened; //Specifies if a Socket is presently opened.
     bool socketCloseable; //Specifies is a Socket can be closed.
-    unsigned int local_port; 
-    std::string local_address;
-    unsigned int host_port;
-    std::string host_address;
+    unsigned int local_port; //Holds the local port for socket connections.
+    std::string local_address; //Holds the local address for socket connections.
+    unsigned int host_port; //Holds the remote port for socket connections.
+    std::string host_address; //Holds the remote address for socket connections.
     Cellular(); //Private constructor, use the getInstance() method.
     Cellular(MTSBufferedIO* io); //Private constructor, use the getInstance method.
 #endif /* CELLULAR_H */
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