Simple demo to drive a 8x8-as LED matrix by a MAX7219 LED driver IC. After initialisation two characters (H and W) are displayed alternatively. The MAX7219 IC is driven by hardware SPI: SPI0 module at PTD1, PTD2, PTD3.
Dependencies: mbed
SPI MAX7219 demo
Simple demo to drive a 8x8-as LED matrix by a MAX7219 LED driver IC. After initialisation two characters (H and W) are displayed alternatively. The MAX7219 IC is driven by hardware SPI: SPI0 module at PTD1, PTD2, PTD3 (Arduino compatible pins).
Hardware requirements:
- FRDM-KL25Z board
- LED 8x8 matrix with MAX7219 controller
MAX7219 | FRDM-KL25z | Note |
VCC | 3V3 | Power |
GND | GND | Ground |
DIN | D11 | MOSI (PTD2) |
CS | D10 | Chip select (PTD0) |
CLK | D13 | SCLK (PTD1) |