
Dependents of max32630fthr

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

example of display BMI160 on oled
20200716 read Status Register each second
MAX1473 RF Receiver Demo Code
MAX1472 RF Transmitter demo code
MAX30208 Example Program MAX30208
Example for using the MAX1472 RF Transmitter for low power data transmission.
This is a low power example of the MAX1473 RF Receiver using the MAX32630FTHR.
final firmware
// General config register setting MAX30003::GeneralConfiguration_u CNFG_GEN_r; CNFG_GEN_r.bits.en_ecg = 1; // Enable ECG channel CNFG_GEN_r.bits.rbiasn = 1; // Enable resistive bias on negative input CNFG_GEN_r.bits.rbiasp = 1; // Enable resistive …
Mux and Channel number and, channel, mux, number
blinks various LED when pushing a button. no external components needed. BUTTON, led
ask DS3231 Module for time and display to console. optionally set the time too.
demonstrates: - interrupts - sd card storage - file write/ read - RTC get time - timer vs delay